Date: 01-06-24  Time: 13:49 pm

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Messages - Mark1Fazer

Pages: [1]
FZS600 Fazer / Re: What would you buy?
« on: 23 December 2011, 03:55:09 pm »
i said i'd let you know how it turned out, not very interesting but i did promise.
The authorisation was going to be from my insurance company, then they sent me a cheque instead. So unfortunately i was sensible and spent it on things we need for the house, like sprucing up the bathroom a bit.
But at least i got the front tyre and treated it to a long overdue service.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: What would you buy?
« on: 29 October 2011, 10:06:36 am »
Thanks for the replies, good idea about the stainless exhaust, i might put some extra money towards the braided brake lines.
Yes i do ride all winter but only 10 miles each way to central london, no need for heated grips.
Already get the scottoiler, hugger and extenda.
I'll let you know how it turns out..................................Mark

FZS600 Fazer / What would you buy?
« on: 26 October 2011, 08:23:28 pm »
Got authorisation to spend £600 on my FZS600 2002 MK1.
Question is; apart from a full service, new tyres, head races, brakes which have just been overhauled...
What would you spend it on to prolong life, make it run better, prevent breakdowns etc...
Are there any parts electrical or mechanical that you'd change now because they are prone to failure.
All ideas welcome............Thanks......Mark.

Introduction / Newbie
« on: 25 October 2011, 06:09:27 pm »
Hi, I'm Mark
Here i am under the Milau viaduct, great bike  :D

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