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Messages - b3tarev3

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General / Re: Photography competition - September
« on: 19 September 2012, 08:32:51 pm »
Bt3, do you have a licence to photograph schedule 1 type birds in breeding season? Sticking a flash in a baby birds face is illegal, and downright irresponsible!! I'm sorry, but I have very strong feelings about this!! No wonder a baby has been kicked out the nest, it's probably because it's been disturbed!!

I was going to give a reply to this ................but d'ya know what - i really can't be arsed! :rolleyes

General / Re: Photography competition - September
« on: 18 September 2012, 09:23:37 pm »

Must say that the quality of photos in this months comp are outstanding! :thumbup

I had been watching this Buzzards nest for a while before disaster struck!  The litte one at the back had been kicked out of the nest. Up at the nest it was obvious that it's sibling was considerably larger and must be gobbling all the food. I popped the little fella back but it will probably happen again in the coming days - but that's survival of the fittest i suppose..... (note dinner on the edge of the nest)

General / Re: What Fazer did you spot today?
« on: 16 September 2012, 09:39:02 pm » absolute beaut of a red 98 in Matlock Bath today.

General / Re: Hobbies.....
« on: 07 September 2012, 10:01:48 pm »

I also like painting birds of prey. You can give them so much charactor.

Isn't that illegal?

That sign   just about says it all WARNING! fast moving traffic from both ways. :lol ;)

« on: 05 September 2012, 10:17:57 pm »
Hard to reach clean.
Respray of down pipes and maybe braided brake hoses.

Is that the road from Tod to Bacup?

General / Re: Photo comp - *** VOTE ***
« on: 05 September 2012, 10:09:44 pm »
Proper bo some of those photos. :thumbup

General / Re: Photography competition - August
« on: 24 August 2012, 09:32:28 pm »

A kindly life guard comes over to warn me about the conditions................ yeah, yeah, yeah i know :rolleyes

man overboard!! :\

General / Re: Exhibition and new photos :)
« on: 24 August 2012, 09:06:32 pm »
Very different! But very interesting too! It looks like you get into some interesting places. Is that part of your job? That mine looks a great place to visit (I'd struggle being claustrophobic though!)

No- just a hobby of mine, i'm fascinated with what goes on under our feet.

General / Re: Exhibition and new photos :)
« on: 23 August 2012, 11:52:15 pm »
Thank you B3! I had nearly 3000 hits in 3 days on my page. Thank you so much everyone :)

B3, do you have a stream on Flickr? :)

Here ya go - subject matter is a wee bit different :)

General / Re: Exhibition and new photos :)
« on: 23 August 2012, 09:23:54 pm »
Some very nice photos you have there on Flickr. :thumbup

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Front Brakes
« on: 21 August 2012, 11:17:30 pm »

LOL no  :lol  [size=78%]j[/size][size=78%]ust trying to save you some expense. [/size]

cheers for the response b3. I ended up changing the fluid in the front. Probably best after I'd slackened off the banjo by mistake!

They feel a lot more solid now, maybe just a preference thing or something was played with when it was standing after you traded it in...

Thanks for confirming when the fluids were changed, I was going to ask you before I rolled up my sleeves, but you've saved me a job!

I hope you don't think I was having a sly dig, just getting to grips with the bike!

General / Re: Waterproof boots
« on: 21 August 2012, 01:07:17 pm »
I have a pair of supposedly waterproof Oxtar boots and i must say they are absolutely ..........................shite!

Didn't Oxtar become TCX?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Front Brakes
« on: 21 August 2012, 01:00:46 pm »

Hi Phil,

Just to let you know the brake pads have less than 1000miles on them, brake fluid (front and back) was changed Feb this year, oil and filters May this year and the coolant was changed in Jan this year.

Personally i thought the brakes were the mutts nuts, never gave me any cause for concern.

quick update; I decided to keep the pads after speaking to the local bike shop about the amount of depth left on them and instead opted to bleed the brakes and pull some new fluid through first and see how they felt after that.

