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Topics - fazersharp

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FZS600 Fazer / Tyres Help bt-016/ s21/ PP 2CT metzeler m7 rr
« on: 04 April 2018, 10:37:03 am »
Any views on any of these tyres I need front and back

bridgestone bt 016
bridgestone bt s21
Michelin Pilot Power 2CT

I am not looking for a massively long lasting tyre. I only ride dry so wet grip is no factor. 
I understand that the 2CT was not available in 110 but it seems to be now

General / Show me your winter underwear
« on: 27 February 2018, 12:06:15 pm »
I have taken this from the "what did you do with your Fazer thread so not to derail it.
I don't do rain but I do - do cold and been getting away with lots of thin layers, this lot

 The blue is a thin camping mat -crap for camping that fits the chest and wraps all the way around to my back and is both insulating and windproof.
The kidney belt as well as being extra lower back protection is also very good at keeping your core warm.

It has been pointed out to me that I should invest in a vest
Honestly Fazersharp, mate. Learn to spend a bit of money where your favourite things are concerned (e.g. riding your bike). Get yourself one of those Pertex wind shirts, like the cyclists use. Thin as a fag paper, weighs nothing, packs down tiny in a little stuff sack. Put it on under or over a pullover, makes one hell of a difference without bulking you out. If you need to be warmer still, try a down or primaloft jacket under your bike jacket - some have a Pertex outer layer, so they are very windproof, and come in different weights, so you still don't need to bulk up too much. Wind chill is half the battle.
This is the top I use:
Yeah, I know, pricey  :eek  but I got mine for £25 in a sale, so look out for such.
And if I need to be even warmer, I use one of these:

I don't want heated stuff just as thin a possible with wind stop to replace the 3 layers and the camping mat, good suggestions so far from the trimmer but looking for something that combines both. Like this but I really dont want to pay that much -otherwise I will carry on with my stupid layers as they do work.

General / The 2018 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 25 February 2018, 02:01:04 pm »
A reiteration of the rules.

1. All challenges must be of YOUR bike and a landmark, or something obscure or creative, something most people can ride to in their area.
2. Picture has to be taken after challenge is made.
3. Challenge is good for a week; if it is not met after that time, the previous picture poster picks a new challenge.
4. Nothing illegal to be challenged.
5. Keep comments to a minimum; if you comment, post the current challenge in bold type after your comment.
6. No repeat challenges.
7. No other bikes can be used, eg, your bike next to a Ducati. Some exceptions will be allowed, eg, your bike next to a bike cop.
8. Only 1 person can win each challenge; any other entrants will not be counted, due to throwing the whole game off track and adding challenges that don't stand.
9. If any dispute about a challenge occurs, 3 oks from others settles the challenge.
Remember, this thread is supposed to get people to want to go ride straight away and beat others to the challenge - be creative, but be sensible about it.
Have fun Foccers!

General / Focer font of knowledge AV experts
« on: 05 January 2018, 04:01:24 pm »
I am trying to plug in a PS2 into my tv but the ps2 only has phono outs Red White Yellow and the problem is those sockets are at the back of the tv which is on the wall and although I managed to get them in it can not stay like that.
But i have accessible connections at the bottom which I can get to, the first 2 pictures are from the tv manual shows how to make the connection so I brought a 4 pole 3.5mm/ 3 phono in the last picture and plugged in but just get lines on the screen and a buz with very low sound of the PS2.

Although the manual shows the tv socket as being a phono it is actually a 3.5 socket like the one on the far right marked HP which is for the headphone.

So what am I doing wrong focers     

General / Bennetts Renewal Breath of Fresh Air
« on: 20 October 2017, 09:01:38 am »
Last year I changed to Bennets because my long term (always the cheapest ) insurance people got taken over by someone else and the premium doubled  :eek
I fully expected my 2nd year with Bennets to of increased by at least £50 and I would have to do the rounds getting spending hours getting quotes sending NCD proof, being called back, bombarded with emails from the high quotes I got online   ---------- but no its only gone gone up by £12. So they now still have my custom, makes a change to the usual 1st year new customer and then screw you next year.

General / Fazer cheese
« on: 12 October 2017, 11:07:59 am »
Could this be the reason for our long recognised phenomenon of certain Fazer screws and bolts being made out of what appears to be cheese

General / Been away and no FOCER missed me
« on: 30 September 2017, 08:43:01 pm »
Any who been to Malia (out of season all inclusive beech 4 star hotel ) before you start !
Having a walk about its crazy - saw girls 3 -up on a moped, no helmets and the girl at the front was texting, don't know weather it shows complete irresponsibleness or fantastic skill !
Another one, a bloke driving along in a car drinking beer - with a child in the passenger seat, he actually literally was drinking and driving.
Dosent look like there is anything like an MOT unless it stands for Mostly Old Together with tape.
And the nearest thing you get to yellow lines is an old lady who comes out and hits you with a broom if she dont like where you parked.
I think I want to move there

General / Track days
« on: 17 September 2017, 08:49:03 pm »
Am I a tight git or are they a little expensive, I would love to do one but they cost so much. I am not interested in the "valuable Learn how to handle a bike properly with an instructor" - I just want to rag it round a track with a soothe surface without worrying about cameras or any other stuff to expect on a normal road. Which sounds like the Nuremburgring but It might rain between here and there and I will have to go home. 

FZS600 Fazer / Lube my pivot
« on: 13 August 2017, 09:38:16 pm »
Whilst out today I noticed the front brake leaver a little bit sticky/notchy when I pull in. A while back some one had the same issue and I think they just took the leaver off - gave it a clean and re - greased but I can not find the post about it. So just checking I undo the nut and bolt holding the leaver on, the piston isn't going to pop out or something stupid is it. 

