Date: 01-06-24  Time: 14:21 pm

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Messages - Lum

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Facebook and the Foccer's Forum
« on: 10 October 2016, 06:08:54 pm »
It's gone right downhill since I've not been on here

General / Re: engine not revving past 6k but only when in gear
« on: 06 August 2015, 04:44:47 pm »
Carb diaphragm split?

General / Re: moto gp: mistake or tear off
« on: 02 July 2015, 11:18:53 pm »
Easy to see on your 40-whatever inch TV in your living room; a bit more tricky on the piddly little monitors they use when commentating

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Fazer 1000 Gen 1 standard bars for sale
« on: 15 April 2015, 07:56:44 pm »
Well never mind about replying, I found some now.

Grease them well before you shove them there, eh?

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Fazer 1000 Gen 1 standard bars for sale
« on: 11 April 2015, 10:52:13 pm »
I'm not over keen on the renthals that are on this one I bought - 755s, feels like a chopper to me - so I'm looking for a pair with bar ends to try the stock setup. Anyone fancy naming their price - dunno what the going rate is for second hand bars and ends, can't offer the missus cos she ain't the missus any more (and tbh, you probably wouldn't want me to...)

You've got another one to deal with now :-)

Interested, but with the proviso that if  the mext few months of my life goes anything like the last few have, then who knows where I'll be or what I'll be doing

Pete - me and Alex are going on weds, get tent and everything set up in time to do Day of Champs Thurs. Gissa yell or a text when you're there and we can meet up - 07855126457

Catch up time. In four weeks it'll all be done and dusted, and chances to get together will have passed. So wassappenin? Plan at mo is me and Alex are going up on the weds, getting tent pitched, but ours is no leccy so wouldn't mind costing up to someone who's got it (hint hint Pete :-)

Front page? You mean I'm supposed to have read that? Bloody hell, things ain't got any better round here...

Unexpectedly looking like I could be up for probably Friday and Saturday nights - got any spaces, Moff? How much do you want off me if so?


It's in my diary :thumbup

Cheers, Pete - I read that as if you book up to 4 camping tickets, you'll get one car parking ticket; over 4 and you'd be entitled to more. Only two of us going, so that should get us a parking ticket, and as long as it does, I'm in.
Think I'll give them a call, though, just make sure - can't stand it when people stitch you up with poorly worded descriptions.

Forming plans for next year, looks like we'll be camping this time, so I reckon we'll see you there  :thumbup .
One little question, though - been hearing a lot about car parking charges (didn't affect us this time cos went on the bike) - presumably you didn't have to pay any extra for having the car on the campsite? (probably daft question, but like to cover all possibilities)

Diesels and Lawnmowers (Bike racing n things) / Re: Marquez
« on: 04 September 2013, 12:16:32 am »
Toby Moody said that to him on stage at Silverstone on Saturday evening.
Thing is, the Joker wound up looking like that as a result of falling into a vat of acid that left him hideously disfigured - how was that to make Marquez feel, lobbing that at him in front of a couple of thousand people - insensitive git  :rollin

Apart from FP2 on Friday afternoon, me and my son were in Luffield grandstand on a roving ticket all weekend. Ralphie was on the terrace, and by the sound of it you weren't far away either. Maybe we'll get organised and meet up next time there's 3 foccers in such close proximity  :rollin

My first GP since Assen 2005 and first in GB since Silverstone 82 - certainly chose a good one to go to, and the right place to be on Sunday - the atmosphere in there was awesome as Scott came round to take the win, and *those two passes* right in front of us - brilliant.
Might even go again next year. Have to be camping though - travelling there and back each day took it out of me big time

Introduction / Just passing through
« on: 28 August 2013, 11:09:39 pm »
Just thought I'd pop in and say bollocks to you all

To you

Alright Pete, long time no post (it's taken this long for anything to inspire me to post anything on this new board - you're the 'lucky' recipient of post number 1  :D  )

Me and son have weekend tickets, but unfortunately won't be camping, was all full up by the time I got around to booking up, so it's a 50 mile commute to and from my bro-in-law's each day of the weekend. Will keep an eye out for you, should be easy to spot you with the smallish attendance there's likely to be this weekend  :)

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