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Topics - bri h

Pages: [1] 2
General / Rusty bike
« on: 14 February 2017, 06:33:47 pm »

 ok foccers so I finally got out for a decent run today and saw my baby in daylight for the first time in months. I never got round to the ac50 this year and put her in the garage wet so the question is what's the best method and products to sort out the ensuing rust ?

The Laboratory ! / test
« on: 18 January 2017, 12:03:03 pm »

The Laboratory ! / hi
« on: 18 January 2017, 11:58:23 am »
testing testing 123
testing testing 123

General / the road that fazers were made for.
« on: 08 September 2016, 05:26:49 pm »
yes foccers after reading all the touring camping exploits lately I suddenly and unexpectedly foung myself with three days off and the barometer was set fair. With no further ado i loaded up the mighty thou and took off in the general direction of America. Wales got in the way so i pitched the tent at llandovery. After plumbing in the kitchen sink i slipped up the A482 to Aberaeron and on to one of my favourite places Newquay for a spot of dolphin watching and some chips.Not a sniff of a dolphin so back the way i came to my palacial tent.270 miles. Next morning after tea and bacon roll at the westend cafe i was off up the 483( the road fazers were made for) up to just past oswestry and on to the A5 to Llangolen and the horseshoe pass.Spot of lunch at the ponderrosa and on to Bala the Dolleguululasdfwhatever its called then Mycin whatever that place is called and the 487 down to Abberystwyth for icecream and on to Aberaeron and the 482 back to Llandovery.245 miles of heaven as long as i dont get a speeding ticket. Woken by rain at 5 am that of course didnt stop so packed up my wet palacial tent and  cruised back on the A40 as far as Oxford and down to sunny Bracknell. 697 miles all in and my arse is killing me. The gen 2 is not such a comfy mile muncher.Sorry no pics cos im a luddite and my kids werent there to help.Just to reiterate the A483 is a marvel and if mother Terresa can be a saint the it should be knighted.

General / Broken lid
« on: 13 July 2016, 04:00:54 pm »
Ok so i put my lid on the mirror and it fell off. When you stop laughing (weve all done it) what has happened is the plastic bit what holds the visor on has broken and wont glue back together so can i get a new bit for my overpriced hjc rpha st and if so where from. All reasonable suggestions are welcome.

General / now thats a train
« on: 12 February 2016, 09:30:21 am » now thats a train

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Reading toy run
« on: 02 December 2015, 04:20:40 pm »
Reading toy run takes place this sunday 6th december. Bring a toy for a barnados kid and take a slow but fun ride. Loads of feel good factor and a good cause but be prepared to wait around for ages :) .

General / mt 10
« on: 17 November 2015, 04:54:36 pm »
Ive been saying for a long time that i wouldnt be intersted in another bike unless they put the crossplane crank engine int a road going frame....... bugger :lol . Its fugly though

General / moto3
« on: 08 November 2015, 11:48:16 am »
Well done Danny Kent the first British world champion for 38 years :)

General / sat navsOk
« on: 31 October 2015, 12:25:54 pm »
Ok ladies and gents i wont mention the C word but the wonder that is my wife is making sat nav pressies noises for a certain quasi religeous festival thats comes around in December. The question is do i drop tom tom hints or steer her towards garmin.? ;) .

General / birthday boy.
« on: 08 September 2015, 07:39:29 am »
Happy birthday Val have a good day.  :D

General / pining
« on: 18 August 2015, 07:50:31 pm »
Im on holiday with the lovely Mrs h in st ives its a beautiful place and so far the weather is great and rattler cider is plentiful. The trouble is im missing my fazer so if anyone is passing Bracknell pop in and give it a hug for me. Thanks :'(.

General / tyres again!!
« on: 03 August 2015, 06:59:01 pm »
Yes im afraid that even though weve done it to death i have to raise the issue again mostly cos i missed out on the latest lofo outing due to tyres that look like my head but not as shiny. Now ive used dunlop roadsmarts for years and im very happy with them so when i went to see the chap what fits them for me he said the new bridgestone t30 s were the best around and 20 quid cheaper. the trouble is i followed mr crisp through some great roads in Wales and he seemed to be going sideways on his bridgestones.So at the risk of being the most boring foccer on this forum ill ask for your opinions on tyres yet again. has anyone tried the bridgestone t30s.

General / susuka 8 hour
« on: 26 July 2015, 11:58:10 am »
Well done yamaha winning for the first time since 1996. :).

General / time out
« on: 22 April 2015, 07:49:21 pm »
I'll be off the fazer for a few days cos I'm having me hernias sorted out tommorow.  The wife's been warned about the prospect of bionic nuts :eek.

General / nhs my ar*e
« on: 15 January 2015, 05:14:25 pm »
So I got called to the doctors today to be told that the nhs wont fund my hernia repair cos its not serious enough. Im getting on a bit and have been paying national insurance contributions for forty three years now. Still I suppose there are people that need the nhs more than I do but I'm still not exactly over the moon.

General / stone chips
« on: 11 January 2015, 03:56:56 pm »
I had a good ride down to loomies today and one of the chaps turned up on a beautiful panigalle. He was distraught because it was the first time out and he has picked up a couple of stone chips.  The thing is is it really worth spending that much on a work of art if your going to be upset every time you take it out. Maybe a glass case and a rat bike is his way forward.

General / Reading toy run
« on: 08 December 2014, 12:01:05 pm »
So the wife and i had a good day at the toy run yesterday and because of us we broke the world record for bikers attending a toy run. I dont know for sure but i suspect it was broken by two. Ive had a look on youtube and there are several videos of said toy run at least two of which are starring the wife and I. One of these features us for nearly four seconds. What i want to know is do I have to pay tax when the royalty cheques start rolling in?

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Reading toy run
« on: 04 December 2014, 11:08:32 am »
Anyone else up for a very slow but fun crawl on sunday?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / chinese levers
« on: 01 November 2014, 04:45:06 pm »
 hello gents a quick word of warning. i bought a pair of clutch/brake levers of a link somebody posted on here, the clutch was fine but the brake lever wont fit my 08 gen two. still at 16 quid it was worth a punt. the brake lever is too wide to fit into the bracket, i dont know if they will fit a gen one but if anyone wants to try them they are welcome to them.

General / loomies
« on: 24 September 2014, 12:51:21 pm »
For the first time I can remember im the only biker at loomies sad but its sign of things to come as they say they are definitely closing.

General / Poole bike night.
« on: 23 June 2014, 08:38:05 pm »
I plan to visit Sammy miller's museum tomorrow, and then go on to Poole.  Any foccers going to bike night. ?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / lowering kit.
« on: 18 June 2014, 03:09:50 am »
Hi all . I'm thinking of lowering the mighty gen2. I'm thinking of changing the dogbones but I'm worried about the side/centre stand.will changing the dogbones mean I loose the centre stand and will the side stand be too long?

General / world cup
« on: 04 June 2014, 09:47:15 pm »
Well it doesn't look like any English interest in the world cup will last long so whats on telly after the group stage.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / slip on end can
« on: 18 May 2014, 03:34:14 am »
So ive decided to go for the sp engineering XLS big bore on the groungs that if its good enough for kosmo its probably to good for me. Then i read that a shorter exhaust gives more top end power but less bottom end and visa versa for a longer can. Im not really looking for more top end power just a better sounding and looking exhaust. My problem is i dont want to loose any lower end power so the burning question is do i go for the 300mm (prettier) end can or the not to shabby 380mm one? Oh and the longer one is a tenner dearer.

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