Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

General => General => Topic started by: mickvp on 23 June 2013, 02:00:35 am

Title: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: mickvp on 23 June 2013, 02:00:35 am
So, im almost due a new helmet soon, as my current one must be 3-4 years old, and has seen a bit of action. I've got a Nolan N103 at present, which has been great really, if a bit heavy.

Toying with getting a "better" quality helmet this time, perhaps a Schuberth C3. I like flip-ups, as it saves the constant on-off at petrol stations etc. Also I had looked at the Shark Evoline 3, as you can ride that open faced, but its not in my size.

I know the old adage of "get what fits" is important here, and I will of course pop into HG or something before taking the plunge to make sure whatever i settle on fits properly and doesnt have any hot spots, but some recommendations of something that is reasonably quiet, I can get a bluetooth headset into (I dont mind if its an integrated/OEM one like the nolan/schuberth one), and one with a flip down sun visor would be nice too, but not essential!

So..what have you guys got at the minute?
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Chris on 23 June 2013, 02:29:29 am
I've got a Shoei interceptor at the moment, a few years old now but been great. much better feel than my previous HJC. As you have already said it really depends what fits and what you like.
Cost is a matter of perspective though, It protects your brain and at the end of the day we're pretty useless without them... Some people seem to manage though  :lol
I'm sure some of the cheaper lids will protect you just as well in an accident but you can't really put a price on your own head/brain.
All the best,
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: stevierst on 23 June 2013, 02:33:28 am
Shoei raid II at the mo, great lid with some good features, albeit an old design.
 Got a set of speakers I retrofitted and an iPod shuffle built into the neckguard, its ace. Doesn't have the built in dark visor though which would be nice. Pretty quiet on the motorway, but still need plugs.

Best one for being quiet was my old Roof Daytona, brilliant helmet that I just can't throw away even though it really stinks!
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: dBfazer600 on 23 June 2013, 02:44:55 am
My Aria Astro J is 10+ years old and I have just retired it due to the stink but the fit was fantastic and a lot quieter that my Shoie multitech (cost £250 from helmet city) I like the flip up but the visor could be better as I find I is adjusting it all the time to stop wind noise but I am still bedding it in. I think they got this sorted with the new Neotech.
I did a lot of window shopping and tired every make and model on in the shops and found the size, models and makes that suited my head shape. I then went on line to find the cheapest supplier.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: bri h on 23 June 2013, 08:04:18 am
I use a caberg flip up for the commute and my shoie raid two for longer runs. the new shark lids look good for the price.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Lazarus on 23 June 2013, 08:50:41 am
caberg justissimo 2 - decent lid lid with flip down visor and bluetooth ready.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: JZS 600 on 23 June 2013, 08:56:16 am
Duchinni 801 and a Shoei XR 1000.

The Shoei's a lot quieter but both helmets are good.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Andy FZS on 23 June 2013, 10:32:21 am
I tried a hjc f15 on in hein gericke and then bought last years colour of the net for half price as I'm not really bothered about having the latest and the only difference was the buckle.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: slimwilly on 23 June 2013, 10:44:16 am
My mate is in love with a particular make of helmet because of the fit, the problem he has is the double D buckle, he hates them, he has a dilemma
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: VNA - BMW Wank on 23 June 2013, 10:59:27 am
I've had my Arai Viper GT for a few years now.  Great fit and very comfortable, but utterly crap visor system.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: ChristoT on 23 June 2013, 12:38:40 pm
caberg justissimo 2 - decent lid lid with flip down visor and bluetooth ready.

I have the Justissimo GT, and fitted Bluetooth to it (got an official kit cheap off ebay). It's good, but the shell size is quite big, it weighs a ton compared to some other lids, and the lining does compress more than I was expecting.

