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Topics - Farjo

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General / Bla bla bla error 500
« on: 01 October 2011, 06:02:13 pm »
Sorry, that's just me trying to work something out (and failing so far :rolleyes).

Introduction / MOVED: Intro for Revilo
« on: 30 September 2011, 05:44:04 pm »
Hi Revilo, given you are interested in buying a '98 model I've moved your topic to to FZS600 Fazer where you should get better answers :)

General / New Links link
« on: 28 September 2011, 07:45:53 pm »
On the menu there is now a Links item. It is based on the old site's links with the broken and rubbish ones removed. As with the rest of the site you will now be able to add items yourself so feel free to add your biking sites.

New categories can be added on an as-required basis e.g. there are a lot of travel-type links so there is a Holidays category. If your link doesn't fit into an existing category please add it to Useful Stuff.

General / *** Photo comp Sept VOTE ***
« on: 28 September 2011, 10:20:05 am »
The theme was chosen by August's winner b3tarev3: "This month lets take a look at 'dereliction' in all it's forms, buildings, motors etc."

Below are the photos from both sites.





Kosmic Kartman

Biffa Bob1664







General / Custom titles, post counts and join dates
« on: 26 September 2011, 09:23:00 pm »
It should be done :D Let me know if you've been missed out.

General / Help section
« on: 25 September 2011, 05:35:05 pm »
Have a look at the help section which is to the left of the main menu. It only contains a few things now but can be built on as we go along.

If you would like to add another item please start a topic in the Laboratory board :thumbup

Fazer8 / FZ8 / 2012 FZ8 in 'Anniversary White'
« on: 25 September 2011, 01:46:08 am »
Yamaha have released this picture of the FZ8 in Anniversary White, which is not available to the Fazer 8 or the FZ1 models.

General / FOC-U's affliation to the BMF
« on: 24 September 2011, 11:20:51 pm »
BMF Membership for £10 - BARGAIN!!!

We have a small (25 person) membership and a club stand at the BMF shows in Peterborough, Lincolnshire and possibly Kelso.

2012 BMF membership is normally £26 but through it's just £10 per person. And at every show we will have at least 10 wristbands giving Friday to Sunday FREE entry and camping to give away on a first come, first served basis.

These benefits are also available (see BMF membership benefits for more details)
  • Save 15% on the standard NCI Biker Rescue standard rates
  • Travel insurance
  • BMF Visa card
  • Discount stays at Express by Holiday Inn
  • Tyre discounts
  • Preferential rates for your bike insurance with Bennetts
  • Biker Legal Line
  • Bi-monthly Motorcycle Rider magazine
  • National and local club contact
It's always a great weekend with live bands, shows and stalls. We can always do with more Fazer owners to come and give out advice on our stand, or just come along and eat burgers and get drunk!

If you would like to join please contact Tori.

General / Photo comp Sept
« on: 03 September 2011, 09:13:34 pm »
To get ready for the switchover have a go at posting you photo here as well as on the official Yuku thread.

The theme is 'dereliction' in all it's forms, buildings, motors etc. - but feel free to post any photo.

There are a few ways to post a picture but the simplest is to post one from your hard drive. Click REPLY, then click on Additional Options below the reply box, then click in the Attach box to choose the photo.

If your picture is already online e.g. on a photobucket type site you can either copy the IMG code or click the little button that looks like the Mona Lisa and paste in the web address (URL).

Any questions? Please just ask me either in this thread, on Yuku or by PM :)

Front page / MOVED: Five?
« on: 28 August 2011, 04:44:26 pm »

General / Can someone test this please?
« on: 19 August 2011, 09:00:48 pm »
Would you please log out then pretend you've forgotten your password and get it to send you an email with a new one. (You can ignore the email and sign in again with the existing password).

I've tried with Farjo and Dan Lewis and both send me an email. Can anyone find what the problem is?

Thank you.

General / Photography competition - August
« on: 03 August 2011, 11:31:34 am »
To get ready for the switchover have a go at posting you photo here as well as on the official Yuku thread.

