Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

Bikes, Hints'n'Tips => Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner => Topic started by: Falcon 269 on 13 September 2013, 06:23:58 am

Title: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: Falcon 269 on 13 September 2013, 06:23:58 am
Some of you may have been wondering why it's been a quiet summer as far as PB sightings and posts are concerned.  As we all know, it's not like Trevor to keep his gums clamped shut and his famous Fat Finger off the keyboard for any length of time. (http://static.yuku.com/domainskins/bypass/img/smileys/wink.gif)  Well, I saw him yesterday in Benidorm and - with his permission - I'm about to give a quick explanation as to why he's been off the grid for so long.

Earlier this year, Trev had a hip replacement operation here in Spain which ran into complications.  He had further surgery back in the UK to replace the affected implant and was laid up for several months as a result.  Without going into huge detail, he spent about 6 weeks without any hip joint at all while an infection was cleared up and a bone graft done to prepare for the new implant.  Not fun but he coped thanks to the tremendous help and support of friends and especially wife Annie and son, Tony. (http://fazer1000.yuku.com/domain/bypass/images/thumbsup.gif)

Three weeks post-op, Trev hobbled back to the Snow Hole in Denia and started his physio and rehab.  All was going nicely when Fate stuck another bloody great speedbump in his path.  This time it was a serious loss of feeling and function in hands, arms and legs caused by issues with the vertebrae in his lower back and neck.  Just under 2 weeks ago, he had an op to sort out the lower end but he still needs another op to relieve pressure on his spinal cord higher up.  That op is scheduled for this evening and suffice to say there's a lot riding on the outcome.

I've seen him a couple of times this week in the private hospital in Benidorm, most recently yesterday.  Now that he knows what's to be done, he's going into theatre with a very positive attitude, which is just as you'd expect from PB.  He's got a top team in his pit - his words - and he's looking forward to being at his birthday bash in Mallorca early next month as planned. (http://static.yuku.com/domainskins/bypass/img/smileys/smile.gif)

Please spare a moment today to think about Trevor and offer up a quiet wish or prayer that all goes well for our friend tonight. 


PS.  Also posted on the other Fazer Thou forum.
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: Tmation on 13 September 2013, 06:28:34 am
Good luck and a speedy recovery to the salty sea dog   :)
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: bigbluebear on 13 September 2013, 06:37:47 am
Get well soon and hope you have a speedy recovery and bless the roads with your riding skills real soon, from one bear to another.

Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: old son on 13 September 2013, 08:35:37 am
Thinking of you Trevor, maybe you should have bought my Fazer for your trike conversion, fewer bumps, smoother ride. Hope the Op goes well tonight, I am sure it will, sounds like you are in very good hands. Post soon mate.
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: red98 on 13 September 2013, 09:29:07 am
best wishes matey.....speedy recovery  ;)
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: Chris on 13 September 2013, 09:54:17 am
Hope all goes well and he's better soon!

Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: nickodemon on 13 September 2013, 10:50:01 am
My best wishes for the op and i hope you have a quick recovery.
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: richfzs on 13 September 2013, 10:56:03 am
Best wishes Trev, hope all goes well tonight, and we get your insight back on here soon!
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: eddie on 13 September 2013, 11:04:49 am
Ditto all the above

Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: snapper on 13 September 2013, 11:15:23 am
blimey as my dad would say " it never rains but it pours !
all the best and fingers crossed for a full and speedy recovery
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: Kosmic Kartman on 13 September 2013, 07:26:58 pm
Best wishes Trev... and to you Annie for being a propper wing woman.

In my thoughts. GWS matey.

As you say - Stay safe.

Ad, Hil and Emma.
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: fireblake on 13 September 2013, 11:52:28 pm
All the best Trev, speedy recovery and all that.
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: slimwilly on 14 September 2013, 06:47:17 am
Poor Trev, get outta there soon mate(alive that is) good luck

I dread the day my body parts start wearing out, then the nice coloured doctors can start cutting and sewing me :\ ,giving me infections anew.

