Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

General => General => Topic started by: snapper on 02 May 2012, 12:53:36 pm

Title: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: snapper on 02 May 2012, 12:53:36 pm
I've been putting a bit of weight on lately so I started playing squash again always loved the game, I found some one to play a bit of a novice but he was very fit so we both got a good run around out of it !
On Monday we played at lunch time as always and after half an hour I knew it was going to be a hard fought game as I had a racket smashed across my back and a ball smack into the back of my leg ! (the joys of sport ) but five minutes before our time ran out I caught a squash ball at full pelt in the eye !
To try and discribe the pain is impossible ! but after a few minutes it eased and we gave up and went back to work
As the day went on it started to feell sore and I was expecting a black eye out of it , next morning however the pain was gone ! for all of two minutes untill I opened my left eye,
I got to spend the day in A and E to start Xrays for a fracterd eye socket followed by eye drops and being proded poked but they could not get my prupil to dilate ,and what they did to my left eye they did to my right to compare results !
So by 6pm last night I was near enough blind in both eyes !
With that I am off work for 5 days and have more eye drops than you can shake a stick at !
The final out come is I have a graze on my cornea, and Iris locked in spasm along with heavey brusing to my eye ball and socket !
 The docs think I was lucky as hopefully no perminate damage !
and the point of this thread !
who says trying to be healthy and excercising is good for you ! I tried it and ended up in hospital !
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: snapper on 02 May 2012, 12:55:07 pm
suprisingly this is the same mate that two years ago shut my hand in a van door !
think he must have it in for me !
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: Skippernick on 02 May 2012, 01:09:21 pm
Hopefully your lucky, and all is ok.
I know a Bath rugby player who got a knock to the eye socket during a game, all was fine. That evening he was drinking in the pub and sneezed and his knocked eye ball popped out. Fortunetly it was popped back in and all ok.
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: DryRob on 02 May 2012, 01:58:55 pm
I was at football last night and overheard a paramedic talking to one of the sport centre staff while they were walking towards another pitch
Staff, "my advice would be start smoking" (think this was meant to be a jokey comment)
Paramedic, "well to be honest you've got a point, you don't hear of anyone dropping dead on the spot because of smoking but this happens at football all the time"
I can't work out if the paramedic was takin the piss or serious
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: Chillum on 02 May 2012, 02:07:25 pm
Squash is notorious for injuries. I nearly crippled myself once, managed to drive my shinbone into the top of my foot - *really* bad sprain which, according to the doctor, would have been less painful and quicker to mend than a broken foot.

All the nerve endings in your foot are like the roots of a tree. Under shock they retract about 6 inches leaving your foot numb and painful at the same time. Took about 3 months to recover.

You are lucky you didn't get a detached retina from that squash ball. Back in school a mate and me tried playing squash with a rugby ball shaped bouncy ball - I wouldn't recommend it (although apparently it was quite amusing for the spectators who were also in danger!)
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: Chillum on 02 May 2012, 02:09:10 pm
according to the doctor, would have been less painful and quicker to mend than a broken foot.

I should proof-read more. Of course I meant 'less painful and quicker to mend if it had been a broken foot.

Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: Tmation on 02 May 2012, 03:26:33 pm
I was given some advice a long time ago.

When you are born God gives you some many heartbeats, if you use them up doing exercise you just die sooner.

What is going on with these athletes and footballers dying, is there a new performance enhancing drug they are taking? Maybe it can't be detected but its killing them?
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: VNA - BMW Wank on 02 May 2012, 04:33:00 pm
Off work having torn a tendon in my ankle last Friday.

Bored shitless. 

Going back in tomorrow, fed up with the sitting about.  Hopefully I've given it enougth rest.

Fortunately we have a physio that comes in every Thursday, so hopefully I'll get some good advice.  Just hope she doesn't tell me to go home and rest it more!

Are safety glasses not popular when playing squash?  Hope you make a full recovery snapper.  Ouch :eek !
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: ZiggyCol on 02 May 2012, 05:03:32 pm
I play squash about 3 times a week. Youngsters are encouraged to wear safety glasses and some clubs make it compulsory when playing doubles which has increased risk.
Touch wood, although I've suffered several scrapes and bruises through being hit by racket or ball, nothing ever serious. It's a very good game which I thoroughly enjoy and it is great exercise.
I've now also started playing racketball which is gaining in popularity. Very similar to squash but played with a larger bouncier ball and bigger shorter racket. The game is less dynamic than squash but still offers a very good workout. It particularly palces less strain and impact on the joints as a result and hence is often taken up by older players as squash becomes less viable. Also less chance of the sort of injury originally posted.
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: rustyrider on 02 May 2012, 08:32:47 pm
Bored shitless.
I can relate to that.  I went back to work last week, against the doctors advice, after cracking 2 ribs.  Three weeks of sitting around looking at things I could be doing but unable to do them.  I could stand, sit and lay down but the transition between any of them was absolute agony.  Worst thing I discovered was that I never realised a sneeze could hurt so much!
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: madmondeoman on 02 May 2012, 09:52:55 pm
When I was at college we played squash at the local leisure centre twice a week, good afternoon off, the sports teacher who took us told us his made dropped down dead on the court at the age of 35.
I think have my knee problems now are from years of playing squash.
Well done for playing think it would kill me now
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: pitternator on 03 May 2012, 08:21:51 am
competitive squash can be played very frenetically , and like high level football, stresses the body, any underlying issues then raise their head. Hence relatively young people dying  because they are putting too much strain on their bodies.Possibly they might have lived much longer lives had they not pushed themselves so far.I wish i could still play but with knackered joint in my right knee its impossible.Trouble is some people do push themselves when they shouldnt.
VNA - a big word of caution about yer ankle tendon. I have had a recurring tendonitis now for 18months...done everything from sports massages to pills and orthotics , nothing has fixed it. My advice is dont mess about , take all the physios advice, as tendon problems can be very troublesome. I had a scan yesterday which showed bone degeneration on my heel, so its gonna take more treatment to fix it ( if they can?). I got this problem  from quite innocuous reasons ( lack of arch support)...imagine  a torn ligament / tendon would be  much worse to heal...
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: VNA - BMW Wank on 03 May 2012, 09:36:52 am
I got up early to go to work this morning.
Got in the car, drove to the paper shop.  My foot felt terrible just getting out of the car and picking up the paper.
Got back in the car and drove home.

