Date: 03-06-24  Time: 15:15 pm

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Messages - moffmeister

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
see you PMs - contact me please

2 and Dossing left - WTF are you waiting for?


Camping and Dossing left - WTF are you waiting for?

Omigod - sent you PM - email or message me please

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FZ1-S overheating
« on: 06 July 2020, 12:50:56 pm »
drained again (took rad off to replace coil sticks and spark plugs - no more misfiring  :thumbup

spec says 2.4 litres of coolant - which is exactly the amount I filled with

sat in the yard it ran fine - fan cutting in and out with temp going down/up accordingly

went for a blast - all good temp <98 all the time (albeit it was foccin cold and wet yesterday)

so in summary sorted - still unsure as to cause - maybe airlock after initially replacing thermostat? and original issue: maybe duff radiator cap?

anyway he's happy now (Freddie Fazer) nestled together in the barn with Hettie Honda (occasionally giving her a disapproving look  ;) )

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FZ1-S overheating
« on: 25 June 2020, 07:30:51 am »
Gnasher - hauzitgaun?

Bike is 2007 with 42k

I drained coolant (it was pink - I'd done it when dropping the rad a couple of years ago to replace plugs - will be doing that again shortly..)

Coolant was pre-mixed (i.e. not solution +makeup water)

Everthing was/is clean - I flushed with Radflush and nothing - hoses and rad all clean internally

No tuning mods (excl downgearing + speedohealer)

Now since my last post I drained again and then refilled - this time forcing antifreeeze in through rad cap hole (with a plastic container and flexi nozzle which a 'tight' fit in the rad cap hole) - this seems to have fixed it but it still creeps up to 103°C when standing after a run...I was hence thinking an airlock?

Not sure how it has come about though, as when it first happened it was like a switch - suddenly overtemp light on (which initially I was thinking WTF is the low oil pressure warning on before I realised it was temp!)  - at that point it was at 120°!!

I'll take it out again maybe tonight (I'm using the VFR at the moment :) [size=78%]) and will record the temperature fluctuation more rigorously and report (this is infuriating the fek outa me!)[/size]

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FZ1-S overheating
« on: 20 June 2020, 12:30:47 pm »
NOT the temp sensor the new one shows the same hysteresis as the old one - so still stumped....

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FZ1-S overheating
« on: 08 June 2020, 09:19:24 pm »
traced the problem (tbc when I fit a new one £££) - intermittent fault with temp sensor - took it out and tested (with pan of water on stove) and multimeter - all good - fkin thing! Tested again got to 80 degC (resistance in spec - lowering with increased temp) this time with heat removed (temp reducing) so did the resistance (which would have read as increased temperature in error.  Bastid.  New sensor £68 from Fowlers :eek managed to find one (OEM new) on Ebay for £35.

Anyhow this convinced me to but another bike - VFR1200R !

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FZ1-S overheating
« on: 02 June 2020, 03:46:37 pm »
Killerwhale - harder (faster) cools it down - slow riding in town sees it creeping up

Trebus - I've ordered a new cap

Update to follow.....

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FZ1-S overheating
« on: 02 June 2020, 10:16:02 am »
no noticeable leakage from the cap  :\

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FZ1-S overheating
« on: 02 June 2020, 06:54:47 am »
have checked the temp sensor with an infra red gun - reading correctly

Replaced the thermostat (last night) - went out for a run - for first 15 miles all good temp between 79 and 92 - got into town and fuelled up then it started again temp upto 108 fan running constantly - went back home and when stopped was rising again. 

Have flushed cooling system - its perfectly clear.

Maybe a wider engine issue?


Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / FZ1-S overheating - now fixed
« on: 30 May 2020, 11:34:54 am »
use he bike for first time in 8 wks yesterday to go to work (40 miles).  When got into Leeds noticed temp warning light on and temp 120C!

Stopped, let it cool down and continued the last 8 miles to work.  Came on again.

Going home in pm, seemed normal (fluctuating between 97C and 103C) then again 10 miles from home (return trip is 50 miles)

Coincidentally the 'going wrong' seems to have happened about 45 mins in to each journey.

I'm guessing this may be thermostat faulty, or even temp sensor itself?  Plannning to do some more checking today to verify each of these.

Anyone else had this problem?  Got any ideas?


Sorry everyone but this is off (for me at least) - I'm not going to be in a position of "spare cash" to fund this little jaunt - the Spring Meet itself is also likely to be cancelled this year (but not yet 100% confirmed)

This idea grew off the back of ‘doing something special’ to celebrate 20 years of Spring Meet.

