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Topics - VNA - BMW Wank

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Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Foccing Punctures
« on: 07 August 2013, 08:01:39 pm »
Got a bit wet on the way to work this morning.
Fairly uneventful day at work.
16:30 and I'm finished, nice warm sunny afternoon, walk out to the car park - surely not?  Look for the culprit - what? - you gotta be joking!  A bloody stone chip embedded side on into my tyre.
Call RAC, got back bike home. 
Of course I live miles away from any bike shop - pain in the butt time.

What's the going rate for PR3's (off to search the web)

If anybody knows anybody fitting tyres in North Ayrshire please post details.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / TAX DISC - Where do you put it?
« on: 02 August 2013, 07:46:21 pm »
When I got the bike new in 2004, it came with the tax disc mounted to the chain guard.

The original tax disc holder fell apart of after a while.  I got a replacement from a bike shop a few years back, but it's really shagged now.

I did try a stick on holder that I bought from another bike shop.  You just peel the paper off and stick it and the tax disc to your screen.  They said it would stay there for ever and a day.  The following day it fell off.  So back to the shagged out one.

Just bought a new one off the web, one of those cylinder ones where you roll up yer disc and stuff it in.  But it's just going to get a kicking mounted on the chain guard plus the screw ain't long enougth anyway.

Any suggestions.  Photos would be great.

F1, which is run by billionaire Bernie Ecclestone, made a net contribution of £945,663 ($1,468,000) in corporation tax in 2011 on revenues of £980m ($1.5bn) – even though the majority of its commercial operations are based in the UK.

 Project restore old damp garage.
I moved house just over 18mnths ago, and I now have my first home with a garage.  Yeah!
However there's some issues, or rather an issue, dampness and water ingress.
The garage is fairly old and possibly as old as the house (built 1932).
It appears to be built on top of a concrete base, is single brick (big soft old boys) and has a slate roof.
It's been built into the lie of the land (moderately steep slope) and unfortunately has been filled in.
So I have a damp issue, and when it rains heavy I get pools of water here and there inside the garage.
I've had a roofer check the roof, and a builder look at the general structure.  Both are generally sound.  The garage is in character with the house and a good size, so I wanna save it.
After thinking about it for a long time, I've decided to start digging it out - must be the first part of the solution - eh?
Meanwhile I'm scratching my head, talking to folks and reading stuff on the internet.
So any builders, architects, structural experts etc on the forum?
I'm currently thinking of one of two solutions.
1.  Dig a drainage channel down just below the bottom of the concrete base round the garage, install drainage pipework, connect up to drains at the front of the garage.  Tank the garage walls and back fill with suitable gravel.  Maybe slab on top.  Job done.
2.   Or, create an air gap ie by digging out right round the garage.  Dig down to bottom of concrete base and fill the bottom of my trench with concrete.  Brick up my trench right round.
My worries;
1.  If solution 1 develops a problem, I'll have to dig it out.  I never want to dig this out again - not even if it's just gravel - never ever again!
2.  Am I creating a safety hazard?  A bricked up trench 1 to 1 and a 1/2 feet.  But surely if I bring the brick wall 2 or 3 feet above the ground level I've nothing to worry about.  I know I'll have to clean it out now and again.
Anyway any advice from those that ken will be very much appreciated.
See if I can get some photos up so you can see what I'm on about.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Front Brake Pads
« on: 15 March 2012, 07:06:19 pm »
It's time to start getting my 2004 Gen1 sorted for the summer again.

Sorry if this has been done to death already!

Had the bike from new, and have always fitted OE pads.

But the last time I fitted a new set it was about 70 quid, and I doubt it's got any better.

So what's the best third party option?  What feels nearest to the excellent OE pads (anybody know who the OE maker is?) without eating my OE discs which still have plenty of life left in em.

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