Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

General => General => Topic started by: chaz on 17 September 2013, 10:09:39 pm

Title: got off lightly ??????????????
Post by: chaz on 17 September 2013, 10:09:39 pm
 A BIKER has been banned from the roads and fined after being caught riding at 135mph on the A1 in North Yorkshire.
 Brian Barton was captured on his Kawasaki motorcycle doing nearly twice the legal limit near Boroughbridge, on July 6.
 The 54-year-old from Kippax, Leeds, was sentenced at Harrogate Magistrates' Court last Wednesday, police said today, and was was banned from driving for 56 days and fined a total of £377.
 Inspector Paul Cording, of North Yorkshire Police's roads policing group, said: “This sentence is a clear demonstration of the determination of all those in the criminal justice system to keep the roads in North Yorkshire as safe as possible.
    “Barton’s speed was completely unacceptable and utterly reckless. It is simply not something we will tolerate."
Title: Re: got off lightly ??????????????
Post by: Hedgetrimmer on 17 September 2013, 10:26:55 pm
I'll say he got off lightly! I got a 6 month ban for 12 points under the totting-up system, and not one of those individual incidents could have been described as "recklessly" speeding. On one of those occasions I overtook a car whose driver was dawdling along, on her mobile phone, at about 15mph in the dead of night - got fed up and blatted past - oh shit, speed camera! Another was a police operated radar - was slowing into a village, a few mph over the limit but still slowing when caught- "we heard you slowing down", wouldn't let this one go tho! Another was about 80 mph on dual carriageway, 70 limit, fixed camera on a road I wasn't familiar with, ok speeding, but not recklessly. Plus the fine (can't remember how much, think this guy got it worse regarding this).