Date: 03-06-24  Time: 21:54 pm

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Topics - Marc M

Pages: [1]
FZ6 / Fazer / Fazer 600 S2 display problem
« on: 05 June 2023, 08:47:15 pm »
Hi folks. Looking for some help. My display goes on and off randomly. I still have N light and indicator lights, but no revs or digi display. It goes on and off on its own accord. Even sitting still with ignition on. It doesn’t get worse or better during riding. I’ve checked the connections under the tank and seat, I’ve changed all fuses, I’ve removed and opened the display unit. Even wiggling wires around doesn’t make a difference. All the connections are in good shape, and all the wiring looks in good shape too. When the display is on it all works fine, but then it goes off and on again. I recently replaced the battery and still no joy.
Does anyone have any idea what I can check next? I’m at a real loose end with this. I kinda thought maybe an earth point issue, but I can’t find anywhere where there’s wires attaching to frame for ground.
I’d really appreciate any help or advice.
Many thanks in advance.

Introduction / Hey folks. Newbie and luvvin it
« on: 27 March 2018, 11:03:00 pm »
Hi all, just joined the gang😀 had a wee look a few times, and decided to join in.
Been riding since Oct 2016, on a 2009 FZ6 S2. First bike, never been into bikes that much, then just decided to get out on two wheels. I’m loving every minute of it, wish I’d done it years ago. Learning something new every ride, mostly out myself😒 but happy enough with that. Live just north of Glasgow.  Love Glencoe and anywhere in north west highlands. Don’t know too much about bikes, but I’m learning as I go along.
Looking forward to joining in the chat, and maybe catch up with members at some point.
Cheers for now 👍

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