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Topics - anutz

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Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Skipping or spinning...
« on: 24 August 2016, 06:45:06 pm »
Hi All,

So i usually frequent the FZS600 section, i have a 2001 box eye....just got a 2003 FZS1000

Over the moon with it but have noticed something i cannot quite figure out...

When i accelerate, in my mind hard, then sometimes it almost feels like the chain jumps a tooth, or the rear wheel skips, i cannot figure it out, i am going to double check the chain slack later, and the rear tyre is a little worn so may need replacing, aside it rides really nice.

It is worth noting its the first 1000cc i have ridden, i do own and ride a GSXR 750, and have not noticed this problem, so maybe its more likely chain and not wheel starting to spin up....



General / Picasso....
« on: 14 June 2016, 06:35:34 pm »
So, i have a front mud guard i need to paint for my other bike....

I was wondering if anyone can share any wisdom on best way to do it..

I plan to, wet and dry it with very fine grit ( already advised by a friend to remove the "gel" ) then prime it with 2 coats of gray primer, then a few coats of matt black...

been getting quotes for local people to do it and its a lot more than i thought ( 100+) , so figured i would have a go, was not expensive so worth a the sprays is only cheap as well

I am not too fussed on it looking magnificent, its just the one it came with was rattling and secured by some strange needed changing, and i cannot leave it as it is!



FZS600 Fazer / wot did i do....
« on: 03 June 2016, 01:18:17 pm »
is this normal or abnormal tyre wear.....not sure if its the way i have ridden or a fault or something else?

Its off my GSXR, not the FZS600, i have done probably 3500+ miles on it

may be a silly question but in the 2 years i been riding i only had to change a rear due to punctures, this is the first one i had on from new till the state it is in.....

I do mainly country riding, lots of corners etc, but this is bang in the center, all i can say is i have started some motorway stints last few weeks but surprised this would happen, unless its normal


General / adhesives...
« on: 03 February 2016, 08:53:05 pm »
any one give me any ideas....

I have an issue with an air filter in my GSXr750, it has cushions.....that sit between some ducts in the frame and the airbox...

Here is an example....

I need to stick them to the plastic....what do i use, i have been reading around but any one know what would do?


General / power commander...
« on: 26 January 2016, 11:02:24 pm »
i have a FZS 600 and a GSXR 750, so i know the Power Commander is not applicable to the carb'd FZs600 but i have been reading about them and why you might want one...there are lots of ones on ebay for a GSXr 750 of my year so its got my interest, i am not sure why  :\

I read a lot about when you change the components on a bike such as to alter intake and exhaust you change the air to fuel ratio, and can cause engines to run lean and hot, then burn things..

Anyone have any comments on power commanders, if they are needed, etc?


FZS600 Fazer / rear type puncture...wot to do....
« on: 22 January 2016, 04:41:22 am »
So, took the FZS600 and GSXR750 out on Tuesday for a ride around, first time for a while, all went well with the FZS600, on the GSXR, i got a rear tyre puncture on some fast country roads, on the brow of a ended up pushing the bike 100m to nearest farmhouse to get into their drive and out of danger....just frozen and waiting for recovery truck...

reason i post is the title....

its my first ever puncture whilst riding, i noticed that the road felt bumpy, and then the bars began to slowly move from side to side, thats when i back off on the gas and slowly came to a stop, but i must have gone a fair distance with a deflating tyre, thankfully the people driving behind me were sensible and slowed with me, and stopped to see if i had a phone etc, which i did so off they went...also some other people who saw me stood stopped and checked all was well, so thanks to them

but, how should you handle a rear tyre puncture when it happens while riding, any do's or don'ts i.e. not to use rear brake for example at all?


General / Where can i learn to brake in corners...
« on: 01 November 2015, 06:24:44 pm »
So, the title might make some people turn in horror but i have seen some courses that specifically are ran on tracks and are there to let you understand what you can actually do with a bike, in fact they state, that they will have you braking hard and harder in turns up to a point....

