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Topics - ChristoT

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For Sale & Wanted / WANTED: FZS600 project
« on: 26 January 2014, 11:06:34 pm »
I still really miss my Fazer. And as I'm off bikes for a while due to Mum, new avenues have been opened (e.g., get a real hound and fix up / mod it till I can ride it!  :lol ). This is a bit optimistic, I guess, but does anyone have / know of an absolute hound they would sell for under £100? I could take an engine & various bits, as I still have a frame.

I just want another Fazer...



General / ZX-4 update thread
« on: 24 January 2014, 09:35:20 pm »
Well, tomorrow, I retrieve the ZX-4. I fear the worst.

The good news is that water DIDN'T make it into my oil - the milkiness was just condensation (so my mechanic reckons). He also reckons the head gasket is OK!

The BAD news is that the fan is completely fucked. Half the vanes gone, and what's left is partially melted. Might have been something as daft as a blocked pipe. Either way, I won't be happy until I've given the bike a full stripdown and inspection...

The fairing is in a bad way, that will take up a lot of time. Not sure whether to fix it with ABS plastic, carbon fibre (if work let me use it), or just bog standard glass fibre. The rear will need a lot of TLC, and a new screen goes withou saying. The main bastard is going to be finding the parts!

Watch this space...

General / What did you do with whatever else you've got?
« on: 21 January 2014, 09:41:11 pm »
As I have been booted off the "What did you do with your Fazer today?" thread for posting up comments about Kwaks and Peugeots (you bastards!  :lol :lol ), I'm throwing the toys out of the pram, and making my own thread. So there.  :b

So, if you have a nice car, other bike, or even a nice girlfriend (ooh err missus!  :eek ) - what did you do with it today?

I'll start: Cancelled the insurance on the ZX4... And got a pittance back (compared to what I paid the fuckers). :'( :'( :'(

And put fuel in the Peugeot  :car . Foc me, I'm only getting 57mpg out of a diesel!  :eek I miss my bikes...  :'(

General / Joined the dark side... Hopefully not for long!
« on: 12 January 2014, 10:49:30 pm »
Well, it had to happen sooner or later!

Bought my new cage today. That's what will be lugging my backside in and out of work whilst I fix up my ZX...  :'(

It's a Peugeot 106, 1.5L diesel. In speedy silver....

Photos tomorrow (if I can be arsed). So if you see a Peugeot 106 on the road, for foc's sake, be careful, it might be me!!  :eek :eek :eek

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Focced up Febuary - 1 year of LoFos
« on: 10 January 2014, 12:29:36 am »
Hi all!

Right time for a noo edition of routeplanner!  :lol

This has been a pretty good year for the LoFos: the rideouts have become a regular thing now, and we've got a pretty good regular attendance. We've not been without comic moments (remember Squirrel Head?), and a few dramas too (Arfa and I exploring friction coefficients on consecutive rides...  :o ).  However, another month, another ride!!

More importantly, this one will mark 1 year of the monthly LoFo rides, and 1 year of taking the piss out of Exup for whatever reason we can think of!  :lol :lol :lol So let's make it a good un!

My proposal is to do what we did on the first ever LoFos: The first group meet at the Ace Cafe, meet the other riders at Blackheath, then down to Saarfend for pint and chat. Let's see if we can do better than 5 riders at Southend (and see if we can get Bozboz to salute properly this time...  :b )!!

I will be planning to do a Dead_Eye, and meet you chaps at Blackheath in my cage. The rest of you have no excuse though!!  :lol :lol

Whilst admittedly the rideouts are traditionally held on the first Sunday (the 2nd), there's been a request to hold it on the 9th. Up to you guys on that 'un!

Any other ideas?


General / Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What have I done to fucking deserve THIS?!
« on: 31 December 2013, 01:14:06 pm »
And now the fucker has blown up on me! The RAC guy reckons it's either a compression ring or a cylinder liner. Either way, it's bad and certainly expensive. What have I done to deserve this THIS time? :'( :'( :( :(

General / Oh fuck, not again....
« on: 27 December 2013, 06:22:10 pm »
As the title says... going to see a friend today, took the slip road off a stretch of dual carriageway, a sharp right followed by a sweeping left hander (this is France). I barely had time to register the bits of car on the road when the back end went, I ended up on me backside, and the bike went arse end first into the crash barrier. Got the bits together, and gingerly limped to my friend, who's going to help me glue it up in time for my ferry - on Monday. Not looking forward to explaining things to my parents, for the moment they just think I've broken down!!  :'( :'( :'( Lots of plastic missing too, going to have a crap job with the fiberglass tomorrow.

Apparently, a BMW top & tailed himself there a few days ago, bits of him were still on the road, so it's known as a problem. I'm guessing in my case it was a combination of oil, shitty surface and knackered tyres. My bike will now need even more work: but I'm really broke, worrying about the security of my job, and dreading that my parents will kick me off bikes for life.
In short: I'm up shit creek, and the canoe is well and truly lodged in the effluent pipe.  :'( :'( :'(

General / Anyone in Weymouth today?
« on: 22 December 2013, 09:50:51 am »
Hi all!

