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Topics - bri h

Pages: 1 [2]
Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / cat.
« on: 06 May 2014, 02:22:33 am »
Im planning on fitting a new slip on exhaust on my 08 gen2. removing the exup cables looks doable for a ham fisted clot like me but the geezer in the youtube vid i just watched took out the cat honeycomb with a chisel. This looks a bit extreme to me so is it really nescesary?

General / this made me chuckle
« on: 07 April 2014, 08:37:43 pm »

General / racing
« on: 04 April 2014, 07:17:28 pm »
Theres some interesting racing on motors tv at the moment

General / dog house
« on: 25 March 2014, 01:10:26 am »
Im in the dog house at home cos i put ginger in the curry...........they loved that cat.

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / first camping trip of the year.
« on: 17 March 2014, 06:18:38 pm »
Well ive looked at the long range weather forecast and it looks like the 31st of march till 3rd of april (monday to thursday) look dry and not too cold so im heading to landovrey on the monday and will stay probably two nights. Ive got a couple of routes in mind mostly nick crisps but i might find a decent way down to the gower peninsular and new quay is a must cos its great to watch the dolphins in the evening.I done snowdonia last year so will probably stay more mid/ south wales this time. The area around Ryadar has some great roads. I know mid week is awkward for people with proper jobs but i hope to meet some welsh foccers.Trouble is i want to go now haha.

General / Holes in highwycombe
« on: 03 February 2014, 07:52:57 am »
Just seen on the news that a fifteen foot diameter sink hole has swallowed a car in highwycombe. Its not the one that cut red98 up is it?

General / merry foccing christmas
« on: 25 December 2013, 02:52:52 am »
 a merry christmas and a happy new year to all especially those of us that work nights.

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / poole bike night
« on: 30 July 2013, 08:05:59 am »
Hi all, im thinking i might bimble down to poole tonight if the weather clears up. Anyone else in the area?

General / thinking about going abroad to Wales
« on: 23 June 2013, 08:10:11 am »
Im planing on strapping the camping gear on and heading for devils bridge area on 1st of july for a couple of days if any welsh foccers are around ill buy the tea!.

General / broadmoor
« on: 09 May 2013, 07:12:09 pm »
This got a bit lost in street budgies nhs thread so i thought id open a new can of worms. I worked on the intensive care ward at broadmoor hospital as a health care assistant. Yep its a hospital funded by your nhs. The service users as they are known are among the most violent and dangerous murderers, rapists, arsonist and child molesters in the country.Those diagnosed with a mental illness such as schitzophrenia are sectioned under the mental health act and can be treated in a secure unit indeffinately. those diagnosed with a personality dissorder such as psycopaths cannot be treated with drugs and are not sectioned so they can only be locked up for the time they are sentenced too.So the question is should we continue to keep them in relative comfort or reintroduce some kind of death penalty for the "incureable"?

General / bye for now
« on: 04 May 2013, 02:08:34 am »
So i managed to hold back the tears as the geezer loaded my bike onto the van to take it to the menders.It was emotional.Still my missus has almost got me convinced it will come back shiny and new and even better than before.If i knew how i would post a picture of the bruise on my leg just to give jason a laugh. The good news is your all safe for a while even the silver ones for now.keep it shiny side up folks

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / gen2 haynes manual
« on: 08 April 2013, 02:02:23 am »
Anyone know if a haynes manual for gen2 fz1s is due out anytime soon. I dont mind waving spanners around but im not too confident without something to chuck across the garage when it all goes tits up

General / brands hatch bsb
« on: 03 April 2013, 07:26:56 am »
I got my ticket for the first bsb round at brands on 7th of april. anyone else attending

General / sticky throtle
« on: 31 March 2013, 01:45:07 pm »
well i got the bike out of the garage at last and went for a blast. not a perfect day as the vent snapped of of my shoie raid 2, and worst of all the throtle sticking. not sure if the cable needs lubing or something worse. it did not free up after a while and being opened and closed a few times. any suggestions (other then not leaving it in the garage cos its to cold)

General / the old ones are the best
« on: 20 March 2013, 12:00:52 pm »
Ok im sure youve all heard it before but... At the RAF reunion dinner the WW2 polish fighter ace is invited to make the after dinner speech. He relates the story of a sortie over the channel saying, the sky was clear  when i noticed a foccer above me i looked behind and there was another foccer, with that the RAF bloke jumps in and says i must point out that the foccer was a german aircraft, ya the pole says and these foccers were meserschmits.

Introduction / newbie
« on: 10 March 2013, 04:27:51 pm »
hello all, bri h here. im new to this computer malarky so i dont know if anyone will see this. anyway ive had my fz1s for 5 years and love it to bits. i thought about leaving mothers day to the wife and kids by getting out on me bike but i felt the icy blast of wind and thought sod it ill make the missus a cup of tea afterall. im 56 and me old bones feel the cold. i work nights and  we have a particularly stupid rota system so its difficult to play at the same time as most people but i do get to dodge the potholes when the roads are fairly quiet.i live near ascot so go to the usual places (wooden hut, p and h)well thats a short intro and probably as interesting as i get so ill clear off and take my old mum her turkish delight. shes 84 and mad as an old lady bless her.bye for now

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