Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

General => General => Topic started by: red98 on 10 February 2013, 08:59:35 am

Title: touring,crazy idea
Post by: red98 on 10 February 2013, 08:59:35 am
talk has turned to holidays in the RED household,my wife likes a beach holiday ,relaxing on the beach or by the pool,not for me as get bored easily,last year swmbo took the kids to malta with her elderly parents while i took the thou round england  :)  everyone happy......this year it would be nice to spend some time with the kids.....so my crazy idea which some of you have no doubt have already guessed  :eek ..................put swmbo, kids and outlaws on plane and ride my mighty thou to malta  :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek .........................comments please,good or bad  ;)   
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: stevierst on 10 February 2013, 09:14:26 am
I've joked with the missus many times about doing this, I'd say go for it, You only live once!
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: FuZzBoM on 10 February 2013, 09:22:49 am
well all I can say is it will be a hell of an adventure.. according to Google maps it is 1863 miles and 30 hours! If you were to ride 8 hours a day it should take 4 days.
My only thoughts are that when you factor in petrol, hotels ferry's etc. it could easily be double the cost of the plane ticket lol.
I am going to cyprus this year for a mates wedding, i did consider taking the fazer but when flights are £500 for me and the mrs i looked into bike hire instead  :lol
Whatever you decide have a good time..
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: red98 on 10 February 2013, 09:37:33 am
we can get very good deals on flights and it would cost a lot more by bike but that would be the holiday for me....been thinking about it for a few years now,you get a good view of france and italy from the plane and i would rather be on the road enjoying the scenery.........about 2000miles and as steverist has already mentioned "you only live once"..........biggest worry is doing it on my own,be nice to have back up if i have any problems  ;)
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: sadlonelygit on 10 February 2013, 09:45:09 am
we are doing Rome this whitsun, she's flying there, pillion back. i get to ride 1000 miles solo :D
live a little!
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: red98 on 10 February 2013, 10:08:42 am
we are doing Rome this whitsun, she's flying there, pillion back. i get to ride 1000 miles solo :D
live a little!

that sounds good.....how long you going to take ?
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: purplebear7 on 10 February 2013, 12:43:54 pm
 :)    Long Haul Touring Holiday 'Adventures'.. yep that's the way to go .. I've been doing them for years  8) .
In the case of the final destination being an off shore Island .. Isle of Man, Majorca, Western Isles .. wherever . the second (and then third to get back) sea crossings are the financial nail in the idea justification box  :eek . 
In the case of you UK guys .. they are often much more expensive than just getting across to France.   
In this case in particular .. I'd give it a miss completely .. Malta really is a real bog hole of a dump (trust me on this one) bugger all there to justify going.   Gozo (right next door) is much better .. but then that's a third (and fourth) ferry!
Far better to find the family some sun and sand (by some sea and an Airport) on the mainland and Ride the Bike to and from it   :b
Just in my opinion .. as always.   Stay Safe  ;)    Trev the Polar Bear
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: sadlonelygit on 10 February 2013, 01:04:34 pm
we are doing Rome this whitsun, she's flying there, pillion back. i get to ride 1000 miles solo :D
live a little!

that sounds good.....how long you going to take ?
leave home friday night, get to campicino airport 5.30pm sunday............no rush :b
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: adeejaysdelight on 10 February 2013, 01:14:21 pm
I agree with the polobear, why Malta? It is a good idea though, best of both worlds. I am going to Germany/France/Holland with my mate this year. My missus might go to St. Tropez at the same time. I was thinking of heading down to meet her for a few days once my holiday with my mate is over, then riding home alone.
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: ChristoT on 10 February 2013, 02:07:45 pm
you get a good view of france and italy from the plane and i would rather be on the road enjoying the scenery

At the risk of being a killjoy, you don't see much of France on the Autoroutes. It'll mainly be long slog, and possibly a bit boring. I speak from experience of returning home to France which involves longish hauls in both England and France, you don't see much of either country on the big roads.

biggest worry is doing it on my own,be nice to have back up if i have any problems  ;)