Rant over, it's a bloody good lid. Been running it for over a year, no probs. If I was touring / commuting, I'd get another one, as it is, I plan to go for something lighter next time.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: adeejaysdelight on 23 June 2013, 12:47:51 pm
What is this "you can't put a price on protecting your brain" salesman nonsense. If you think that then you must use a back protector too, right? I mean you can't put a price on your motor skills? Or your feet, hands, elbows, knees... We need them all, no question. But I don't believe that the most expensive helmet will save you (Marco Simoncelli anyone).
I have read that the USA have the toughest of all helmet testing regulations in the world. Nothing like our rubbish and pointless "controlled environment" sharp testing. I buy American branded helmets for this reason, although the Gerry's are catching up fast.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Enceladus on 23 June 2013, 01:13:54 pm
using the nolan n104
no problems so far :)
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Jacko on 23 June 2013, 03:49:22 pm

IF they all protect as well as each other then price is about comfort and style.

I use a HJC IS16
flip down dark visor, light enough, quiet with chin curtain. double D (my preference)
around £100
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: AyJay on 23 June 2013, 05:00:41 pm
I bought a Schuberth C2 as I wanted a flip up for touring and found one at a reasonable price. It was a country mile ahead of all of my previous helmets, so when I found a C3 at a decent price in the Hein Gericke fire sale, I snapped it up too.

Schuberths have vents that work. They give a huge amount of fresh air to your bonce when open, and when closed, it stops the airflow completely. After years of tragic rubbish like the vents on AGV, Nolan etc, it's amazing.

The visor seals perfectly, too, so streaming eyes are a thing of the past and it takes a lot of heavy rain to get any water on the inside of the visor at all. They're very comfortable, and with the smaller shell of the C3, the aerodynamics make it seem like you're not wearing a helmet at all. No bobbling head, no weird feelings when you turn your head at speed either. They're very quiet and the built in sun visor is so useful I honestly think they should be standard across all helmets. It's amazing how often I use it.

I don't work for Schuberth or their suppliers, just before you ask, but I do think they're worth every penny.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Tibbs on 23 June 2013, 05:35:06 pm
I have an HTC ISBT that I bought from HG when they were bust. Nice lid and miles better than my FM lid I was still using 15 years after I bought it... :oops:

Not sure I like the flip up, which makes it a bit heavy, but the sun visor is great for me as I ride in glasses.

Next time I might splash out on something a bit nicer - those Schuberths look pretty sweet and get rave reviews.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: snapper on 23 June 2013, 05:51:24 pm
I have the shuberth C2 love it makes life much simpler well made fairly quite comfy sun screen built in locks in several positions
and now you can get pin lock visors
if the C3 is as good you cant go wrong !
The only thing I would say against is vision is slighty blocked looking down and left or right ! just the edge of the helmet is in the way but try before you buy
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: igor5b on 23 June 2013, 06:01:06 pm
http://sharp.direct.gov.uk (http://sharp.direct.gov.uk/)

Based on the data from the website I bought the helmet which performed best in their tests that was within my budget, ohh and not forgetting how it looks, looks are important haha  :)

Currently have a Caberg V2rr
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: flesh on 23 June 2013, 06:20:29 pm
Shoei XR1100 for the last 3 years and before that the Raid II.
XR1100 is "ok". Brilliant wide visor improves visibility but, even with the Pinlock, it does mist a bit.  >:
Very drafty (which annoyingly does not demist the visor) and quite noisy aswell. Does fit though  ;)
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Loz on 23 June 2013, 06:31:13 pm
Arai quantum, I love the fit....just don't get the sponge in the cheek pads wet it then smells like damp dog  :lol
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Kosmic Kartman on 23 June 2013, 06:52:48 pm
I use an:
Arai Quantum
Arai FV
Simpon Shark
Caberg Justissimo GT2
Nitro Carbon
KBC Moto X

They say variety is the spice of life.

