Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

Bikes, Hints'n'Tips => Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner => Topic started by: breamcatcher on 31 July 2012, 11:43:20 pm

Title: I think its time to sell
Post by: breamcatcher on 31 July 2012, 11:43:20 pm
Hi everyone, thinking about selling my fzs1000 (2005) 15,000 miles  this bike is my second one of these i only passed my test in December 2011, and in the new year got knocked off, a bit bruised but ok his insurance company rebuilt the bike everything ok with the bike ,felt a little unsure about getting back on but finally picked up the courage and went for a ride everything was ok, started to get a bit of conferdence fourth time out went round a corner to fast bottled it sat up and the rest is history, my insurance company wrote the bike off cat C. I couldn't blame the bike is was my inexsperience, had to take time off with my injuries and had time to think i couldn't blame the bike spent a lot of money getting through my test so i deceided to get another bike which ended up same colour same year tried to go out on but each time no confidence so its got to go, not to sure how much to ask comes with full luggage anyone got any ideas.Cheers Dave
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: pitternator on 01 August 2012, 06:53:21 am
looks in vgc...at least 3k cash IMO....maybe get more.15k aint low miles but it aint that high either.A dealer might try this at say 3995....
If you have any bits I would sell it completely stock and sell the bits on e bay.
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: FuZzBoM on 01 August 2012, 07:27:12 am
I am also a new rider having only passed in February. (touch wood) i have not been hit or come off. but what has helped me a great deal was going out with a friend who has ridden bikes for nearly 20 years. so much so we did a 1200 mile tour of Ireland in May.
Have you considered some advanced rider training or like me do you have an experienced friend to guide you?
I don't think there is any shame in being honest and saying your a novice and getting friends to help you learn..I did and it made me a much better rider.
I am far from perfect but i have learnt so much more since my test due to friends guidance.

Hoe that helps chap. don't give up just yet. i know how much it cost me to pass so would be a shame to waste the money.
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: The Male Whale on 01 August 2012, 07:47:45 am
More training is the answer.
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: tomlinscote on 01 August 2012, 07:53:30 am
Hi there, nice looking bike. Are you giving up biking or just the fazer? If it is just the fazer have you thought of getting a cb500 (yes the learners bike) they really are great for inspiring confidence I have use of both bikes and for day to day riding get as much pleasure of of the CB as the FZS, ok it doesn't pull anywhere near as much but for going round corners........
The CB is  a mates and he used it go tour Europe, thats a bit far for me cos the seat is bloody hard so I use the Fazer for that but the CB can be loaded up and go anywhere.
Just a thought, also agree with fuzz extra tuition or even a mate to help, I had neither which may explain why I prefer the lighter less powerful CB for tighter roads, but I'd be loathe to give up the fazer after having it for 8 years!
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: locksmith on 01 August 2012, 09:47:10 am
TBH a Fazer thou after passing your test is probably not a good idea. Best to start with the 600's for two or three years and enjoy em i'd have thought.
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: karlo on 01 August 2012, 09:55:49 am

More training is the answer.

Have a read of this  http://goo.gl/9RHXE (http://goo.gl/9RHXE) for what it costs it's worth a read.
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: paul1606 on 01 August 2012, 10:10:41 am
TBH a Fazer thou after passing your test is probably not a good idea. Best to start with the 600's for two or three years and enjoy em i'd have thought.

[size=78%] cbr 600f is a nice bike to progress on for confidence in agreement with locksmiths comment [/size]

Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: tomlinscote on 01 August 2012, 12:18:20 pm
+1 for the above, After I passed my test I got a Hornet 600 faired and used that for 18 months before pxing for the fazer. I have little doubt that straight from the test to the fazer would have scared me silly!!
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: FuZzBoM on 01 August 2012, 12:26:10 pm
Personally i am not a believer of the smaller bike is better thing. i have had both the fazer 600 and the 1000 and i find the 1000 more easy to ride. but then i am used to a large engine car and being lazy with it so having to rev the 600 with my 17 stone and 6'3 bulk on it just wasn't in my nature.
My long time motorcycle friend even commented i look much more at home on the 1000..

i cant comment for other people i know but this was my personal experience.

anyway it seems to me you are still keen on it given you spent the money on another bike so i would give it at least one more go...
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: Fazerider on 01 August 2012, 01:39:23 pm
If you're certain that the problem is you, then I'd agree that calling it a day before something really bad happens is the best option.
On the other hand, it may be that the thou doesn't suit you and you'd find something else does.
Or it may be that there is something amiss with your bike. Have you had it checked over? It's not new... what is the state of the suspension? Is it set up correctly for someone of your particular size/weight? Tyres are another factor, some makes/models give less feedback than others. Not being able to feel what's going on won't inspire confidence.
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: Tmation on 01 August 2012, 01:50:41 pm
Training, training and more training, plus loads and loads of miles in all weathers will make you a better and more confident rider.

