Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

General => General => Topic started by: adeejaysdelight on 07 July 2013, 05:06:54 pm

Title: Nearly
Post by: adeejaysdelight on 07 July 2013, 05:06:54 pm
 I went out for a run on the bike yesterday. Perfect conditions. Dry, not to warm, not to bright and fairly quiet. It was my first proper run since surgery in March, so I decided not to get carried away with myself.
Anyway, about 100 miles from home and I am coming along a straight section at a reasonable pace. Ahead I see some traffic. A car, then two bikes, then another two cars. They are about 1/2 a mile away. The bikes decide to overtake the car at the front. No problem I thought. They did this without incident and in roughly half the distance. Then the Fiesta behind them decides he is going to overtake too  :eek .
Even a performance car would have found it tight. So I am on the brakes and the horn as this guy proceeds to batter along my side of the road, side by side with the car he was trying to overtake. There was about 1 meter of unused tarmac to the left hand side which I had to aim for as both cars passed me. Fortunately I kept my cool and go past. I stopped to see the overtaking car complete his manoeuvre about 15 seconds later. The bikes that overtook must have seen in their mirrors what was unfolding and came to a stop, so thanks for that guys.
I did not get the reg number or any details of the car on account of my life flashing before my eyes and trying to get the bike through the tiny gap, but I do hope that one of the other drivers involved will have the good sense to see that that guy could have killed me and report it to the police.
Other than that it was a great day out. 
Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: ChristoT on 07 July 2013, 05:09:46 pm
Bloody hell mate! Glad to hear you're OK!!
Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: Motorbreath on 07 July 2013, 05:23:51 pm
Well done mate. Stupid cager.
Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: Skippernick on 07 July 2013, 08:16:19 pm
Blimey good skills.
I might of turned around and chased him to get the number plate. :lol
Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: Dead Eye on 07 July 2013, 08:17:53 pm
Blimey good skills.
I might of turned around and chased him to get the number plate. :lol

Too damn right!
Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: Grahamm on 07 July 2013, 10:06:06 pm
Jeez, glad to hear you're ok, it must have been a serious arse clenching moment!

And both of the cagers were idiots, the one trying to pass and the other for not backing off when he (should have) realised what was going on :(
Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: Hedgetrimmer on 07 July 2013, 10:10:40 pm
And they wonder why their car insurance premiums are so high... :rolleyes
Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: imax on 07 July 2013, 10:27:55 pm
Quote from: Grahamm link=topic=8712.msg86352#msg86 (352 date=1373231166
And both of the cagers were idiots, the one trying to pass and the other for not backing off when he (should have) realised what was going on :(

Is there a protocol for this situation.

A few years back I was in a car approaching a bend . Stupid driver attempted an overtake as a bike appeared round the corner. I braked, but so did the other driver. I then stopped braking to allow the car to drop in behind and received a gesture that definately wasn't a foccer salute from the biker and a blast of horn and full beam from the car. Once the bike was clear and we were round the bend, car overtook and then slammed on his brakes (I had anticipated this and backed off accordingly), before driving off , offering a gesture of his own out the window :)
Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: Lazarus on 07 July 2013, 11:43:12 pm
think the main protocol is not to drive like a fucking idiot and uses your eyes to look for things.
Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: simonm on 07 July 2013, 11:55:36 pm
Loadsa pillocks around, problem is getting other people to see it your way.

Sounds like they have a death wish but are hoping that being enclosed in metal will save them.  Time will tell.

Glad you're okay.  Ride safe.
Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: robby boy on 08 July 2013, 12:48:35 am
Glad you scraped through, I had something similar myself once, came round a corner to find a car overtaking another and about two feet of road for me, managed to get into the tight space and get past, I did manage to raise my arm and break his door mirror off as he passed though, still not a good feeling and does show there is a lot of idiots out there.

Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: Dave48 on 08 July 2013, 10:53:56 am
Perhaps if they(government) focussed more on progressive/stepped training for cagers like motorcyclists have to undertake ....but then again.......tossers & braindead types wouldnt learn anything anyway. Glad you survived to tell the tale---weve all had it sometime or other.Mine was a Yank cager tourist driving on wrong side of road round blind bend in rural Ireland. Just enough time to front brake & head for grass bank before we had a head-on :eek  My good lady pillion nearly got concussion from her helmet impact with mine but at least we were unscathed.
Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: Enceladus on 08 July 2013, 11:08:31 am
this is one reason i have a camera on my helmet!
that and vlogging of course :)
glad you are ok.
Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: DILLIGAFF on 08 July 2013, 11:18:54 am
I seem to encounter pricks like this every day?

I really can't believe they all have valid licences and suspect they are in the growing number of illegal motorists who cannot afford to get legal.

Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: tomjimtom on 08 July 2013, 01:34:58 pm
The other side of the story, I was driving in New Zealand with two motorcycles coming towards me, straight road, lights on noone going fast etc.
All of a sudden the bloke on the 'big' bike decides he's going to overtake the smaller bike (part of a group), he just doesn't see the 1.8L mazda 6 coming towards him?
A massive swerve into the grass on the side of the road, any further I'd have been in a ditch at 40mph and I hoped I wouldn't have silver fairing all over my windscreen...

Point being, there are idiots everywhere!
Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: richfzs on 08 July 2013, 04:36:17 pm
Point being, there are idiots everywhere!

Mostly on the road in front of me. Wanders, the lot of them.
Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: richfzs on 08 July 2013, 04:37:32 pm
Hehe, that wasn't supposed to say wanders, perhaps frazer has managed to get that "keep it nice" text substitution thing working after all :lol
Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: Exupnut on 08 July 2013, 05:05:06 pm
I like a wander in the morning hehe
Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: red98 on 08 July 2013, 05:10:29 pm
I like a wander in the morning hehe

ah yes ,christo told me about your wandering hands in the morning  :rollin :rollin :rollin
Title: Re: Nearly
Post by: Grahamm on 08 July 2013, 05:23:04 pm
Quote from: Grahamm link=topic=8712.msg86352#msg86 (352 date=1373231166
And both of the cagers were idiots, the one trying to pass and the other for not backing off when he (should have) realised what was going on :(

Is there a protocol for this situation.

Yes, it's called The Highway Code paragraphs 162 to 169 (https://www.gov.uk/using-the-road-159-to-203/overtaking-162-to-169).

Unfortunately too many idiots think that once they've passed their Test they don't need to read it again :(