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Topics - fireblake

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General / Stolen in Gosport, Hampshire
« on: 02 November 2014, 11:38:17 am »

General / Stolen in Gosport, Hampshire
« on: 02 November 2014, 11:18:16 am »

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Maintenance
« on: 29 October 2014, 10:54:09 am »
Yesterday I got home from work a bit earlier and degreaser my bike. All the underside was thick with grease and grit. My plans were to do the EXUP valve as it's a bit noisy and generally get the bike ready for my winter riding. Any ways, bike is as clean as it's ever been under my ownership. Today and my day off, up at 8 and looking out of the window. FOC it, bloody weather. It pissisting down. I need me a hydraulic bench for my garage. And maybe a clear out too, my garage is also a log store so a bench will be a struggle but at least will keep ME off the floor.


General / Yamaha XT bike from mid 1980's
« on: 26 October 2014, 10:50:27 am »
I used to be a courier in London between 1986 and 1988 and rode a little Honda VT500E. I'm sure I remember a guy who had a Yamaha XT type of bike but I'm sure it had shaft drive. Does anyone know if Yamaha made a big trailie with shaft drive in the mid 80's? Or was it my imagination due to much sniffing leaded fumes on smoggy city streets.

Thanks,  Mickey

General / Strip tease road worker
« on: 06 October 2014, 02:58:22 pm »
Always wear Hi Viz?


General / Brake parts
« on: 15 September 2014, 04:57:12 pm »
I've just been on CMS website to get a price for 2 front calliper pad pins and the little R clips. Feck me, €90 delivered, is that right?


General / Imperial war museum
« on: 12 September 2014, 09:03:56 am »
Any Foccers in London today.  I'm going to the Imperial war museum for the day. 
I'll be the bloke all on his own and reading everything.  No wife or kids with me so no come on we need to move on to the next exhibit.

General / Loomies closing down
« on: 02 September 2014, 04:04:28 pm »
Bad times. Loomies is closing mainly due to increase in the rent plus a few months ago they were burgled and had the takings stolen.
I wonder how long before several Poxy little houses are rammed onto the spot.


Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Hartland Quay, North Devon. Hill Climb
« on: 01 September 2014, 11:19:21 pm »
This is on Sunday October the 5th. I'm going. I have family who live there so i'll be popping up on Saturday to give the A39 a good seeing to as well.

General / Ducati museum
« on: 30 August 2014, 06:46:28 pm »
As is typical with me. This is what is commonly known in our house as a Blake day out.
10 years ago my wife and kids went to Italy for a weeks holiday near Pisa. Fantastic villa with pool and massive garden. I persuaded my bike hating wife to visit the Ducati museum and for a tour of the factory. I'm not known for forward thinking so I didn't have an address but thought we would drive around Bologna and find it. The drive was 200km's so by the time we got to Bologna the (young) kids were a bit fractious  and after an hour of driving around Bologna my better half had had enough and wanted some lunch and to head back to the villa.

10 years later and we're back at the same villa. This time clever Mickey had got the address from some friends, 1 of them actually friends with the curator. I was feeling very positive about the trip. My wife said she wouldn't visit Bologna this time and my youngest son said he wouldn't either so me and the oldest lad who for a birthday present had a lovely little BMW 120d hired for a couple of days said he'd drive. Off we go and have a right good laugh on the 200km trip. This time the full address is typed into a Sat Nav and it took us right to the door of the factory. Parked in a nearby car park and a belly full of Pizza we go to the security gate only to be told that the Museum and factory tour is closed until the 1st of September. Oh thank you God, for blessing me with such great luck. And to make matters worse, I've just read that Adeejaysdelight Steve was having coffee in Lucca the same day as I was there.  Typical.

Mickey the muppet.

General / What a t**t
« on: 28 July 2014, 10:58:35 am »
I went to get in my car yesterday and as I opened the door the heat hit me.  I thought it would be a good idea to start it up and let the air con cool it a bit first.  Never noticed I'd left it in gear. As the car kurched forward the engine caught and off it went leaving me standing in my driveway.  Lucky for me and the guy with the new Mercedes opposite my house a mature Oak tree stopped my car in its tracks
What a twat


General / Paramedic and patient dies after crash
« on: 01 July 2014, 07:00:10 pm »
I see the driver of a car that was involved in a fatal crash with an Ambulance has been cleared of all charges. He said " I checked my right wing mirror but not my rear view mirror or my blind spot"
The Ambulance was taking a patient to Hospital.  The road was arrow straight and had been for over a mile with no dips. The Ambulance was using its Blue lights. 
All I can say is God help the rest of us if he never saw that coming? 