General / Electric bike
« on: 02 August 2017, 09:17:43 pm »
Been thinking
As in the news with no more new internal combustion cars by 2020 or whatever it was, im sure the same will apply to bikes - also its not like we are going to have a choice but I like the violence and the noise and heat and the smell of a petrol bike. Even if the electric or hydrogen power cell is going to be a faster smoother exhilaration i  will still miss the noise and smell and heat.

General / OMG 4000
« on: 29 May 2017, 11:40:46 am »
Just noticed  :eek

General / Help me sharpen my drill bits
« on: 13 May 2017, 03:01:55 pm »
I have this set of colbolt drill bits but most of them are now blunt.
Can someone recommend a sharpening gizmo to re grind them, I do have a bench grinder and stone but I can never seem to get the angle right.   

FZS600 Fazer / Its Not Black You Know !
« on: 19 April 2017, 11:37:42 am »
Has anyone noticed that the black fazer - at least my 98 is actually metallic black

General / General Election 8th June
« on: 18 April 2017, 11:15:18 am »
General Election on the 8th June looks like a second EU referendum by any other name.
Mrs May has had enough of the sniping from the remainders in labour and lib dems and the lords on brexit so she has called for a general election to ask for a mandate on the Governments current brexit path 

General / Focer Font of Knowledge on leather paint
« on: 13 April 2017, 08:09:03 pm »
So I have my nice new mainly white jacket (see my other post for photos) it goes very well with my gloves and helmet and silver and black sidi boots but my leather trousers are all black, they have a strip of leather that would work really well if I could paint it white to tie it i with the jacket, so does anyone have any advice on painting leather   

General / Another Jacket post Rev'it BKS, RST Updated
« on: 13 April 2017, 12:17:36 am »
As I am almost certain that the Spidi jacket arriving is going to be way too small and I cannot find it bigger I have started to look for other options.
What can you tell me about
Rev'it jackets
BSK - lynx
and RST R-16

General / Spidi Jacket Update
« on: 11 April 2017, 12:10:14 am »
Following on from my chrystall ball post I have been looking at the Spidi Track Wind Leather Jacket in white as I am looking for something cooler for summer riding, what do we think about spidi stuff and any other recommendations for a summer jacket, has to be mainly leather and am looking for something with lots of white flashes or mainly white.

The wind track looks like it is the end of stock and seems to be limited in size availability I am around a 36 -38 (racing snake )  although I tried on a Frank Thomas 40 and it didnt seem too big.

General / Anyone got a chrystal ball
« on: 09 April 2017, 09:27:22 pm »
I am in the market for a new leather or textile / leather mix  jacket and as I only buy every 12 years or so what is the chance in the near future that the law will change requiring us to wear a % of high vis -- so should I be looking for that kind of jacket now. I do wear a high vis top in the winter - low sun and light but in the summer its another extra layer I could do without so having it incorporated in the jacket seems like a good idea   

General / Fell over
« on: 09 April 2017, 08:03:00 pm »
I stopped to take a picture on a hill with the vast countryside below with my bike in the for ground and I underestimated how steep it was and whilst I was twating around with my phone it rolled forward and off the side stand - me trying to hold onto it got knocked over backwards with it, reached over and hit the kill switch.
Luckily it was a slow and soft landing onto a tufty grass verge - oh and me under it, so not a single scratch to be seen, my lower crash bars doing a good job again.
I wish I had just nailed it down the hill without stopping.

Once I had got it upright it did not want to start with the switch so not wanting to drain the battery I used the help of the hill ( which caused it in the first place ) and bumped it and it started straight away, I then turned the ignition off and tried again with the switch and this time it fired up all ok - not sure what that was all about.     

General / SNAKE !
« on: 09 April 2017, 07:50:16 pm »
Riding along today on a back country road I see a length of wire or pipe in the road and think " I dont want to run over that only on passing do I realise its a snake about 3 foot long - and that was bendy snake shape, I turned around and went back so I could grab him and get a photo but he had gone. 

General / Not Sure - What do you think
« on: 05 April 2017, 10:42:11 am »
On the one hand I think its a neat idea and then on the other hand it might look a bit naff, maybe it works on the bike. never seen it done before ( or since )
 It was taken at a local bike meet a couple of years ago. 

FZS600 Fazer / How Does My Sprocket look To You
« on: 30 March 2017, 08:52:22 pm »
I know at almost 20k it will need changing soon and I can see some wear but I think its ok for a while yet - what do you think ( apart from the 9mm nut )

Just looked back at my old post and the first time I had the cover off was September 2013, here,9882.msg101656.html#msg101656 I promised myself that I would do it more often to check the nut but - my how time flies, but the nut is still ok, I did actually find out that you can see the nut without taking the cover off by looking from underneath which I have done a few times.

Also some bonus photos of the inside of the cover after cleaning

An angle shot of the nut for future use on any Nut questions


General / Rust Killer,anyone - Updated job done/ Not done
« on: 28 March 2017, 10:55:33 pm »
Fighting a battle with a couple of small holes in the collector box of my headers, the last time I did them was last year with rustoleum high temp after a member on here had good results with, I did prep the area very well and filled with gun gum but the rust has come back along with pushing off the filler.
Can anyone recommend a rust killer- are they any good or not.   

General / Gentlemen --- Start your engines
« on: 24 March 2017, 09:06:28 pm »
( and  ladies ) :sun :sun :sun :sun :sun

General / Did you survive Dorris
« on: 23 February 2017, 09:53:38 pm »
Looks like Sharp Hall survived but at least a couple of houses around these parts are now missing a ridge tile, a couple of fences have had a make over too, I got hit a couple of years ago loosing 8 ridge tiles.
Anyone make the mistake of covering the bike and making a sail for the wind to blow it over for you.

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