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Topics - sadlonelygit

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General / Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: 23 July 2013, 12:53:15 pm »
after 3.5 years of living here i can actually put my bike in the garage................until she gets back from holiday and spots the space just waiting to be filled with her crap essential items.
on the bright side i found all the pingfuckits for the KTM gearbox after a cat knocked it off a shelf :)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / one for the purists
« on: 10 July 2013, 06:35:12 pm »

For Sale & Wanted / Special one for sale
« on: 12 June 2013, 07:37:19 pm »
no, not Jose!
My Fzs1000
rough spec is
2003 Fzs1000 (27150 miles)
R1 5JJ front end with 5PW yokes
R6 rear shock
aeroblade screen
renthals 758!!
spazzo type shorty levers
quill exhaust & standard pipe
genuine yamaha belly pan
one off footrest risers (back 40mm up 15mm)
givi top rack and wingrack
HID lights
new battery
stainless engine bolts
led front blinkers
Genuine toolkit
passenger grab handles (not on bike atm, the rack is)
just had new pads and tyres 2500 miles ago (2 weeks ago), valves, oil and filters, plugs done at 24300

exup valve serviced every 6 months, suspension linkage bearings changed when i first bought the bike and greased every winter since.

basically it's had every sensible mod going!

it's not immaculate, in fact one could be cruel and say it's a little rough around the edges (engine corrosion, some bolts etc)

will have 13 months test and 4 months tax

what will this cost you.............


haven't posted any piccies yet as i haven't cleaned her properly after the italian job, but happy to send some dirty photos over.

swmbo has said SHE needs something more comfortable, so it's get rid of the bike or the misses!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / down, but not out!
« on: 31 May 2013, 08:45:42 pm »
We had our first tumble on thursday. Luckily we were doing bugger all mph and secondly the pannier took the impact and we gently rolled onto the crash bung.
Smooth italian cobbles and rain do not good bedfellows make!
Spent friday pm in the clinica occulatisti as swmbo has got a bout of viral eye gunge.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / urgent urgent help needed
« on: 26 May 2013, 10:20:43 pm »
i dont know where my fuses are for a 2003 fzs1000 and i,m in rome with no lights or blinkers

General / any solicitor types on here?
« on: 04 May 2013, 01:52:44 pm »
i have a question about the cost of preparing an estate to submit for probate.
basic facts are a firm dealt with the m-i-l estate, sorted out all the jointly owned property etc and charged £6G.
now they are telling us they want £7-10+vat to sort out the f-i-l estate. now by my reckoning they already know about all the properties, so it's just the pensions/cash/savings/vehicles to sort out.
they refuse to pay for 'professional' services ie the surveyor for current property valuation and are holding £3G from the m-i-l estate and are refusing to release the funds to the executors.
is this normal practice or are we being royally shafted by sharks taking advantage at a vulnerable time?

General / let's play a game............
« on: 03 May 2013, 10:56:36 am »
the item pictured below has a specific job to do on my bike. it's not plugged into anything, doesn't pass through anything.
what does it do?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / how good is your alarm?
« on: 30 April 2013, 03:21:51 pm »
I was fitting the back wheel back in bike, and was giving the spindle some 'encouragement' to gerrinthereyerbastid. Only after the 3rd tap did i get a little chirrup of complaint from the motion sensor. Dropped it off the centrestand, nada! Put the sidestand down and then it got all exciteable.
So it seems that a thief could remove my wheels, and rock it off the centrestand and possibly wheel it off without the alarm going off.
Sys3 btw

General / tyres that go together.........
« on: 21 April 2013, 02:18:33 pm »
shlapped the angel on the front with a diablo strada on the rear (don't want to wear the new angel out before the rome trip).
took her out for a 'bimble' this morning and found myself dragging my knee/peg around my fave roundabout :eek
it does make me wonder if we use our tyres to anywhere near their limit.....which is a good thing really, i like a safety margin.
anyway, it would seem that pirelli road tyres can be mixed and matched without too many problems!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / this weeks bargain............
« on: 18 April 2013, 12:20:35 pm »
pair of BN pirelli angels with 3812 manf'g date, £163 delivered to chez SLG
tried them a while back on my bimmer and they were a fantastic tyre.
just noticed the new angel GT has been launched so i imagine that dealers will be clearing their old stock out.
just be interesting to see how many miles i'll get out of them.

General / cat d,c
« on: 18 April 2013, 10:26:07 am »
why is there so much predjudice about buying a cat d/c bike.
some poor bloke is trying to sell a very nice fazer and he's getting 'that's far too much for a write off'
well the fact is lads (and laddies) a cat d isn't a write off, it's just been recorded on the insurance database as having a claim on it. how many of you have had a bump in a car and got it sorted yourself, or dropped your bike and put a new mirror/indicator on yourself. do you declare that to a potential purchaser?
Cat C on the other hand is 'beyond economical repair', but if you wreck the fairing (£200 + fasteners) tank (£820 + decals) rear surround (£400).........that's a write off.
project shoestring was purchased with a dented tank and dark grey fairing and a very shiney standard can.
a bike is worth what you're willing to pay for it, and someone, somewhere will be seduced by it's charms.

and it's far too white for my liking ;)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / i've suddenly acquired at least another 40hp
« on: 12 April 2013, 06:39:05 pm »
it's true what they say, blue bikes ARE faster :b

just needs the top coat cutting back, decals and then 1 more coat of lacquer.

bloody robbin' barstools. taking the crust from my babies mouth. how can they justify this when i'm a low risk rider on virtually a classic bike now!!!!!!.
supppose i'll just have to pay the .............

