Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

General => General => Topic started by: BBROWN1664 on 08 November 2016, 09:35:49 am

Title: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: BBROWN1664 on 08 November 2016, 09:35:49 am

Whilst it shouldn't make much difference to us who wins, it will.

Both are so old they should be barred from taking office in my view.

That said, if Trump gets in, I can see America spiralling downwards and potentially the start of a full scale World War. If Clinton gets in I suspect things will be better but Trump wont take it lying down.
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: crickleymal on 08 November 2016, 11:28:10 am
It's got to be Clinton but as Ian Hislop said on HIGNFY they are the worst candidates out of anyone who ran for the nominations.
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: slappy on 08 November 2016, 11:42:37 am
325 million Americans and those two are the final candidates :eek
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: darrsi on 08 November 2016, 12:11:14 pm
If Clinton wins I can imagine Trump congratulating her by slapping her on the arse.  :lol
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: Tefer on 08 November 2016, 12:21:10 pm
I have the impression Clinton will be worse in a miltary perspective, we'd be in the same position as before, USA just invading places because they see themselves as the big boys.

Trump is like Boris on drugs.

As mentioned with others, a massive population country with these two as final candiates. So no matter who is in eventually its going to be bad.

The election process seems weird in America, you'd think there would be more parties.
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: fazersharp on 08 November 2016, 12:50:51 pm
I really don't think Trump will walk into office and start running the show, he wouldn't have a clue, and would just do what the advisers tell him, actually same as Clinton - actually same as our politicians who enter a department which is actually run by the permanent staff who are there whilst politicians come and go. Infact we don't even need them (politicians ) to run the country at all.

I am getting fed up with the bias news reporting on Trump. His long speech which included the bit about stopping mus lims entering the usa always gets cut off at that point but he then whet on to say "Until we can figure out what the hell is going on". I am not commenting on if it is good or bad but what I am saying is that when you hear the whole sentence its completely different.

Again not commenting on the morals of it but the sound clip of him talking to the bloke on the bus, is that any worse than sometimes gets talked about on here, and that "lady" in the braless halter neck top was used and put there to meet and greet them for exactly the response that it got, what you never see and is not shown is the footage a couple of mins later showing her walking arm in arm the middle of them both.

BBC says "weird that the FBI started Clinton investigations running up to the polls" but did not bat an eyelid when the fbi dropped everything 24 hours before the polls.

My prediction is that I see Trump loosing and then launching his own tv network with its own news channel as an antidote to the mainstream news     
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: tommyardin on 08 November 2016, 12:53:23 pm

Whilst it shouldn't make much difference to us who wins, it will.

Both are so old they should be barred from taking office in my view.

If Clinton gets in I suspect things will be better but Trump wont take it lying down.

And why should he not take it laying down? Bill Clinton used to lol :lol  laying down, standing up in the kneeling position to I shouldn't be suprised
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: darrsi on 08 November 2016, 06:31:58 pm
I think this picture just about sums the situation up.  :lol

Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: slappy on 08 November 2016, 08:33:37 pm
 :rollin :rollin
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: Tefer on 08 November 2016, 09:01:27 pm
I think this picture just about sums the situation up.

Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: lew600fazer on 08 November 2016, 09:53:57 pm
After years of hearing about the USA & UK special relationship, I have finally worked out what it is. The USA has about 350 million people and the UK has about 65 million people.
In the last presdential elections 60% of eligible Americains voted, and in the UK referendum  51% voted for the leave campaign.
So basically the relationship is this we are both as a nations as thick as fuck.   

Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: nickodemon on 08 November 2016, 10:11:24 pm
Clinton is the better of a pair of idiots.
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: midden on 09 November 2016, 12:10:00 am
Trump 19

