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Messages - pintlicker

Pages: [1]
FZS600 Fazer / Re: Rear disc bolts
« on: 08 November 2016, 01:22:47 pm »
I didn't realise I could get into some of the threads through the wheel.  I probably won't have a chance till the weekend to have another bash at it, but that seems a good idea.  I think I've got one of those flexi attachments on my cheap wee rotary tool that should allow me to get in about it.

Great idea, thanks! 

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Rear disc bolts
« on: 07 November 2016, 11:06:02 am »
At least its not just me!  I'm not in any big rush to get it sorted at the moment, I'm enjoying the heat of the car in the cold mornings.

I've got a new disc for it so if all else fails then getting a secondhand rim isn't the end of the world, but I'll make sure someone else has removed the disc from it first!  But I'll probably go with more heat and going slow and see if I can get the rest of them out then tackle drilling out the snapped one.  I'm sure I've got a set of L/H drill bits somewhere.

Nothings ever easy!  :'(

FZS600 Fazer / Rear disc bolts
« on: 07 November 2016, 09:37:34 am »
Had a mare of a time last night trying to get my rear disc bolts off   :'( .  I thought they'd be as easy as the fronts, all they seemed to take was a bit of heat and an impact driver and they were off in jig time.  The rears in comparison are ridiculous!  I've first tried using heat and an impact driver and after much whacking of the driver managed to get a small bit of movement on one of them.  Then used a small breaker bar and tried to tease it round and the fucker snapped.  That shouldn't be too much of an issue as I've got access to a drill press and should be able to drill it out.  I started on the others and with a bit of heat managed to get one of them to move a bit but the last thing I want is snap it off as well, it wasn't exactly moving freely.

Anyone got any tips for removing these buggers, at the moment my only plan is to use heat and go slowly?[/size]I've given them a soak overnight in plusgas to see if that helps but i think its the blue loctite that must be causing the issues here so don't think it will help much.  Stuart

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Rear tyre not seating on rim
« on: 03 March 2015, 10:07:37 am »
Yes, funnily enough its a PR3.  Took it down yesterday morning to the guy with the bead blaster thing and, to be fair to him, he gave it 4 or 5 goes but couldn't get it to seat. 

Last night I took it off the rim and sat it next to the radiator for a couple of hours with a ratchet strap round the center and some things inside the tyre to push the bead out.  Worked a treat, put the tyre back on and ratchet strap round the tyre again and it inflated!  I'll balance and refit tonight, was nearly midnight when I got done and snowing all night last night so wouldn't have been able use it anyway today.  Was so overjoyed at getting the bugger up had to have a couple of beers to celebrate. :)

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Chain Riveter/Removal Tool
« on: 01 March 2015, 10:57:52 pm »
I used that exact one a few months ago to install a new chain.  Put a bit of grease on the threads before you use it and as long as you're careful it does the job.  Just take your time and wear safety glasses just in case.  I used a dremel to take of the mushroomed ends of the hollow link to remove the existing chain and just used the tool to rivet the new one. 

Just make sure and use a vernier gauge to ensure that the link is flared to the required dimensions, either the dimensions were in the instructions with the chain or I got them from the DID chain instructions on their site , page 13-14 of this seems to be the one  If you're not using a DID chain then I'm sure you'll be able to find the flare dimensions for your chain on the manufactures site or in the instructions.


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Rear tyre not seating on rim
« on: 01 March 2015, 02:17:10 pm »
The rim is clean and doesn't have any obvious dings.  I did see the brake cleaner method but I'm going to use that as a last resort!  Looks a bit hairy to me.

