Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

Bikes, Hints'n'Tips => FZS600 Fazer => Topic started by: xlewisbdx on 12 January 2013, 12:28:11 pm

Title: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: xlewisbdx on 12 January 2013, 12:28:11 pm
Description Says - Yes I was over-cooking it and I payed the price. Enjoy the vid at my expense.

Motorcyclist crashes at 60mph. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFSLe7z-5Fg#ws)
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: darrsi on 12 January 2013, 01:03:59 pm
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: Mark YPVS on 12 January 2013, 01:07:05 pm
Thats not enjoyable, hope youre ok mate?
Much damage to the bike ??
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: xlewisbdx on 12 January 2013, 01:13:32 pm

No, this from a bit ago.
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: xlewisbdx on 12 January 2013, 01:15:25 pm
Thats not enjoyable, hope youre ok mate?
Much damage to the bike ??

I was fine. Bike had about £300's worth of damage though :(
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: justy1 on 12 January 2013, 01:37:18 pm
60! bit fast for the weather mate. :eek

more to the point, how come i didnt slide down the road like you did?  :rollin :rollin :rollin

Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: Fazerider on 12 January 2013, 01:45:42 pm
Oops. :lol

I'm sure you know what you did wrong... obviously 60mph would have been excessive in the dry, let alone in conditions like that. It looks very much like a 30mph zone, so I hope no police are watching.

Apart from speed, your road positioning wasn't ideal. The centre of the lane usually has slightly less grip than the bits to the left and right where the car tracks run. The middle accumulates a greasy layer from leaking sumps and truck differential gearboxes. It's not a hard and fast rule... on roads that haven't been resurfaced in a long while those zones become slightly sunken and can have a greater depth of water... in frosty conditions the warmth of passing vehicle engines can thaw the centre out first, it's all part of "reading the road". In this case I'd have said positioning closer to the crown of the road should have given you a little more grip and, as it was a left hand bend, a slightly better view. It would have also given the car driver a fraction more opportunity to spot you before he pulled out.
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: xlewisbdx on 12 January 2013, 02:08:37 pm
60! bit fast for the weather mate. :eek

more to the point, how come i didnt slide down the road like you did?  :rollin :rollin :rollin


Because it was chucking it down and I was aquaplaning??
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: JZS 600 on 12 January 2013, 02:18:32 pm
Jesus man, were you alright?

I fractured my hip a couple of years ago at 40 mph. I did go over the top of the bars though.
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: xlewisbdx on 12 January 2013, 02:19:52 pm
yeah, I am fine now. This was last year :)
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: JZS 600 on 12 January 2013, 02:30:17 pm
Well thank the lord, it could have been worse,,,,
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: comicsans on 12 January 2013, 02:43:35 pm
where you tempted to turn it into a streetfighter after this?  :rolleyes
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: xlewisbdx on 12 January 2013, 02:47:50 pm
Well thank the lord, it could have been worse,,,,


where you tempted to turn it into a streetfighter after this?  :rolleyes

Yes, glad i didn't though :)
Title: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: Panthor on 12 January 2013, 03:32:01 pm
Just out of curiosity did that cage driver drive off or did they stop and see if you we're ok?
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: packie on 12 January 2013, 06:24:42 pm
You're haunted....I did this damage at 30mph with all Dianesse protective gear on. Was out of work for nearly 3 months.

Title: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: cable tie on 12 January 2013, 07:00:00 pm
I tell ya wat fella they must make em tough in Rotherham, you one looker foccer I can't understand why the front just washes out more or less in a straight line, you brake heavy but there was no skid just washed straight out unless one caliper ain't working 100% as per the other causing the front to twist under hard braking than it would wash out !
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: justy1 on 12 January 2013, 07:41:55 pm
I tell ya wat fella they must make em tough in Rotherham, you one looker foccer I can't understand why the front just washes out more or less in a straight line, you brake heavy but there was no skid just washed straight out unless one caliper ain't working 100% as per the other causing the front to twist under hard braking than it would wash out !

mine did that. straight line, damp conditions 15 mph. some stupid bitch opened her car door, i brake & the front just went. snapped the ball of the top of the humerus! :thumbdown

to top it all the bitch looked at me, jumps back in her car & f*cked off & left me in the middle of the road! >:

good to see you werent to badly hurt.

Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: xlewisbdx on 12 January 2013, 07:47:33 pm
Just out of curiosity did that cage driver drive off or did they stop and see if you we're ok?