The theme is "Machines or Machinery (Not motorcycles)" but feel free to post any photo.

There are a few ways to post a picture but the simplest is to post one from your hard drive. Click REPLY, then click on Additional Options below the reply box, then click in the Attach box to choose the photo.

If your picture is already online e.g. on a photobucket type site you can either copy the IMG code or click the little button that looks like the Mona Lisa and paste in the web address (URL).

Any questions? Please just ask me either in this thread, on Yuku or by PM :)

General / Yuku is back
« on: 01 July 2011, 10:47:12 am »

So should we go back while we finish this site or stay here permanently? All opinions welcome  :guitar

General / Read this / what is this place???
« on: 29 June 2011, 11:31:56 am »
Hi foccers. For the last couple of days the foc-u forum has been down, so here is something new to play with.

** Please re-register your account here **

We have been working on this new messageboard for a few years now, waiting for the software to be released and finally it was earlier this month, so here it is.

I hope for this to be our permanent home home in the future so what do you think. There will of course be advantages and disadvantages. As in our old board there's the Laboratory to play around in and people on hand to help. PM me if you get really stuck.

Frazer (Farjo)

The Laboratory ! / Test
« on: 03 May 2011, 05:52:40 pm »

The Laboratory ! / videos update
« on: 26 April 2011, 11:16:48 am »

The Laboratory ! / All images in a (large) album
« on: 22 January 2011, 07:34:31 am »
Aug 28, 2011
in Articles
Aug 28, 2011
in Articles
Aug 28, 2011
in Articles
Aug 28, 2011
in Articles
thou Runningman 2
Jul 08, 2011
in Articles
thou Runningman 1
Jul 08, 2011
in Articles
thou DirkFoggy
Jul 08, 2011
in Articles
thou Devilsyam
Jul 08, 2011
in Articles
thou Devilsyam 1
Jul 08, 2011
in Articles
sf Pikey
Jul 08, 2011
in Articles
sf Karieerola
Jul 08, 2011
in Articles
Mk2 KarppaErppa
Jul 08, 2011
in Articles
Mk2 Himfinity
Jul 08, 2011
in Articles
Mk2 Chrisyella
Jul 08, 2011
in Articles
Mk2 Beanmachine
Jul 08, 2011
in Articles

Messages for Users / Andrew
« on: 11 January 2011, 02:45:52 am »
Hi Andrew, I've linked the SMF site with the HP Wiki so that when anyone is logged in to SMF they will also be logged into the Wiki. It's not 100% perfect so I may have to undo it at some point.

Anyhow the relevant point is that when you click 'login' on the wiki page it will take you to the SMF login page and you should use your SMF password.

You are the only SMF member who already had a Wiki login so I do not know if there will be a problem for you - if so let me know :)

General / Quick photo comp - vote
« on: 10 January 2011, 04:05:43 am »

Misc. / Had a go on the new Divvy 600 today
« on: 09 January 2011, 08:47:41 pm »
Originally posted by Nooj 30/5/2009

While my old heap was being MoT'd earlier today (yes, it did pass… eventually) I took one of those new XJ6 Diversion things out for a test ride.

Walking around it, it looks OK, nothing too offensive or overbearing jumping out at me. Not super sexy, but quite a tidy design. The only thing I didn't like was the spindly swingarm which I think looks out of place with the fairly chunky angular appearance of the rest of the bike. It's the only bit that looks really cheap.

Key in, start it up… "That's a loud starter motor, very rough sounding" I thought for an instant, before realising that it was actually the engine idling! Quiet is not the word, next to a busy road and with earplugs in I doubt you'd even hear it.