By the way , where can i get a new liver for a start?
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: Hedgetrimmer on 14 September 2013, 09:30:18 am
I have a "bone" infection around the prosthesis in my arm/shoulder. Was told the only way to get rid of it would be to have the whole thing dismantled and cleaned up internally. The shoulder joint is fused, would mean cutting this, and so creating a new bone-to-bone interface, probably causing a lot more pain and discomfort than I currently have, and probably leading to further operations - no guarantees. I told them, no, I've lived with it for "x" years, it hasn't got any worse, I'll live with it til I do have further/greater problems. They said, right choice!
Back problems can be a real b*****d and I feel for this fella tho' I don't know him personally. Good luck Trev, hope all goes well and you make a good recovery.
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: Falcon 269 on 14 September 2013, 11:38:07 am
Good news!  The op went well and Trevor didn't even need to spend time in the ICU afterwards, which they thought might be necessary considering this is his sixth time under general anaesthetic this year.  He was awake and lucid almost immediately and is already showing signs of improvement in his motor functions, which I take to be a positive sign.

Fingers crossed that this is the last medical drama he has to endure for a long time and that his recovery from here on goes well.

I know he's been reading this thread and I'm sure he's hugely appreciative of everyone's kind words and support. :)

Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: Camshaft on 14 September 2013, 11:59:22 am
Soldier on Trevor  :)
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: richfzs on 14 September 2013, 06:53:06 pm
Fab news  :thumbup :thumbup
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: AdieR on 15 September 2013, 02:23:21 am
Don't know the guy, but best wishes to him.
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: mr self destruct on 15 September 2013, 07:40:43 am
Great news Falcon!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery for him.
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: bigbluebear on 15 September 2013, 08:20:25 am
Really pleased to hear the op went well and sincerely hope you will get better real soon.
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: red98 on 15 September 2013, 08:28:56 am
great news..........us foccers are tough old buggers......best wishes matey  :)
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: locksmith on 15 September 2013, 11:46:28 am
Stay safe PB  :)
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: bigralphie on 15 September 2013, 01:10:46 pm
Get well soon Trev
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: noggythenog on 15 September 2013, 01:40:56 pm
Excellent news

Medical or not i believe in a positive attitude creating a better outcome in these situations & no doubt that same attitude will decrease the recovery time too.

& a few beers is always good for recovery. ;)
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: Falcon 269 on 15 September 2013, 02:58:38 pm
Took a scenic ride up to see Trev this morning and I can tell you he's in a very good frame of mind now.  The escape tunnel should be complete by Weds and although what comes next isn't plain sailing, it's a darned sight better than what could have been! :)

I'm hoping to see him next early in Oct over in Mallorca.  We've had plans for almost a year to celebrate his birthday there and where there's a will, there's a way.

Sausages and Guinness, that's the way :lol


Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: Aegis Bearing Mel on 15 September 2013, 03:58:00 pm
Good news!  The op went well and Trevor didn't even need to spend time in the ICU afterwards, which they thought might be necessary considering this is his sixth time under general anaesthetic this year.  He was awake and lucid almost immediately and is already showing signs of improvement in his motor functions, which I take to be a positive sign.

Think his surgeon deserves some kind of medal for performing a miracle, making a Foccer LUCID??
Nah, no chance.

Glad to hear things are turning out right for you Trev, sounds like a truly hideous year health wise buddy, here's to the escape tunnel being complete and the Guinness flowing freely!
Take care that man!!
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: Falcon 269 on 15 September 2013, 09:54:04 pm
Maybe that should have read 'loud' ... ;)
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: devilsyam on 19 September 2013, 08:30:39 pm
hum seems the info i have mike is slightly different

we all know bears lower half is bit defunt hips knee's etc

and all the hospitization has taken its toll but from recent picture i have
seem all the wheel chair activinties have him is good working order lol

Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: steve pring on 23 September 2013, 04:42:23 pm
Just got back from me hols and read this.
I'm glad to hear that things went well with the op Trev and fingers crossed for a speedy (within government limits) recovery.
Thanks for the updates as well Mike.
Title: Re: Polar Bear Sighting in Benidorm!
Post by: pitternator on 24 September 2013, 07:09:30 am
Hi guys , hope trev is reading this thread too. Have known Trev from very early days of the launch of the fazer 1000 group in 2002. Always  has had a great heart, a true biker  and full of  stories and anecdotes from his varied life. So good to hear he is recovering , and my hearty best wishes for a full recovery .Maybe even get back on the bike soon too.