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Topics - Gidds

Pages: [1]
FZS600 Fazer / Possessed '03 Foxeye? Revs
« on: 29 April 2021, 09:52:58 pm »
Hi all!

Apologies for the clickbait title but I fear my bike made need some sort of exorcism as i'm pulling out my already balding hair with this one.....

I have an '03 foxeye, sub 18k miles, ridden daily (commuting from Bristol to Bath) since January with no problems.

Until yesterday... while accelerating fairly hard on a dual carriageway when the revs just dropped off like it was low on power but only temporarily! Not a misfire, just low power temporarily.
It happened at about 9k revs, dropped to about 7k revs then picked back up to around 8k. "Strange" i thought...

Until today! when, as if by some strange occurrence... the opposite happened! Increased revs while accelerating (as though a slipping clutch) then back to normal. I was nowhere near he clutch and hadn't used it in quite some time!

I feel i should add it doesn't hunt on idle and this is an intermittent fault.

To add more detail, I did an oil change at the weekend (let's not get into oil chat!) It di need a top up while I was riding after the change when the oil light came on so I topped it up a little. No more light. Could it be this? I feel this is fairly circumspect...

I also, to be safe, uprated the front sprocket this evening as I knew if had the older skinny one on there as i thought it might be spooling there but the nut I removed was tight like a tiger when I took it off.

So the bottom line is, I think my bike is possessed, does anyone have any suggestions as to what it may be and how to rectify it???

Failing that, does know any priests who do call outs to Bristol?

FZS600 Fazer / Damaged following hit and run
« on: 13 January 2021, 01:22:37 pm »
Hi, apologies if this has been answered in a previous thread - forums are new to me!

I have an 03 fazer (in silver) and someone has done me the absolute pleasure of knocking it over outside my house and driving off (no witnesses unfortunately).

They've left me with a dent in my tank, the front and rear fairing damaged (cracked) and an indicator is mullered too!

What are peoples thought on:
replacing the tank / getting it repaired or resprayed and which is cheaper - seem tanks on ebay for £60.
Could it be pulled? are they single skinned tanks?

Buying replacement fairing and getting that sprayed OR doing a naked conversion (how hard is it to convert to naked? I like the aesthetic of fairing but there's less to damage if it's naked should it happen again - i do live on a busy road in Bristol.)

Any advice on what to do to stop this happening again i'd be grateful for too!

Thanks in advance



Introduction / Hello!
« on: 13 January 2021, 01:14:17 pm »

New fazer owner and new to forums altogether!

Very recently bough and insured an '03 FZS 600, I've had and ridden bikes abroad for years (not to mention having a TY 175 as a kiddy)  but have finally managed to do my mod 2 and buy this bike.

Insured it 31.12.20 and someone has driven into in and driven away today  :(  so you'll see me asking plenty of trim / fairing / technical questions!

Cheers Then,


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