Sitting on it is a nice feeling, a low seat height like the FZS600 meant I could have both feet flat on the floor with my knees bent, which hardly ever happens on a bike! The seat is also slim like the FZ6 so it doesn't splay me knees out which the old Fazer does. With a bit more padding than the FZ6 it's not quite as hard, but still nicely supporting rather than squidgy soft. The bars are a nice width, maybe a little narrow for me, but literally by a couple of centimetres, I could easily live with it. The bar position is very comfy, feeling closer to the rider than the FZS600, but not as high as the FZ6. The pegs are low, a little lower feeling than the FZ6 and much lower than the FZS600, so cramped knees won't be on the cards, even if you're a Wookie. Getting the bike off the side stand is very easy, virtually no effort required at all, either this thing weighs nothing or the centre of gravity is extremely low!

Pulling away is dead easy with plenty of steering lock, the throttle is light, smooth and precise and the clutch is also light, all be it with a fairly narrow biting point. This is something I sometimes struggle with on the FZ6, with the throttle feeling quite heavy and reluctant and the clutch being a bit of an 'all or nothing' affair for me. It also lacks the unsettling, juddery lurch of my old FZS600 when pulling away which was nice. It's one of those few bikes you pull out onto the road on and feel instantly comfortable and completely at home with.

The R6/FZ6/XJ6 motor in this state of tune is extremely smooth at low revs and pulls cleanly, if a bit sedately, up into the midrange. Throttle response is excellent, super smooth and linear feeling. Easily the best I've ever experienced on a stock bike, the fuelling map feels superb at low to medium revs and proves that there is no excuse these days for jerky fuel injection on a new bike.

So it has all the qualities that will make it an excellent city or novice bike, but what's it like on the open road, does it GO?

Yes, sort of, it does feel a bit, well… slow. Trying to keep up with the sales guy from the shop on an FZ1, being caught in the wrong gear on an uphill section of dual carriageway out of town, it just wasn't going to happen. With the throttle pinned to the stop in 3rd and 4th right in the midrange this bike is supposed to have plenty of, he became a rapidly disappearing figure. I'll be ready for some more 'progressive' speeds and pick a lower gear next time then.

I caught up with him again at the top of the hill waiting at a busy roundabout. We cut through the traffic and negotiated a tight turn onto the next section of road without drama or thinking "Shit, what's this thing going to do here??" No handling terrors or peg grinding, but a little wallowing. Hmm, not much rebound damping then.

Turns out it can be a bit of a rocking horse when throttling on and off to negotiate a succession of tight-ish bends or roundabouts at a brisk pace and requires some very smooth throttle control. This is something that could catch the enthusiastic new rider out; a clumsy throttle hand could see some panic inducing lurching and wallowing on tight or lumpy bends. Smooth throttle rolling off and gentle feeding in keeps everything under control though. The bike can be made to do it, but at a reduced pace. The FZ6 definitely has the edge over it here, with a more controlled ride it is much happier to be thrown into a corner and fired out again.

Anyway, down to the next roundabout we go, fairly heavy braking on a slight left hand bend at the bottom of the hill sees the speed reduce at a good controlled rate. With the same brakes fitted to the XJ6 that the original FZ6 had, they are a known quantity to me; plenty of bite and feel for the Diversion, well suited to it. Coming off the brakes and leaning over sharply to the right while pulling away across the roundabout saw a bit of under-damped wallowing again, but nothing un-nerving. The steering was completely neutral, no tucking in, no running wide.

The ride is very comfortable, better then the FZS600 with its crashing, bouncing, over-sprung rear end. The front and rear suspension work well together with only some gentle bouncing over the bumps on the long 50mph straight section that takes us up to the A34. Nipping past dawdling cars is easy. At these speeds and conditions the XJ6 is perfectly behaved, it'll make a top commuting machine.

Just a couple more roundabouts to negotiate before the A34, then I get to find out what it's like at motorway speeds. Same as before for the roundabouts really, neutral steering but some wallowing, easy to cope with if taken gently though, giving a second or so for the bike to settle before you ask another speed/direction change of it. Banking to the left while accelerating away on the entrance ramp saw it getting a bit flouncy as it went over a pointy lump in the road which set off a bit of bucking and weaving.