Now, today i HAD to brake in a turn, went around a roundabout, lined it up for the exit on to a road i know very well and to my surprise there was a council works van pulling a big road closed sign across the road, i had no choice but to brake a light as i could on the front while turning back onto the round about, all went well but got me thinking what are the limits, i have friends who trail the back brakes sometimes...

to be honest i just brake if i need to but never hard and its always more of a light trail to scrub off some speed, if i have really gone in too hot, which is very rare now, and i cannot kill off any speed i usually push into the turn harder

any thoughts?

FZS600 Fazer / Gear Shift strangeness
« on: 01 November 2015, 04:05:07 pm »
So, is it just me, or sometimes do the gear shift on the FZs600 simply not behave, i mean will not engage, i have been out today and dread the 1 to 2 shift, but then once in 2nd through top its no issue, and this is not all the time, its sometimes, usually just when you need power and are part way through an overtake..... i am going to play with the adjusters on the shift height see if that make is easier, anyone else had any shifting woes that they resolved with adjustments, or the other view is i just need to practice my shifting!

FZS600 Fazer / GSXR750...
« on: 25 October 2015, 01:08:32 pm »
any one, got any experience with a GSXR750 in comparison to the FZS600, i want to try a sports bike and have been thinking about this one for a while....main concerns are obviously the change in riding positon, has anyone got one and then just had to give it up due to position and go back to the FZs 600....and the increase in power which i suspect will be more pleasant as opposed to scary...

General / Milage on Motorcycles...
« on: 17 October 2015, 10:59:36 am »
So, i have an FZS 600 with almost 20,000 miles, i have no plans on selling it, i suspect i will keep it for a long time as i have done so much to it...

But i will be looking at different bikes next year, my question is, when looking at motorcycles, what are typical high and low mileages, for example is 40,000 high....

Is buying something with 40K+ on the clocks asking for trouble?

On the flip side, lots of bikes out there that have been bought and hardly uses i.e. 4K on the clocks.....


FZS600 Fazer / Video from Olivers mount
« on: 26 September 2015, 08:10:15 pm »
took these 2 at olivers mount....few weekends ago on Saturday....not the nicest weather...


FZS600 Fazer / It got its MOT!!!
« on: 09 September 2015, 10:50:33 am »
So just to let those know that have seen the state my engine and bike was in and what i have done to it over the past 5 got its MOT advisories either!

 :lol :lol :lol

FZS600 Fazer / Swingarm play...
« on: 08 September 2015, 07:59:52 pm »
So, doing a final check over before an MOT, and i noticed..

Bike on centre stand, moving the rear wheel left to right is ok, no play, but grabbing the wheel and pulling up, there IS a tiny bit of play.....

I cannot figure out where its from, i have put in an R6 shock but cannot remember if it was there before, and am worried it may fail the MOT

regardless i will take it for one this week, for the money its fine if it tells me how much of an issue it is..

anyone else seen small ammounts of up and down play on the swingarm up and down when its unloaded i.e. bike on center stand

The rear shock has no play, and the linkage might be where it is coming from but i just cannot understand it...

FZS600 Fazer / Radiator Grill
« on: 02 September 2015, 01:29:46 pm »
Added a new radiator grill.....seems ok and looks simple enough

FZS600 Fazer / Preload Adjusters...
« on: 30 August 2015, 06:57:26 pm »
Anyone tried pre-load easy adjuster for the front forks?

Look at lot easier than messing around with a spanner/wrench all the time


FZS600 Fazer / Almost ready for winter....
« on: 29 August 2015, 12:36:31 pm »
So after MUCH messing around with this bike, as you may have seen from numerous threads, its coming together, just needs an MOT  :lol

I have done the following:

R6 Shock Mod
Hyperpro Front Fork Springs and SAE 15 Oil
Braided Lines front and back - HEL
New Exhaust End Can...
Painted the downpipes ( and snapped and engine stud  :'( ), also painted lots of other bits, including the nasty looking oil and coolant pipes on the front of the engine..
Replaced the Caliper Mount bolts for some new Titanium ones, mainly as the heads on mine were stripped
Upgraded the rear caliper
Serviced head stock i.e. bearings etc
Changed Sprocket nut for new thicker one...
Cleaned 90% of it up with degreaser, was filthy

None of it would have been possible without the input of all on here so thanks to all that chipped in, and those that tortured me when i screwed things up  :lol , in a nice way...

