Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

General => General => Topic started by: bikerboys on 02 March 2012, 04:47:00 pm

Title: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: bikerboys on 02 March 2012, 04:47:00 pm
Speeding biker hits 156mph on motorcycle - dangerous or careless? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFqVpHHN-LM#ws)

A MANIAC on a bike weaves between cars in a lethal 156mph police chase. Frightening footage of the pursuit on the busy A1 motorway was captured by a camera on board a police motorbike.
 Peter Clarke, 44, was seen in eight minutes of footage undertaking and scraping through small gaps on his powerful Suzuki.
 Despite claiming he was in total control at all times — and insisting it was built for speed — he was convicted of dangerous driving but still walked free.
 Clarke, from Sutton St Edmund, Lincs, had admitted speeding but denied the second charge.
 He was convicted by a majority verdict following a trial at Peterborough Crown Court.
 Clarke did not notice the cop behind him on the north-bound carriageway near Alconbury, Cambs, and was stopped near Sawtry.
Hang on...weren't the Police speeding as well? You can't have it all ways...one rule for them and one for us...wouldn't it be nice to live your life the way you wanted, ?
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: bikerboys on 02 March 2012, 04:49:46 pm
 some of the cars were doing 100mph in that clip, were they charged too? :rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: bikerboys on 02 March 2012, 08:16:36 pm
just looking at it more The cops were doing 156mph to catch up, the rider was doing 102mph when the cops stayed behind him at a distance of 12 feet. ( 0:22 ) which was so dangerous.

If the rider panicked, and touched the brakes, he would have been run over by the cops and killed.

The law should have stayed behind the guy until they could safely pass him to pull him over.
Should follow Germany's lead and introduce the autobahn over here
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: rustyrider on 02 March 2012, 08:24:33 pm
I use that stretch of road every day and the average speed in the outer two lanes is usually around 80-85mph.  As has been mentioned, the police bike had to do 150+ to catch up with him but his speed wasn't out of the ordinary for what is a well surfaced 4 lane motorway.  He was obviously nabbed by Cambs finest unmarked black Fireblade.  There's also a blue Skoda VRS, black Audi A4 and black BMW M3 that prowl along there.
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: rustyrider on 02 March 2012, 08:28:19 pm
and where was the footage of the suicidal weaving in and out of traffic?  All I saw was a bike travelling reasonably quickly (in fact, probably no faster than I travel along there on the bike) while staying in the outside lane.
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Bracechenko on 02 March 2012, 08:48:04 pm
and where was the footage of the suicidal weaving in and out of traffic?  All I saw was a bike travelling reasonably quickly (in fact, probably no faster than I travel along there on the bike) while staying in the outside lane.

Hear hear! I'm not going to start justifying this type of riding but agree with Rusty....where's this weaving and crazy riding then???
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Grahamm on 02 March 2012, 09:02:40 pm
Hang on...weren't the Police speeding as well? You can't have it all ways...one rule for them and one for us...

So the Police should have to chase criminals at no more than 70mph?  :rolleyes

And obviously the biker has been through Class 1 Police training...
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Skippernick on 02 March 2012, 09:25:27 pm
The guy is a prick there is absolutly no justifiction for that speed (oh can't spell) and the shear fact that he didn't notice the bike doing the same high speeds behind him must mean he is complete idiot, if i saw a none mates bike keeping speeds with i would start shitting myself even if i was knowingly within the speed limit. Thats why i check my mirrrors every few seconds for that exact reason.
The law says 70 whether you agree with it or not, live in germany if you want to do that sort of thing.
It gives those of us who do obey the law a bad name by taring us all with the same brush because we all ride bikes. and therfore the spawn of satin.
When i get into power people like that would get his right hand cut off.
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: ddtwelve on 02 March 2012, 09:59:33 pm
mmmm no police lights seen hence not noticing the police definatly unmarked bike
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: steeeve66 on 02 March 2012, 10:40:54 pm
The guy is a prick there is absolutly no justifiction for that speed (oh can't spell) and the shear fact that he didn't notice the bike doing the same high speeds behind him must mean he is complete idiot, if i saw a none mates bike keeping speeds with i would start shitting myself even if i was knowingly within the speed limit. Thats why i check my mirrrors every few seconds for that exact reason.
The law says 70 whether you agree with it or not, live in germany if you want to do that sort of thing.
It gives those of us who do obey the law a bad name by taring us all with the same brush because we all ride bikes. and therfore the spawn of satin.
When i get into power people like that would get his right hand cut off.

