Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

General => General => Topic started by: Just Anne on 13 November 2011, 07:57:13 pm

Title: That's my girl!
Post by: Just Anne on 13 November 2011, 07:57:13 pm
Had a call from my 16 year old daughter at 2.30 on Wednesday to tell me she'd come off her ped. A couple came out of their house to help her, took her and the bike in, cup of hot chocolate later and she told them she had a test at college and needed to get there. The lady took her in to college, she sat the test, got the bus home.....then called me!
Thankfully she wasn't hurt but was very worried I'd be cross. As you can imagine, the overwhelming emotion on my part was great relief. Turns out she'd gone into a corner a bit fast, saw the car and braked while she was already lent over to keep on her side of the road. Road was wet and a service the previous day ment the brakes were a bit fierce. She parted company with the bike which then hit the on coming car. There was very little damage to her ped as the top box rack was what hit the car. Unfortunately, it hit a Merc and damaged the wing, wheel and door.
She's called the insurance company, sourced the parts and spent all day repairing it, took flowers to the lady she hit and the one who helped her and booked extra shifts at work to pay for it.
What a star :)
Title: Re: That's my girl!
Post by: BBROWN1664 on 13 November 2011, 08:05:31 pm
Title: Re: That's my girl!
Post by: eddie on 14 November 2011, 04:59:50 pm
 a credit to you me thinks Anne........... glad she is ok
Title: Re: That's my girl!
Post by: wraith600 on 14 November 2011, 06:05:37 pm
Title: Re: That's my girl!
Post by: easy on 14 November 2011, 07:37:28 pm
She really is a credit to you, Anne. More of todays youth should have the integrity and work ethic that your daughter has displayed. I applaud you both. :thumbup
Title: Re: That's my girl!
Post by: Just Anne on 14 November 2011, 09:08:59 pm
Thank you [puffed up with pride icon]
Title: Re: That's my girl!
Post by: Rehab on 14 November 2011, 10:23:00 pm
I take back my generalisation that all 'ped riders are a nuisance.

Nice to hear that there are some good eggs in the world still!!

Now lets hope that the car driver doesn't start claiming whiplash for them and the hundreds of passengers that were in with them......