He stopped I took his details. Looked at the footage and took it no further because I was speeding. Lesson learned.
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: His Dudeness on 12 January 2013, 07:51:37 pm
You're haunted....I did this damage at 30mph with all Dianesse protective gear on. Was out of work for nearly 3 months.

is that bruising on your legs? how did that happen?
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: rjd1 on 12 January 2013, 10:47:03 pm
poor riding skill`s i`m afraid too fast for condition`s and road position as said,easily avoidable
glad yer ok though
Title: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: Panthor on 12 January 2013, 11:52:17 pm
Just out of curiosity did that cage driver drive off or did they stop and see if you we're ok?

He stopped I took his details. Looked at the footage and took it no further because I was speeding. Lesson learned.
Glad you were ok from it and learnt a valuable lesson that we can all learn from. At least he did stop to see if u were ok as I know I had a similar spill when I used to ride a scooter and the guy just drove off!
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: packie on 13 January 2013, 01:43:31 am
You're haunted....I did this damage at 30mph with all Dianesse protective gear on. Was out of work for nearly 3 months.

is that bruising on your legs? how did that happen?

Bruising on the whole leg top to bottom. Happened in June and the knee is still swollen and filled with hot stinging fluid. Had it drained by injection about 6 times, had 5 steriod injections in the knee and i'm still swallowing anti-inflamatries for the last 7 months.

Some twat lost his rubbish load off his trailer in the middle of the road....about 5 bags of it in total. There was huge 2 foot metal canisters in some the bag. I was behind about 4 cars so my vision was impaired up ahead as to what was coming. Every car drove over the rubbish because in was in the middle of the road and didn't really effect them. No hazzards or warnings from the cagers ahead. Hadn't a ghost of a chance of avoiding them when they appeared from under the last car in front of me. The front stepped out and I belly splashed straight onto the tarmac like the wrestlers King Kong Bundy and Big Daddy.  Cudn't find who was responsible & insurance will only cover bike damage. My injuries & expenses has costed me about two grand to date. But I guess one can be thankful that i'm above ground and still breathing.

Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: Ben600 on 13 January 2013, 12:51:58 pm
I found that the Fazer is the weakest link in a crash! This is mine after a collision with a tw@ van that pulled straight out!
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: His Dudeness on 13 January 2013, 01:57:00 pm
You're haunted....I did this damage at 30mph with all Dianesse protective gear on. Was out of work for nearly 3 months.

is that bruising on your legs? how did that happen?

Bruising on the whole leg top to bottom. Happened in June and the knee is still swollen and filled with hot stinging fluid. Had it drained by injection about 6 times, had 5 steriod injections in the knee and i'm still swallowing anti-inflamatries for the last 7 months.

Some twat lost his rubbish load off his trailer in the middle of the road....about 5 bags of it in total. There was huge 2 foot metal canisters in some the bag. I was behind about 4 cars so my vision was impaired up ahead as to what was coming. Every car drove over the rubbish because in was in the middle of the road and didn't really effect them. No hazzards or warnings from the cagers ahead. Hadn't a ghost of a chance of avoiding them when they appeared from under the last car in front of me. The front stepped out and I belly splashed straight onto the tarmac like the wrestlers King Kong Bundy and Big Daddy.  Cudn't find who was responsible & insurance will only cover bike damage. My injuries & expenses has costed me about two grand to date. But I guess one can be thankful that i'm above ground and still breathing.

that was unluckly lad. fierce looking bruising. think that's probably happened to everyone at least once where something pops out from under a car that you weren't expecting and all you have time to do is say to yourself oh fook! and then wack
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: His Dudeness on 13 January 2013, 02:02:20 pm
I found that the Fazer is the weakest link in a crash! This is mine after a collision with a tw@ van that pulled straight out!

feck that was a bad one! fazer Vs van. there's only going to be one winner. what sort of speed was that at?
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: Ben600 on 13 January 2013, 03:38:34 pm
That was 40mph! I had literally no time to react! I hit him then a brick wall! Was k.o'd for a few minutes, had split my shin to the bone, had a severe haematoma of the knee (during my week in hospital, they were talking of amputation!) and am still suffering a concussion... This happened 10th October last year.  I'm can walk now. With a bit of a limo though lol.
It could no doubt have been worse, but ah well. Most annoying bit was I didn't get to my interview... Got the job though!
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: Tourx4 on 13 January 2013, 04:29:36 pm
Owwwww is all i can say but thanks for putting the vid and pics on. This is a good remineder to us learners, novies and newbies why we should always think what if when riding and to be careful!!!! :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: Fazer on kill on 13 January 2013, 06:44:10 pm
Mate, sorry to be an old fart n all that but

you were motoring along a bit

Its raining

Its a town

You didnt even consider the possibility of one of the cars doing that thing they love doing to us, pulling out without looking or indicating or caring

You grabbed the front?