In simple terms the plan was to attend the Spring Meet then pitch off on the Monday to ‘the ferry’ then blat across France/Belgium/Germany to Nurburg and the Nurburgring.   Fine in principle but in practically not so good as people tired, need fresh clothes etc.

Also the dates may not have aligned with the opening times for the Ring (it is open selected evenings and weekends).   So the plan now is to go sometime in June (maybe July) or September potentially leaving midweek to coincide with the Ring calendar to be able to be there to coincide with at an evening session and weekend day.  It also needs to be borne in mind that the Ring can be scheduled to be open and then can be closed (e.g. if someone bins it) - so you if you only have one window and it ends up being closed when you get there, it’s a long way to go to be disappointed).

Outline plan would be:
…erm haven’t got that far yet

Oh and you need to have attended at least one Spring Meet to join this foray.

Express interest, ideas below.  It doesn't have to be Nurburgring but the advantages are, it is iconic and can be done in less that a week (as not all of us have endless holidays available, or are in the holiday = not getting paid category).


## ROLL UP....  ROLL UP....   ROLL UP.... ##

Well would you believe it? 20 Years of the “original and best”TM S P R I N G   M E E T!

To celebrate this momentous occasion, we will be frequenting the now established location at West End, this year thanks to the old bird int Palace we have an extra Bank 'olliday so that means a change from the usual weekend and FOUR NIGHTS  :woot

Some changes to the usual format in light of this 20 year milestone:
  • four nights as above: Arrive Thursday 02-Jun leave Mon 06-Jun
  • following consultation with the Spring Meet Entertainments Officer (Heath) there will be bands on both Friday and Saturday nights (details below)
  • as 10 years ago - fireworks !  … but this is tbc dependent upon numbers (cost consideration) - 2022 update: this is tbc dependent upon ££££s
  • a follow on tour for those who want it/can afford it - summary below to be elaborated in a separate thread - 2022 update: not sure this will happen (for me at least)

Same as previously:  West End Outdoor Centre, Bank Dike Hill, Thruscross, Harrogate, HG3 4BA - this postcode will take you past it - Sat Nav Coords: Lat:54.013713 Long:-1.779242

Spring Bank 'Oliday weekend i.e. arrive Thursday 02-Jun - stay for FOUR nights - fek off 'ome Monday 06-Jun (note this is not a Bank Holiday)

Venue hire is £1400 for the four nights (usually £1100 for three) which ~ £47 per person per bunk total for the full four nights - still a  'kin bargin!
Total 'all in' for bunk, food, booze will be £tbc (currently) see Pricing Summary below.
## camping and dossing down is free as previously ##  but if all bunks are not filled then a contribution will be required from campers/dossers !!  Note if camping/dossing you still pay a fee for general items and food/booze (it's not totally free you freeloading bastids)  :lol
Deposits and Payment
Normally those who subsequently cannot make it will get their deposit/money back assuming the place can be passed on.  Otherwise the shortfall has to be covered by those who have attended.
As every year you have plenty of time to ‘book the time off’; that said I appreciate "stuff" happens and can't be avoided - be assured I will try me very best to refund you if this happens and your excuse is genuine. I have already paid the £200 deposit to secure the booking. I need to pay the FULL balance for the accommodation (by the end of April).
On this basis I will be expecting a minimum deposit (per bunk place) of £50 no later than 31-March. Priority for bunk places will be given to those paying deposits -  A deposit can be any amount £10 or upwards but only full £50 will secure your place.  Multiple deposits are fine but I'd prefer it all in one i.e. for bunks the full £50.
I will be expecting payment IN FULL (i.e. total inc. food) no later than two weeks prior to the meet. If you have not payed in full by 14-May then, if demand, your place will be offered to others. Deposits will only be refunded in exceptional circumstances or your place is taken.  If your place is taken, the person taking it pays me the difference between the deposit paid (by you) and the total amount payable i.e. you are responsible for recovering your deposit from them yourself (obviously I will put you in contact with them).  Anyone dropping out at the "last minute" will only be refunded in exceptional circumstances.
will be ca. £80 (was £70)  per head -  tee-totalers get a corresponding reduction on the cost; reduction if you don't drink alcohol ca. £24 (was £20)
Veggies note as I will still be buying you some veg food then as this roughly equates with the cost for BBQ and breakfast meat there is no reduction. You need to tell me what you want - alternatively if you want to cater for yourself (bring your own or eat twigs and leaves from outside etc) then a ca. £14 reduction applies (was £12)
This has always been a three night event for the bunks.  This year it is FOUR NIGHTS.   If you want to stay for less then fine, but again I've booked for four nights so you pay for four nights.  Popping over for one night only? Normally anyone who turns up on the Sunday (or other night but there is unlikely to be any spare bunks on the Fri and Sat) and takes a vacated bunk chucks some money in the kitty (assuming you want to eat and drink) - £35 for Friday (was £25) or £35 Saturday (was £35)
Note if you are camping or dossing you only pay for the nights you are staying.
You can pay me by Bank Transfer or PayM using my mobile number (or Paypal but bank transfer my preference...) - note the bank details changed three years ago! so check first before paying - the correct/valid account number ends ….4567.
##DO NOT## use the PM feature to contact me - use email, Whatsapp (preferred) or Facebook Messenger!
Pricing Summary (guide)
Note this is just my best guess at the moment and likely to change!

