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Topics - spoonlamp

Pages: [1]
FZS600 Fazer / Exhaust "Gasket, Muffler" Life?
« on: 02 April 2013, 05:44:31 pm »
I took off the exhaust while putting on my hugger and it looks like the gasket/muffler w/e has preished some - is that what this is?
I can add more pics if required.

My questions are;
Do you expect this to happen every time you take the exhaust off?
Is about £20 a reasonable price to replace?
Will an after market can come with a new one?

Many thanks   :(

General / Malaysia to UK on a Honda C90?
« on: 10 March 2013, 11:37:50 am »
This looked fun! Not sure I want to throw money at the guy for having fun, but still!  ;

FZS600 Fazer / Hugger
« on: 07 March 2013, 03:31:43 pm »
What am I missing??!!  Hugger I bought from flea-bay - described as fitting 1998 - 2002 Fazer FZS600. I can't see how the right hand side is meant to secure though  :(  Help!!!
(not sure what's going to work link-wise, home internet went down last night while I was trying to upload a picture...);sa=item;in=633

FZS600 Fazer / Help, please, Deciding...
« on: 27 February 2013, 12:39:56 pm »
Could you lot give me a hand helping me decide on what colour double bubble I should get for my silver Fazer? My last Fazer was red and had a black one, so I'm tempted with black, but I'm also wondering if a clear one would look better with the silver? Also might be better for when I'm, er, hiding from the wind... Also have a slight leaning towards an iridium one but it might be too bling for me...
Thoughts please?!  Thanks!   :D

General / My First Motorbike Accident
« on: 13 November 2012, 02:55:03 pm »
My first motorbike accident was entirely my fault and happened on September the 11th;

So after tearing across country in the morning to make an appointment I'm now looking forward to a nice, relaxed ride back home on a beautiful sunny day. I've had an early fish and chips for lunch and headed off for the motorway. Just before joining the M3 at Junction 4, going uphill on what was at first a nice sweeping right hander, then straightened out a little then cut back to almost 90 degrees left, tightening as it went. Hadn't noticed how much speed I'd picked up going into the left hander and had to brake very hard which stood the bike up just as I'm exiting onto the M3. Just as an artic truck is passing. Initially it looked like I was going to go right under the middle of him, but I almost got far enough back ...almost. Everything was going in slow motion. What must have happened in seconds seemed to go on forever but with unstoppable, palpable inertia. The artic was now speeding past me on my right and we're nearing the end of the slip road, just when I get some small hope that I might miss the back end it clips the right side of me with a massive bang and I go flying. The bike is pulled out from under me and somersaults, I come down behind it in a mess on hands and knees and roll. At this point I become acutely aware that I am wearing denim trousers. I spin and roll a couple of times, the back of the helmet smacks off the ground, the small of my back loses some skin as my leather jacket rises, my legs pound into the ground. I hear the bike crash and bang ahead of me and it starts to over-rev. I come to a stop in a lot of pain and immediately look up for following traffic; one car has just come round the corner quite wide but has seen me and I can see the surprise on her face. Petrol is pouring out of the bike but I can't stand back up. I try to get to the bike to shut off the engine but can't put weight on my leg - I look down at my right knee and it's just like white hamburger with large flecks of road grit in it, some red flesh, a bit of bone - is that my kneecap sliding out? I push it back in and pull myself off the road somehow and get onto the verge and lie down. I'm starting to feel light headed so try to control my breathing...time does funny things, I see a face with a phone pressed against her ear; she tells me not to move, gives me a thumbs up and moves out of my vision. I see a pale blue sky. 2 small airplanes high in the sky. My knee is agony, my arm begins to throb, my back is sore against the ground. The woman comes back and I ask her to get my phone from my topbox and give her the key. I try to elevate my leg onto the metal rail but it's too high and I'm at an angle, half on the curb. Off duty policemen. Reassurances. An on duty policeman. I give him details. Ambulance, paramedics, checks... I get cut out of all my clothes and put on an immobilizer board which is when my ankle starts to feel sore. They give me gas for the pain which is increasing. In the ambulance the policeman wants to breathalise me but the medics want to get going - I tell him to give it here, it only takes a second. My ankle starts to get sore...we get to hospital.

They gave me morphine which helped a lot and then a few shots of local around the knee before pulling out the grit and cleaning it and cutting out bits of dead flesh. They tell me it will heal but I'll have a scar, I'm thinking "you don't say?". X-rays show a broken ankle but no bone damage to the knee thankfully.

At least I'm still here and able to learn from all the mistakes I made that day - I really did think I was going under that artic truck...

FZS600 Fazer / FZS 600 Oversteer
« on: 12 November 2012, 03:55:50 pm »
Right. I've replaced my written-off red FZS600 for a beautiful silver FZS600!
Only negative I can find with the bike so far after a week of riding is that it steers strongly into the corners. My last one you could practically go round with your hands off the bars but this one I'm having to counter-steer quite a bit.
  What would be the cause? Has the rear suspension been raised or something? Anything to do with front forks?
Thanks in advance to any replies.
EDIT: Thanks for moving this to the correct section of the forum   :D

FZS600 Fazer / Written off - Insurance advice?
« on: 10 October 2012, 08:38:45 am »
Embarrassment and anger aside (I mis-judged a corner joining M3, J4, clipped an artic), I have written off my beautiful Fazer and the insurers have finally got back to me with an offer. It's £1,520 and will still have the £300 excess to come off  :(

Anyone have experience here? Do I have to take that? I paid £1,995 for it and it was in very good condition, about 23 thou miles...

Any help is appreciated, thanks.

For Sale & Wanted / NO LONGER REQUIRED
« on: 28 June 2012, 10:09:36 pm »
Going blind looking through pages on e-bay trying to find the black (obv) rubber ovals which cover the grab rail risers (between the grab rail itself and the fairing) on my 99 FZS600. Anyone got spare? Or know where I can order the part?


Introduction / Yet another New Rider & Member!
« on: 24 June 2012, 12:07:16 pm »
This place looks busy!  :eek

Hi all - new Plymouth rider here - Huzzah!!

Just passed my DAS bike course last Friday after 18 months of pottering about on a YBR125. I'd already part exchanged the YBR for a '99 FZS600, so the pressure to pass was on! What a Friday though - straight home after passing Mod 1 & 2, insurance sorted for the Fazer then slow ride to the garage to swap bikes. And that ride home on my new bike - what a blast! Couldn't resist a quick ride up the A38 - pure joy! :thumbup

Looking forward to finding out what I can do to her with regards maintenance,  small performance improvements, hard or soft panniers for long journeys, the usual boring newb questions ;)

Here she is, haven't had a chance to do a proper photo shoot yet!

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