Now that I have cheered you up. RIDESAFE
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: xlewisbdx on 13 January 2013, 07:00:26 pm
I barely touched the front.

I was aquaplaning and barley touched it and down it went.
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: darrsi on 13 January 2013, 07:06:05 pm
Did you pull the clutch in perchance when braking.
That normally creates fun and games, especially in that weather!
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: Exupnut on 13 January 2013, 07:23:04 pm
you were not aquaplaning mate. not enuff water on the road for that nor was it raining hard enuff.take it from a despatch rider drivin in the piising down for 20 years. if u wanna drive like that in the wet and in a stretch of road with side turnings and parked motors you should drive in a lower gear and higher up the rev range. THEN U CAN BRAKE WITH THE THROTTLE ASWELL. u could have rolled off the throttle and then been progressive with your breaking using front and back while steering round that car as it pulled out. you rode outside of your experience and paid the price by falling off. u need to try higher gears in the wet mate and further up the rev range. try ridin for a week without breaking at all. learn to use ur gears and throttle as alternative brakes and u will be fine. enjoyed you vids. and pleeeeeeeeze take more care.
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: JZS 600 on 13 January 2013, 07:35:29 pm
Second guessing, an armchair sport

Note that one down to experience, I'm sure we've all had a "moment" or 2, at least you are here to talk about it and share your experience.
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: xlewisbdx on 13 January 2013, 08:45:19 pm
I was aquaplaning.

I had about 1mm of tire left. I was getting them changed the day after I crashed. I crashed so I didn't :(
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: darrsi on 13 January 2013, 08:46:47 pm
I was aquaplaning.

I had about 1mm of tire left. I was getting them changed the day after I crashed. I crashed so I didn't :(

You're not helping yourself here mate!
Speeding in bad weather conditions with bald tyres........oh deary me.
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: xlewisbdx on 13 January 2013, 08:58:58 pm
I know I know.

Lesson learned though.

They still had 1mm and was legal  ;)
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: packie on 14 January 2013, 12:24:37 am
I found that the Fazer is the weakest link in a crash! This is mine after a collision with a tw@ van that pulled straight out!

Are you selling those forks mate???.....mine are pitted!!  :rolleyes

I feel your pain.
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: Fazer on kill on 14 January 2013, 12:54:07 am
Well, you're up and running so thats something.

Please take more care next time.

Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: spider on 14 January 2013, 01:14:27 am
at least u admit how silly you was. tyres. speed. built up town. out of comfort zone. good 2 see your ok and learned from it. it looked good from here though
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: Fazer Jake on 14 January 2013, 06:47:22 pm
Your vids are pretty shocking mate, doing 60mph in built up conditions in the wet your asking to become a cropper.

looks to me you paniced and grabbed the anchors.

learn from it, your quite lucky i know a few mates of mine have had offs below 60mph and died.

take care and ride safe.
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: xlewisbdx on 14 January 2013, 07:04:12 pm
Your vids are pretty shocking mate, doing 60mph in built up conditions in the wet your asking to become a cropper.

looks to me you paniced and grabbed the anchors.

learn from it, your quite lucky i know a few mates of mine have had offs below 60mph and died.

take care and ride safe.

I barely touched the front brakes. I was aquaplaning.
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: richfzs on 14 January 2013, 07:30:33 pm
If you were aquaplaning, you wouldn't have been going round the slight left curve of the road.

Accept you focced up, stop trying to blame other things.
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: xlewisbdx on 14 January 2013, 08:05:45 pm
If you were aquaplaning, you wouldn't have been going round the slight left curve of the road.

Accept you focced up, stop trying to blame other things.

I WAS aquaplaning, I barley touched the front brake. I was riding not you. Now if you don't mind Foc off!
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: Fazer Jake on 14 January 2013, 08:18:21 pm
If you were aquaplaning, you wouldn't have been going round the slight left curve of the road.

Accept you focced up, stop trying to blame other things.

I WAS aquaplaning, I barley touched the front brake. I was riding not you. Now if you don't mind Foc off!

no need to be a dick, you post videos of crashing your bound to get critised.