Why so many? The Quantum is fitted with headphone and mike for my iPhone. The Arai FV is a spare. The Simpson I use for Karting. The Caberg I used as an instructor and is fitted with helmet to helmet radio set. It's only really used on hot days riding in town now. The Nitro Carbon Fibre lid is a new addition that I picked up half price and was a replacement for the Arai Quantum. And the KBC I use for Grass track racing and out on the KTM sometimes.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: locksmith on 23 June 2013, 06:55:34 pm
Love my Shuberth C3.
Light, quiet(er), double glazed and built in dark visor is brilliant.
The dedicated bluetooth unit is a fortune though so I haven't tried it. Got autocom wired system fitted in it.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: taylor on 23 June 2013, 07:50:24 pm
me got a caberg,2 the wind noise is very bad.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Punkstig on 23 June 2013, 09:17:35 pm
Scorpion exo 1000 (with the pump up cheeks)
£50 from infinity's clearance warehouse, happy days
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: mickvp on 23 June 2013, 09:33:16 pm
so many decisions it seems, who knew there were so many helmets in the world (for wearing, I mean  :lol )
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: taylor on 23 June 2013, 09:39:30 pm
o yes lot,s of helmets around, just find the one that fits you, nice and tight lol. :rollin
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: noggythenog on 23 June 2013, 10:17:45 pm
Schuberth S1, im sure it's a great helmet but my experience hasnt been good, probably down to a poor match for me but it fit nice and tight and felt fine in the showroom, it's fine if i wear it a while whilst not under way.50 miles into a journey though and it has a pressure point right in the centre of my forehead at the hair line, it's get so urksome i want to rip it off and when i get the chance i have to open my vizor and pull from the chin piece to try move it ever so slightly and relieve the pain.i look forward to stopping and taking it off.
Have done about 3k miles with it now and no change so ive compressed 3 small ridges of foam with my fingers that seem to be in that area so ill give it one more chance & then im buying another helmet.
the anti fog on inside of the vizor has been flaking off also, got a feeling it's because i wiped it with a wet cloth but still annoying. :o
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Davebo on 23 June 2013, 10:36:20 pm
It's all about the fit...and the safety standards.

Allegedly there is c0ck all difference between the lower priced ones and the pricier ones.

I went for a Shark Speed R as it was the best fit.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Hedgetrimmer on 23 June 2013, 10:42:38 pm

Allegedly there is c0ck all difference between the lower priced ones and the pricier ones.

Nope, don't agree with that. As an example, many of the more expensive helmets are made of modern lightweight composites - that's largely what you're paying for. And of course, plusher lining materials, better venting, more extensive testing before production etc.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Ian-man on 23 June 2013, 11:30:33 pm
I wanted a flip with internal sun visor.
Shuberth was nice but didn't fit me.
Would have got a shoei but at the time they didn't have an internal sun visor.
Bought a Nolan n103, happy enough with it but when it rains I get drips of water down the inside of the visor. Especially if you open the visor to scratch yer nose or sumat, grrrr.

Might go for new shoei next time.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: mickvp on 24 June 2013, 12:24:59 am
i can empathise with that matey, my N103 does that as well. I also get a whistling which is either coming from a vent, or the visor is not seated correctly, its not always done it, but it winds me up no end (http://www.vivapotenza.com/images/smilies/wall.gif)
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: karlo on 24 June 2013, 07:36:07 am
Shoei Multitec love the helmet miss a sun visor tho  :'(
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Dave48 on 24 June 2013, 07:46:44 am
As Karlo said
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: nsr500v4 on 24 June 2013, 12:23:32 pm
HJC FS11 from lids direct for a bargain half price! £100......drop down sun visor too, comfy and reasonably light. Wore AGV for years but i find the new ones are not that well made any more and not comfy now either, shame!