Fortunately you won't.
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: DryRob on 03 March 2012, 12:01:14 am
this is clearly footage from road rash on the megadrive, I wonder if the real footage is somewhere on the interweb?
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: ghostbiker on 03 March 2012, 02:09:30 am
The little bit of footage i have seen (for some reason it dont want to play very well on my laptop today) i didnt see anything horrific or even out right dangerous.
broken the law? without a doubt lol but i think the label of horrific is a bit ott. i have seen much worse riding and driving in my highstreet

the only real issue is speed and that was a little excessive for the conditions but 100+ didnt look like it would be much of an issue.
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: dogruff on 03 March 2012, 07:37:37 am
Reminds me a wee bit of my old courier days!

At least he wasn't stopped like the bank robber in Spain.

You tube " Motorcycle crashes into cops after bank robbery" BAD !!!
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: rustyrider on 03 March 2012, 08:43:58 am
The guy is a prick there is absolutly no justifiction for that speed (oh can't spell) and the shear fact that he didn't notice the bike doing the same high speeds behind him must mean he is complete idiot,
Why?  Spend any time on that stretch of road and you'll find that sort of speed is standard for most bikes and quite a few cars too.  Why should you be surprised to see another bike, you're not the only biker in the world you know.  It's 4 lanes, dead straight, well surfaced and there was, and usually is, little traffic.  That's why it's such a happy hunting ground for the unmarked cars/bike, plenty of custom.  That's probably also why he got a relatively light punishment.  The judge is local and knows it's rare to find anyone doing less than 80 along there.  He broke the law but from what I've seen on that video his only crime was doing it at a time the unmarked bike was there.  His speed was no more than 10mph over what I do along there so I suppose that makes me a prick too, Christ, I cruise the works van at 85 along there every day and that is just keeping up with the flow of traffic! 
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Gingernutz on 03 March 2012, 08:48:16 am
Horrific my arse
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Skippernick on 03 March 2012, 08:52:36 am
so you are all saying you condone speeding, what if,  know he didn't, he might next time had caused an accident and killed someone or himself would you say it was still ok then to do that sort of speed???
I wonder really in your heart of hearts???
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Phil on 03 March 2012, 10:36:09 am
The law should have stayed behind the guy until they could safely pass him to pull him over.
Should follow Germany's lead and introduce the autobahn over here

Your 1st point I agree with.

If the rider was riding in the correct position in his lane there wouldn't have been a gap for plod to pass on.  If you are overtaking on a motorway keep to the right hand side of the lane so if some muppet pulls out on you it gives you more time to react. 

Regarding your 2nd point it isn't everywhere on the Autobans without a limit, only on certain stretches. Near junctions, built up areas (noise), hills which makes for a large differential in traffic speed, danger spots etc  it would be 130kph or less. In the short clip in that video there was a junction so on the German equivilent there would have been a limit in place.

70mph limit is a bit out dated, 80 (130kph) like in most countries in Europe would be sensible.
I've found the driving standards are much better in Germany, everyone tends to follow the rules.
The general standard of driving/riding in the UK isnt up to no speed limits  :lol

and where was the footage of the suicidal weaving in and out of traffic?  All I saw was a bike travelling reasonably quickly (in fact, probably no faster than I travel along there on the bike) while staying in the outside lane.