Clinton  3
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: Skippernick on 09 November 2016, 07:01:39 am
I wouldn't want to be a pollster now, first brexit and now trump.
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: celticdog on 09 November 2016, 07:29:00 am
Not much of a choice, a Misogynist or a Corrupt Lawyer.  :lol
At least with Trump the UK 'special relationship' is safe, he's one of our own- his mother's Scottish.
He could in fact apply for UK citizenship!
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: slappy on 09 November 2016, 08:21:38 am
Well he has done it, just shows how much the voters disliked Clinton. Next few weeks could be interesting.
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: scoobiemandan on 09 November 2016, 08:36:31 am
Hey Trump  :finger
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: tommyardin on 09 November 2016, 09:11:22 am
You would not want to be a Muslim living in the States right now.
My heart goes out to them, they contribute so much in the States as they do here in the U.K.
Our NHS along with many many other sectors of business and commerce would not stand without their input and skill base and I am absolutely convinced that the USA is no different.
As an earlier contributor to this post commented  :finger  fuck you trump. I would not give him a capital letter let alone Capital Hill
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: fazersharp on 09 November 2016, 09:40:55 am
I think Farage will be invited over there for a job in the whitehouse
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: bigbluebear on 09 November 2016, 11:32:04 am
Pull my finger........Trump  :lol
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: celticdog on 09 November 2016, 06:46:44 pm
You would not want to be a Muslim living in the States right now.
My heart goes out to them, they contribute so much in the States as they do here in the U.K.
Our NHS along with many many other sectors of business and commerce would not stand without their input and skill base and I am absolutely convinced that the USA is no different.
As an earlier contributor to this post commented  :finger  fuck you trump. I would not give him a capital letter let alone Capital Hill

The good news Tommy is that there's now guaranteed work for all US of A bricklayers on the Mexican wall! Yee Haa!

Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: tommyardin on 10 November 2016, 02:25:09 pm

Check this out, I nealy fell off my chair when I saw this, so so funny.
The American Presidential Elections 2016 story

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrfxnAV6Pzk&sns=em (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrfxnAV6Pzk&sns=em)
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: scoobiemandan on 10 November 2016, 02:38:29 pm
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: pilninggas on 10 November 2016, 05:25:57 pm
You would not want to be a Muslim living in the States right now.
My heart goes out to them, they contribute so much in the States as they do here in the U.K.
Our NHS along with many many other sectors of business and commerce would not stand without their input and skill base and I am absolutely convinced that the USA is no different.
As an earlier contributor to this post commented  :finger  fuck you trump. I would not give him a capital letter let alone Capital Hill

Did you see that interview with the Eyptian-American who was one the 'Muslims for Trump'? He rightly pointed out that whilst Trump wanted to make extremists accountable, he wasn't trying to prevent people having religious freedoms. Unlike Egypt that has brutalised Coptic Christians, Syria where gay people are killed, Uzbekistan and Krygystan where synagogues have been closed down, Iran where trans persons are adbucted, Saudi where criminals have no rights and Pakistan all of the previous. It's easy to judge the US, has we share a common language and much history - where is the condemnation of a lack of Jewish rights in Pakistan or Gay rights in the Lebanon.




Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: YamFazFan on 10 November 2016, 08:54:24 pm
I guess we are going to have to endure months and months of moaning about the result as per 'Brexit' :z :z :z

Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: tommyardin on 11 November 2016, 12:04:19 am
You would not want to be a Muslim living in the States right now.
My heart goes out to them, they contribute so much in the States as they do here in the U.K.
Our NHS along with many many other sectors of business and commerce would not stand without their input and skill base and I am absolutely convinced that the USA is no different.
As an earlier contributor to this post commented  :finger  fuck you trump. I would not give him a capital letter let alone Capital Hill

The good news Tommy is that there's now guaranteed work for all US of A bricklayers on the Mexican wall! Yee Haa!

Seriously though the man is a greedy businessman who give not a fuck about anyone other than himself and his family.It really was a vote of dissatisfaction, disillusioned people stamping their feet and voting against the policies of a government that cares not one jot or tittle about the underdog or the have-nots, its all about feathering your own nest and clambering over one another trying to get to the top of the ladder.

Reminds me of the story about the factory owner who was as mean as hell to his workers, he paid them the minimum wage and if they did overtime it was on flat rate, he lorded it over them by threatening dismissal for minor things and they went to work in fear and dread, and the factory owner continued to increase in wealth. Well he died, but, his son insisted that all the workers went to his funeral so that there would be a large turn out for his church service which they duly went to.'Afterwards a couple of workers were chatting and one said to the other 'He was a mean man and a very unhappy man as well, always penny pinching and miserly but he was certainly loaded, I wonder how much he left' the other guy turned to him and said 'All of it' and for me those words are so powerful. One of the foccers on here (I don't recall who it is) has a strap-line at the bottom of all his posts 'Don't die with fun in the bank' Tis true you certainly bring nothing into this world and you will certainly take nothing out.
Have fun and be generous to those around you, there is a lot of poverty in the world and people dying for lack of a few quids worth on food or medicines. :'(  I will now stand down from the pulpit. :book 
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: darrsi on 11 November 2016, 07:12:52 am
You would not want to be a Muslim living in the States right now.
My heart goes out to them, they contribute so much in the States as they do here in the U.K.
Our NHS along with many many other sectors of business and commerce would not stand without their input and skill base and I am absolutely convinced that the USA is no different.
As an earlier contributor to this post commented  :finger  fuck you trump. I would not give him a capital letter let alone Capital Hill

The good news Tommy is that there's now guaranteed work for all US of A bricklayers on the Mexican wall! Yee Haa!

