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Topics - Punkstig

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General / Gotta love Banksy
« on: 06 October 2013, 06:24:00 pm »

General / Yes, yes, YES, no, no, no, no, no, noooo-o-shit
« on: 27 September 2013, 06:46:21 pm »

General / Either it happens in Fours or a new set of Three has started
« on: 20 September 2013, 03:58:00 pm »
Coming round Piccadilly Circus to a wall of pedestrians crossing the road on a red man, my green light, horn firmly depressed blaring away whilst slowing slightly yet people still step off the kerb lemming style following the person in front.
End result, I knock down a girl being dragged across the road by her boyfriend, luckily I stay upright, then they're surprised that I'm not in the best of moods and shouting,  yes I calm down and check they're ok, ankle looked pretty knackered but didn't want an ambulance.
Fine, see you later!

General / It's true, it really does happen in Threes!
« on: 19 September 2013, 07:11:16 pm »
So after my joyful day yesterday of breaking the iPhone screen then getting the £100 fine for no MOT I get home today to a penalty charge notice posted through the door!  :rolleyes

Although I'll be getting it cancelled so. Not too fussed, just fed up of Camden council constantly wasting my time!

General / Bad day?
« on: 18 September 2013, 10:00:39 pm »
Started the day off by dropping the iPhone and smashing the screen, funny thing is I took it out of its waterproof shock proof case to make an important call as the boss constantly complains he can't hear me properly when its in the case, well I still made the call and after next week I now have a new boss!

So, ho hum its only a phone,

First job of the day I get a Brighton wait and return (so I get payed from London to Brighton and back to London)
Happy days,
M23 way back and there's flashing blue lights in my mirrors, I over took him not long previous at just below 80 so its not for speeding, I pull over, remove my helmet and approach the unmarked BMW,
'Good afternoon officer'
'Good afternoon sir, any reason why your vehicle is showing as having no MOT?'
Wtf? Dagnammit, now in the past every bike I've had I have the MOT and tax coincide the same month so when I get the tax reminder through I know to get the MOT done too!

'Sooo, how much of a good mood are you in today officer as I can call up my mechanics and book the bike in for an MOT for today'
'Youre going to have to do that anyway, I'm giving you a ticket'
'How much?'

Oh well, my own fault, but importantly non endoresable so no points on the license!

Turns out I worked the whole day for free.  :(

Well, I liked it, very grippy and absorbed bumps nicely, had to change the front wheel today as the right side was virtually a slick tyre and in this rain I didn't want to risk it, it lasted 9000 miles including a trackday, now for me that mileage isn't adequate, but it was very responsive and gave great feedback, not once on the track did I have any concerns from the front end!

Now this brings me on to swapping the front wheel,
As a lot of you know I have a Thundercat front end on my '03 FZS and I was always going to look into a way of swapping wheels but keeping the speedo drive, well I took the fazer front wheel off and the tabs had already snapped off the ceramic inner drive, so I used my dremel to cut out the notches to accept the thundercat front wheel drive tabs, lined it all up and put in the spindle, tightened it up and the wheel was stiff as anything, very little free movement, so I loosened it off but still stiff.
Ok, I thought, lets take the spindle out and have a look, the ceramic drive unit was now completely shattered in the housing, arse.
Well, I gotta go to work so figured I'd ride without the speedo, the only thing that had put me off changing wheels earlier was I heard people having problems without a speedo attached, ie it doesn't rev properly or over 10,000 or something anyway.
I just tucked the drive unit up the forks and cable tied it to the yokes, and I can happily say I have no problems, none whatsoever, kept it in 2nd when approaching a national speed limit, have it the beanz and it revved freely and over 10,000.

Before doing all this I'd been looking at revs in particular gears so I knew my speed which works out for me as
2ng gear 4500 = 30mph
3rd 4500 = 40mph
4th 5000 =50mph
So I shouldn't have issues with cameras
I'm going to get a permanent battery line hooked up for the iPhone and then use an app for GPS speed, but I'm just very happy I now have a 120/60 front tyre and no performance issues!

General / Life can be hard (some days are better than others Pt. 2)
« on: 05 September 2013, 07:51:21 pm »
So, yet another casting day in our offices, unfortunately it was for dogs (the 4 legged variety, not ugly women)

Then I'm given a job to Stratford upon Avon, I mean, come on, on a day like this?  :D

Pull off the M40 at Banbury and take the A422, enjoy the road, ride past ChristoT's accident spot, make my delivery then head across Stratford to the A44 for Fish hill and the good ride home.

Basically I got paid to rerun last Sundays LoFo rideout!

Life really is hard!

General / For those about to ride, ChristoT salutes you!
« on: 03 September 2013, 10:20:06 pm »

General / LoFo's go up fish hill
« on: 03 September 2013, 09:51:12 pm »
Ere, Kosmic, I thought your thou was Ivanised! Why you having trouble keeping up with a 600?  :lol


General / Stupid gurls are stupid!
« on: 31 August 2013, 04:47:57 pm »

FZS600 Fazer / FZS600gRR unreleased model
« on: 30 August 2013, 04:51:18 pm »
Anybody else heard of this unreleased model?
As the FZS600 was doing so well I heard When Yamaha updated to the foxeye they also looked at releasing an uprated model with better suspension, paintwork etc, but as they were still selling the Thundercat plus all the emission laws were changing they binned the whole idea because they were then obviously releasing the FZ6.
I'm sure there were some spy shots at the time but can't find anything anywhere!

