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Messages - phillywilly

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
General / Re: Quick car insurance question.
« on: 27 January 2013, 06:09:03 pm »
I think it's valid for 3 yrs. You'll be fine. I'll check with Jane and let you know if otherwise.

What are you getting? One of them single seat blue invalid jobbies?

bloody hell thats a blast from the past !!!werent they three wheeler,s as well ?
nowadays most people on disability badges drive 4x4,s :evil
the government should bring back the little blue cars and they,d save billions a year in disability car claims  ;)

General / Re: what a bunch of bankers !
« on: 10 January 2013, 07:20:09 pm »
well i like the bankers  :)  lloyds tsb shares are up to 53.30 today so ....thank you bankers  :evil :evil :evil

General / Re: link for you tube of biker and green lane ?
« on: 10 January 2013, 07:10:32 pm »
BLOODY HELL , how long did the guy on the bmw last ? 20 seconds ? what a cock with them tyres in that deep water -u dont have a clue whats under that muddy water -all those nice wet bricks lying at 45 degrees and riding at that speed can only lead to one thing ....and it did

General / Re: link for you tube of biker and green lane ?
« on: 02 January 2013, 06:16:14 pm »
thank you his dudeness -eternally grateful ,such a good clip
 :kiss :eek

General / link for you tube of biker and green lane ?
« on: 02 January 2013, 05:29:10 pm »
about a month or so ago on this site was a link in someones post about an hilarious helmet cam video of a biker going down a green lane on a large road bike ,then it gets muddier and muddier untill he drops the bike (twice )
 i did have it saved but lost the folder
can anyone remember the footage ?if so could you send me the link please ,it made my year when i first saw it

General / Re: cheap oil
« on: 30 December 2012, 05:42:40 pm »
Halfords have got oil at £10 for 4 litres and Asda have Castrol at £12 for 4 litres,check your spec and take your pick

jkay , the castrol oil for £12 is that the car oil or do they do bike oil ?,my local asda is a small store and all they have is castrol for cars for £12  :'(

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Whats the reccomended oil / what oil do you use?
« on: 28 December 2012, 09:03:53 pm »
Oh no, the oil question!   :'(

(This one will run for a while but just use any 10W 40 semi synthetic)

enough said  ;)

awesome -thank you

General / Re: Bloody kids
« on: 27 December 2012, 05:55:35 pm »
dont fix it and when he asks you to fix it get your phone out and start tapping the keys  :D

General / screenwash in face AGAIN !!!
« on: 19 December 2012, 05:39:23 pm »
so there i am following slow moving traffic approx 20 mph on a very rare nice dec morning and lo and behold the cage in front of me decides to empty all his screenwash bottle ,not on his windscreen but it all goes over his car roof straight into my face (cos silly me had visor up )
do these people deliberately aim the jets nowdays so its pointing over the cars roof  then wait for motorbike to travel behind them ?cos this is the second time in as many weeks this has happened to me ,going to have to selotape visor down to stop temptation of riding slowly with it up  :evil :evil :evil :evil

General / Re: Lol.... I got bored!!!!
« on: 19 December 2012, 05:19:53 pm »
its a baby stig with milk teeth  :eek

General / Re: Please vote for me!
« on: 16 December 2012, 06:14:04 pm »
Do you ask other people to vote for you on other forums too?
Do you do the same on the foc.u photo comps which are also 'a bit of fun'?

i bet you,re a laugh a minute  at the christmas party arent you
why be so critical ?
it certainly is one of the best on there (beluga whale ,close par  :D  )
i could understand it if she rode a cbr or ninja  :rollin

General / Re: Please vote for me!
« on: 14 December 2012, 07:58:36 pm »
voted for you,some VERY good photos on there,the beluga whale ,wow, can you imagine having the patience to sit there for that one in a thousand photo and missing it by a tenth of a second what a pic -mind you top marks for yours  ;)

FZS600 Fazer / Re: This is how you properly join a motorway ;)
« on: 12 December 2012, 06:34:10 pm »
I find it the fun way :P

thats probably why you crashed it ,by entering motorways like that lol  ;)

General / Re: Air Fryer
« on: 12 December 2012, 06:28:58 pm »
I could get a lot of chips from the chippy for that (or am I missing the point?)

I also had a bread maker for a while....

bet you,ve got a soda stream gathering dust under the stairs as well  :rollin

General / Re: Christmas Lights
« on: 12 December 2012, 06:22:23 pm »
could be worse :

love these  :D  bet you next year there will be lots of these on every council estate in the land but bought from wilkinson,s budget version :rollin

General / Re: You lucky lucky...
« on: 04 December 2012, 08:52:39 pm »
at least he would have had a soft landing  :lol :lol

General / this would have come in handy this week
« on: 30 November 2012, 07:12:25 pm »
motorcycle in the water

after the rain weve had might all be doing this in couple of years time  :eek

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Fazers in Kill Bill...
« on: 28 November 2012, 04:14:22 pm »
looks like they,ve done the headlight mod as well !
do the grey import fazers come with a sword holder ?