 [size=78%]http://www.lidsdirect.co.uk/hjc-fg-15-carbon-4.html (http://www.lidsdirect.co.uk/hjc-fg-15-carbon-4.html)[/size]  how about this!!
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Lazarus on 24 June 2013, 01:17:49 pm
My mate is in love with a particular make of helmet because of the fit, the problem he has is the double D buckle, he hates them, he has a dilemma

you can get a convertor kit to change from D ring to seatbelt style (i think)
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: ponkster on 24 June 2013, 02:54:40 pm
Recently got a Caberg duke flip front .
I am very pleased with it as it is light, has a drop down sun visor , comes with a fitted pinlock visor , works well with coms/ headphones and also gets a good sharps rating.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: JZS 600 on 24 June 2013, 03:13:16 pm
I like the DD strap fitting, had a seat belt type one on a Shoei 800 and it was OK but the DD always gets tightened to just the right amount regardless of what neck wear ot not you are wearing
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: nsr500v4 on 24 June 2013, 03:14:53 pm
Double D ring all the way, much better IMO
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Bornagain again on 24 June 2013, 10:07:36 pm
A helmet that fits right is more important than whether its 3 or 4 stars in the ratings. Or how much it costs, cost is no indicator of anything cept the size of a penis (or not).
If your helmet is uncomfortable it affects your riding, increase the chance you might need it.
As long as it has the CE sticker and anything over 3 stars it'll do the job unless the tree you impact shortens your neck a bit
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: demic77 on 25 June 2013, 10:09:12 am
I'm in a similar boat, quite fancy a Roof Desmo or Boxer V8. Anyone know anywhere that flogs 'em in the North West? Need to try on before committing really as I've got a fat head. Anyone got one of these lids?
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Raymy on 25 June 2013, 12:04:39 pm
I don't wear a helmet
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Aegis Bearing Mel on 25 June 2013, 05:43:23 pm
Had Arias since I started riding, still use my Quantum on the odd occasion but don't think I'll be buying another after using this Reevu (http://www.shinybikesyndrome.co.uk/new/shop/reevu-flip-front-helmet/) for my commute since January.
Superb bit of kit; comfy, lightweight, quiet and the wee mirror thing is magic.
Well worth a look.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: t140 on 26 June 2013, 12:19:42 pm
arai classic open face with either ugly fish or bolle goggles :) , very occasionally an agv full face
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: sure2ride on 26 June 2013, 12:56:33 pm
Shark Vision   Fits me nicely, drop down sun visor, front visor ventilation setting. A good helmet, but a tad on the noisy side. ( I like a really quiet helmet).
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Liroka on 26 June 2013, 02:21:01 pm
Caberg V2 407. An awful, noisy & dangerous full face helmet, but it does have a sun visor. How is it dangerous? Well, over 50% of the time the visor will flip up at motorway speeds when I look over my shoulder. I so wish I hadn't dropped my Raid II.

Saying that, a friend of mine swears by Caberg flip helmets.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Jazz999 on 26 June 2013, 03:47:09 pm
Marushin, internal sun visor is a godsend and it's about the only thing I've found that's a decent fit for me.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: budgiemurray on 26 June 2013, 03:52:47 pm
Caberg duke flip lid for me.. Definately quieter than my previous caberg j2 and justissimo flip lid


Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Tmation on 26 June 2013, 06:07:29 pm
I had used Arai for about 15 years but decided to change to a Reevu two years ago.

Well impressed, it is quieter, comfier, better ventilated and Cheaper than an Arai. It has a removable liner that can be custom fit to your head (they provide a second set free of charge) and it has a rear view mirror system built in (which takes about 500 miles to get used to).

My only grip is the liner colour is a bit light, so shows up any dirty marks.



Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Soapy on 26 June 2013, 07:21:29 pm
I had used Arai for about 15 years but decided to change to a Reevu two years ago.

Well impressed, it is quieter, comfier, better ventilated and Cheaper than an Arai. It has a removable liner that can be custom fit to your head (they provide a second set free of charge) and it has a rear view mirror system built in (which takes about 500 miles to get used to).

My only grip is the liner colour is a bit light, so shows up any dirty marks.