Seriously though the man is a greedy businessman who give not a fuck about anyone other than himself and his family.It really was a vote of dissatisfaction, disillusioned people stamping their feet and voting against the policies of a government that cares not one jot or tittle about the underdog or the have-nots, its all about feathering your own nest and clambering over one another trying to get to the top of the ladder.

Reminds me of the story about the factory owner who was as mean as hell to his workers, he paid them the minimum wage and if they did overtime it was on flat rate, he lorded it over them by threatening dismissal for minor things and they went to work in fear and dread, and the factory owner continued to increase in wealth. Well he died, but, his son insisted that all the workers went to his funeral so that there would be a large turn out for his church service which they duly went to.'Afterwards a couple of workers were chatting and one said to the other 'He was a mean man and a very unhappy man as well, always penny pinching and miserly but he was certainly loaded, I wonder how much he left' the other guy turned to him and said 'All of it' and for me those words are so powerful. One of the foccers on here (I don't recall who it is) has a strap-line at the bottom of all his posts 'Don't die with fun in the bank' Tis true you certainly bring nothing into this world and you will certainly take nothing out.
Have fun and be generous to those around you, there is a lot of poverty in the world and people dying for lack of a few quids worth on food or medicines. :'(  I will now stand down from the pulpit. :book

Is there such a thing as a "greedy" businessman?
Isn't that just a good businessman?

Actually, i watched the film War Dogs the other day, if you want to see someone's downfall due to pure greed this is a film to see, and it's a remarkable true story as well. Certainly worth a look.

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2005151/?ref_=nv_sr_1 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2005151/?ref_=nv_sr_1)

Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: pilninggas on 11 November 2016, 07:25:10 am
You would not want to be a Muslim living in the States right now.
My heart goes out to them, they contribute so much in the States as they do here in the U.K.
Our NHS along with many many other sectors of business and commerce would not stand without their input and skill base and I am absolutely convinced that the USA is no different.
As an earlier contributor to this post commented  :finger  fuck you trump. I would not give him a capital letter let alone Capital Hill

The good news Tommy is that there's now guaranteed work for all US of A bricklayers on the Mexican wall! Yee Haa!

Seriously though the man is a greedy businessman who give not a fuck about anyone other than himself and his family.It really was a vote of dissatisfaction, disillusioned people stamping their feet and voting against the policies of a government that cares not one jot or tittle about the underdog or the have-nots, its all about feathering your own nest and clambering over one another trying to get to the top of the ladder.

Reminds me of the story about the factory owner who was as mean as hell to his workers, he paid them the minimum wage and if they did overtime it was on flat rate, he lorded it over them by threatening dismissal for minor things and they went to work in fear and dread, and the factory owner continued to increase in wealth. Well he died, but, his son insisted that all the workers went to his funeral so that there would be a large turn out for his church service which they duly went to.'Afterwards a couple of workers were chatting and one said to the other 'He was a mean man and a very unhappy man as well, always penny pinching and miserly but he was certainly loaded, I wonder how much he left' the other guy turned to him and said 'All of it' and for me those words are so powerful. One of the foccers on here (I don't recall who it is) has a strap-line at the bottom of all his posts 'Don't die with fun in the bank' Tis true you certainly bring nothing into this world and you will certainly take nothing out.
Have fun and be generous to those around you, there is a lot of poverty in the world and people dying for lack of a few quids worth on food or medicines. :'(  I will now stand down from the pulpit. :book

And Hillary isn't 'greedy'?

This is a couple who've made millions publishing their memoirs, but when up before congress say 'i can't remember'.

