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Messages - sheldon22

Pages: [1]
Can you book a bunk for me as well. Deposit should be in your account

Thought I'd be proactive this year, so Moff you should find a payment from me in your account. It was getting boring leaving it to the last  minute and as my time off work is confirmed there was no point in me doing my normal procrastination

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Buying a 2002 FZR 1000
« on: 11 September 2018, 02:11:35 pm »
If you actually mean FZS1000 then there is a FAQ at the top of the main Fazer 1000 page that is what you are after.
Thanks 👍This first time I clicked on that I just got a picture and half a paragraph of writing. Just clicked on it again and when the picture appeared clicked again and it all appeared. That's exactly what I needed
Thanks again

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Buying a 2002 FZR 1000
« on: 11 September 2018, 02:04:15 pm »
How embarrassing of course it's a FZS :groan I even wrote it down before I typed the request. I'd like to blame the auto thingy but I'll go for the age excuse

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Buying a 2002 FZR 1000
« on: 11 September 2018, 12:18:06 pm »
My son is thinking of getting a 2002 FZR 1000 and he and I are going to see a model on Thursday. Obviously I've bought various secondhand bikes in the past so have a general idea of what to checkout but is there any thing that I should look at that applies to this particular year and model. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. Because if it turns out a duffer guess who'll get the blame

Thanks for the reminder today Moff sorry I couldn't answer but was working a train at the time. I was about to pay and noticed you've changed the account details last year so I've got the wrong ones. You'll be getting a mail from me shortly.
Really missed last years but with family events I couldn't get the time off.
When I turn up this year on my new bike I expect the piss taking to start but don't worry I won't be going with the fast group or will I

My holiday leave has been confirmed so by the time you read this my money should be in your account

Hi Moff thanks for email I almost forgot. Can you put me on the list I've had to juggle some holiday leave to get the days off should get confirmation (hoprfully) by end of this week and then I'll send the money

General / Re: Spring Meet Check In
« on: 26 May 2015, 10:58:25 am »
Nice ride back for me and thanks to the miles of average speed cameras even Moff would have been able to catch me :rollin

Should have read this earlier as I am also in Basingstoke. A good few years back there use to be regular ride outs then things just died off. So it would be good to get some going in the future say in June maybe especially as there seem to be a few of us in the area now

Balance paid. Now just have enough time for some test rides as only recently put a low mileage engine in the sprint and would like to find out what I forgot to tighten before I'm half way to Yorkshire or even worse the embarrassment of having to do it actually at the meet. At present I seem to be spending more time fiddling with my collection of moterbikes than actually riding them and that wasn't the plan at the beginning 

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: SPRING MEET 14
« on: 27 May 2014, 09:20:52 am »
Thanks Moff for arranging yet another great weekend and also thanks to Heath for the two ride outs despite the rain and the "fog" I really enjoyed them and at my age that just doesn't seem to be right. Thanks too to all the other foccers there , old and new , you make the meet what it is , oh in view of some negative remarks I made  I better clarify that, ie in a very good positive way otherwise I wouldn't keep coming back. I'm not that  masochistic.
Chris  special thanks for the journey up and back. I'm positive that the Sprint started to behave oddly as I went past the factory at Hinkley..... or perhaps it was just me 

General / Caberg vox crash helmet
« on: 11 February 2014, 11:47:26 am »
Had my shark helmet for sometime and decided I need a new helmet looked on the sharp test sight and saw that a  number of caberg helmets have 5 star rating and together with the various features they offer compared with other helmets are incredible cheap. The two models that took my fancy are the V2RR and the VOX. So does anyone use one of these models and what do you think of it. Should say I'll be using it on Triumph Sprint so I do have a certain amount of wind protection from the screen where as on my Fazer 600 wind noise and buffeting was more of an issue. Ofcourse I'm open to any other helmet make/model suggestions.
I'm going to the motorcycle show at exel this Friday where I hope I'll get the right helmet at a good price.
So comments and suggestions please 

Are there any bunks left  if so can I  have one.....please

Moff , if great banking online system is working now, it appears my bank were doing some "maintenance" today, you should find the balance in your account. Thought I'd pay earlier this year or I'll just forgot.....its an age thing.

I'm up for 2013 can you reserve a bunk for me . Assume same place as this year and imagine you'll post amounts required etc in the near future. Then again I might have missed reading something at least this should get me on the list.

General / Re: Spring Meet I m home.
« on: 07 June 2012, 10:07:55 am »
Great weekend had a really good time even enjoyed the curry. Thanks for organising everything again Moff I don't know how you find the time to do it but everyone appreciates that  you do.

Thanks Chris for the rides through the peak district at last I managed to ride through the area in some good weather it made it just that bit more "fun". Used the A5 back might take a bit longer but the ride was so so much better.

Apologies for later response but I've had "visitors" for the last few days who have been taking my time when not using my computer..... the pleasures of a large family. 

Thanks for the text Moff , my issues with procrastination haunt me again.
I've transferred the balance to your account and I have no food requirements except for the coffee "Carte Noire" the only instant coffee.

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Frolic interest - Sept 2012
« on: 29 April 2012, 09:50:06 am »
Sounds "interesting" so please add me to the list

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