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Messages - 95bhp

Pages: [1]
Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Foccers Spring tour of Skye 2015...?
« on: 04 November 2014, 11:23:26 am »
Not really wild camped with the bike but basic rules in Scotland are to leave no footprint, no camping on farmers land without permission, camp site must be more than 150 yards from any road, no camping in one place for more that 48 hours, no open fires.

You can usually pitch on farmers land if there are no livestock in the area, pitch as late as possible in the evening, leave pitch at sunrise or as near too making sure you have left no evidence. If a farmer challenges you, apologise, thank them for use of the land and leave but most I've come across have been nice enough.

With regards to camping with the bike and concealing it has had me thinking about buying a camo tarpaulin to use as a screen with bungie cords.

For one night camping I'll use the tarp for a shelter. If I plan to camp for longer then I'll take the tent.


Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Foccers Spring tour of Skye 2015...?
« on: 04 November 2014, 09:16:04 am »
I've often thought about taking a run to Skye but this particular trip will be a little to early in the season for me. I also tend to camp wild to keep the costs of a trip to a minimum. Can anyone tell me if you can camp wild in Skye?

Thanks for taking the time to read and answer my question.


For Sale & Wanted / Re: Iridium Foxeye 600 Screen
« on: 03 November 2014, 08:51:39 pm »
Thanks. Got the PM.

I've sent payment. Thanks for your patience.



For Sale & Wanted / Re: Iridium Foxeye 600 Screen
« on: 03 November 2014, 08:00:54 pm »
Can you resend email please? Nothing through. You posted on thread aprox 2.5 hours ago so I guess the email was just before.



For Sale & Wanted / Re: Iridium Foxeye 600 Screen
« on: 03 November 2014, 06:33:43 pm »
Nothing through yet. Will check again in wee while.

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Iridium Foxeye 600 Screen
« on: 03 November 2014, 05:32:42 pm »
I have juggled some things about and I'm able to make payment through PayPal. Can you PM me or respond on this thread?


For Sale & Wanted / Re: Iridium Foxeye 600 Screen
« on: 03 November 2014, 05:00:46 pm »
I sent a PM early this afternoon but I've no answer.

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Iridium Foxeye 600 Screen
« on: 03 November 2014, 12:46:48 pm »
Is this a standard screen or double bubble? Looks like the former.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Paint codes and where to source
« on: 05 October 2014, 05:15:59 pm »
I should have plenty then. I've 400ml.



Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Rear Caliper
« on: 03 October 2014, 01:55:22 pm »
If your asking about cars caliper a fitting then a I guesse you've found out how rare replacements are. I found one at a scrap yard and it cost me £75. I did find a blue spot (upgrade to normal one) in America and it was £125 for caliper + £25 p&p.

Good luck in your hunt.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Paint codes and where to source
« on: 02 October 2014, 04:02:13 pm »

Thanks for the input.  :)

It seams some suppliers are selling the dbpmc As you state a base colour then a pearlescent then clear coat. Some are selling complete colour in one tin and clear coat to finish.

I'll either test it on the underside of the belly pan to see how close the one part colour actually is. Most of my plastics need some sort of work because of previous owners over zealous use of torque wrenches when tightening bolts. So I'm trying to find as good a match as possible for the least amount of £££'s because I'll need to order a few tins to keep the colour consistent throughout the plastics.

I've my fingers crossed for a few nice days so I can get my second hand hard panniers colour coded to the bike before storing them over the winter.

I'll report back as soon as I can but it will depend on weather and family commitments.

General / Re: Getting Tailgated
« on: 01 October 2014, 08:01:39 pm »
I didn't think the tailgating was that bad compared to some I've experienced.

Although at 10.36 I would have put the bike on the stand and went to look for damage. For no other reason than letting the guy know he was to close.

On some days I would leave it to the last minute to go through the green light at the first set I came to in the hope he'd have to wait thus giving me space. That's all on a good day.

On a bad day, well that's a whole other mater. :)

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Paint codes and where to source
« on: 28 September 2014, 02:10:53 pm »
Thanks for the links.

I've been in touch with a couple of different suppliers resulting in mixed information (what's new??).

Ok, so two suppliers say the paints a three part concoction. 1st part is a specific base coat needed to complete paint colour. 2nd part main colour. 3rd part clear coat.

Three other suppliers have said its a two part paint. 1st part is complete colour. 2nd part is clear coat.

I've decided to try one of the two part formulations. I'll test it on some hard luggage that I'm wanting to colour code to the bike.


PS, I'd be interested to hear from a professional spray painter if theirs one on here.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Paint codes and where to source
« on: 21 September 2014, 10:56:00 pm »
Thanks for all your help.

24 hours later and I've found a supplier for £42 delivered, so that's a bit more acceptable.



FZS600 Fazer / Re: Paint codes and where to source
« on: 21 September 2014, 10:55:49 am »
Thanks for the link. I managed to find them through Google. Is their a cheaper option? Undercoat, yamaha colour and gloss coat is £53 for 500ml of paint. I thought I'd be around £25-30.

Not trying to be lazy but my PC has broken down and the phone is selective in its search.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Paint codes and where to source
« on: 20 September 2014, 10:47:45 pm »
Thanks for the link. That's where I got my information from.

I'm off to google suppliers again but any pointers would be great.

Thanks again,


FZS600 Fazer / Paint codes and where to source
« on: 20 September 2014, 09:27:53 pm »
I'm looking for some help. I have a 2002 blue FZS600 and need some paint.

Searching through this site I've found this information regarding paint codes.

"Fazer 2002 blue colour code.

DPBMC 0564

Deep purplish blue metallic C"

Can someone confirm this is definitely the code I need and possibly suggest a supplier?

I ask because I went into halfords today to get it mixed and they told me the closest code they have is DPBMU.

I need some informative help.



For Sale & Wanted / Re: FZ6 seat
« on: 27 August 2014, 11:43:27 am »
Probably expensive. I could do with a newer one but no cash just now but I'm watching some on eBay for £35 delivered.

For Sale & Wanted / Re: GIVI WINGRACK 2 FZS600
« on: 27 August 2014, 11:41:25 am »
It's a lot cheaper than the motech rack that I just ordered (£200 with givi mounting plates).

For Sale & Wanted / Re: GIVI WINGRACK 2 FZS600
« on: 24 August 2014, 07:00:13 pm »
I need a rack. Saw the one on eBay but my bike was in garage at the time so couldn't collect. Still looking

For Sale & Wanted / WANTED FZS600 2002 rear caliper WANTED
« on: 14 August 2014, 06:16:38 pm »
Hello all,

I'm in search of a rear caliper for my FZS600 2002. My brother in law tried bleeding the brake for me and managed to brake off the nipple in the caliper.

The engineers can't get it out without further damage, so I'm looking for a replacement. Any help would be gratefully recieved.


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Loose seat
« on: 23 July 2014, 10:13:54 am »
On investigation of the parts list/diagram found here.....

Parts 4 and 5 seem to be missing but on looking at all adds on eBay and anywhere else I could find, they seem to be missing from every seat.

Does anyone have any info that can help me tighten my seat?

Thanks for looking in,


FZS600 Fazer / Loose seat
« on: 23 July 2014, 10:03:50 am »
Hello all,

So I bought a 2002 FZS at the weekend but the seat seems a bit loose. It wobbles from side to side approximately 3/4 of an inch in movement which is really off putting when cornering.

So I was wondering if,

1, what can cause this?

2, can this be fixed,

3, or is it just a new seat that's needed?

Your help is very much needed.



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