Firstly, the French (including cagers) love bikers, and if anything, the French biker community is even closer than in the UK. Plus, there are a few Foccers in France and Italy, so bung them some PMs! You might even be able to go from Foccer to Foccer and save on hotel bills!
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: Kosmic Kartman on 10 February 2013, 03:57:24 pm
Did a similar thing (pre child) some years ago. My wife towed the caravan to shropshire  :eek and I took the bike. I'd have trouble doing this now as the caravan has long gone and I can't fit three on a bike, unlees Trev lent me his wheels.
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: purplebear7 on 10 February 2013, 04:41:49 pm
 :lol     Lend YOU my wheels ... YOU ... I'd be physically ill  :\ .
Anyway Ad .. you wouldn't enjoy The Spanish Dancer outfit very much .. it's only got five gears for a start, it don't lean over (well not that far  :rolleyes ) it's too fat to filter and I don't live anywhere close to that Brighton Mile (Thank Neptune) 
Rule number six in my book I think .. I'll not ride yours .. you'll not ride mine.
Nice try mind  ;)     Trev
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: ChristoT on 10 February 2013, 04:59:04 pm
:lol     Lend YOU my wheels ... YOU ... I'd be physically ill  :\ .
Anyway Ad .. you wouldn't enjoy The Spanish Dancer outfit very much .. it's only got five gears for a start, it don't lean over (well not that far  :rolleyes ) it's too fat to filter and I don't live anywhere close to that Brighton Mile (Thank Neptune) 
Rule number six in my book I think .. I'll not ride yours .. you'll not ride mine.
Nice try mind  ;)     Trev

Nice setup!
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: Fatherbiker on 10 February 2013, 06:17:52 pm
Hi mate. I guess thats a CB 1300?.... I rode accross Spain and France in 2008 and found it absolutely fookin brilliant! 1700 miles total on a 600 Bandit in rain, hail, thunder storms but also some sun shine and dry weather. Look out on 'you tube' for motorbikes over the Milau bridge by Dr Love and its filming me from behind with 4 of the other guys with me. The guy filming was a good friend of mine called Mike Frain AKA Dr Love and he was riding an 03 plate Fazer 600 foxeye identical to the one I have now! I would say, wherever you ride abroad, dont do it alone.....If you get a problem, break down or puncture in the middle of nowhere you can be stuck for ridiculous amounts of time. If you come a cropper for any reason you need help with you even to (God forbid) get the emergency services organised. Make sure you have a puncture repair kit, spare light bulb kit, yellow jacket, lisence and insurance certificate, plus make sure you have travel insurance which is essential, Euro's in cash in case of getting stopped for speeding, (1500 euro fine for speeding in France apparently but thats only if the officer stopping you is a jobs worth and an arsehole at the same time)
There is a place I would love to ride.....Croatia! Fabulous roads, sights and often the weather too.
Sod it all.....Just enjoy it buddy, but do think of getting someone else to ride with you.
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: purplebear7 on 10 February 2013, 08:12:15 pm
 :)    Hi there Fatherbiker ... Hola my Son  8)
Yes Sir .. you are correct .. the Bike half of Spanish Dancer was once a new 2008 Honda CB1300S.  Both ends cut about and replaced with one off parts .. all fabricated and fitted to order .. it took the guys four months to compete .. two man firm called EZS in Holland.
Not sure if your advice is aimed at me or everyone generally who rides long haul stuff.  Whatever I agree with you all the way (joke) and your advice is well worth all of us taking on board  :) .
Unfortunately .. in my case .. I have a few little extra potential problems to contend with .. to start with there are no other riders on my patch that I would expect to consider doing a 4000 mile adventure with me.  It's just not fair for any solo biker to run with a chair outfit.  (I'd need to keep stopping to let the catch up  :lol  )
As far as having problems 'out in the middle of nowhere' .. we sure do have a lot of 'nowhere' down here in Spain.  I carry what I can in the way of tools, camping stove & kettle, water, coffee and snacks, extra clothes extra fuel, bog roll, etc .. also various kinds of 'plastic cover' in case (high probability) of me being stuck out on the side of a mountain Donkey Path overnight .. or even nights!
This gear comes in handy if I find any other 'poor lost sole' in trouble .. I always stop and check if I can help.
Realistically most (if not all) roadside repairs to the Dancer are a No Can Do ... the rig has to be part dismantled to do anything other than the routine maintenance.   So we are looking at a rescue type scenario and I just have to hope that I can get a mobile signal and call my better half.  She would then organise the required service(s).
Also .. Not much chance of me walking to the nearest garage  :'(  I don't do walk me .. any more than 50 yards I have to use a wheelchair .. (I really have lived 7 lives) and so it goes .. on and on. 
Good News is (there always has to be some) that I accept the Challenges and then go for it, the best I can  8)
ChrisTo:  Hi Mate, You are listed on your profile page as being 19 years old .. if that's the truth .. I am delighted that you like 'The Setup' tank you.  Most youngsters think a sidecar is a bit Wallace & Grommet come Dads Army. They have grown up with no ideas about the fun these things can dish out on the road.  I have a ball and I get 'pulled over' from time to time by the Police.
Mostly they only want to take pictures of the Dancer rig .. the local Bike Police guys often salute when they see me .. and of course .. I salute back (Palm of hand down, Royal Navy style of course  :D ) Not many bikers getting that sort of stuff anywhere that I know of these days.
Time for a cool beer after that lot I recon .. catch ya at the lights.
Stay Safe Y'all  ;)    Trev     The Polar Bear.
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: ChristoT on 10 February 2013, 09:01:20 pm
Looks like we're hijacking this thread!