I seemed to get quite a bit of air out of the left calliper and made sure I'd flushed enough fluid through both sides to replace old with new. I know its been looked after before I owned it, but peace of mind and all that...

Just got back from a quick run out to test them and they are 100 times better. Really firm progressive power.

Thanks for the advice guys.

General / Re: Bought it!!
« on: 05 August 2012, 10:20:43 pm »
Don't forget a dealer has to take a wage and pay overheads. I'm very happy with the trade in deal i got - as is philshaq with his deal, nuff said. ;)

General / Re: Bought it!!
« on: 02 August 2012, 09:08:52 pm »

The big question is... what did you trade it in for?!

As i'm off on a trip to Poland next year i needed something a bit more sedate at around 80mph - so i opted for a  VFR 800.

General / Re: Bought it!!
« on: 01 August 2012, 10:43:48 pm »
Small world indeed!!

Glad I've got a good one... I don't think its been used much, its got circa 32k on the clock now. The fella I bought it off has links to who he got it off. I bought it for £1250 it was advertised for £1390. Did it have a crack in the fairing on the right side when you had it? That was the only thing wrong with it, can't wait to get it on the road.

Here's hoping this is the start of the summer!

Yeah, that crack on the rhs of the fairing has always been there - can't really see it so it never bothered me.  You really have bought a cracking bike, engine is as sweet  as a sweet thing :D 

I wanted it to go to a good home and now it looks like it's found one - wish i'd not god rid now :\ . If you have any questions about the bike just ask.

General / Re: Bought it!!
« on: 01 August 2012, 10:10:45 pm »
Yeah they are, how do you know it?!

And pfft to your slow! Red all the way! Although I do have a soft spot for black and gold!,3160.0.html

I traded it in, in May this year with a bike shop in Bradford, have been watching their site to see how much they sold it for but it never came up. Presumed cos it was such a nice bike that they took it for themselves.

If it's not been ragged since May you got yourself a very nice bike there, i put a new gear box in it due to it jumping out of second gear. Since then it's done two tours of Scotland with me on board and the old girl never missed a beat.

General / Re: Bought it!!
« on: 01 August 2012, 09:35:50 pm »
The last three letters of your reg are not 'HHO' by any chance  are they?

General / Re: *** Photo comp VOTE ***
« on: 01 August 2012, 09:01:39 pm »
Thanks for the votes folks  :)

Ok i know we haven't had one this year, but let's see your photos of the good ol British summertime.

General / Re: *** Photo comp VOTE ***
« on: 28 July 2012, 12:29:54 pm »
Tis done.

General / Re: Riding in Poland
« on: 28 July 2012, 01:19:24 am »
 :D   Getting better innit! :'(  Good job i'm going for the culture and not the roads! @ fireblake - i think that's the way it's gonna hit me too. @ rustyrider -we are going via Dortmund, leipzig (Colditz - Steve Mc Queen n all that) through Dresden and into Poland and then the A4 to Birkenau.

Edit : Just watched the Olympic opening ceremony and the Poles were there so the roads can't be that bad?

General / Riding in Poland
« on: 26 July 2012, 10:01:31 pm »
Has anyone got any personal experience of riding in Poland?   Looking at riding through Germany into Poland for a look at Auschwitz and the mining area of Silesia   Looked on the internet but can't find anything recent and the ones that i can find don't really sell the place.  Ruts in the roads as long as the M6,  lorries driving at night with no lights on, pissed up drivers, the list  goes on  (sounds just like the UK s'pose) !! Was really looking froward to this but not too sure now.......  :\

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Dropping cogs
« on: 26 July 2012, 08:16:34 pm »
If you've got the spanners here's a box for £50  -

another £60  gets you a new base n head gaskets. If i was you i'd take it back to the arse that sold it to you!

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Help needed
« on: 24 July 2012, 08:38:30 pm »
I had the unenviable task of changing a fork selector due to it jumping out of gear, the selector looked like it had been on a grindstone - not good news at all. On the positive side, winter will soon be here and this will make a nice little winter project. :)

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