Date: 01-06-24  Time: 01:41 am

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Topics - Jays83

Pages: [1]
Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Fitted R6 shock, very easy to do
« on: 17 January 2022, 08:43:53 pm »
Is this the correct one to upgrade my thou?
It looks similar to the one's with electronics on it but the seller says it does not have wiring on it. I'm not sure, maybe the wires are cut off, or maybe it's the right one.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Ivanized full monty, dynochart way to rich.
« on: 12 June 2021, 04:11:06 pm »
Hello, today i finally got my fazer on the dyno after i ivanized it. The guy claims that it runs way to rich. He's saying that i need to get the idle jet 5 sizes smaller, the main jet 10 sized smaller and put the clips on the needles 1 step higher so the needle gets lower.
Can someone help me out here, i've done everything the way ivan described it.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Won't start, with loud bang's
« on: 28 February 2021, 05:31:47 pm »
Hello fellow fazerians,

My 03 fazer is having serious problems. Today i was going for a ride and she just would'nt start, when all off the sudden it made a really loud bang. After many try's it finally started with no strange noises. While driving, after about 10-15 minutes it suddenly started to go nuts, the engine dies and than with an loud bang it started running again. A lot of times the engine died and i've had to start it by putting it in gear and let go of the clutch. This went on for about 10 minutes and now it won't start at all.
If i try to start it now i smell fuel from the exhaust so i guess that it's getting fuel.
I've checked the plugs and they all spark, i've checked them on both bobines(not sure how it's called in english, coils maybe)
I also cleaned the ground connection but that did'nt help either.
Does anybody know where to look for the solution.

Introduction / Finally my introduction
« on: 21 February 2021, 05:55:05 pm »
Hi, i'm Jason from the Netherlands and proud owner of my 2003 fz1. It's called Yamaha fzs 1000 fazer over here. This is my second bike and also my second fazer. My first bike was the fzs 600. I bought the 1000 with a broken oil/waterpump so it had some work but today was the first time i could really put it to the test. I knew the 600 was a pretty fast bike but holy shit... this is something else. Altough it's far from finished i can't wait to take it out again. It needs some fresh paint and i have the ivans jet kit to be fitted.
I'm 37 by the way and live in the north of the Netherlands near Assen.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Wire connector
« on: 28 December 2020, 06:14:58 pm »
Hi, my name is Jason and i'm from the Netherlands. I will introduce myself and my bike later but i bought myself a gen 1 fz1 from 2003 and found these wire connectors under the seat. I'm wondering if it's supposed to be like this or that perhaps something used to be connected to it. I hope anyone here can help me out.

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