I do like the look of sidecar combos, they're a nice compromise of car and bike. The open air and view (and fuel economy!) of a bike, with the stability and storage space of a car. And in the current snowy crap we have, a third wheel would be convenient for added stability!!

The most amazing bike & sidecar combo I've ever seen was a Zeus Side Bike - amazing contraptions. Even seen these on the roads?
http://www.side-car-club-francais.com/panoramaside/side_bike/zeus/Zeus_Side_Bike_milka.jpg (http://www.side-car-club-francais.com/panoramaside/side_bike/zeus/Zeus_Side_Bike_milka.jpg)
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: purplebear7 on 11 February 2013, 04:24:45 pm
 :)  Hi again Christo,
I wouldn't worry too much about hijacking threads in here mate .. I think it's this social networking sort of chat thing that helps to keep the FOC-U group so buoyant.
Interestingly (for some) it's quite hard to find a good sidecar outfit in every day use in the UK .. cross over into France and there are thousands of them .. pop down into Spain and you'll see nothing. I read somewhere that there are less than 100 outfits in the whole of the country.  I've only ever seen one Spanish Outfit in over seven years .. bit of a sad old wreck used by a farmer. 
By contrast .. on the Annual International Sidecar Rally patch up in Luxembourg last Sept we had 1.600 outfits from all over the world.  Just thinking of the guys in here who fancy trying a long haul holiday trip on their bike  .. the bloke who got the 'Longest Distance to Get There' award had ridden his outfit from Japan  :)  via Mongolia with his tiny little wife in the box .. they got a lot of very respectful bowing.
When I was considering the Spanish Dancer idea I wanted a flash, more modern looking chair (sidecar) but no one in France would build me a 'Left Hooker' (UK style with sidecar on the left).  So I had to go to EZS in Holland who build one off Left or Right handers to order .. but with the more traditional sidecar body shapes, that are actually made in the UK  :(  and round we go again.
My outfit is (as you've seen) a UK spec job and is on British plates, road tax and insurance.  I'm more English than ever these days  8)   The reason for riding on the wrong side of the road and on the wrong side of the vehicle is so that the rig can be sold for something close to it's true value in the UK .. when I snuff it  :\ .   I've already got Mike GTX (Falcon 269) booked to ride the Spanish Dancer home  :b  for me.   That should slow the bugger up a bit on the twisty bits.  Military type Advanced organisation rules.
I also have to have a good ride-out by myself to get the outfit 'home' around June time every year for the MOT and I normally do a loop of the UK to visit people .. and scrounge free B&Bs.   Not so daft some of us old farts.
Happy Days and Stay Safe now Y'all  ;)     Trev        (The Polar Bear).
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: red98 on 11 February 2013, 05:02:09 pm
"why malta" ?.......this is all down to the in-laws,they have been going there every year , same hotel,same room for something 24/25 years,wont go anywhere else,swmbo is very close to her parents and is not much better  :rolleyes .....so to try and make something out of nothing and try to please everyone i came up with this idea  :D .....inlaws happy,swmbo happy,great pool at hotel so kids happy....so that just leaves me,iam thinking of taking 3 weeks off work and spending 6/7 days getting there and the same back which leaves a week in between to play with the kids  ;)
  not looked at ferry prices yet,chunnel would be best,but could take ferry.90 mins would be a good break,and the ferry to malta,a blast across france to get a few miles under my belt,slow through the alps and the best bit for me italy,not been there before but looks fantastic.
  been to malta a few times and it is more suited to the older generation,i like gozo better but nothing for the kids to do..........lots of homework to do in the next week or so as swmbo is keen to book  :rolleyes
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: Kosmic Kartman on 11 February 2013, 05:38:57 pm
Rule number six in my book I think .. I'll not ride yours .. you'll not ride mine.
Nice try mind  ;)     Trev