Hear hear! I'm not going to start justifying this type of riding but agree with Rusty....where's this weaving and crazy riding then???
Probably in the other 7 minutes of video; Peter Clarke, 44, was seen in eight minutes of footage undertaking and scraping through small gaps on his powerful Suzuki.
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Phil on 03 March 2012, 10:52:54 am
I use that stretch of road every day and the average speed in the outer two lanes is usually around 80-85mph.  As has been mentioned, the police bike had to do 150+ to catch up with him but his speed wasn't out of the ordinary for what is a well surfaced 4 lane motorway.  He was obviously nabbed by Cambs finest unmarked black Fireblade.  There's also a blue Skoda VRS, black Audi A4 and black BMW M3 that prowl along there.

He got caught doing 156mph! The clip from the video shows 100mph.

some of the cars were doing 100mph in that clip, were they charged too? :rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes

Dont worry, partly due to idiots like Clarke doing 156mph,  soon there will be average speed cameras everywhere and everyone doing more than the speed limit will get prosecuted.

Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Skippernick on 03 March 2012, 11:50:40 am
Thankyou Phil, you deffinately put it better than me.
Also if he had had an accident he would of become another statistic used to fuel the fire of compulsory high vis for example.
We know it doesn't work but that won't stop them.
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: DILLIGAFF on 03 March 2012, 12:03:37 pm
Under the current laws, he was breaking the law. BUT.............

He appeared to be in total control and when challenged pulled over correctly and slowly to avoid any possibility of endangering the police bike behind. He also pulled well over to the left on the hard shoulder, indicating that he was aware of the danger of passing traffic.

Now compare him to these thieving chavs who fail to stop, race about side streets in Police pursuits and often crash. They often are punished with points and ban on a licence they don't have and a good telling off.

I know which one I would rather share the road with.

BTW  I think you can detect the police flashing lights in his reflector so he lost admiration from me for poor use of his mirrors.
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Tori on 03 March 2012, 10:59:49 pm
Very disturbing thread.....
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: maddog04 on 04 March 2012, 11:11:12 am
whilst I appreciate peoples freedom of choice, can we ban any links to that F******G rag, I and many other's find it deeply offensive
rant over
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: bikerboys on 04 March 2012, 11:48:36 am
whilst I appreciate peoples freedom of choice, can we ban any links to that F******G rag, I and many other's find it deeply offensive
rant over

 if you are not happy with it then delt it was not there to offend other people and some people take it the wrong way and go ott :rolleyes

I have ask the mod to take the post off  :oops
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Farjo on 04 March 2012, 12:42:40 pm
this is clearly footage from road rash on the megadrive, I wonder if the real footage is somewhere on the interweb?

whilst I appreciate peoples freedom of choice, can we ban any links to that F******G rag, I and many other's find it deeply offensive
rant over
whilst I appreciate peoples freedom of choice, can we ban any links to that F******G rag, I and many other's find it deeply offensive
rant over

 if you are not happy with it then delt it was not there to offend other people and some people take it the wrong way and go ott :rolleyes

I have ask the mod to take the post off  :oops

The video in the first post has been changed to what looks like the full version:
Speeding biker hits 156mph on motorcycle - dangerous or careless? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFqVpHHN-LM#ws)
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Farjo on 04 March 2012, 12:44:53 pm
In this video he goes for it at around 4 min 25 sec.
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: snapper on 04 March 2012, 01:15:17 pm
ok Im sorry dispite all the argument this has raised , its all academic now .
 but I have an issue with the footage , if you watch it while he is giving it the beans the clock just doesnt seem right watched it on two computers now
 can some one else study it as well !
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: maddog04 on 04 March 2012, 02:14:40 pm
I'm not having a go at the vid, I was having a go at a certain tabloid that the link appeared to be from, though I can't see it on the thread now
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Grahamm on 04 March 2012, 02:37:10 pm
Having watched the full video, I think the original reporting is, shall we say, somewhat hyperbolic, words like "horror footage", "maniac" and "lethal" really aren't justified.

Yes, he does stupid undertakes and in a couple of places he's much travelling much too fast and too close to vehicles in blind spots where he'd be in serious trouble if someone else made a manoeuvre, but the impression given in the report isn't really borne out by the evidence.

I'm not agreeing with what he did, naturally, it was stupid and his excuses that "he was in total control at all times" and insisting his bike was built for speed don't really wash, but I've seen much more dangerous behaviour (eg texting on mobiles whilst driving) that would just get you a slap on the wrist with an insignificant fine and three points when, IMO, they should be treated much more seriously.