Two dead in New Forest ambulance crash
26 April 2013 Last updated at 20:19

Police are investigating what caused the ambulance to leave the road
The driver and an elderly patient were killed when an ambulance left the road in the New Forest and hit a tree.

Another crew member and a relative of the patient suffered serious injuries in the crash on the A337 Brockenhurst to Lyndhurst road.

A 25-year-old man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of causing death by driving without due care and attention.

The crew member was airlifted to hospital. The relative was taken by ambulance.

Police said a female paramedic had been driving when the vehicle left the road.

She died at the scene along with the elderly patient, who has not been named.

Police investigating the accident had closed the A337, but the road was reopened on Friday evening.

In a statement a South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust spokesman said the ambulance was on its way to Southampton General Hospital when the crash happened at about 09:35 BST.

Senior investigating officer Insp Kirsty Shannon said: "Contrary to rumours circulating, there is no suggestion any wildlife was involved."

The arrested driver, who was driving a blue Seat Alhambra, was uninjured.

Witnesses to the collision are asked to contact the Road Death Investigation Team at Eastleigh on 101, quoting Operation Feldberg.

For Sale & Wanted / For Sale 06 Gen 2
« on: 26 June 2014, 07:17:31 pm »
I'm posting this on behalf of a friend so if you are interested can you please phone him on the number provided.[size=78%]. [/size]
Two new tyres. just had major 44000 mile service.Pazzo levers. Genuine Yam tail tidy RG crash bobbins.
This bike has been serviced and maintained to a very high standard, all history and related paperwork available + all keys. SP Engineering Tri Oval Carbon can £3250 ono
Call Steve 07796624723.

General / Multi gauge advice
« on: 13 June 2014, 04:29:39 am »
After riding home from work I accidentally pressed the reset button on my clocks and my Multi gauge screen changed. Instead of the normal N for Neutral and the remaining Litres of fuel and the water temperature I got these numbers. Does anyone have the Multi gauge manuel on hand to explain what they are?

General / World War 1 and the IPlayer
« on: 09 June 2014, 05:27:46 am »
For all those who can access the BBC IPlayer, there are some absolutely fascinating interviews with some Ladies and Gentlemen who took part in the Great War. Just search for Great War Interviews. These recordings were made in 1964 and the people involved were in their 60's so no longer with us.


General / Bucket list
« on: 07 June 2014, 11:35:41 pm »
Number 1 on my bucket list is to go to the TT. To spectate. Every year I watch it and am in awe of these guys.
Number 2 is the NW200


General / D day
« on: 06 June 2014, 03:54:10 pm »
70 years ago today thousands of allied troops left The south coast of England to start the invasion of Normandy. Many met their final resting place on those beaches. Thank you for your sacrifice. We will remember them.


Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Lee Rigby memorial ride
« on: 21 May 2014, 11:57:07 am »
Any Foccers going?
Thursday 22May 2014[/size]Meet at the Oakdean cafe Wrotham Kent TN15 7RRRun leaves at 9am & goes to meet up with the Blackheath tea stall run.Meet at Blachheath tea stall Run leaves at 10.00am when the Oakdean run gets here & then on to Woolwich barracks.No sign in required just turn up at any of the meet points, both runs have a police escort.   
I've just copied this from the web.  Alas very short notice, i only found out early this morning


General / NW200 on telly
« on: 17 May 2014, 04:33:05 pm »
Does anyone know which channel if any is showing the North West 200 and at what time?

Thanks   Mickey

Anyone interested in a ride out to Loomies cafe  on Sunday June 15th? The cafe, is situated along the A32 at the junction with the A272. There are some nice rides nearby which can be as short as 20 minutes or so( depending how fast you go) or could be extended outwards to Whiteways cafe just north of Fontwell and Arundel. Maybe Alton cafe instead. depending how sore the LoFo Derrière is. Any takers out there, obviously this is also open to any Foccer who fancies meeting up with those strange London folk?


General / Any Police peeps have any ideas about this?
« on: 17 April 2014, 11:03:38 am »
Just clearing out my inbox and found this. Is it an urban myth or is there any truth in it?