I'm on my feet most of the day at work.

Anyway I'll see the physio later today.  At least I'll then know exactly what the problem is, and hopefully how to fix it and how long it'll take.

Keep looking out the window at the garden.  The weeds are massive now, the lawn badly needs cut etc.

I'm supposed to have started digging out my garage (it's set into the lie of the land on a steep slope), and working towards turning my 80 odd year garage into a nice home and workshop for the bike.

Fed up.
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: VNA - BMW Wank on 03 May 2012, 04:44:34 pm
Stretched a tendon, that's all, physio says no or minimal tear.

Had some treatment, got my exercises to do, with luck I'll be rising the bike at weekend and back to work on Monday.

Probably 2-4 weeks before I can go hill walking again though.

Hope Snappers doin OK.
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: snapper on 03 May 2012, 08:36:43 pm
Eye im doing fine having great fun with the eye drops finaly gave up doing them myself and mrs snapper has had to stand in as a temp nurse ! just trying to find her the out fit !  :D
 but still waiting for a call back for my next appoint  which should be Tuesday  its the NHS so I've only been waiting yesterday and today so give them a chance !
 I am not allowed back on the run driving the fire engine till Im given the all clear at this appoint !
Swellings almost gone  eyes still very red ! and the pupil is now massive rather than very small !
And to be honest things are a little blurry still especailly close up with my dammaged eye
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: VNA - BMW Wank on 04 May 2012, 11:30:16 am
Sounds like you are on the mend.
Get some good safety specs, you don't want that again!
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: Tefer on 04 May 2012, 04:22:28 pm
I busted my ankle last year playing footy, was the Tuesday night, supposed to be heading on the annual bike trip with mates on the Saturday. Ended up in the car as a passenger  :'(

Doc at hospital x-ray'd it and said no breaks, told it would be ok in 4-6 weeks, well i was still not playing football after 5 months, not long back playing now and its generally ok but i still feel my foot is not what it once was!
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: VNA - BMW Wank on 04 May 2012, 06:35:04 pm
That looks like a nice tear.

Have you had physio? (osteopaths are good too)

A full week in and I'm still struggling.  Supposed to do a wee walk twice a day, ice twice a day, and 100's of repetitions of ma wee exercises the physio gave me.  But I got bored and also nipped out to the garage to fit the new controller for my heated grips.  I think the inevitable twisting etc when you do anything other than simple walking has set it off a bit again.

I need to be back at work on Monday, if nothing else I can't face another week of just sitting about.

Looks like my idea of going for a ride on the bike tomorrow, or even Sunday is probably off.

Anyway if you ain't getting any physio, do get some.  It makes all the difference.  I tore my achilles tendon some 20 years ago.   They told me I'd have been far better breaking my ankle and that I'd never walk right again.  My mammy fortunately lectured me about getting physio and I did.  I can't tell you which ankle I did in, I think it's the right one as I lay down flat on my back my right foot flops right out to the side.  Took me over 6mnths to recover but if I hadn't of got that physio I'd have never recovered properly at all.
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: snapper on 04 May 2012, 06:45:53 pm
tefer !  ouch !!!
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: snapper on 09 May 2012, 07:59:30 pm
well today didnt go well ! had my follow up with the consultants , and he's signed me off for another two weeks ! not a happy bunny !
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: JZS 600 on 09 May 2012, 08:43:34 pm
F- squash, I'm taking up crack instead, sounds safer!  :lol
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: bludclot on 13 June 2012, 09:48:40 am
i play squash somewhere between 3 and 6 times a week and have done for many many years, to a reasonably high level. i've had various injuries from the game.
squash is known for producing some of the fittest athletes on the planet, there's no other game with the intensity and duration of aerobic workout of high level squash. fitness levels are comparable to boxers.
anyway, point is anybody that exercises regularly becomes fitter, resting heart rate slows down and life expectancy lengthens. for every up there's a down however, and the down is the increased risk of injury. regular squash players can exepect at some later point in life troubles with kness / ankles / hips or ralated matters.
if you are playing and taking blow types injuries then you are not following the rules of the game, a sit down and read session for both players is essential at this stage!
personally i take the enjoyment and fitness and i'll take whatever problems come with it, much the same as taking the enjoyment from riding and the risk that comes with it.
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: snapper on 13 June 2012, 09:59:19 am
"if you are playing and taking blow types injuries then you are not following the rules of the game,"
 I do understand your point but also please understand
Im 6ftplus and 19stone plus and the bloke I play possibly twice a week is a greased weasal !  and one of the fittest people I know !
its a game and we play for fun and a bit of excersise
for me personally if i was to be seroius about it i most likely wouldnt enjoy it !
 for me its a game
Title: Re: Squash and the joys of !
Post by: snapper on 13 June 2012, 10:00:39 am
I would also add some of the most enjoyable things I have done in my life are things I have done in the wrong way !  :lol