The democrats are rotten to the core. Michelle Obama decided after seeeing Jamie Oliver to see if she could improve kids school meals. All was going well until lobbiest for the trade stumped up $20m and then she suddenly pronounced all was well with school meals and moved on to some other fad.
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: bigbluebear on 11 November 2016, 09:37:26 am
https://www.facebook.com/SunPolitics/videos/1146851965369714/ (https://www.facebook.com/SunPolitics/videos/1146851965369714/)
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: Freck on 11 November 2016, 09:56:14 am
Heard on the radio this morning, they're now calling the US Trumpton, which made me chuckle.  :lol
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: fazersharp on 11 November 2016, 10:05:32 am
Another placard I saw was, Mein Trumph
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: Fazerider on 11 November 2016, 02:58:11 pm
I guess we are going to have to endure months and months of moaning about the result as per 'Brexit' :z :z :z
Probably, and it's not going to achieve anything. But more people voted for Clinton than Trump so there's some justification for complaining.
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: celticdog on 11 November 2016, 03:20:46 pm
   :lurk All these minorities have had their day, Women play the race card, Homos play the gay card, ethnics play the race card, time for all white middle aged discriminating men to play . . . The Trump Card!  :lol
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: fazersharp on 11 November 2016, 03:26:46 pm
   :lurk All these minorities have had their day, Women play the GENDER card, Homos play the gay card, ethnics play the race card, time for all white middle aged discriminating men to play . . . The Trump Card!  :lol
Fixed that for you
and  :rollin well done - like it. was it all your own work.

Look in any local council publication booklet about their services and you will not see a picture of a 25-50 year old white male
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: YamFazFan on 11 November 2016, 04:53:55 pm
I guess we are going to have to endure months and months of moaning about the result as per 'Brexit' :z :z :z
Probably, and it's not going to achieve anything. But more people voted for Clinton than Trump so there's some justification for complaining.

Surely they knew how the system worked before they participated in it?.

I bet they wouldn't be complaining if the result had gone their way by the same figures ;).

It's a bit like 'Brexit'. Lots of Remoaners are saying that it was too close a result to decide such an important issue.

Would they still be saying that if remain had won by the same majority as leave? :rolleyes.
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: pilninggas on 11 November 2016, 05:35:23 pm
I guess we are going to have to endure months and months of moaning about the result as per 'Brexit' :z :z :z
Probably, and it's not going to achieve anything. But more people voted for Clinton than Trump so there's some justification for complaining.

Surely they knew how the system worked before they participated in it?.

I bet they wouldn't be complaining if the result had gone their way by the same figures ;) .

It's a bit like 'Brexit'. Lots of Remoaners are saying that it was too close a result to decide such an important issue.

Would they still be saying that if remain had won by the same majority as leave? :rolleyes .

Also when the Dumbocrats had their 2008 primaries she got more votes than Obama, but they stuck to their collegiate system and Obama was their candidate. If it suited them then, then the similar college system shouldn't be a problem now.

I pity any poor fool who throws their toys out of the pram, when they don't get their way. Most people grew out of that at 3 years old.
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: tommyardin on 11 November 2016, 07:00:24 pm
I guess we are going to have to endure months and months of moaning about the result as per 'Brexit' :z :z :z
Probably, and it's not going to achieve anything. But more people voted for Clinton than Trump so there's some justification for complaining.

Surely they knew how the system worked before they participated in it?.

I bet they wouldn't be complaining if the result had gone their way by the same figures ;) .

It's a bit like 'Brexit'. Lots of Remoaners are saying that it was too close a result to decide such an important issue.

Would they still be saying that if remain had won by the same majority as leave? :rolleyes .

Good point
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: tommyardin on 11 November 2016, 08:04:21 pm
he he he
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: robbo on 11 November 2016, 08:58:34 pm
At least Trump won't pussy foot around all this politically correct crap.
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: VNA - BMW Wank on 11 November 2016, 10:27:03 pm
At least Trump won't pussy foot around all this politically correct crap.

Indeed not, he'll just go and grab some.
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: pilninggas on 12 November 2016, 08:30:14 am
At least Trump won't pussy foot around all this politically correct crap.

The middle ground is what decent honest people want, not special treatment or extra spend on the group-of-the-day, no special rights for certain ethnicities, gender or religion, no brutality of those groups either. So not the lefty crybaby reactionary politics of the 'socialist' parties and not the religious zealotry of africa-arabia. Oh and an acceptance of the will of the majority. Not difficult is it?
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: VNA - BMW Wank on 12 November 2016, 11:01:32 am
The democrats are rotten to the core. Michelle Obama decided after seeeing Jamie Oliver to see if she could improve kids school meals. All was going well until lobbiest for the trade stumped up $20m and then she suddenly pronounced all was well with school meals and moved on to some other fad.