Well, turns out my ferry which I though was sailing at 10am isn't leaving till 11pm tonight! Bollocks! Anyone in Weymouth who fancies a cuppa and a chat in the ferry terminal cafe?

Hope to see some of you Suvven Foccers!  :D

General / Un-warping discs
« on: 14 December 2013, 11:25:29 pm »
Hi all

I haz a problem with my ZX-4. The bugger's warped a front disc. Now, as I'm skint, but the disc has loads of life in it (binding old brakes caused the issue), I was wondering if there was a way to fix it rather than replace it? Heat it up, and squash it or summat?

Ideas please!  :)

For Sale & Wanted / R6 titanium exhaust
« on: 12 December 2013, 07:31:17 pm »
Hi all,

An "accidental" purchase off ebay, this! I have an R6 titanium exhaust for sale, pretty clean, a few minor dings but nothing major, the EXUP is nice and free, and in general good nick.

£30 + postage please!  :)

NB: Will go on Ebay in the next few days too.

Title says it all... where do you chaps meet? I've been banned from rideouts per se by Mum, but I'll meet at a biker cafe and quaff tea / beer / WTF is this brown stuff? with the best of them!  :lol

General / Exhaust question
« on: 26 November 2013, 10:34:08 pm »
Hello hello

I have a question about exhausts.

How big an end can can I stick on my ZX400? Because it's a grey import, and a 1988 model (!) there is next to nothing out there for it. Also, I have a bit of a thing for Akrapovic carbon cans - a proper carbon subbie looks gorgeous.

However. My bike is only a 400cc. My question is, how big a can can I stick on before it gets ridiculous? I suspect a can designed for an R6 would sort of work, but the one designed for the VFR1200 would be over the top. Or doesn't it matter? Help?

BTW, I'm talking about gas flow here rather than physical size!

Front page / Welcome Harley Rose Brooker from the Foccers!
« on: 24 November 2013, 10:44:06 pm »
Due to the spam on the thread, and Aegis being click happy, the "Welcome Harley Rose Brooker" thread died.

So here it is again (or a variation upon!)!  :lol

Welcome to ya, and congrats to your parents. Make sure you persuade your Dad to buy you a Fazer when you're old enough!!  :D

General / Plastic welding
« on: 15 November 2013, 10:21:23 am »
I found this on the ZXR forum. The fairing repaired may interest some...  ;)

EDIT: Pics reuploaded

General / Insurance rant
« on: 14 November 2013, 01:25:25 am »
Most Foccers probably know where I stand at the moment. Skint, bikeless, my US placement fell through. To rub salt into the wound, the replacement placement I've found is out in the sticks in Cambridgeshire, but not far from the A14 - which means a 125 or smaller is out of the question. I've managed to find an old ZX4 going cheap from a friend, and now trying to find insurance. When I'm completely honest about my situation, I'm priced right out of the market. As if I can afford £2,500 pa in insurance! I'm currently foaming at the mouth somewhat. The foccing restrictor is just another rod for my back too. Argh!

Any smart ideas? Please?

General / Trebor "extra strong" mints
« on: 07 November 2013, 11:33:46 pm »
Anyone else notice that the Trebor extra strong mints aren't as strong as they used to be? They used to hit like a sledgehammer, now they're more like a disappointing Polo.  :(

For Sale & Wanted / WANTED - A Fazer 400
« on: 05 November 2013, 02:08:46 pm »
Hello all,

Just a tentative prod here - I'm looking for a Fazer 400, preferably mechanically sound. I'd like to spend a maximum of £1,000. Preferably in England or Wales (so I can travel to inspect it).

Thanks!  :)

General / Advice please Foccers!
« on: 03 November 2013, 08:27:51 pm »
Right, time for an unusual (and unfortunate) request:

Anyone know what bike I should get?

My US placement fell through before even starting, so I'm back in the UK, desperately looking for another job. And transport (once I get a job + money). However, due to my penchant for attacking Mercedes from the rear, insurance on an FZS600 is prohibitive. Last year, it was £750, now I can't find cheaper than £1,300!  :eek :eek Third party only!  :eek :'( Plus, while determined work and scrimping etc may raise that sum of cash, all the non-God-awful Fazers on the interwebs are well over my cap of £1000. So, I need an alternative, until I can get back to the Fazer scene.

A few important points before suggestions roll in:

--> I refuse to ride a scooter. I can't turn up to LoFos on a Vespa!!

--> The bike must be cheap to insure

--> Preferably good for a spot of fun too to keep up with the lads on LoFos etc

--> Cannot cost more than £1,000

--> Must be man enough to lug me + luggage down to France. I would consider 125s, but they're a menace on the road (too slow to keep up with traffic!)

--> Age, mileage, colour, brand: I don't mind. As long as it runs, and is reasonably mechanically sound

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

General / General update and stuff
« on: 23 October 2013, 10:49:59 pm »
Hello all.