How do you find the sizing. I used to have a Arai years ago in a Large size but currently have a Shoei XR1000 which is a Medium. I like the Shoei but find it's a bit noisy but a whole quieter than the Arai was. I like the look of the Reevu but nobody nearby stocks them.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Oldgit on 27 June 2013, 10:42:22 am
BMW System 6 &  AVG.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: JZS 600 on 27 June 2013, 12:48:18 pm
How much do you actually see out of the rear view mirror?
I thought about it for a while and thought I'd spend too much time looking into the helmet liner!
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Phil on 27 June 2013, 05:52:25 pm
I like the DD strap fitting, had a seat belt type one on a Shoei 800 and it was OK but the DD always gets tightened to just the right amount regardless of what neck wear ot not you are wearing
I agree.
When the new Shoei GT-Air was announced it had a seat belt type fitting, and still does in the brochures, but they come to the UK with double D ring. I wouldn't have a helmet with anything else.
The flip down visor is very useful. Going from roads in full sun to shady tree lined roads you can see again in 1 second. The visor fitting is improved than on my older XR1000, it really fits tight against the helmet.
The breathguard is the most flimsy thin piece of plastic I've ever seen though. I had to pad the thing out with tape to get it to stay in place.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: nsr500v4 on 27 June 2013, 08:38:02 pm
Soapy, what do u reckon to the rear view? Does it help? Saw these ages ago but as they were new and didnt fancy just risking it so i bought a different helmet.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: The Rocketeer on 28 June 2013, 12:40:42 am
Only buy a Caberg if you are stone deaf. Had a Schuberth S1 Pro, very heavy and gave me the worst helmet hair ever, no better than the XR1000 I had before. Got a Roof Boxer V8 now, love it exept when it's pishing down, not the best visor seal, use the Multitec in the rain.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Frosties on 28 June 2013, 12:02:29 pm
Caberg Ego with integral sun visor. Noisy even with plugs and the visor seals let rain run down the inside. Air vents are totally useless and couldn't get the pinlock to work.

Soooo, in the same boat and looking for a new lid. Currently looking at Shark S900C  :rolleyes [size=78%] [/size]
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Soapy on 28 June 2013, 12:37:47 pm
Soapy, what do u reckon to the rear view? Does it help? Saw these ages ago but as they were new and didnt fancy just risking it so i bought a different helmet.

Sorry for any confusion. I was asking a question at the bottom of his quote. I have a Shoei XR1000 which is quite noisy. I was asking Tmation a couple of questions about the Reevu.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Looney tune on 28 June 2013, 12:51:35 pm
XR1100 for me, little noisy but since Neely fitted my starcom its just music I hear. Superb fit which for me over rules any downsides, comes with free pin lock  :)

Also have a KBC helmet, quiet but not as good a fit as the shoei
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Tmation on 28 June 2013, 01:48:22 pm
Soapy, nsr500v4
[/size]First size, I had an Arai Quantum E size M two Arai RX7 XX both L then an Astro R in size M. I got the Reevu in size Med and the sent me a set of size L linings  (they will send a second set to allow custom fit). I got mine from Shiny Bike Syndrome  [/size][size=78%]http://www.shinybikesyndrome.co.uk/new/ (http://www.shinybikesyndrome.co.uk/new/)[/size] [/size](Nooj on here) but the main place is in the north east somewhere. Excellent back up and support, but phone for spare visors etc don't order from website.[/size][size=78%] [/size][/size][size=78%]http://vision-helmets.com/ (http://vision-helmets.com/)[/size]
[/size]Rear view is very good and as I said it takes around 500 miles to get used to it (don't stare into it all the time) the view isn't crystal clear like a car mirror but it's good enough. It is great for ride outs and track days etc plus normal commuting and riding, I don't understand why all riding instructors don't wear them.
[/size]I find the Helmet very comfortable for all day riding, it is much quieter than all my Arai helmets, the forward vision is good, visor changing easy (download instructions from site), the ventilation can be felt working especially down the back of my head, downside its 200-300 grams heavier than my last Arai.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Hedgetrimmer on 05 July 2013, 06:40:18 pm
Just bought an HJC IS-17, black. Judging by short ride home from work today in hot sunshine, the vents work well, really noticed the difference. Drop down dark visor - first one of these I've had. Seems to fit nicely with no uncomfortable tight spots. Retails at about £140 - brand new at £76! That'll do me...
Nice to retire cheap £45 Box that I only really bought to pick up the bike when I bought it. Will do for a spare. Was going to wait for next lot of HJC RPHA10 Carbons to come in, but going to Wales next week, so needed something decent sooner. Will let you all know what I think of The IS-17 after a bit more intensive use.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: mickvp on 05 July 2013, 07:10:53 pm
This reevu looks interesting, hadn't heard of it before this thread. To any of the owners: does the tunneling for the mirror make it sit really high on your head?