Would that be the Michelle Obama-approved Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) - increased portions of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and limited the number of calories in school breakfast and lunch.  Signed into law 2010.
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: VNA - BMW Wank on 12 November 2016, 11:29:19 am
 Perhaps the Democrats problem is the same as that of the Labour party.
 The people wanted Bernie, the party wanted Hillary. 
The passion and the policy was with Bernie, the convention and establishment with Hillary.
The party got what they wanted.
The party lost the election. 

The members elect overwhelmingly Jeremy, the MP’s attack and undermine him.  The MP’s scheme and successfully oust him, the members re-elect him, the MP’s still don’t get it.
Labour can’t win an election.

Currently we have a PM who was a quiet, nae almost silent ‘remainer’ (she had been waiting for this opportunity for years), now she is an outspoken enthusiastic dictatorial hard line Brexitor.

Boris Johnston, a key leader in the Brexit campaign, was playing the same game as Teresa May (in his usual clumsy manner).  Boris was a remainer, but he decided to campaign to leave.  To do so suited his political ambitions.
Our country is being led by narcissistic fools.

So Brexit plus plus plus.  Yup the USA has had it’s Brexit moment.
It’s early days, but I suspect soon all will see that the emperor has no clothes.

But will we? 
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: fazersharp on 12 November 2016, 12:19:34 pm
Perhaps the Democrats problem is the same as that of the Labour party.
 The people wanted Bernie, the party wanted Hillary. 
The passion and the policy was with Bernie, the convention and establishment with Hillary.
The party got what they wanted.
The party lost the election. 

The members elect overwhelmingly Jeremy, the MP’s attack and undermine him.  The MP’s scheme and successfully oust him, the members re-elect him, the MP’s still don’t get it.
Labour can’t win an election.

Currently we have a PM who was a quiet, nae almost silent ‘remainer’ (she had been waiting for this opportunity for years), now she is an outspoken enthusiastic dictatorial hard line Brexitor.

Boris Johnston, a key leader in the Brexit campaign, was playing the same game as Teresa May (in his usual clumsy manner).  Boris was a remainer, but he decided to campaign to leave.  To do so suited his political ambitions.
Our country is being led by narcissistic fools.

So Brexit plus plus plus.  Yup the USA has had it’s Brexit moment.
It’s early days, but I suspect soon all will see that the emperor has no clothes.

But will we? 
Just read that Trump is going to invade scotland then deport all the scotts to Mexico and turn scotland into one giant golf course.
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: pilninggas on 12 November 2016, 01:07:26 pm
The democrats are rotten to the core. Michelle Obama decided after seeeing Jamie Oliver to see if she could improve kids school meals. All was going well until lobbiest for the trade stumped up $20m and then she suddenly pronounced all was well with school meals and moved on to some other fad.

Would that be the Michelle Obama-approved Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) - increased portions of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and limited the number of calories in school breakfast and lunch.  Signed into law 2010.

Yeh, that's the one: the one that got watered down, due to lobbying. Also the one that's improved food in rural settings and should be noted as a success, but led to increased obesity in innercity schools, which is causing massive concern (because the lobbiest got to keep the vending machines etc).
Title: Re: Trump or Clinton - The final countdown
Post by: VNA - BMW Wank on 12 November 2016, 08:21:24 pm
Yeh, that's the one: the one that got watered down, due to lobbying. Also the one that's improved food in rural settings and should be noted as a success, but led to increased obesity in innercity schools, which is causing massive concern (because the lobbiest got to keep the vending machines etc).

Yup watered down by congress.  There are fears that congress will now refuse to reauthorize it;

http://grist.org/politics/congress-just-missed-a-chance-to-help-hungry-kids-heres-what-happened/ (http://grist.org/politics/congress-just-missed-a-chance-to-help-hungry-kids-heres-what-happened/)


Just read that Trump is going to invade scotland then deport all the scotts to Mexico and turn scotland into one giant golf course.

An exaggeration I believe, however,

  Rumours are abound that Navy Seals have landed on the Menie Estate in Aberdeenshire and objectors to The Donald’s golf course are to be liquidated.  Wee Eck is currently in hiding, possibly in Bonnie Prince Charlie’s Cave.