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Messages - Craiginuk

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: fazer 5dm 1998
« on: 20 February 2015, 01:26:14 pm »
I think it's the rubber cover/ skirt that fits under the other piece of the tank mount, the bit on the bike. It's like a protective cover.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: fazer 5dm 1998
« on: 19 February 2015, 05:15:44 pm »
As Chris says.  It also has a hole one one side where the side side cover holding stud fits through.  It kinda pushes on to the pin, then the side cover clips over it. Can really only go back one way.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Adding foam to fazer 600 seat
« on: 19 February 2015, 01:56:33 pm »
Come to think of it, it's more a cramp in my hips than knees.  Anyway, this site is quite interesting.  You can compare angles of crouch and knee bend etc with different bikes.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Adding foam to fazer 600 seat
« on: 17 February 2015, 01:14:23 pm »
Drink more water!  :b

Surely beer has water in it?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Adding foam to fazer 600 seat
« on: 16 February 2015, 11:08:55 pm »
Yep I thought it was the taller guys that battled. I think I'm just not that bendy. Can't touch toes etc so think my legs cramp sooner. As I say might be riding position. I'll try changing position on bike first. Just feels my legs are folded underneath me. Ie from normal riding position it is hard to lift and straighten legs if that makes sense..

FZS600 Fazer / Adding foam to fazer 600 seat
« on: 16 February 2015, 09:08:58 pm »
i'd forgotten the one thing I battle with on the Fazer. Cramp in legs after not too many miles. I'm not tall, about 5ft9, but seem to battle with this. Is it riding position or do others also experience this? Was considering having some extra foam added to seat but wondered if others had done this. If so, anyware southish that could do it?


For Sale & Wanted / Re: FOR SALE: Yamaha FZS600 1998
« on: 06 February 2015, 10:47:06 am »
Yep the Stinger is an absolute beast.  Just taken the trainer wheels off and she flies  :lol

For Sale & Wanted / Re: FOR SALE: Yamaha FZS600 1998
« on: 05 February 2015, 11:43:12 am »
And now safely in my garage  :)  Thanks Lez!  Bike's condition really is a credit to you.  Only problem I had was convincing my wife it is a 17 yr old bike and that it only cost £1250 :)

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Spyball Patriot AM/8510.
« on: 02 February 2015, 09:45:24 pm »
Did this end up in the bin? Long shot but could do with the instructions please :)

For Sale & Wanted / Re: FOR SALE: Yamaha FZS600 1998
« on: 26 January 2015, 11:14:47 pm »
Aha, user error. Really slow internet connection in hotel. They are showing now. Thanks looks good.

For Sale & Wanted / Re: FOR SALE: Yamaha FZS600 1998
« on: 26 January 2015, 09:57:06 pm »
Hi Lez, do you have direct links to the pictures please. They don't seem to be showing up for me. Cheers Craig

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Wanted: FZS600 Stainless Steel Downpipes
« on: 22 January 2015, 03:29:45 pm »
Try Sandy bike spares, they do reasonably priced stainless ones.

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Wanted: Fazer 600 Foxeye or swap TTR250 enduro.
« on: 07 January 2015, 02:45:29 pm »
looks great thanks but out of my price range.  I am looking round the £1400 mark.

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Wanted: Fazer 600 Foxeye
« on: 03 January 2015, 02:21:30 pm »
Would also consider a late box eye pref in red and black. I have a Yamaha TTR250 I could swap too if interested.

For Sale & Wanted / Wanted: Fazer 600 Foxeye or swap TTR250 enduro.
« on: 02 January 2015, 04:43:06 pm »
Hi,  Does anyone have a foxeye 600 for sale without inter-galactic mileage for reasonable money please?


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Fazer foxeye in White?
« on: 01 January 2015, 10:27:59 am »
Ok thanks a lot for that.

FZS600 Fazer / Fazer foxeye in White?
« on: 01 January 2015, 09:11:27 am »
Was the 2003 Fazer 600 available in white? Am interested in one advertised but not sure if it is respray or if it was a standard option. Can't seem to see white listed as an option in the year by year differences page. Thanks. Craig

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Does this look any good?
« on: 16 August 2014, 08:21:42 pm »
I've had an imported boxeye before. It was classified as parallel so was not a problem. I think if it is a model not released in uk, like fazer 400 etc it can be an issue.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Does this look any good?
« on: 16 August 2014, 07:20:51 pm »
Thanks, yep ideally I'd like to look at it and ride it but he's not around this weekend and I'm away from sunday till auction ends. Might just put in a low bid and see how it goes.

FZS600 Fazer / Does this look any good?
« on: 16 August 2014, 03:11:27 pm »
Can't get to see this but looking to place a bid as it is nice and local too. Anyone see anything nasty?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: 600 Boxeye vs Foxeye Dimensions
« on: 14 August 2014, 12:51:36 pm »
Ok great thanks and good re folding mirrors. Think my boxeyes had them too.

FZS600 Fazer / 600 Boxeye vs Foxeye Dimensions
« on: 14 August 2014, 10:35:40 am »
As above - are there any differences in actual overall width mirror to mirror and length etc between the two? I Know Boxeye fits next to car in garage but was just wondering if foxeye might be longer or wider?

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Wanted FZS600 - Pref foxeye
« on: 10 August 2014, 10:40:23 pm »
Still looking.

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Yamaha FZS600 Fazer for sale
« on: 09 August 2014, 03:51:11 pm »
Where are you based? And how much please? I have a wanted ad up for one. Cheers Craig

FZS600 Fazer / Re: [Solved] Jet blocked?
« on: 08 August 2014, 08:14:45 pm »
Great news!

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