Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

General => General => Topic started by: taylor on 16 June 2015, 10:08:07 pm

Title: bedroom tax/
Post by: taylor on 16 June 2015, 10:08:07 pm
 the missing women and children who have chosen to go to Syria, I am just wondering if the state has started to charge there husbands the bedroom tax, lifes a bitch. :lol
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: slimwilly on 16 June 2015, 10:32:25 pm
Oh,,so sad , I hope they come home unhurt
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: DekF on 16 June 2015, 10:39:34 pm
What the 'state' could do to improve the gene pool is to shoot insensitive people like you who have no compassion for vulnerable, innocent children who have no say in their inevitable sad fate.

Edit BB: Toned it down for the General forum.
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: slimwilly on 16 June 2015, 10:44:09 pm
Dekf  . I don't understand your post,,the slant of it,,

but the state should blow fucking Dewsbury off this planet,,

Edit BB: Need to tone this down a bit or it will be off to the Naughty Corner with a banning stick
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: DekF on 16 June 2015, 10:49:19 pm
It was a response to the original post billy.
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: sinto on 16 June 2015, 10:55:53 pm
Sometimes your better not saying anything of what you think on certain subjects and that way nobody gets upset :)
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: Razgruff on 16 June 2015, 11:15:51 pm
Sometimes your better not saying anything of what you think on certain subjects and that way nobody gets upset :)
And then those with the loudest voices dictate the conversation  :thumbdown

but the state should blow fucking Dewsbury off this planet,, ======

How do you feel we should deal with the Christian and Jewish cunts,?????

Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: sinto on 16 June 2015, 11:23:50 pm
Sometimes your better not saying anything of what you think on certain subjects and that way nobody gets upset :)
And then those with the loudest voices dictate the conversation  :thumbdown

Yeah, but there's a time and place is there not? And surely not on a forum?
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: fazersharp on 16 June 2015, 11:41:56 pm
I draw pictures of rainbows now ------------ they dont have meetings about rainbows.

Who said that then
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: Val on 16 June 2015, 11:52:00 pm
Completely useless, but still amusing forum thread  :lol

Honestly don't cha have a bikes to fix fellas? Bedroom tax seriously?

Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: Razgruff on 17 June 2015, 12:01:20 am
You find bike stuff it the bike forums.
You find Meetings Ride outs and Events in the Events Forum.
You find adult stuff in the Naughty Corner
In General you find all the other stuff that those that own Fazers and many that don't own Fazers, find interesting funny and anything else they feel like posting.

If you just want to read about bikes, stick to those Forums  :pokefun

Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: darrsi on 17 June 2015, 06:07:08 am
I draw pictures of rainbows now ------------ they dont have meetings about rainbows.

Who said that then

Wasn't it that creepy kid who sees dead people?
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: pilninggas on 17 June 2015, 06:51:32 am
Sometimes your better not saying anything of what you think on certain subjects and that way nobody gets upset :)

Sadly that was a big part of how the Nazis bullied their way into power.

The rise in religious extremism in this country is partly due to dogooders covering their mouths, due to some misguided political correctness.
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: BBROWN1664 on 17 June 2015, 08:35:55 am
Taylor - I appreciate your joke
DekF - It was a joke.
Slim - You started off so well.
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: midden on 17 June 2015, 09:04:11 am
Sometimes your better not saying anything of what you think on certain subjects and that way nobody gets upset :)
And then those with the loudest voices dictate the conversation  :thumbdown

Yeah, but there's a time and place is there not? And surely not on a forum?
Where do you suggest then? Perhaps a rideout to speakers corner.
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: fazersharp on 17 June 2015, 10:15:53 am
I draw pictures of rainbows now ------------ they dont have meetings about rainbows.

Who said that then

Wasn't it that creepy kid who sees dead people?

Yeh thats it 6th sense it was this that reminded me of it

Sometimes your better not saying anything of what you think on certain subjects and that way nobody gets upset :)
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: Oldgit on 17 June 2015, 04:42:40 pm
Who called the cook a cunt
Who called the cunt a cook
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: taylor on 17 June 2015, 05:53:32 pm
who what lol :D
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: Razgruff on 17 June 2015, 07:09:32 pm
who what lol :D

Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: slimwilly on 17 June 2015, 07:21:50 pm
Sorry :o

Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: slimwilly on 17 June 2015, 07:22:42 pm
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: Val on 18 June 2015, 06:23:29 pm
Sorry :o

Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: HarryHornby on 18 June 2015, 06:54:23 pm
Midden, want me to organise a LOFO's day out to speakers' corner?  It's different, I'll give you that.  We could borrow Christo's towbar to tow the BIG soapbox for people to climb on  :b
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: taylor on 18 June 2015, 07:06:02 pm
well put all, just don't forget freedom of speech for everyone, am I a heartless bastard yes, do I care no..
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: slimwilly on 19 June 2015, 07:03:14 am
Free speech,, :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

I love it..

Has anyone not read the press ?

The police and whoever state there are numerous groups of Muslim fanatics scattered around this country plotting to kill US,,yes set off bombs on buses etc,,,

Anyone on here see the after math of the bus bombing in London..