General / Re: votes for prisoners
« on: 27 November 2012, 06:51:32 pm »

by the good old fashioned "HUMAN RIGHTS " asylum -"you give me benefits,house , free medical treatment ,schooling ,more benefits ,then when i get old free pensions,and old peoples home ,without me paying a penny into the society asylum human rights  :rolleyes ;)

I get up at 6, go to work, come home about 17. Eat, walk the dog, and it's already dark. From 16 hours I'm awake, work takes 10, more than half!

A good friend of mine can't afford a motorcycle. He lives off welfare. Refuses to do minimum wage job, since it's almost like welfare but takes more than half of your day. He has all the day for himself. Walking by the river, reading etc. I respect that. Wouldn't force to work anyone who doesn't want to.

I understand if you blame immigrants for taking jobs for lower wages, making you too work for lower wage. But if you blame them for not working - are all the natives hard working, or do you not have "lazy" Englishmen as well. These last few posts are on the edge of racism/schauvinism.

Fingers say it all:

 slaninar ,- my post is not about being racist at all,far from it ,BUT i do have a chip on my shoulder about "human rights" :z
ever since that word has abused by all illegal immigrants,prisoners , ect ect all it has ever achieved is to give the people who want to sponge in my country a lawful right to sponge and the government has to fall over backwards to them my friend no,its not about racism

General / Re: votes for prisoners
« on: 27 November 2012, 06:24:14 pm »
then what the hell will it be like in 40 years time ?

Since we are an island nation we could exploit that and be turned into a European super prison island. Just build a massive wall around the coast, remove all technology, airdrop in new prisoners and supplies in and let them sort it out between themselves. The money would allow us to purchase an island in the south pacific called Betterer Great Britain.

I jest, it should be called Great Brian.

 :eek And just how are the illegal drug dealing benifit scrounging immigrants suppose to get in then.  :\

 :b :b :b

by the good old fashioned "HUMAN RIGHTS " asylum -"you give me benefits,house , free medical treatment ,schooling ,more benefits ,then when i get old free pensions,and old peoples home ,without me paying a penny into the society asylum human rights  :rolleyes ;)

General / Re: votes for prisoners
« on: 26 November 2012, 06:28:09 pm »
bbbrown - the whole world has gone soft  :'( :'( it is a given fact isnt it that if you knew you would be put on an aircraft carrier and used for target practise ,you would be deterred from doing  armed robbery or whatever else these scum bags do  :D
make all them sow mailbags for 20 hours a day for 10 pence and then when they leave prison after spending 20 years in a 6ft by 6ft cell with straw for the bed TATTOO on their forehead the crime they done so they have a reminder for rest of their lives what a past they have !!!
give me a tattoo gun -i,ll do it
if the country has gone this soft in the last 40 years ,then what the hell will it be like in 40 years time ?

General / Re: votes for prisoners
« on: 25 November 2012, 04:07:37 pm »
I love that there's a discussion like this going on here and everyone can make their point and civil to each other! So many threads on da interwebz these days just end up with insults, flame wars and a massively off topic thread!

What about the argument that if prison is not just a punishment but also an attempt to rehabilitate, to make them more integrated into society and therefore less likely to re-offend, would giving them the vote not help this? Give people the information they need to make an opinion on an election must surely make them involved in a society?

why would you want to get them involved in society ?- look what they done when they was LAST involved in society !
why should they have an opinion to get some vote ?they should lose all rights when they over step the mark in the first place
this country needs to grow some balls and tear up the human rights bill and the eec court of appeal and send all these terrorists back to the countries wanting to try them for convictions and start building some 6ft by 6ft cells for prisoners with nothing in them exept straw for bedding and lock em up for 23.5 hours a day,it would save the country billions a year to build hospitals and lets face it -if you done a year or two locked up like that ,would you want to re offend as soon as you were released ?

General / Re: spelling
« on: 23 November 2012, 04:50:55 pm »
it was a general observation
my 13yr old got a bit upset because of getting slated by an adult about his punctuation and spelling
would`nt mind but he is dsylexic and struggles daily and regulars on said forum, no him and never take the mic
plenty keyboard bullys nowadays
hope to meet up with him soon

know him , not " no him "
now write it out 100 times  :rollin

General / Re: votes for prisoners
« on: 23 November 2012, 04:24:00 pm »
... if someone is convicted beyond all doubt that they are guilty of crimes such as Sutcliffe, Brady, Hindley, West & Bronson then why should they not be given the death penalty. they should never be allowed to be released from prison! so why have the expense of keeping them?
Because it's barbaric.
Because it puts the State in the hypocritical position of "Do as I say, not as I do".
Because it doesn't work as a deterrent.
Because it's actually more expensive than keeping people in jail.

fazerider, i have read this myself about a couple of weeks ago -ref to it is more expensive to execute someone than keep them in jail for life , im not questioning you.........but how the HELL is it more expensive for a six foot length of rope and a kick stool , rather than paying guards,cell maintenance keeping the cell full,care work,health ect ect of someone like peter sutcliffe ?  like i said ,im not questioning you  :evil

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