The throttle works both ways and the Fazer 1000 is like a deluxe moped to ride anyway, so unless you are frightened of it I would try and stick with it. (nice clean bike BTW).

I have been riding for 35 years and I try to get some form of training or refresher every year or so. Bike safe by the Police is good or someone like rapid training, also try a reclaim our tracks type track day (no nutters on race bikes).

Take your time and take it easy,

Good luck (with the riding or the selling)
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: Tefer on 01 August 2012, 02:05:23 pm
Hi everyone, thinking about selling my fzs1000 (2005) 15,000 miles  this bike is my second one of these i only passed my test in December 2011, and in the new year got knocked off, a bit bruised but ok his insurance company rebuilt the bike everything ok with the bike ,felt a little unsure about getting back on but finally picked up the courage and went for a ride everything was ok, started to get a bit of conferdence fourth time out went round a corner to fast bottled it sat up and the rest is history, my insurance company wrote the bike off cat C. I couldn't blame the bike is was my inexsperience, had to take time off with my injuries and had time to think i couldn't blame the bike spent a lot of money getting through my test so i deceided to get another bike which ended up same colour same year tried to go out on but each time no confidence so its got to go, not to sure how much to ask comes with full luggage anyone got any ideas.

Cheers Dave

http://www.wisebuyers.co.uk/index.jsp?guide=prices&page=used_bikes&no=2&make=Yamaha&bikeid=449&yearplate=2005%2F55&x=58&y=3 (http://www.wisebuyers.co.uk/index.jsp?guide=prices&page=used_bikes&no=2&make=Yamaha&bikeid=449&yearplate=2005%2F55&x=58&y=3)

Not sure of the exact model or exact reg but this site might help?

Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: AdieR on 01 August 2012, 02:37:54 pm
Exact price will depend if your trading in for a smaller bike, or selling private, and how badly (quickly) you want to sell - £3k mark is realistic as a starting point.

I tend to agree with locksmith though: a decent middleweight is probably a better bet for most people starting out - enough poke to have fun without being an overwhelming handful. Some people will be able to jump on a thou and be quite at home with it, and that's fair enough - but time on smaller bikes can teach priceless knowledge too.
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: pitternator on 01 August 2012, 03:07:26 pm
m recommendation for a great middleweight bike for both young and old, experienced or inexperienced is the Street Triple. It really is a lovely bike to ride, has an engine which wont run away with you , but will rev hard and give thrills if wanted. Its handling is the best in class too.Its so good I am thinking of buying one as my third bike !
A bit left field but also worthy of note is a GS ..its a unthreatening bike, has a grunty charming engine, superb ride quality and handling , and of course does the touring stuff really well. If you want to play its still a 110 bhp engine.But a great bike to just take yer time on, and enjoy the backroads.Reminds me of older english twins but with reliability and mod cons ! Its a great allrounder without the " wolf in sheeps clothing " which the fazer 1000 really is ( especially if its been rejetted)...
Personally I think a big bike ( ie powerwise) straight after a test is not the best way to gain experience in biking ....its roadcraft and bike handling skills you want to develop. I do believe your lack of confidance is due to having too much power on tap, its very easy to just go that bit too fast into a corner which can totally upset a riders confidance.
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: ddtwelve on 01 August 2012, 03:10:25 pm
more training  and a fz6 is the way to go had mine since feb after 20 years lay off from riding, since then ive joined rospa for more advanced riding and to install a bit more confidence in myself as i dropped my first bike a lot when i was younger and was very nervous in getting another bike , but 4000 miles later i love riding in all weathers  :D
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: Andrew1967 on 01 August 2012, 04:36:36 pm
15000 miles is nothing in modern motorcycles. And it looks nice and clean. I don't think a dealer would give you anything near its worth, may be £2k - £2.5K (they also have to make a profit).
I'd adversise it for £3.25K - £3.5K, just so you've got a bit to play with. Buyers will always think they're winning if you knock a few hundred off your asking price!
Where is the bike situated? From your name, I take it it's somewhere near a coast.
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: Falcon 269 on 01 August 2012, 05:54:02 pm
Seems to me you need to forget selling for a moment and think about what was that made you want to ride bikes in the first place. :) 

You've invested a lot of time, money and injury to get you where you are right now.  There had to be a reason why you set off on this road in the first place. 

If you're really no longer interested, cut your losses and walk away.  However, if you've simply lost confidence because of your mishaps, that can be rebuilt.  I can't endorse strongly enough all the suggestions here to get advanced training (RoSPA, local police initiatives, the IAM are a good start) and to seek out other riders as mates and mentors.

From your profile, it looks like you've done the 125 & 600 thing on your way to the Fazer 1000.  Although a bit weighty compared with the smaller capacity bikes, the Thou is very forgiving bike and shouldn't run away with you power-wise. 

