Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

General => General => Topic started by: fazersharp on 09 April 2017, 07:50:16 pm

Title: SNAKE !
Post by: fazersharp on 09 April 2017, 07:50:16 pm
Riding along today on a back country road I see a length of wire or pipe in the road and think " I dont want to run over that only on passing do I realise its a snake about 3 foot long - and that was bendy snake shape, I turned around and went back so I could grab him and get a photo but he had gone. 
Title: Re: SNAKE !
Post by: tommyardin on 09 April 2017, 09:25:51 pm
Riding along today on a back country road I see a length of wire or pipe in the road and think " I dont want to run over that only on passing do I realise its a snake about 3 foot long - and that was bendy snake shape, I turned around and went back so I could grab him and get a photo but he had gone.

If it was an indigenous snake and not a escaped pet one it would have been a grass snake, not poisonous but you still need to be careful with the buggers cos the spit foul smelling stuff to warn off would be attackers, and contrary to some peoples beliefs they will bite you. 

I worked on the building sites for many years and came across a number of snakes both Adders (Vipers) and Grass snakes, Adders rarely go more than 18 inches long the female is the bigger of the two. Grass snake can, but not often reach 6 foot in length, (Very Rare) the longest I have seen was about 3 foot 6 inches long and I would not have wanted that bugger to bite me, it did spit at me thankfully missed but the stench nearly made me puke, the infamous builder shovel put paid to that sod, again the female are the larger of the species.
Grass snake are not poisonous but neither is a rat but both would make you feel very poorly for a day or two and you might get a localised infection on the would site.

I feel you are talking about a relative when I saw the title of your post Sharpie, well if he was gone when you got back to the spot he was also a racing snake.
Title: Re: SNAKE !
Post by: fazersharp on 09 April 2017, 09:32:46 pm
Riding along today on a back country road I see a length of wire or pipe in the road and think " I dont want to run over that only on passing do I realise its a snake about 3 foot long - and that was bendy snake shape, I turned around and went back so I could grab him and get a photo but he had gone.

If it was an indigenous snake and not a escaped pet one it would have been a grass snake, not poisonous but you still need to be careful with the buggers cos the spit foul smelling stuff to warn off would be attackers, and contrary to some peoples beliefs they will bite you. 

I worked on the building sites for many years and came across a number of snakes both Adders (Vipers) and Grass snakes, Adders rarely go more than 18 inches long the female is the bigger of the two. Grass snake can, but not often reach 6 foot in length, (Very Rare) the longest I have seen was about 3 foot 6 inches long and I would not have wanted that bugger to bite me, it did spit at me thankfully missed but the stench nearly made me puke, the infamous builder shovel put paid to that sod, again the female are the larger of the species.
Grass snake are not poisonous but neither is a rat but both would make you feel very poorly for a day or two and you might get a localised infection on the would site.

I feel you are talking about a relative when I saw the title of your post Sharpie, well if he was gone when you got back to the spot he was also a racing snake.
Yes I went ---- SH1T SNAKE - he ( or she ) went SH1T TWAT ON A MOTOR BIKE.

Wasn't scared about getting bit as I had all my leathers and gloves on and would of grabbed it by the neck --- errr just under the head 
Title: Re: SNAKE !
Post by: tommyardin on 09 April 2017, 09:42:26 pm
Seriously that Mother F would have had teeth 10mm or 12mm long your gloves would not of helped much. And everything behind it's head is foccing neck lol! :rolleyes 
Title: Re: SNAKE !
Post by: BBROWN1664 on 10 April 2017, 09:29:05 am
We get these things in France. Unfortunately I hate snakes and didn't find out until after we bought the place

http://www.jasonsteelwildlifephotography.yolasite.com/aesculapian-snakes.php (http://www.jasonsteelwildlifephotography.yolasite.com/aesculapian-snakes.php)

We get Adders and grass snakes of various sizes too apparently. Fortunately I haven't seen any yet.
Title: Re: SNAKE !
Post by: Skippernick on 10 April 2017, 05:46:18 pm
I f**king hate snakes.
Title: Re: SNAKE !
Post by: vinnyb on 10 April 2017, 06:52:18 pm

 What is it about snakes and spiders? The number of people who hate either or both is incredible. My wife is terrified of spiders but has a western hog nose snake as a pet, I've had various pet snakes over the years and have no problem with spiders and would never deliberately kill one but wouldn't really want a pet one. My big hate is wasps, evil nasty little bastards with a bad attitude that sting for fun.
Title: Re: SNAKE !
Post by: Grayo on 10 April 2017, 07:10:07 pm
evil nasty little bastards with a bad attitude that sting for fun.
I thought that when I received my renewal quote from Bennett's last Saturday.  :lol