Date: 15-06-24  Time: 23:48 pm

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Topics - benji

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FZS600 Fazer / Charging Issues, help!
« on: 23 May 2012, 12:51:16 pm »
Hi all, new to the site, only been a FZS 600 owner for a short time, 9 months in fact. Bike is a mint Y reg, 10k mileage and no problems up to now.

I have no idea how long the battery has been on the bike and sort of guessed it may be shot after the winter. I charged it up and the bike ran fine but then it went flat again after standing for a fortnight. It was then charged up and I went to the local battery expert shop who has all the testing gear, although I was a bit dubious he was more car expert than bike! He reckons the battery is okay but after riding for 1 mile and doing the ten minute test (starting the bike around 5 /6 times, it would then not turn the starter and I had to jump it?!

I am a bit confused really at how quickly the battery power was lost. My old FZR 1000 would still turn over and start if I didn`t use it for months and could easily start up for numerous times in a ten minute period. Here are my questions I hope I can get answers to.

1, The bike is fitted with a immobiliser, how long would it take for this to drain the battery if not used?
2, If the battery is okay, will it be the generator or how do I know if the regulator/rectifier is also okay?
3, I have heard the charging system on the earlier bikes is not too clever anyway , is this correct?

I would really appreciate any help experienced owners could give. I`ll happily spend money to sort it, just don`t want to get the wrong replacement parts :rolleyes .

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