Date: 16-06-24  Time: 14:02 pm

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Topics - NeoPanther

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Not so much a newbie...
« on: 17 February 2012, 11:28:04 am »
Hello again all.

It's been a long time, but after having a poke around the new forums, it's nice to see all the old folk I've met in the past again.

Bit of background - I joined several years ago and have attended a few meets in my time. Had several legs pulled in the process and gained multiple custom titles. Enough to take a page of A4  :b . Made some new friends who I'd love to meet again soon.

I sold the '03 Foxeye Fazer 6 back in September 2010 after roughly 68k (at least 60k of those were mine) on the clock (2nd engine too). I treated myself to a brand new BMW R1200GS for the comfort, fantastic torque, interesting looks and gadgets it comes with!

I hope I can still use these forums as an ex-foccer and have quite a few Fazer bits and bobs left that I'd like to sell soon.


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