Bunk + Food + Meat + Booze = £125 per person (was £110) - for campers £80 (was £73)
Bunk + Food + Meat = £105 per person (teetotalers) (was £90)  - for campers £56 (was £53)
See note above for vegetarians (and god forbid vegans :pokefun )
These are subject to confirmation but generally any uplift has previously been less than £5 per person overall.  May be more this year.
Saturday Entertainment

Thursday - The Party Rocker
Friday night - Reload (same band as last three years)
Saturday night - Kindred (recently discovered by our resident A&R man Heath)
Sunday - entertain yer fekkin sens

Sufficient quantities of alcoholic and non-alcoholic are provided as usual.
As always there will be the usual (my excellent local butchers) BBQ fayre for the Friday and Saturday nights together with the usual snacks etc. For Sunday night: tbc
There will be a stupendous full cooked breakfast on the Sat and Sun mornings subject to volunteer cooks!! (Neil) and washer uppers)
Camping (FREE)
Camping is free (just pay for food/booze/entertainment) - unless all bunks are not filled in which case a contribution will be reqd!
Dossing Down Inside (also FREE)
Dossing is free (just pay for food/booze/entertainment) - unless all bunks are not filled in which case a contribution will be reqd!  This is an alternative to camping but all you need to bring is a sleeping bag and it’s warm and dry!. This option will be limited to a maximum of ten people (due to space and I only have five airbeds - and I really can't be arsed).
Follow on Tour - “Stags in the Ring” (Nurburgring) - 2022 Update: left in for discussion but likely too late to organise now
There was some talk about changing the venue for this year to somewhere posher or even going abroad, however, as i) the venue is part of what makes the meet and ii) flitting off to some exotic location (e.g. big villa in the sun) would be cost prohibitive for many, consensus was to arrange a follow on trip across the water, likely into the Fatherland to take in the Nurburgring.  The detail for this is in a separate thread:  - Maybe look at this again for 2023....

Booking Summary

Follow link below to Spring Meet Facebook Page (scroll down to my post with summary on - regularly updated)

General / FZ1 / FZ8 Pillion Seat - Does either directly fit to FZ1-S
« on: 21 August 2019, 10:45:21 am »
does anyone know if the FZ1 (naked) pillion seat will fit the FZ1-S? And/or is the FZ-8 seat compatible (with FZ1-S)? I didn't fasten mine down properly (for the second time 🤔) and when arriving at destination it was gone... :\
Or if anyone has a spare pillion seat??

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Calling all loFos
« on: 01 May 2019, 01:03:43 pm »
calling all loFos


Venue Same as previously:  West End Outdoor Centre, Bank Dike Hill, Thruscross, Harrogate, HG3 4BA - this postcode will take you past it - Sat Nave Coords: Lat:54.013713 Long:-1.779242


Spring Bank 'Oliday weekend i.e. arrive Friday 24-May - stay for three nights - fek off 'ome Monday 27-May (Bank 'Oliday)Pricing It has gone up to £1100 for the three nights (was £1050 last year) which is £35 per person per bunk total for the full three nights - still a  'kin bargin!

Total 'all in' for bunk, food, booze is £90 (currently) see Pricing Summary below.


Deposits and Payment

Normally those who subsequently cannot make it will get their deposit/money back assuming the place can be passed on.  Otherwise the shortfall has to be covered by those who have attended.

As every year you have plenty of time to ‘book the time off’; that said I appreciate "stuff" happens and can't be avoided - be assured I will try me very best to refund you if this happens and your excuse is genuine.I have already paid the £200 deposit to secure the booking. I need to pay the FULL balance for the accommodation (by the end of April).

On this basis I will be expecting a minimum deposit (per bunk place) of £40 no later than 31-March.Priority for bunk places will be given to those paying deposits -  A deposit can be any amount £10 or upwards but only full £40 will secure your place.  Multiple deposits are fine but I'd prefer it all in one i.e. for bunks the full £40. 