Did a bit of a tour around some car tyre places this morning and they couldn't get it inflated either, they didn't have a bead blaster and weren't really too interested in helping.  One guy seemed to think it hadn't been stored right and had become squashed a bit and the space between the rim and tyre was too much to get a seal.  He recommended bringing it into the house and sticking it by a radiator to warm up for a bit then walloping on loads of paste, the ratchet straps and giving that a go.  I'm out of lube  :eek [/size][size=78%] [/size][/size]so it'll need to be tomorrow, although I think a local mechanic has one of those bead blaster things so might try to catch him in the morning.    Its never easy![size=78%]

FZS600 Fazer / Rear tyre not seating on rim
« on: 01 March 2015, 07:11:17 am »
Hi, on the way back from work the other night on my 1999 Fazer I picked up a puncture with a screw in the back tyre.  Ordered a new tyre from mytyres and fitted it yesterday, only took 15/20 minutes but I'm buggered if I can get the tyre to initially inflate on the rim.  I've triple checked the size, made sure the valve core is out, chucked on the lots of lube and tried a ratchet strap down the centre of the tyre but it's been incredibly stubborn.  I took it to a local garage to try to see if they could get it on but they had an issue as well but recommended finding somewhere that had a bead blaster thing.  I do remember the last time I put a new rear on it was a bit tricky to get a seal, but lots of lube and playing about with the tyre got it on. 

I'm going to try and find an open tyre place today but I don't suppose anyone has any other tricks that might help? 


For Sale & Wanted / Re: fzs600 1998 Rear caliper urgently wanted
« on: 12 April 2014, 10:22:53 pm »
Thanks for that unfazed but I got a PM earlier and just bought one but if I hadn't yours would have been ideal.

Thanks for your help guys, really appreciated it.


For Sale & Wanted / Re: fzs600 1998 Rear caliper urgently wanted
« on: 12 April 2014, 07:57:33 pm »
Thanks for that, I'm just outside Glasgow.  How much do you want for it?

Couldn't find a fzs1000 or xjr1300 one on in the UK on ebay unfortunately and no fzs600 early ones about so struggling a bit. 

Quite eager to get it sorted out.  MOT next week....



For Sale & Wanted / Re: fzs600 1998 Rear caliper urgently wanted
« on: 12 April 2014, 03:46:37 pm »
Thanks for that, can't see anything for any of them on ebay but I'll keep looking.  I'll email fazerspares and see if they've got anything about as well.


For Sale & Wanted / Re: fzs600 1998 Rear caliper urgently wanted
« on: 12 April 2014, 03:24:09 pm »
Just tried that, took it off the bike this morning and used heat and lh drill bit, still couldn't get it to come out.  Final try was a screw extractor but that snapped off too, now its stuck in as well!  Not pretty.  Is there any other calipers that fit easily enough? doesn't seem to be any fzs600 rears on ebay at the moment.

For Sale & Wanted / fzs600 1998 Rear caliper urgently wanted
« on: 12 April 2014, 02:54:10 pm »
Would anyone happen to have a std rear caliper for sale, bleed valve sheared off in it and can't get the bugger out. 



FZS600 Fazer / Re: Which replacement end can???
« on: 01 February 2014, 01:38:36 pm »
I've got a blueflame oval can.  Sounds tasty and looks great on the bike.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: First impressions
« on: 01 February 2014, 01:37:21 pm »
Nice looking bike. 

The clutch can be adjusted on the bars and behind the rubber bung on the L/H side (I think) of the engine.  I done this a couple of months ago and if I remember correctly the Haynes instructions are to screw the adjuster fully in on the handlebars then remove the bung, slacken off the retaining nut a bit using a 12mm ring spanner then tighten the screw until you start to feel some resistance then back it of 1/4 of a turn.  Hold the screw in place with the screwdriver then tighten the 12mm nut to hold the screw in place.  Then adjust at the clutch handle bar to give 1-2mm clearance.  Someone might be able to confirm that but I'm pretty sure thats what I did.



FZS600 Fazer / Re: Funny problem starting and cutting out
« on: 31 January 2014, 04:16:20 pm »
Sorry, I wasn't clear.  When I pretty much even touched the key, or knocked the ignition barrel the bike cut out every time i tried it so I'm going to start with that.  When the bike cut out I was going through a road that was getting resurfaced so there was a few bumps around so that makes sense.  I tested the R/H switchgear thoroughly with a multimeter and it was all working as it should and there didn't seem to be any dodgy connections. 