And, of course, when a biker does something stupid, he's mostly only really putting himself in danger, unlike someone in a couple of tonnes of car...
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: rustyrider on 04 March 2012, 02:48:13 pm
Now we've seen if all, as Grahamm says, there's a couple of iffy undertakes and a quick squirt on the downhill stretch approaching the Sawtry turn.  The rest of the time his speed was averaging around the 85-90 mark which, as I've previously mentioned, is the norm on that road.  The only time you see 150+ is when the police bike is giving it some to catch up with him.

Compared to some of the lunatic high speed filtering I see on the A12 driving into London every day, it's model riding!
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: tommyteeman on 04 March 2012, 03:18:53 pm
Hang on...weren't the Police speeding as well? You can't have it all ways...one rule for them and one for us...


And obviously the biker has been through Class 1 Police training...

only through my skill as a driver, and motorcycle rider, have I managed to avoid certain death when faced with the police doing a bit of "training".....country roads, wrong side of the road, blind corner,.....happened to me three times now, only MY quick thinking has saved my life from these "trained" idiots !!!  :rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Farjo on 04 March 2012, 03:47:29 pm
... though I can't see it on the thread now
It's been edited out and substituted with the fuller version.

Having watched the full video, I think the original reporting is, shall we say, somewhat hyperbolic, words like "horror footage", "maniac" and "lethal" really aren't justified.

Yes, he does stupid undertakes and in a couple of places he's much travelling much too fast and too close to vehicles in blind spots where he'd be in serious trouble if someone else made a manoeuvre, but the impression given in the report isn't really borne out by the evidence.
NO! You don't mean to say that journalists have taken a bit of fact and made up a whole story around it do you?? Gosh you don't suppose they do this sort of thing all the time do you?
And, of course, when a biker does something stupid, he's mostly only really putting himself in danger, unlike someone in a couple of tonnes of car...
I wouldn't like a riderless motorcycle coming at me even if it were a 125!

The only time you see 150+ is when the police bike is giving it some to catch up with him.
When you see 150+ the biker is pulling away from the camera bike.
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Grahamm on 04 March 2012, 05:27:45 pm
happened to me three times now

And how many times with other bikers or drivers?
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Grahamm on 04 March 2012, 05:28:49 pm
And, of course, when a biker does something stupid, he's mostly only really putting himself in danger, unlike someone in a couple of tonnes of car...
I wouldn't like a riderless motorcycle coming at me even if it were a 125!

As I said: "mostly".
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Farjo on 04 March 2012, 06:16:34 pm
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: DryRob on 05 March 2012, 09:29:01 am
the guys a foccin moron, he's obviously seen anther bike in his mirrors and thought, "Let's see who's got the biggest cock, I bet it's me" the police bike was clearly waiting for him to cross some sort of line with his speed, would be interesting to know how long he was following at 90ish before he decided to take action...
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: pitternator on 07 March 2012, 07:43:57 am
what seems idiotic is he accelerated to 150 after he saw a bike in his mirrors ! Up to that point he probably wasnt doing anything too mad, but you know I see this many times when out on my bike. I overtake someone who is cruising at a certain speed...then like some idiot they ride at insane speed just to catch up, overtake me back, then turn off! TBH from my viewing , the daft twat deserves what he got...the first rule of covert speeding is to check yer mirrors and use speed when nobody is around....doing 150 on a busy dual carriageway with an unknown fast vehicle behind is just asking to be pulled in my book...
long ago I gave up on this argument over are limit sfair , should cops be allowed to speed tec...it is what it is....if you want to speed and not get caught , you have to play the game by the rules...observation , observation, observation. The people who get away with it know when to use restraint !
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Bracechenko on 07 March 2012, 08:33:02 am
Yep, fair point Pitt....I used to have 12 points at one point and all for speeding....the reason I have none now is because i'm slightly more sensible but also know when to do it (ie, no-one following, no-one around as you've said).
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: bigralphie on 07 March 2012, 12:36:55 pm
Yep he is a dick ,he gives us serial speeders a bad name lol
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Chillum on 07 March 2012, 01:07:24 pm
Bikers own the roads, the sooner people with small willies get over that fact the safer we will all be :pokefun

Seriously though, the copper was observing until he made a bit of a dash, which was unnecessary looking at the traffic conditions. A bit rash, sure, but please let's get rid of all the 'speeding rapes babies' hyperbole. If it was so instantaneously lethal to do speeds of 150mph on a motorbike then the copper following is just as capable of being to blame for something that goes wrong as the civvie in front.