Take the comments on board and learn from them! Alot of riders on here have been on the road alot longer than you and show some respect.
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: JZS 600 on 14 January 2013, 08:22:24 pm
I often think it would be great if there was a "calm down" button   :lol
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: xlewisbdx on 14 January 2013, 08:38:25 pm
If you were aquaplaning, you wouldn't have been going round the slight left curve of the road.

Accept you focced up, stop trying to blame other things.

I WAS aquaplaning, I barley touched the front brake. I was riding not you. Now if you don't mind Foc off!

no need to be a dick, you post videos of crashing your bound to get critised.

Take the comments on board and learn from them! Alot of riders on here have been on the road alot longer than you and show some respect.

I'll show some respect when he shows me some respect. He was saying stop blaming it on other things when I was riding the bike NOT him. I know what happened just before I pressed my brakes and of he chooses to not to acknowledge that then that is his problem.

I do take comments on board when it is constructive criticism, like most of the comments here are. Don't forget this crash was last year in September, since then I have calmed my riding down a hell of a lot!

I often think it would be great if there was a "calm down" button   :lol

That would be awesome. I am calm, never calmer ;)
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: JZS 600 on 14 January 2013, 08:44:33 pm
Could have been shit on the road....

My excuse most times   :)
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: richfzs on 14 January 2013, 09:34:11 pm
Lewis, I'll show you some respect when I see something to warrant it.
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: xlewisbdx on 14 January 2013, 10:03:33 pm
Lewis, I'll show you some respect when I see something to warrant it.

Brilliant, that'll be never  :D
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: Exupnut on 14 January 2013, 11:44:18 pm
xlewisbdx......can u see the gist of what people r saying to you on this topic u have posted? u had an accident and video'd it and then posted it. for what reason? to gain a bit of kudos? to show of with your utube video that u r such a great rider? to let us all know that u r an experienced rider with something to say? u have a lovely bike and u love to ride. that is evident buy ur posts here and ur vids but please DO NOT do the one thing that will kill u, and that is LIE TO YOURSELF about the way u ride.

i have been a despatch rider for 20 years and have seen far to many of my gung ho friends die because they belive they r road warriors. the way u were driving that day was not approprite for the conditions and u failed because u rode out of your experience.PERIOD. u can tell yourself it was different..... that u were aquaplaning(a lovely term to use without the true understanding of what aquaplaning entails) or that u just "touched the front brake" u didnt mate. u saw the the car pull out. u were goin to fast.u grabbed to much front brake cos u panicked and shit urself and u ended up on the deck. i have done it also mate but i foccin learned from it. and so shud u.

dont come back and say "again" i was aquaplaning. the video is very good evidence that what u r saying isnt what exactly happened.
take it easy lewis. it is easier to kill urself than it is to become a good rider.

Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: xlewisbdx on 15 January 2013, 12:11:22 am
I am going to say this again and I hope that some of you listen this time!

I posted the video to show young riders (like myself) how easy it is to foc up and how easy the bike will have you off.

Please don't tell me what I did. I know what I did and that was aquaplaning. If you read my previous posts, I mentioned to Darrsi that my front wheel was focced! It has about 1mm of tread on, maybe less who knows.

Yes I was going to fast, yes I was aquaplaning, yes I pressed the front brake NOT grabbed. Please listen to me. You can't even see in the video that I pressed the brake. You only see me press it when the bike is on the way down.

Thank you for your very valid, and heartfelt, advise. You have listed all the things I already learnt back in September and am still striving to better. Ride safe!
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: Exupnut on 15 January 2013, 12:19:11 am
case rested. good luk "young rider" RIP
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: Exupnut on 15 January 2013, 12:21:18 am
this post is gonna make me change my monicker.
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: comicsans on 15 January 2013, 07:53:58 am
dont know why theres arguments going on here, you got more guts than me posting that video lewis. we all ride silly from time to time especially when we first start out.

its made me look at how i ride in the rain for sure!

keep safe and keep posting those videos im enjoying them.
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: Exupnut on 15 January 2013, 08:24:56 am
arguments? surely u can only do that in person. lewis posted an accident vid and people dont wanna see that although morbid curiosity dictates that we will watch. not arguing just posting strong views, no-one wants to see anyone hurt.
Title: Re: My Crash at 60mph.
Post by: comicsans on 15 January 2013, 09:57:42 am
thats fair enough.  :D