Like I'd wanna ride ir anyway  :lol

Purely jest my friend, purely jest.
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: purplebear7 on 11 February 2013, 07:32:42 pm
 :)   Just as I thought Ad ... but I am very slightly confused ....
Last I heard you are quite quick off the line at getting your leg over anything that moves .. also a few things that don't  :rolleyes
Your reply was in jest .. mine is the facts as recorded  :lol
Stay Safe Kiddo  ;)    Trev
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: chris.biker on 17 February 2013, 07:56:58 pm
Well my advice is do as I did last week in Cyprus and hire a bike this one was 40 euros  for the day (the helmet was the best they offered so take your own) maybe you could do the same in Malta.
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: Farjo on 17 February 2013, 08:09:28 pm
If you're auto-roading through France then consider the motorail. Here's an old thread: http://fazerowners.yuku.com/topic/20115/Motorail-France (http://fazerowners.yuku.com/topic/20115/Motorail-France)
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: red98 on 18 February 2013, 06:49:42 am
If you're auto-roading through France then consider the motorail. Here's an old thread: [url]http://fazerowners.yuku.com/topic/20115/Motorail-France[/url] ([url]http://fazerowners.yuku.com/topic/20115/Motorail-France[/url])

thats interesting FARJO.......not considered that ,will look a bit closer at that,thanks for the link  :D
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: pitternator on 19 February 2013, 01:27:25 pm
an interesting thread as it is relevant to two themes running with me for last few years-
1. setting up a foreign trip( as opposed to booking on one which is already set up)
2. setting up a sun holiday where missus flies out , and I ride out.
problems with 1. has been getting enough intrest from anyone......and 2. my missus refuses to fly on her tod.So I reckon the fly ride option is best.
I have been trying for 4 yrs to drum up numbers for a foreign tour- alps or spain etc....its well cheaper doing it yerself even using quite nice hotels.I dont fancy riding solo for 9 days , and a very small group ( 2 to 3) probably will end up arguing over something.I think its why the tour companies like horizon and mci do so well , as you pay yer money and it all happens whatever.Plus you usually meet like minded folk for a good piss up at night too.But many companies are getting " high end " just now, as the recession bites, less " ordinary " folk rolling up...mostly older well to do beemer owners .....I dont put myself in that category either !    :lol
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: Farjo on 19 February 2013, 01:33:26 pm
Maybe this year, given that we appear to have more 'active' members (and it's only February!)?
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: red98 on 19 February 2013, 01:51:07 pm
yes same here pitternator,would`nt be able to do this as unfair on swmbo to fly alone with kids,swmbo likes to spend time with parents and loves malta,nothing there for me so hiring a bike when iam there is not an option,roads are worse than bad  :eek  aswell....
 would be better going with a small group but as you say there will be some arguments.and i am kinda fixed in my destination and also would be good to spend time with the kids
 not looked at ferry crossings yet from italy to malta,as polarbear has said this my well be an end to the idea
 i do like the idea of the motorail,means i can skip france and spend more time in italy,the whole reason for the trip  :D
will have to get a move on as swmbo is keen to book  :rolleyes
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: Farjo on 19 February 2013, 02:30:09 pm
Useful stuff about motorail: http://www.seat61.com/Motorail.htm (http://www.seat61.com/Motorail.htm)

Ferry to Malta: http://www.virtuferries.com/ (http://www.virtuferries.com/)
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: red98 on 19 February 2013, 02:46:50 pm
cheers for the links FARJO will look later  :D
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: fireblake on 19 February 2013, 02:52:38 pm
Does anyone know if there is a similar service in Germany. I'm hoping to go down to Munich sometime this year and so far it seems cheaper and easier to fly down and hire a 600 than ride? I would prefer to take my bike if rail was an easy option?

Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: Farjo on 19 February 2013, 02:55:02 pm
There is from Dusseldorf - see the first of those two links above for a map.
Title: Re: touring,crazy idea
Post by: ChristoT on 19 February 2013, 03:06:25 pm
Maybe this year, given that we appear to have more 'active' members (and it's only February!)?

I'm trying to drum up interest in the Madone des Motards event in August. Time allowing, I might organise a week of riding in Brittany as well, if anyone is interested?