Date: 03-06-24  Time: 22:45 pm

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Topics - snapper

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General / New boots
« on: 03 February 2020, 10:09:53 pm »
Well after nearly 20 years my boots finally gave up today
 So I’m on the market for some new boots recommendations please

Ideally I’d like something similar to what I have

Paddock boots
I’m really not into the power ranger boots

Last ones were Dianese all black

I’ll try to post some pics

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo F1D3CBB3-3596-41EE-9763-923853C57025_zps0draqkan.jpeg"/></a>

General / heart felt plea
« on: 13 June 2017, 03:16:06 pm »
I hope this is OK to post ,my wife has asked me to post this ,  taken from another forum..I have no idea if he was a foccer but still a biker and part of a widdening family ................. HelloThis is a heartfelt plea to any of the biking husband died last Sunday due to complications from a accident at Cadwell, I would really like to give him the best send off ever my thoughts are to find as many fellow bikers as possible who would follow the cortege in a husband in life was a haulier and a biker so...There will be no hearse, Carl will be carried on the American Peterbuilt lorry followed by his own lorries. ...please please I want the bikers to follow if you can on Friday the 23rd of June come join the convoy it will be leaving bigby rd Brigg DN20
8hp at 2pm...just by the railway crossings...please come and ride out with Carl for his last ride...and to make this so very special for myself and his 2 girls ....please share and share again
Thank you all
His loving wife Daw

General / Ripped off
« on: 20 February 2016, 02:47:15 pm »
Hopefully this is allowed
a friend of mine has just been ripped of to the tune of £4,000
 A company took his money but never delvered   the police have now frooze the accounts but sadly they are empty
 so please be carefull he and his wife are devistated ! 
Dave Westlake
OK PLEASE PLEASE take a couple of minutes to read & then share this..... The website redline quads is not a real website the guy running it is called Alex Smith or at least that's the alias he is using for this website. Me and my wife work hard and have saved hard to treat ourselves to a couple of Quads to have some fun in our down time, the site which is still up looks I think you'll agree if you look at it is very realistic trust us it isn't we lost  £ 4000 & gained a lot of heart ache !!!! PLEASE PLEASE let's spread the word stop that feckin scum from doing it to some other hard working people !!!!!! Remember  ( REDLINE QUADS..... lower case just shouting out the site ) feck face is using the name ALEX SMITH the address on the website is a area in Aldershot again if you look at the site you can find the full address. THANK YOU in advance for sharing this Facebook pals 

General / Mildew
« on: 16 June 2015, 02:49:42 pm »
I have a real problem with this stuff !

 My bike lives in a garage with no ventalation no heating  the tempreture gos up and down as well as the moisture level

mildew has alway been an issue but its really bad now

 clean my bike often enough but not very often a deep clean panels off sort of job

 well I had the seat off and the side panels and the bike is covered in soft white furry stuff anything thats black is covered and stands out a mile , but its pretty much everwhere over the whole bike !

before I start spray god know what all over the place

 any recomendations  for clearing it it on pipe work cables hand grips you name it

Im guessing acf 50 after cleaning

General / noise
« on: 02 June 2015, 06:02:17 pm »
I am after some advice
 when i brought my house behind was fields now its an industrail estate
 and over the last five years the problem has got worse and worse
 now every night we are subjected to cars roaring around racing tyres screaming and people shouting
The cars have massive exhaust and can be heard the other side of the town over a mile away  the do actually race and have drawn a starting gride on the road , the also drifting  and spining ( spinning=driving around and around tyres screeching around a rounabout)
now a new one, exhaust igniters , these sound like a machine gun going off some times this will go on till 2am in the morning
 the culprits dont care and have bragged on face book that the police cant do nothing !
and the police seem to treat it as , as long as its out of the town centre its not realy an issue !
I can sit in my front room and hear this over the tv and in the summer we HAVE to close all the windows because of the noise !
 my local counsilors are now getting sick of it but again are powerless
and advice would be welcome
 move ? I wish

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / exhaust gasket
« on: 21 April 2015, 10:36:12 am »
just a little help please , Im going to pull the exhaust of my bike already spraying the bolts  fingers crossed there !
 Im going to strip clean the exup and re drill  and re tap the bolts for the exup

  but Im trying to find online exhaust gaskets
 I have found copper ones and ally ones stuffed with what looks like cloth

 which is best
 if  you can post a link that would be great !