I ended up just getting one from m and p on ebay, fingers crossed it'll be in on monday/tuesday hopefully.  It'll be fun getting the bugger out though, looks a bit tricky with the anti tamper bolts.

The rest of the bike needs a bit of a tidy up, its been doing a fair amount of miles recently with the mildish weather.  I'll give it a service in the next couple of weeks, the inlet rubbers also need replacing and I might as well do the carbs while i'm in and around that area as well.

Thanks for your help


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Funny problem starting and cutting out
« on: 30 January 2014, 08:00:09 pm »
Think I've worked it out, got the bike home and started fiddling with controls and wiring.  Found out it would stop whenever I fiddled with the ignition switch so I'm pretty sure thats the culprit. 

Are the replacement ones from wemoto and MandP good quality or is it worth going for a yamaha replacement?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Funny problem starting and cutting out
« on: 30 January 2014, 05:01:55 pm »
I was thinking more of the cutoff switch on the controls, just incase I've done something to the wiring when I've been around the ignition switch. 
I just checked and I'm talking pish about the light.  I must have put it into neutral after it died before I fired it up again.   :rolleyes

The grips are still working so the fuse must be ok on them. 

I'm probably going to stay off the motorway tonight I think, just take my time though the towns and back roads on the way back.  A couple of dodgy places where there's no hard shoulder that I really don't fancy being stuck on. 

The plugs should hopefully be there sat, but the plan of attack tonight is to whip out, check and clean the ones that are in it at the moment.  Then I'll get busy with the multimeter and see if I can find any dodgy connections in the ignition or cutoff switch wires. 

Are there any good guides about for cleaning the carbs around?  Its been a while since I've got down and dirty with them.

thanks for your help

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Funny problem starting and cutting out
« on: 30 January 2014, 04:13:03 pm »
Thanks for that.  The battery has been fine it turns the starter motor quickly.  I'll check with a multimeter tonight but it was replaced at the beginning of last year I think.  It strikes me more as an electrical issue as well as it just died, if it was fuel starvation I would have expected it to splutter to a halt.

Carbs haven't been cleaned in a while, possibly a few years.  Would this cause this type of issue though?

Last month I stripped down the r/h handlebar controls and cleaned up the starter button contacts as I had to wiggle the starter button a bit to fire the starter.  It is possible I might have hit something else there as well.  The ignition barrel is a bit worn anyway, or it might just be the key, I usually need to give it a wiggle to get it to turn.  The green ignition light on the dash never went out when it stopped though, could that still be an issue?

I did fit a pair of R&G heated grips a couple of months ago, and wired to the fuse box.  Could that potentially cause any problems?

I've ordered some plugs to try that as well, the bikes done around 15k on mine as well I think.

I've got an arse puckering 20 mile ride home on the M8 to get through first though!  Not looking forward to it.

FZS600 Fazer / Funny problem starting and cutting out
« on: 30 January 2014, 03:42:21 pm »
Hi, I wonder if any of you have any ideas on what may be causing this? 

I've been running my 99 FZS600 throughout the winter with no issues but in the last week I've noticed that there has been a funny problem starting.  Intermittently it decides that it won't fire when I first press the starter button, it usually does on the second or third try with no problems.  That issue hadn't really been bothering me too much as it always started, but I popped out on it at lunchtime and on the way back the engine just died.  I pulled over to the side and it started again on the second or third push of the starter. 

I'm off tomorrow but ideally id like to work out what might be causing this over the weekend.  The problem is that it doesn't happen consistently, most of the time it will fire first time and its never cut out on me before today.

My primary suspect is the spark plugs, I had them out last year for a clean when I was servicing the bike but it may have been a few years since I've replaced them but I'm not sure that would have caused the bike to cut out.  Other than that would I be looking at fuel pump, coil,[/size] [/size]cut off switch and ignition switch as the next likely suspects?Anything else I'm missing?thanks

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