I will be expecting payment IN FULL (i.e. total inc. food) no later than two weeks prior to the meet. If you have not payed in full by 10-May then, if demand, your place will be offered to others. Deposits will only be refunded in exceptional circumstances or your place is taken.  If your place is taken, the person taking it shall pay me the difference between the deposit paid (by you) and the total amount payable i.e. you are responsible for recovering your deposit from them yourself (obviously I will put you in contact with them).  Anyone dropping out at the "last minute" will only be refunded in exceptional circumstances.


will be ca. £55 per head -  tee-totalers get a corresponding reduction on the cost; reduction if you don't drink alcohol ca. £24.

Veggies note as I will still be buying you some veg food then as this roughly equates with the cost for BBQ and breakfast meat there is no reduction.  You need to tell me what you want - alternatively if you want to cater for yourself (bring your own or eat twigs and leaves from outside etc) then a ca. £5 reduction applies.

This has always been a three night event.  If you want to stay for less then fine, but again I've booked for three nights so you pay for three nights.  Popping over for one night only? Normally anyone who turns up on the Sunday (or other night but there is unlikely to be any spare bunks on the Fri and Sat) and takes a vacated bunk chucks some money in the kitty (assuming you want to eat and drink) -  £20 is about right (£25 for Saturday).   

Note if you are camping or dossing you only pay for the nights you stop.

You can pay me by Bank Transfer or PayM using my mobile number(or Paypal but bank transfer my preference...) - note the bank details changed two years ago! so check first before paying - the correct/valid account number ends ….4567.##DO NOT use the PM feature to contact me - use email, Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger!

Pricing Summary (guide)

Bunk + Food + Meat + Booze = £90 per person - for campers £57
Bunk + Food + Meat = £66 per person (teetotalers) - for campers £31

See note above for vegetarians.

These are subject to confirmation but generally any uplift has previously been less that £5 per person overall.

Saturday Entertainment -  TBC

Thinking of giving the band a miss this year.  This will reduce the cost per person (for those staying Saturday) by ca. £6.

What do people think?


Sufficient quantities of alcoholic and non-alcoholic are provided as usual.


As always there will be the usual (my excellent local butchers) BBQ fayre for the Friday and Saturday nights together with the usual snacks etc. For Sunday night: tbc

There will be a stupendous full cooked breakfast on the Sat and Sun mornings (subject to volunteer cooks!! and washer uppers)

Camping (FREE)

Camping is free (just pay for food/booze) - unless all bunks are not filled in which case a contribution will be reqd!

Dossing Down Inside (also FREE)

Dossing is free (just pay for food/booze) - unless all bunks are not filled in which case a contribution will be reqd!  This is an alternative to camping but all you need to bring is a sleeping bag. This option will be limited to a maximum of ten people (due to space and I only have five airbeds - and I really can't be arsed).

Booking Summary

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Oil consumption
« on: 29 August 2018, 07:24:29 am »
I find they use a bit if caned

[/size]I concur ;)

General / Re: Honda Fireblade
« on: 19 July 2018, 12:10:55 pm »
looks smart  :thumbup

Thanks to everyone for coming.   Great to see the usual faces, a few not seen for a while and some newcomers (who were all made welcome - thanks).

Thanks to all the cooks, washers uppers etc and for everyone getting the place back in order this morning.  A record; I was back home for 11:00 (but was up at 05:30).

Will be posting for SM19 shortly but for the record those with deposits paid and/or credits are:

Neilly & Ally - £40
Dooks & Fluffs - £40
Daz & V - £50
Hobbsy - £5
Eddie & Val £50
Stef - £7.50
Louthyz - £90
Oldgit - £13
Hamos - £5
Midden - £30

Place is booked and deposit paid for next year.

spreadsheet updated especially for you Steve ;)

not sure if anyone else from Midlands - ask question on the facebook group

Just to let you know this is closed for rebuild so on way back from rideouts Saturday bear this is mind

Alternatives en route:

Gulf Kirkby Stephen CA19 4RP - open to 19:00
DT Close, Sedbergh LA10 5HJ (on A685/A683 junction) - open to 17:00
Town End Garage, Casterton, LA6 2RX (on Sedbergh Road 1/2 mile north from Devils’ Bridge) - open to ?
BP Kendal Road, Kirkby Lonsdale LA6 2HH (1.5 miles west on A65 from Devil’s Bridge) - open to 20:00
Co-op Settle, BD24 9JD - open to 23:00
after that its Skipton (Devils' Bridge to Skipton 32 miles)

General / Re: Powerbronze Double Bubble on Box Eye FZS600
« on: 16 May 2018, 02:04:20 pm »
short answer yes - a worthy addition but best mod is downgearing  :b

no problem Mustang

Dispunk - you coming?

others reminder that payment details have changed - see top message

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