Even if you still feel right now that you've had enough, if you can afford to keep the Fazer parked up for a month or two, I'd do it.  You won't believe how many folks have rushed to get rid of their bikes only to regret it a little while later.  The cost of buying back in is way more than the cost of holding on for a short time. :)
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: flesh on 01 August 2012, 08:11:24 pm
Agree with Falcon on this. Review what you want before you consider selling as you may regret it later.
Your bike looks really nice but you have to sell at what people are prepared by buy. This will depend upon your location and other bikes for sale at that time.
An '05 with 15K miles "should" be worth £3k+ privately but there are some advertised for much less at the moment (£2500 ish). As a CAT C you will have to reduce your price considerably and IMO by £500+. With this in mind it may be worth reviewing whether you want to sell
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: Lazarus on 01 August 2012, 08:53:09 pm
agree with whats said before - there are plenty bikers out there who should be willing to impart knowledge and experience.

I had a similar tale - started riding late in life and wrote my first fazer off after about 6 weeks. Gave me a wake up call and i joined the local IAM. they helped A LOT - simple easy to follow steps gradually working up to the more complex riding plans. havent yet sat me advanced test due to one thing or another but it has definately provided me with the confidence to keep riding.
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: SteveH41 on 01 August 2012, 09:37:33 pm
Had my first proper near accident on Saturday, blonde woman driving a peugeot 207, indicating left to take next junction, road ahead clear so I move right to overtake at around 25mph, she then indicates right and immediately turns right into a school driveway, did my emergency stop quite well except for hanging a bit on the throttle and after a round of f**ks!!!!!!!!!!! rode on. Woke me up to the dangers of dumb drivers once again. She carried on oblivious to what she had done....................................... typical.
Dont give up though, not been riding long but the freedom and joy of riding is too good to miss. As other have said, and as I will be next year, get better trained and perhaps ride with buddies, follow other riders and see how they handle things. As Karlo said to me last Friday, ride at your own pace.
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: locksmith on 01 August 2012, 09:43:16 pm
As Falcon mention your profile it says Hornet 600, so in 8 months of passing test, a hornet and two Fazer thous?
It appears that you may be rushing your biking life :)
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: breamcatcher on 01 August 2012, 10:43:39 pm
Hi everyone thanks for all your comments and i have taken them on board, especially about some advance training, and giving me a rough idea of price  just to clear up on a couple of  comments the bike that i'm thinking of  selling isn't a cat c and has never been involved in an accident,and secondly i spent 3yrs going back and to on a 1982 honda cb125  passed test in december 2011 bought my fist fazer  not knowing to much about bikes, the hornet ive only just got to try and get some confirdence back as its much easier to ride which i thought was a good move i havent got a prob with the hornet or my mates cbf600 its my fazer and i'm gutted about it. cheers Dave :'( 
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: pitternator on 02 August 2012, 07:18:06 am
Ref overtakes...dont want to sound patronising but in any situation , its never safe to overtake any vehicle at a junction unless its actually making the turn, but even then some car drivers swing completely round as they are trying to turn around !Personally I never trust any other vehicle to do what its indicators are saying ....as for schools...well the driver could be looking for little johnny...sees them on wrong side of road where supposed to be, impulse makes them just turn !
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: nordboy on 02 August 2012, 08:50:38 am
I've been watching a few on Ebay lately (hoping to pick up a nice 1000 soon). There was a similar one to yours (2006, 13500 miles in red) for £3400 a couple of days ago, but it didn't sell. As others have suggested around £3000 sounds about right, i'm still saving my pennies, otherwise i'd be very interested.
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: SteveH41 on 02 August 2012, 06:51:31 pm
Ref overtakes...dont want to sound patronising but in any situation , its never safe to overtake any vehicle at a junction unless its actually making the turn, but even then some car drivers swing completely round as they are trying to turn around !Personally I never trust any other vehicle to do what its indicators are saying ....as for schools...well the driver could be looking for little johnny...sees them on wrong side of road where supposed to be, impulse makes them just turn !

Don't worry mate, lesson learned on this one. Will now ride with the assumption that everyone in a cage is out to kill me! :)
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: BMCfaz on 02 August 2012, 09:36:38 pm
I guess I go along with a lot of what's been said about taking some time out before you make a final decision on selling the thou. I know the Fazer can be quite imposing, and, if the suspension is set up badly it can feel quite a handful, but they can be as easy to ride as anything else!
The fact that you seem to feel happier on the Hornet suggests that you've just lost confidence in the Fazer, and, if that's the case, then best to let it go.
Over the years I've gone from 600s to 900/1000s and back again. You don't need a 1000 to have fun, just so long as you have a bike!
In terms of value, a dealer would be putting it up for close to £4k if it's as good as it looks, but privately I'd try for £3500 and be prepared to be beaten down.
Good luck with whatever you decide!
Title: Re: I think its time to sell
Post by: know your limitations on 05 August 2012, 05:33:59 pm
FWIW, I've seen this bike in the flesh and it's a PEACH!