Date: 01-06-24  Time: 17:04 pm

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Messages - 2Wheels

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Hello fellow Fazer-ers
« on: 01 March 2013, 11:11:03 pm »
Name's Pat,
Thaught id joine up as this place looks good.
I've a FZS600 03 in red. Got her with low milage (14k) 2 years ago. She's still in great shape and goin strong  :) There a fine bike as you all prob know. I've had bikes since i was a wee lad,,,,, you know what they say (once its in the blood). I also have a DTR 125 02 in blue. I have it for years and dought ill ever get rid of it.
Am from Ireland, top left corner, where it never stops raining. Anyway thats me and here's ta getting ta know you all and the forum.

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