£68 ;)

For Sale & Wanted / Uprated OE 1000 shock
« on: 27 March 2013, 05:46:03 pm »
stock body with a 550lb/in spring fitted. good for 17st solo (very sporty) or 27st touring (plush).
still some damping left but could ideally do with a 'refresh'.

£50 delivered

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / that corbin seat
« on: 26 March 2013, 04:54:05 pm »
i hope nobody from here paid nearly £200 for that!!!!!!!!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / did he die then?
« on: 15 March 2013, 06:26:57 pm »
bracechenko that is, after doing cadwell on the 10th. expected to see wheely and knee down shots all over the board!!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / swing arm bearings
« on: 10 March 2013, 01:10:01 pm »
anyone got the bearing numbers to hand for these little blighters (not the sussie linkage, the actual swing arm) so i'm not bike less for too long waiting for whispered promises to be delivered :rolleyes


Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / opinions please
« on: 06 March 2013, 07:32:35 pm »
i'm not a photoshop god ok

For Sale & Wanted / for sale - exup cables
« on: 02 March 2013, 04:44:16 pm »
£50 delivered

General / riding kit
« on: 01 February 2013, 11:19:56 am »
just going through the rack last night and getting my stuff ready for the 'summer'
for me:
1 piece leathers
2 piece leathers
2 piece summer textiles
2 piece 4 season textiles
2 pairs boots
3 pairs gloves
2 helmets

for her:
2 piece leathers
2 piece textiles
2 pairs of gloves
1 pair of boots
1 helmet

not such a cheap hobby after all!!!!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / first ride of the year
« on: 01 February 2013, 11:13:42 am »
.................not that you sick puppies!
fazer came out to play as we had had at least 5 hours without rain. 1/2 an hour on the fazer after a winter driving coaches really changes your perception of closing speeds :lol

are we going to B-o-t-W again?

so give me your opinions/experineces on Z8's, M5's, PR3's etc.
route will be uk to rome solo with luggage (2days of motorway, 1000miles) then twisties back to france 2 up then a fast 500 miles back to le havre.
i like a tyre that drops in a bit, then is stable on it's side, but i also want at least 6k wear (so it's decent at 3k) and reasonable wet grip.
i would describe my riding style as 'makes progress at all opportunities'.
go on, amaze me.
previous bad experiences with conti road attacks, BT21's and a bit meh! about angels

"my rev counter is reading wrong when i start the bike up!"

The rev counter acts as a basic diagnostic and shows different rev readings for different faults

3k is TPS sensor

5k is tank sensor unplugged

7k is exup valve problem

9k is tip over switch

"when my bike has been idling in neutral for a while, the fan kicks in. is this normal?"


"what can i do to tune my bike?"

most people here have an Ivan's kit fitted to their carbs, some have gone further and fitted a decent 4-1 system and got even better results. But if you're looking for've bought the wrong bike!

"the bike is running quite flat low down/reluctant to rev but no 7k fault is showing?"

quite possible that the previous owner has disconnected the exup cables as the exup has seized, usually shut, occasionally open. If the bike is unwilling to rev above 8K, make sure the underseat airbox intake is unobstructed.

"i've snapped a bolt/all three trying to free the exup valve!"

welcome to fazer ownership

"the suspension is a bit soft/bouncy/non existent! What can i do?"

there are a plethora of options available. for the front, a simple respring/re-oil to USD front ends. for the rear, new springs to R6 to ohlins units.

"my bike is running on 3 cylinders!"

don't panic. the fazer has 2 paired coils, so if only 1 cylinder has failed, it's more than likely the connection between the HT lead and the plug cap is fubar. it's usual to trim a SMALL amount off the HT lead and then re-attach the plug lead.

"what tyres are best for my bike?"

black, round ones

"which colour is fastest!"

general consensus of opinion is the dark blue is!

"what were the differences between the years?"

at a glance, the early bikes had a light switch, even numbers only on the speedo, light grey/silver frame and yamaha on the tank
later bikes had no light switch, all the numbers on the speedo, dark grey frame and a tuning fork logo on the tank
later later bikes had black engines and then black swing arms. obviously colours changed from model year to year and there were minor fuelling changes as well (2003>)

I hope this has been helpful, and perhaps some of the more 'experienced' forum members could add their own.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / gen 1 seat hump
« on: 16 January 2013, 05:32:02 pm »
has there ever been such a thing?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / ya or dontcha?
« on: 06 January 2013, 07:55:27 pm »
fit them yourself i mean.
apart from the last pair of pirelli's (£90 new), i can't remember the last time i bought a new pair of tyres. just plopped on a strada rear with 6mm of tread for £13 delivered. usually in the summer i get a p/w set of diablos for £60 and spoon them on for the 2 days of dry weather we call summer.
am i alone in this penny pinching or do others here partake of the tyre levers?

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