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Topics - coansha

Pages: [1]
Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / BT023 Vs PR3
« on: 01 September 2012, 04:07:25 pm »
Apologies, I know there are plenty of threads on tyres but struggling to find the comparison I'm after.
Fairly new to on-road riding and still finding my feet but my Gen1 is in need of a new set of rubber.
I am not a commuter, summer tours and quick blasts into North Wales, dry weather only..
Not too worried about how long they last, I am not going to skimp on tyres and it's grip I'm after not longevity (though obviously that would be nice too!)..

Looking through posts looks like BT023 Vs PR3

Can anyone help with what would suit me best? Or have I missed a tyre that would fit the bill better?

Realise it's very subjective but I don't have enough experience to make the call myselp, I just want plenty of grip around those Welsh corners!

Also, best place to get them fitted in or around Chester?

Thanks in advance.... :)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Givi V35 Panniers fitting
« on: 30 July 2012, 04:55:59 pm »
I was looking at panniers for my 2004 FZS1000 V35. I know I can get the tubular frame and fit the E21 but what about the V35 by Givi...
As far as I can see, there is not a fitting for them, has anyone managed to fit a set??
Any other suggestion for what works best and looks the biz!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Security
« on: 17 July 2012, 12:52:06 pm »
Only just got a Gen 1 Fazer 1000 and looking into security for it. Was planning a chain and lock to a clamp on the garage floor and probably a disc lock for ease when riding.
Was expecting to find plenty info out there on best type of locks and how they rate but really struggling....
I have the ride magazine test from August 2008 edition but quick frankly since they wouldn't actually recommend any of them, where do I go from here?

Any suggestions welcome either to a quality lock/chain set that's worth the cash or better still any review data which discusses the pros/cons of each set up.

BTW, scoring best on the ride test data was the OXFORD XL HARDCORE but even then it scored 9/30 and succumbed in 3 mins 20 secs without power tools...[size=78%]

Thanks in advance...[/size]

General / Happy Days!
« on: 15 July 2012, 04:07:39 pm »
So here's the deal....
Been in Australia for last 8 years, always ridden offroad but got my road licence before I went there to ride enduro. Had a few Katos and a great time riding offroad paradise.
So the missus loses the plot and we have to leave, had planned another offroad but after being spolit in Oz then all just seems to much hassle... May well look at holidays in europe for that.
So summer hits Cheshire and all I see is road bikes (I'm from Fort WIlliam originally) and thinks to myself i've got to get one of those. But what to get?
Thought a R6 would do but always fancied a bit of touring and then I saw it... Fazer 1000! 2004 Mark 1, on ebay, 60 miles away and pictures look great.
3 days later after some swift negotiation it's mine and on to the open road I gingerly step.... Well f'me what a scream!
I could not have landed more on my feet... The bike pulls like a train and is sooo easy to use. Now realising how little I know about road riding but loving every minute of it!
Taking it really easy (with the occassional flick of a wrist to scare me) and trying to learn how to ride without dropping my beauty.
Feeling like I got just the right machine, sure it's far to powerful for a first on-road machine but how smooth is it to ride and ticks so many boxes so well...
So new to the sport, new to the forum and new to the bike but right now just feeling I couldn't have landed on my feet any better.
Now for some decent weather and a few blasts over to North Wales to really put a smile on my face (avoiding the several hundered speed traps).
Oh happy days!

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