Dealing With The Police - Years ago, a policeman was your friend and defender. Things have changed now that Police Forces have become commercial organisations, dedicated to producing a profit by taking money from you in the form of Fixed Penalty Notices, Speeding Fines, Parking Fines and any number of other charges. Knowledge is Power, explains why;  
Each individual 'Police Force' is a commercial company, it has NO AUTHORITY to enforce anything, any more than a McDonalds or a BurgerKing has. The men & women that work under the banner of their local 'Police Force' have two separate roles. When they take up their occupation, they take an 'oath of office' pledging to uphold the 'Common Law'. That oath, and nothing else gives them the Authority to act to enforce 'Common Law' - that is, the few things which are listed in our 'Legalese - Acts & Statutes' page above.'Common Law' DOES NOT authorise them to do anything connected with so-called 'Government' Statutes & Acts and so they have been trained to use 'Legalese' to entrap UN-INFORMED members of the Public! To be fair, it is highly likely that even the members or the Police Force are aware of what they are doing and do not understand the difference between 'Legal Statutes' (which are optional) and the 'Lawful' Common Law requirements which apply to EVERYONE and are NOT optional.PLEASE DON'T GET US WRONG - A lot of Policemen and Policewomen do a great job and assist members of the Public, sometimes above and beyond the requirements of there job - opposing bullying, intimidation, fraud etc. and comforting in cases of bereavement or injury. BUT, the commercial companies who control the Police Force are working extremely hard to end this sort of positive behaviour, using ridiculous Health & Safety regulations as an excuse, even to the extent that Police Officers are instructed for example to stand by and watch somebody drown and not attempt to save them! This is not the choice of the 'Officer' but the instructions of the owners of the company.SO, because these thousands & thousands of 'invented' offences don't apply to ANYBODY unless they agree to be bound via 'consent' it becomes essential for a 'Police Officer' to (possibly with out knowing) persuade a member of the Public to agree to subject him/herself to these unnecessary restrictions and agree to pay invented cash penalties to the local commercial company called the 'Police Force' or 'Constabulary'. The normal first attempt to establish this spurious dominance of the 'Police Officer' is by him asking for your name. This is NOT an INNOCENT question and it is essential that you are VERY CAREFUL in what you say as there are verbal 'Legalese' TRAPS all over the place!One suitable reply is "The Law does not require me to provide that information" which is entirely correct and avoids the first major pitfall, and no matter how often the question is asked, the answer always remains the SAME. It is also vitally IMPORTANT not to argue with a Police Officer as that is another 'Legalese' TRAP which makes you subject to the thousands of hateful regulations solely designed to part you of your MONEY. So, only answer questions (ideally with a non aggressive question) and don't volunteer ANY INFORMATION AT ALL.So, here are some examples to help you understand;If a Police Officer says "you were exceeding the speed limit!" you could say "Was I?" as you DON'T ARGUE, nor do you point out that 'Common Law' does not require anybody to keep to the speed limits, obey road signs, park only where directed ETC. even though that is perfectly TRUE!Under 'Common Law' an offence has only been committed IF there is a VICTIM (somebody who has been killed or injured, had possessions damaged or stolen or who has been defrauded) SO, if the Police Officer keeps pushing you to agree to pay his company money when you DON'T need to, then a good question to ask is "Who is the Victim?" or alternatively some thing like "What is the charge? or am I free to go?" if you stick to these things, then the Police Officer has nothing to work on as you have not agreed to be bound by 'Statutes' as you have not provided a NAME and ADDRESS for him to write on an invoice/bill or 'Fixed Penalty Notice' as they like to call it! and you have not entered into a 'controversy' by arguing with him or her into 'dishonour' by refusing them point blank
I think this mail stems from America, but if i was out there i'm not going to argue with the man with a gun.



General / Tapatalk, again
« on: 28 March 2014, 08:17:58 pm »
Anyone else having problems with Tapatalk on this forum. It's only on here, my others work fine?


General / Birthday treat
« on: 23 March 2014, 03:27:10 pm »
 Wennt for a blast on my mates ZZR1400 earlier today. What a machine,  absolutely amazing.  9000 rpm in top gear and opened it up and the thing just went faster. Tonight we're going to see Lee Nelson and Joe Wilkinson on stage in Portsmouth.  I can't wait.


For Sale & Wanted / FZS 1000 choke cable
« on: 21 March 2014, 03:49:16 pm »
Anyone have one for sale or know of the best place to get one online? Spoilt for choice on Ebay but i don't want to buy one if its rubbish.

Thanks,   Mickey

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / LoFo ride out, Sunday April 6th
« on: 12 March 2014, 09:07:52 pm »
Any LoFo's interested in a ride out to Loomies? The cafe, is situated along the A32 at the junction with the A272.
There are some nice rides nearby which can be as short as 20 minutes or so( depending how fast you go) or could be extended outwards to Whiteways cafe just north of Fontwell and Arundel. Maybe Alton cafe instead. depending how sore the LoFo Derrière is.
Any takers out there, obviously this is also open to any Foccer who fancies meeting up with those strange London folk. I know i do.


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