General / I love my job but some days are just better than others!
« on: 29 August 2013, 05:56:09 pm »
One of the agencies in our building are currently holding a casting for agent provocateur models, as such there are loads of tasty young ladies about!


FZS600 Fazer / Dogbones 25mm rise
« on: 28 August 2013, 07:21:17 pm »
So, I saw a listing on eBay for these dog bones to give the bike a 25mm raise at the rear,
Advertised as 2nds, £10, well, couldn't say no to £10.
Turned up and for something that sits on the bottom of the bike and won't be seen I don't see how they can be classed as '2nds' their quality control must be unbelievable because there's not a mark on them.

Happy days!  :D

General / Adjustable bar risers £12.99 including link
« on: 18 August 2013, 05:22:05 pm »
So, there's been numerous posts on bar risers, I found the receipt for mine with product code so-
Adjustable bar raiser 20-35mm
M&P direct
Product code- 595726
£12.99- yes, 13 quid!

If link don't work go on the website and type the product code into the search

Diesels and Lawnmowers (Bike racing n things) / Spies
« on: 17 August 2013, 06:39:06 pm »
He's not having any luck is he!

After his promising time at Tech3 we've not seen anything which I feel quite sad about!

General / Need cheering up?
« on: 15 August 2013, 07:56:27 pm »

Nuff said!

Messages for Users / Exupnut
« on: 15 August 2013, 01:55:10 pm »
Saw a scooterist today with the reg

You mad jelly bro?

General / First aid courses
« on: 05 August 2013, 05:27:54 pm »
Anyone done one, anyone been involved in organising one before?
The last time I did any first aid training was 20 years ago in the scouts so I'm very doubtful on any of it.

So, the reason I'm asking- on way into town this morning I saw the aftermath of a cyclist vs a truck, I was only about 10 cars (20 seconds) behind the initial incident, people were stopping I assume to help, as I went past it was apparent it was bad, I was hoping the cyclist was just unconscious as he was laying face down not moving, whatever helmet he was wearing was obliterated and only the straps remained.
I didn't stop because I didn't want to get in the way of anyone that may have known what they was doing.

It transpires that he was dead at the scene, papers are stating due to heart attack of a 40 year old male, I can only think that the head injuries would have contributed to it.
Now its one thing to think about Vinny jones pumping on a chest to 'Stayin alive' and another to have any proper training!

So- any ideas, and anyone interested in doing one (Lofo's?)

General / Electrickery guru required...
« on: 30 July 2013, 06:40:56 pm »
Ok, so, after being out for about 150 miles in the complete downpour earlier I now have electrical problems,
So- '03 fzs600
If I turn on the main lights (dipped beam) headlights do not come on and I have a buzzing noise coming from a relay located behind the clocks, also the clocks turn off- no odometer, no speedo, no rev counter, no clock and for some reason the fuel gauge goes up to full!
Fuses are fine and I swapped the relay for a brand new one- same buzzing and faults so gave the relay back to the shop (luckily I swapped it outside the shop because it was £22 for the relay!)
If I put the switch to sidelights then I get sidelights and rear lights no problems- and the clocks work!
Now,  if I use the indicators they don't work and the clocks turn off and on again resetting the time clock,
The same if I use the 'pass' button.
The horn does not work but does not reset the clocks like the other switches do!
If I push the hazard button the indicators do not flash but the sidelights do!
I've had the tank off and all connector blocks are dry and connected snugly.
Anybody any ideas, the only thing I can think of next is maybe there is a problem with the whole left hand switch gear, but if this is the case why do I get the buzzing from the relay for main lights!?

General / Berlin
« on: 22 July 2013, 11:17:09 am »
I went to Berlin with 8 other mates for a stag do this weekend and all I can say is 'amazing'
What a fantastic city, with very friendly people, not many English there (which was nice tbh!)
Prices were similar/ slightly cheaper to England for food and drinks,
And the women- holy moly cow, stunning, just absolutely stunning women

If you have an opportunity then go there, you will not be disappointed!

General / Going viral
« on: 20 July 2013, 09:38:38 am »
It's up to 25,000 views now, mind blown!


FZS600 Fazer / Speedo sensor question-
« on: 14 July 2013, 11:50:52 am »
Before I go and break something does the the tube with the tabs from the speedo sensor that locates into the wheel just pull out?
I realise the thing runs off magnets so last time it was off and I pulled on it gently it wanted to come out but obviously there was resistance- is this from the magnets or is it connected to something to stop it pulling out?

General / O ring or X ring? Now there's Renthal's SRS
« on: 10 July 2013, 07:32:31 pm »
Yep, Renthal are now in the drive chain market and with a new type of seal-

General / Advance stop lines (asl's/ bike boxes) A WARNING!
« on: 09 July 2013, 04:00:16 pm »
After speaking to several policeman officers today I can confirm that as of this Thursday any vehicle not stopping at the first white line unde amber (debatable) and red light conditions thus entering and stopping in the bike box at traffic lights in London can and will be fined £60 and given 3 penalty points on their license by CCTV!

Up until now this would only happen if an officer was present at the time of the offence- you have been forewarned!

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