Biker was naughty - got caught - fair enough says I, it's in the rules. Like Graham has mentioned, I have had many more problems with arseholes coming round blind bends on the wrong side of the road whilst texting than I ever have with bikers. You don't see many bikers texting whilst riding do you?
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: imax on 07 March 2012, 02:04:05 pm
Texting while riding a bike on a busy road (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Tvl97ZBYlU#)
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Robbie8666 on 07 March 2012, 02:23:12 pm
As a not so experienced rider as some of other posters in this thread & having read through it with great interest I can see that yes he was speeding. not knowing the road I cant comment whether it was "dangerous" but I have to say this and to give him his due, as soon as he was pulled he stopped in a safe controlled way. he didn't try and make a break for it and it wasn't (or didn't appear to be) a full on police chase.
I had to watch that with no sound but is there any commentary from police bike?
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Chillum on 07 March 2012, 06:51:58 pm
You don't see many bikers texting whilst riding do you?

I sit corrected  :rollin that is one laid back statistic waiting to happen  :eek
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Pepy27 on 07 March 2012, 07:54:55 pm
I too use that section of the A1 quite a bit by bike, scooter and cage.
It is a great piece of motorway but that doesn't give anyone licence to ride at 156mph FFS.......mental
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: Skinbeatersam on 07 March 2012, 11:01:27 pm
You don't see many bikers texting whilst riding do you?

Other than that video of a dude in India (where the rule of the road is might is right, and that's it!!)

I did once witness a learner on a 125 Scooter (open face helmet, apron, one glove off) texting on the A406, in dense, fast moving traffic, between Chingford and Ilford. I found this to be a concern.

I think that is the worst I have ever seen a biker do, compared with the sheer amount of idiots in cages I see doing stupid things.

I did a post on 'Stupid things you see on the road' if you wanna read and comment. Some are very very funny. [size=78%]http://foc-u.co.uk/index.php/topic,1096.msg7334.html#msg7334 (http://foc-u.co.uk/index.php/topic,1096.msg7334.html#msg7334)[/size]
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: DryRob on 08 March 2012, 11:50:18 am
maybe he was wearing one of these and got carried away;
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SUPERMEN-Racing-SUIT-Motorcycle-Leather-SUIT-Motorbike-Biker-Jacket-Trouser-NEW-/260957485340?_trksid=p4340.m185&_trkparms=algo%3DDLSL%252BSIC.NPJS%26its%3DI%26itu%3DUCI%252BUA%26otn%3D10%26pmod%3D110835826290%252B110835826290%26po%3D%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D6855139073895074119 (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SUPERMEN-Racing-SUIT-Motorcycle-Leather-SUIT-Motorbike-Biker-Jacket-Trouser-NEW-/260957485340?_trksid=p4340.m185&_trkparms=algo%3DDLSL%252BSIC.NPJS%26its%3DI%26itu%3DUCI%252BUA%26otn%3D10%26pmod%3D110835826290%252B110835826290%26po%3D%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D6855139073895074119)
Title: Re: Horror footage of speeding biker
Post by: steeeve66 on 08 March 2012, 12:31:16 pm
I just don't think the footage merits the 'horror' tag it's been given - the short burst up to 150 was daft but he didn't appear to be anything other than in control and the road looked open enough to me (and, presumably, to the police bike as well?).
Silly; I'll bet he regretted throwing his license away for such a nothing stretch of road - but the law's the law I guess.

But I still think all the ranting, both here and in the press, badly over the top.