One thing i wanted to ask for those that have also done the R6 shock mod, with the help of Kebab19, what dog bones did you use, the ones supplied sure are sturdy and shiney, i would like a pair that are the same profile as the OEM ones but the right new am thinking of just taking the old ones down to a fabricators and getting some made the right length..

Only other thing i may look at is, the dent on the tank you can see, i never knew what they was from, was like that when i got it, but some recent posts where someone had dropped there fazer, or it blew over in the wind had EXACTLY the same marks, so i may look at getting that sorted out, or using a tank cover, however not sure if they will affect the way i grip the tank with my legs, i do tend to hold it for dear life else my arms are cramped up within minutes

A set of ski's and she is ready for winter!

FZS600 Fazer / Custom front Cowling...
« on: 09 August 2015, 11:40:15 pm »
anyone seen any modified front cowlings from a boxeye, simply thinking if the front were cut down to be just contouring the speedo etc....

mirrors off etc...

FZS600 Fazer / carb to fuel filter hose....
« on: 21 July 2015, 04:02:53 pm »
anyone replaced the hose from the carbs to the fuel filter, i need to replace mine, looking around for options..

FZS600 Fazer / Stem Nut.....advice
« on: 18 July 2015, 08:32:13 pm »
All, so i have no problem getting the lower ring nut and lock nut on the stem torqued....but 2 questions..

1. Aligment of the top and bottom yokes, i have just used the forks inserted through the bottom yokes and into the top to ensure things are square, i take it there is no special markers of aligment process....

2. Assuming the above is ok, i have managed to put about 60Nm on the top stem nut, but am now struggling to hold it, so am wandering if its crazy talk just to allow the bottom yoke with some padding to rest on its stops on one side to let me torque the stem top nut...

Any advice would be welcome!


FZS600 Fazer / Radiators...
« on: 17 July 2015, 11:27:01 pm »
So i am looking at my radiator and its a mess, a lot of the fins seem to be disrupted and cut, so am looking at a new one

Have seen this, but i will need to paint it

Any one any recommendations

FZS600 Fazer / Cable routing.....
« on: 16 July 2015, 09:04:42 pm »
so i am trying to get the cable routing correct near the battery, mainly for the 4 wires coming from the lower engine ( temp, pressure, neutral and other....) as well as the starter motor wire to its relay behind the battery...

I took pictures before i stripped the bike but cannot figure out how the STARTER motor wire routes, does it stay on the outside of the battey compartment under the relays or does it go somewhere else...

if anyone can make sense of what i just said or has a pic handy would be appreciated.....

FZS600 Fazer / What started you off....???
« on: 30 June 2015, 09:41:39 pm »
how did you get into motorcycling....????

i simply liked the way bikes looked, then i discovered they were even more fun to ride  :lol

FZS600 Fazer / Differences in frames
« on: 27 June 2015, 06:22:38 pm »
Anyone know if there are any differences in the frames across the Boxeye range from 1998-2002, i know 2003 was Fox Eye....not sure if thats the same

FZS600 Fazer / Springs...
« on: 24 June 2015, 04:11:25 pm »
Thought i would post this pic, i got a set of hyperpro springs off ebay for 42£ delivered, too cheap to pass up the chance to try them and see what they are like - sure i can sell them on for at least that...

Anyway here we are, little longer, will see how i think they change the bike, i am 18 stone with all gear on....

Left are the ones that were in my forks, i am assuming OEM, and the right ones are the ones that were sold to me as Hyperpro, so assuming both those points are true  :)

FZS600 Fazer / Unspring Dimensions...
« on: 18 June 2015, 05:41:27 pm »
Anyone know the unspring dimensions of the front fork springs in 99-2001 FZS 600, just trying to figure out if i can install some new linear springs myself or if it is going to be that much messing around its worth having someone do it i.e. cutting spacers etc....

unless i could just buy some correct length spacers...

anyway, any comments from anyone done their own spring upgrades....

I am looking at a pair of Linear .95 springs, i am almost 18 stone with kit on, almost ruled out progressive...

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