These are a real real threat to you and your family.. and it would seem,,some of you still wonder why us normal,,ummm well so so,are a bit anti muslim,,these cut of head and hands,throw off buildings going on in Syria and other places culprits are fromENGLAND,, do you realise that,,also they expect to come bame home after ,,yes come back here,

Go to Luton,,,drive up the high st,,you will be linched.
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: taylor on 19 June 2015, 08:50:50 am
well put slim, a lot of people walk around with there head up there arse, and before long that's prob where it will end up, things have got to change,.
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: midden on 19 June 2015, 08:52:48 am
Midden, want me to organise a LOFO's day out to speakers' corner?  It's different, I'll give you that.  We could borrow Christo's towbar to tow the BIG soapbox for people to climb on  :b
I believe the box is already supplied double H.
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: mtread on 19 June 2015, 10:38:47 pm
These are a real real threat to you and your family.. and it would seem,,some of you still wonder why us normal,,ummm well so so,are a bit anti muslim,,these cut of head and hands,throw off buildings going on in Syria and other places culprits are fromENGLAND,, do you realise that,,also they expect to come bame home after ,,yes come back here,
Yes and there are plenty of British Muslims (the majority) who want nothing to do with this. Who are quite happy to integrate with society (whislt following their religion) and who abhor what is happening. But it's easier to pretend otherwise and label them all the same.
There are white male fanatics who murder churchgoers in USA or youth camps in Norway, but although a white male myself, I want nothing to do with them and don't wish to be labeled the same.
On a technicality, the 'bedroom tax' or to give it the proper title the under occupancy charge, is only applicable to claimants of housing benefit, where an amount is deducted from that benefit. Where has it been said that these families are claiming that benefit ?
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: HarryHornby on 19 June 2015, 10:54:06 pm
During WW2 people were wary of anyone with a germanish accent
When the IRA were blowing people up I'm sure the Northern Irish accent got people worrying
And now, "Muslims" are threatening our safety so unfortunatly some people tar them all with the same brush.

The truth is, the Muslim faith is a very peaceful faith, the people of IS or Taleban etc are not true muslims and no one should take this likely.  sadly there will be plans being made right now for a very serious attack on our freedom, we have to trust our secret service, the police and others to stop them.

One TV program that really got me thinking was Spooks.  There was one about "muslim" sleepers.  For years they had been turning on a radio in their house every morning before going to work and it was the same message.  Then, one day, this normal looking chap  heard a different message, he got on the train at Faversham, a normal town, 1 stop down the line from where I live and headed to London to carry out the task he'd been briefed about many years previous.  NOW, I know Spooks is fiction but it must be based around quite a bit of truth and this brought it home to me just how close these nutters could be to us.

We can't let them beat us by stoping us from living our lives and being scared to go out, but likewise we can't be complacent that they aren't there and they aren't planning something big that will shock the world, all in the name of "religion"  :o
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: darrsi on 20 June 2015, 08:51:07 am
During WW2 people were wary of anyone with a germanish accent
When the IRA were blowing people up I'm sure the Northern Irish accent got people worrying
And now, "Muslims" are threatening our safety so unfortunatly some people tar them all with the same brush.

The truth is, the Muslim faith is a very peaceful faith, the people of IS or Taleban etc are not true muslims and no one should take this likely.  sadly there will be plans being made right now for a very serious attack on our freedom, we have to trust our secret service, the police and others to stop them.

One TV program that really got me thinking was Spooks.  There was one about "muslim" sleepers.  For years they had been turning on a radio in their house every morning before going to work and it was the same message.  Then, one day, this normal looking chap  heard a different message, he got on the train at Faversham, a normal town, 1 stop down the line from where I live and headed to London to carry out the task he'd been briefed about many years previous.  NOW, I know Spooks is fiction but it must be based around quite a bit of truth and this brought it home to me just how close these nutters could be to us.

We can't let them beat us by stoping us from living our lives and being scared to go out, but likewise we can't be complacent that they aren't there and they aren't planning something big that will shock the world, all in the name of "religion"  :o

Spooks was a great series, it kind of opened your eyes up as to what could or might happen behind the scenes without us really knowing too much about anything.
There's been a film version recently, but also a new film with Pierce Brosnan called "Survivor" which is along the same lines and is well worth seeing.
Although i personally have lost a bit of faith in our policing system due to my own circumstances, i do still fully appreciate that a lot of their time is taken up by them keeping us safe, and bearing in mind a lot of the population want to live with us, whilst still not actually liking us, then i have to take it that they're otherwise busy in a positive way.
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: Razgruff on 20 June 2015, 10:11:13 pm
Oh it was a Muslim joke  :eek
I read it has a black joke about the callousness of the DWP and their Tory masters.
Maybe I've been reading too much about people having housing benefit removed after the death of anrelative.
Every death saves the tax payer you know :D
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: DekF on 20 June 2015, 10:56:46 pm
Sorry taylor, uncalled for personal abuse towards yourself, no excuse on my part   :o
Title: Re: bedroom tax/
Post by: VNA - BMW Wank on 21 June 2015, 03:40:27 pm
just don't forget freedom of speech for everyone

Freedom of speech comes with responsibilities.  Don't be surprised when you are held to account for what you say.

The police and whoever state there are numerous groups of Muslim fanatics scattered around this country plotting to kill US,,yes set off bombs on buses etc,,,

Have you seen the mess we made of Iraq? 

So whom are the real fanatics?