General / big scare
« on: 09 April 2015, 10:49:06 pm »
if you've never seen a lorry tyre blow while moving  have a look at this one !

 now imagine overtaking the lorry on your bike and being two or three feet away doing 70 miles an hour  when yor level bang !!!!!!!!
not sure how i stayed upright ! but i had the shakes for the next half hour !

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / electrical issues
« on: 15 September 2014, 06:43:54 pm »
not to sure whats going on here but im eating batterys one a year every year , or at least thats what it feels like
 meter test readings are
ingniton turn off batter read 12- 12.20 volts
start the engine and it still reads 12-12.20 volts
 mate said about my headlights causing issues i have the phillps lights fitted
 took the fuse out as mine are wired on dip perminantly  13.40-13.60 volts
could this be my regulator dying ? or some thing else
 any addvice welcome
 no Im not going to scrap it and buy a gen two ! :lol

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / balls what might I have done !
« on: 07 July 2014, 09:40:00 am »
well bike past its mot with flying colours last week
 charged the battery all seemed fine

 next day the battery was dead
so being a clever bugger I put the bike back in the garage where I have a car battery with a set of jump leads!

popped the seat off wondered around the bike picked up the leads to conected them to the battery
 then as I conected them to the bike!  bloody mice running around in the garage , not much of a problem its only a garage ?  but we store loads in our garage along with the bike , connect up the bike turn around to try a scare the little bugger off

after about 5 seconds I'm meant with a strong smell of burning !

F0ck fock fock ! while I have been distracted I had connected the battery up the wrong way round !!

burnt my fingers but disconected it, smoke sparks like a firework display  and the smell of burning plastic !

I am fairly sure the battery if focked ! but I think it was already !  its been standing for nearly 2 months

The bike still runs and I cant see any other damage just the jump leads are now crispy  and the clips and springs are slighty deformed and no longer move !

Anything else I should check before I take it for a run ?

 and let the piss taking comence !

General / blimey did I miss something ?
« on: 02 June 2014, 08:42:51 am »
Well yesterday 1st June  I went to swaffham for my nephews 1st birthday
 what a fantastic day I wish I was on the bike !
 but blimey hundreds and hundreds of bikes !

 some one decided to close Brandon high street for a fete !

 oops that was a big mistake traffic each way for miles its the only road through to the coast !

 but I was gob smacked by the amount of bike that past us while we sat in traffic

but once we were moving I spotted a GEN2 Fazer parked at the side of the road in Brandon WIY ?
I tried to get your attention  My 6yr daughter hanging out the side of the car doing the Fazer salute !

hope it was nothing serious but I was unable to stop as there was nowhere to stop !

Diesels and Lawnmowers (Bike racing n things) / F1
« on: 06 April 2014, 07:12:27 pm »
well have to say that was a thrilling race  gutted for poor jensen  but  a fair few battles going on right through the pack right the way through the race good stuff
I hope lewis and ros dont run away with it and that ferrari get there act together !

General / just in case your awake WSB
« on: 23 February 2014, 01:00:07 am »
And its go go go for WSB phillip island ! !!!!!

General / and the real question is ?
« on: 18 February 2014, 11:00:46 pm »
 :eek   WHY? :rollin


Your Suggestions and How you can help / messages
« on: 14 January 2014, 03:43:56 pm »
I might be being blonde here but I have sent a few messages out,  but I cant seem to find anyway of looking at the sent messages ? or knowing if those sent messages have been read ?

 just to clarifier by messages I mean pm's

is this something that I am doing wrong ?

is this a settings thing

 and finally is it just me that finds it very frustrating ?