Keeping the revs up near the redline saw some decent, if not exhilarating, acceleration and introduced a subdued raspy exhaust note to the engine's usual quiet whirring noise. The XJ6 feels as if it's just shy of the FZS600 in top end performance, but is quite a bit slower than the FZ6. At instant ban speeds the screen does a top job at keeping the wind off and any turbulence is quieter than my stock MkII FZS600 screen. 10,000 revs in top gear gives just over 120mph on the clocks, redline is at 12,000.

At sustained motorway conditions this would be a very comfortable bike to be on for long distances, much like the first FZ6 Fazer with no noticeable wind blast for someone my size, but perhaps a little more leg room on the XJ6. A lot more leg room and less wind blast than my FZS600 though!

So that was pretty much it, back into town and back to the shop. Only one other minor thing I noticed, slowing to a walking pace approaching a mini roundabout the steering felt rather twitchy and uncertain. Nothing nasty, just that it was suddenly noticeable. Once moving on again the feeling disappeared.

So what's the verdict then? It's a good bike, better than I was expecting it to be, but there are some things I'm not keen on.

If you want something with a bit of an edge that will commute AND thrash, that will slog up the motorway in comfort AND flick through nadgery country roads like a sportsbike, then I don't think the new Diversion is for you. Due to the lack of damping and the soft power delivery it lacks the hooligan edge of the FZ6. Unless you're getting on a bit and prefer to cruise about the place rather than hoon around (fair play if you do, nothing wrong with that), you'll find yourself getting frustrated and bored pretty quickly with the new XJ6.

However… It's very comfortable. Everything is in the right place. It should give no aches and pains, no pins and needles, no stiff necks etc. It's very easy to ride. I got on it and instantly rode it as if I'd owned it for months, all the controls are smooth and predictable and you can tell what the bike's doing at all times. It looks good as well. It doesn't look old and dated like the Bandit, it doesn't look over-styled like the new Hornet and it doesn't look bland and podgy like the CBF600. The XJ6 Diversion will be a top seller, it's an awesome first big bike for the freshly passed novice, it's a great little motorway mile muncher and it'll go down a storm with rural and city commuters alike. If your old FZS600 is getting a bit shabby and long in the tooth and you want to replace it with something the same but new, this could well be the bike for you.

General / Test photo competition
« on: 05 January 2011, 09:11:48 am »
The theme is "anything you have taken recently". Not taken as in stolen. Closing date this Saturday (just a quickie :) ).

Basically let's upload some photos using different methods - attached, gallery, photobucket, anything else you can think of.

Therefore no limit on number of entries or strict adhesion to theme, just enter photos to see how it would go in 'real life'.

Then we'll have a vote to see how that goes :thumbup

Messages for Users / Aegis
« on: 02 January 2011, 10:35:28 pm »
I was going to reply to your thread but I cannot find it and want to get the details before you go to bed  :z

You said something about a long post and its formatting. Can you give me more info so that I can recreate it please. I'll then see if I can sort something overnight.

General / Colour scheme
« on: 01 January 2011, 07:42:16 pm »
I have changed the 'theme' to "Curve" which is the software's default out of the box. You will see that some menu items (e.g. Profile) have drop-down items for quicker access.
Other themes are available on the Home in a panel on the left column.
Posting a message will also be slightly different as the WYSIWYG editor is on by default - you can turn it off by clicking the icon to the right - a kind on up arrow in square brackets.

Your Suggestions and How you can help / Auditor wanted
« on: 01 January 2011, 02:33:48 am »
On Yuku there is a Community Chest. Members were able to contribute money and Yuku take their fee. It's all very transparent and the money cannot be gotten at by anyone other than Yuku.

When we move to a standalone site we will have to handle the contributions ourselves. This could lead to accusations or feelings of financial impropriety and so I would like a member not connected to the admins or mods to audit the books yearly. It should be pretty simple - money in from members, money out to the web host, the foc-u domain registrar and occasionally to software providers.

If you have an accounting background and are interested in helping out please let me know either below of by PM.

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