Date: 04-06-24  Time: 12:35 pm

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Messages - richrock

Pages: [1]
General / Not sure if proper place to post
« on: 19 May 2015, 10:57:45 am »
But did anyone on a Blue Fazer bump into me outside Crickhowell this morning?  Said 'Nice bike!' and about a forum, but I missed the specific one.

FZ6 / Fazer / Re: Just no pleasing my pillion...
« on: 20 February 2015, 09:49:23 pm »
Thanks everyone - the idea of getting a new wife is tempting sometimes  :lol

We've gone for a couple of gel pads, and also the butty buddy (not as rude as it sounds) as we can send it back if its unsuitable.  We tried the Airhawk stuff and although they were super helpful, they weren't as good for us as advertised. 

Most of the time is spent trying things out - experience matters in this I guess.

FZ6 / Fazer / Just no pleasing my pillion...
« on: 19 February 2015, 12:10:01 am »
Well, I picked up my new FZ6 (05, stupid low mileage on the clock) and it runs like a dream.  For my first 600 it's a beaut.  I'll be getting many many many miles on this.

But the wife...  :(   Although I thought the ride was pretty plush compared to my old GPZ 500s, she thought it was harder.  The seat shape is an improvement for her, but it's just too firm.  So I'm in need of advice already.

I must point out a few things first -

1.  We are looking to buy a GIVI topbox and backrest to help the rear seating. 
2.  My wife has a persistent issue with lower back pain, managed more or less with lots of painkillers.  At the moment it's pretty inflamed, so this may have affected her judgement during a 6 mile test run.
3.  We have tried the Airhawk cushion - pile of crap in our experience.  (obviously YMMV, but please don't suggest these.

What options do I have to make the seat softer, yet retain the same shape to some degree?  Is there a gel version, or an addon cushion you could recommend?  ny help would be appreciated.

Introduction / Re: Hi There!
« on: 13 February 2015, 10:42:26 pm »
Thanks. Although I appreciate the comments, I am preferring a 600 as I am both small and weak.  :rolleyes

Introduction / Hi There!
« on: 13 February 2015, 08:21:10 pm »
I recently lost my Kawasaki after losing the front wheel in wet slippy conditions and a metal drain cover :-(  I'm now looking to get a Fazer, one of my dream bikes - as I'd like to do a lot more touring, plus it's supposed to be comfortable for pillions.  Been riding for 6 years, don't drive.  Erm... Erm... Hello!

Pages: [1]