General / E-cigs
« on: 09 January 2014, 01:34:59 pm »
Ok thinking about trying one of those E-cigs
Anyone out there use , used or have one
If so which one and how do you rate it any to avoid because there rubbish ?
 I've looked at loads of web sites but I cant find a comparison web site
they all seem to only sell one make ! a few different models maybe
 but that all
to be honest any advise would be welcome !

Messages for Users / Farjo
« on: 07 January 2014, 07:34:43 pm »
Farjo sent you a pm but not sure if it sent ok ! let me know if it came through ok
prob not a good idea but !

Your Suggestions and How you can help / member map
« on: 16 December 2013, 08:37:14 pm »
 has the member map crashed nothing coming up when i click the link ?

General / for those of you on face book
« on: 08 December 2013, 05:50:51 pm »
Iim not asking for anything other than your time !
please look at the facebook link below read some of it , and then if you'd care to join in like the page
and become pink just for the next few weeks 
Thank you 

General / Spammer
« on: 24 November 2013, 09:53:22 pm »
we have a spammer on board   " Anyalikes"    :(

General / Urgent legal advise !
« on: 16 October 2013, 12:58:35 pm »
Ok difficuly one here
 Mrs Snapper was hit by a  lorry this morning not hard just scrapped the paintwork
but she was on her way to me so we could take the car for its first mot
 but when she arrived at the factory where i work I had had a sh!tty morning and completely forgot to book said MOT
 3 days out of date
below is her discription of events
 now where do we stand let it slide ? scream and shout  report to the police ?
she was driving down to my place of work so that i could follow her to MOT station. She commited herself to driving past a long line of parked cars, nothing was in sight as she committed. After passing 3/4s of them she saw a lorry coming up from other end and pushing forward. pulling as far left as possible she stopped her car. Lorry kept on coming, slowed and then pushed forward inch by inch, not allowing her any chance of trying to rectify situation and reverse back.
Lorry continued, all parking sensors beeping and she heard a small squeak, no bump was felt. The lorry eventually stopped and gave up moving, my wife then reversed cautiously (bearing in mind the parked cars and the lorry that she was squeazed between)
She managed to reverse a way and then went to pull in to a gap in parked cars. The lorry swung onto her side of road and again she waited for it to stop so that she could pull safely into the gap. The lorry then drove past her and off. She then continued her drive to my factory before checking the car over. The car now has a scrape on drivers side rear wheel arch that can only have been caused by the lorry.
Thats all simple enough,report it to police for them to be aware in case lorry driver tries to claim she caused damage
I know it wouldnt effect any insurance claims etc but will she get done for not driving it to an already booked MOT test?

Diesels and Lawnmowers (Bike racing n things) / le mans
« on: 24 September 2013, 02:15:19 pm »
was it this weekend ? was there any coverage ?
I cant even find the results !
maybe I'm just over googled !  :'(

General / well it made me laugh !
« on: 12 September 2013, 10:03:31 am »
 I was sat there dumb struck to start with but after I played it to a few work colleges it kind of grows on you !  :lol
speakers up
Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]

General / school holidays grrrr
« on: 10 September 2013, 06:28:07 pm »
have a quick look at this if you agree please sign
I have changed the link to a none facebook link 
if you do sign you will get two emails but as long as you've ticked the right boxes that should be all
thank you to those that sign

General / Blackberry play book
« on: 07 September 2013, 05:58:42 pm »
Help before I throw this focking thing on the floor and dance on it ! 
 at home I have sky wifi
My mrs has bt wifi
and she has work wifi that is optical infinaty
people around us has bt and we are in a bt open zone
every fecking time I try to use the play book it logs into open zone which to say is sh!t is an understament
try to change it back but as soon as i come of the wifi set up window it logs out and back into fecking bt openreach/zone what ever the feck it is
 I cant use it anymore because of the level of frustration i have with it !

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