One of my buddies has just got a nexx r1r carbon as well - feck me! Makes my Nolan helmet feel like a tank, the things so light!

So many to choose from, still wish there was a shop local that had a decent selection so I could get one that I know for sure fits my bonce properly, buying online and having to return etc it a hassle..
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Tmation on 05 July 2013, 08:48:18 pm

The mirror tunnel is around 1.5 cm deep and it is molded into the helmet so the original helmet is underneath. Apparently (according to an American sales pitch) it also as like a crumple zone on the helmet, absorbing some of the impact before the main shell.

When wearing the helmet it doesn't feel any different to a normal helmet (you can just see out of the back). You should still do your life savers and use your mirrors, it just adds an additional view.
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: Hedgetrimmer on 13 July 2013, 09:29:31 pm
Just bought an HJC IS-17, black. Judging by short ride home from work today in hot sunshine, the vents work well, really noticed the difference. Drop down dark visor - first one of these I've had. Seems to fit nicely with no uncomfortable tight spots. Retails at about £140 - brand new at £76! That'll do me...
Nice to retire cheap £45 Box that I only really bought to pick up the bike when I bought it. Will do for a spare. Was going to wait for next lot of HJC RPHA10 Carbons to come in, but going to Wales next week, so needed something decent sooner. Will let you all know what I think of The IS-17 after a bit more intensive use.

Nearly forgot this. OK, fits real well, snug but not uncomfortable. Still impressed with the vents after having so many lids where I didn't know if they were open or closed for all the effect I got. Nice to have the drop down tint visor, obviously that's been a real bonus lately, but I think a decent pair of shades keeps the wind out of my eyes better. However, unintentionally, it has it's own way of coping with this; The visor ratchet is a bit looser than it should be, and I was thinking about sorting this when I got back to work (replacement visor and/or base plates), but actually, the wind tends to blow the visor shut just as it gets a bit too much! So, a happy accident  :)  Light and aerodynamic enough to not really notice the weight (though carbon, say 1250/1300g, better in this regard). This helmet, Med., marked 1500g. With hot, sweaty couple of days in Wales recently, thankful that cheek pads and crown liner removable and washable! Oh, and by the way, watch out for weight claims, even as marked on helmets - manufacturers often say a certain weight, and often this will be marked as the same on all sizes of a particular helmet, but eg, HJC generally use three shell sizes (XS/S, M/L, L/XL), and of course, the larger ones weigh more! (Although to be fair, it may not be a really noticeable difference). Liner material soft and comfy, not at all abrasive, Double-D-ring strap (my personal preference as easy to adjust on the move) with press stud fastening for excess strap length. Chin curtain fits nicely and does a good job of keeping unwanted breezes from coming in from unwanted direction (not a problem lately, but is easily removable). Visor removal & refitting is quick & easy. Pinlock insert supplied. That's about it, so I'd say I'm pretty happy with it. If it's the right shape for you, I'd recommend the IS-17.  :)
Title: Re: which helmets are you guys using?
Post by: mirdif64 on 14 July 2013, 12:01:16 am
Just got a Shoei GT Air to replace my old Arai RX 7. Seems well made and is nice and quiet.