I'm still alive! This may amaze some more than others. But yep, still here.

So, for those who remember that nutcase on a 33hp black 600, status thread!

We're currently at anchorage in Fueraventura, on our way to Rubicon, on the island of Lanzarote. I flew out to Las Palmas airpaort, on Gran Canaria a week ago, and after a few days in Las Palmas, spent a few more days at anchor in the harbour of Anfi Del Mar (South Gran Canaria).

We plan to sail to the Cape Verde islands in mid November, stay there for a week, then take the leap to the Carribean. Landfall should be St Lucia, or maybe Martinique, and around the end of November / early December.

The boat I'm on is a 44ft Lagoon Catamaran. For those who sail, bear in mind my sailing experience before was a 40ft monohull with 4 people aboard. I'm still tryign to get used to all the space! This thing seems huge! But hell, is it comfy!!

This is all battery power will allow for now (landlubbers take the electrics for granted, I tells ya!), but I'll keep you posted.

Take care, ride safe!


General / Google Pinata
« on: 27 September 2013, 11:11:54 pm »
As most people have probably seen, today's Google has a pinata game! Best score?

I got 169, who can beat that?  :lol

And remember -  :useless . Scores aren't accepted without screenshots with proof of it being yours too.  ;)

Your Suggestions and How you can help / Ghost PMs?
« on: 20 September 2013, 11:21:07 pm »
Not sure if anyone else has this, but here we go.

Recently, the unread PMs thing keeps showing 1. I've checked back to the first one, I can't find any I haven't read!

Not sure if it's triggered by my inbox having 3 or more PMs in it, but it's a tad annoying! Any way to fix?

Ta!  :thumbup

For Sale & Wanted / Breaking FZS600 for spares
« on: 10 September 2013, 06:47:58 pm »
As all are probably aware, my Fazer 600 had a bit of a prang last weekend. And as I'm going to the US in October, I have no time (or money) to repair it. So, sadly, I have to break for spares.

The bike is currently with RED98, please post which parts you want below to confirm availability / existence. As a rule of thumb, if it's behind the bars, it's probably OK!

The engine and carbs are in good condition, but please allow a few days for the postal service to get the spare key to Red98!

Special/non stock parts for sale:

- Towbar (consider it a rear end safety device - will protect in rear end shunts, and save the rear fairing!). Heavy duty, and bolts straight on to an FZS600 (will need a Rentec rack, or the earlier grabrail): £200

 - Stainless steel downpipes (for long footpegs). In decent condition, slight dent to middle pipe, purely cosmetic. £80

 - Blueflame can and link pipe. Both clean, but a tad scruffy. Link pipe probably better suited for models with the shorter footrests. Will fit longer footrests with spacers. Baffles are currently removed, but will be included when they're found (I think they're either in the spares box in the trailer, or under the seat - will confirm). £40

- Rear hugger. Has a minor repair on the left hand side where it fixes to the bike. Apart from that, in reasonable condition. £20

- Rentec rack. A bit scruffy, but no visible dammage to it. Was happy lugging a 42L topbox down the motorway. Due to condition, would accept £30

- FAZER radiator guard. A rare model, I've only ever seen two like it. Mine, and one on a different project bike. Very sturdy, looks very nice. Stainless steel, I think. In excellent condition. Due to rarity and condition, £50

Sales of parts are paying off the insurance excess, and what's left will go towards a bike in the US, and travel costs.

For Sale & Wanted / For sale: Fazer 600 stickers
« on: 08 September 2013, 02:03:42 pm »
I bought this sticker kit for the Fazer about 2 days before my off - oh irony, you are a bitter mistress!

They're vinyl chrome, would probably suit a black or dark bike best. Completely new and unused.

Looking for £10 for it please (postage included).  :)


Included are:
2x Fazer stickers
2x Yamaha large stickers
2x Yamaha medium/small stickers
4x Yamaha logo

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / R1 engine in a Thou
« on: 06 September 2013, 04:30:57 pm »
I was at Tesco earlier, and a noticed a familiar looking bike outside. A blue Fazer Thou (with some unusual mods). Looking at it, I thought the engine looked a bit different, so when the rider appeared (and after I told him about FOC-U), he told me he'd fitted an R1 engine into the Thou (not the detuned jobbie you chaps have - from a bona fide R1)!

Anyone else done this? Apart from some corrosion on the block, it looked pretty neat!

General / Goodbye EXUPNUT
« on: 06 September 2013, 12:12:57 pm »
Bye Exup.

It's going to be sad not seeing you on the road anymore. I'm sure you'll miss the rideouts, maybe even miss your job?  :eek

Well, enjoy the pedestrian life!

To those confused by this post: Exupnut told me he was sending his licence back to the DVLA when I passed my car driving test. Time for him to send it off, I passed this morning!!  :lol :lol :lol

And for Nick Crisp:

 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Just because.  ;)

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