Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

General => General => Topic started by: bri h on 15 January 2015, 05:14:25 pm

Title: nhs my ar*e
Post by: bri h on 15 January 2015, 05:14:25 pm
So I got called to the doctors today to be told that the nhs wont fund my hernia repair cos its not serious enough. Im getting on a bit and have been paying national insurance contributions for forty three years now. Still I suppose there are people that need the nhs more than I do but I'm still not exactly over the moon.
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: bri h on 15 January 2015, 05:18:55 pm
Thinking about it red 98 is good at fixing old things. ............
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: lew600fazer on 15 January 2015, 06:47:19 pm
The NHS is an organisation manned and run by a team of mostly dedicated health care professionals, sadly the adminside are lacking. (Also if you believe everything Mr Cameron and his experts say the NHS is safe in their hands. :rollin )The other crowd will not do any better. Good luck and hope you get sorted.
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: red98 on 15 January 2015, 07:37:36 pm
[quote  :author=bri h link=topic=15734.msg180242#msg180242 date=1421342335]
Thinking about it red 98 is good at fixing old things. ............

I do like breathing new life into old relics....but.....sometimes its best to replace rather than repair    :pokefun    :lol
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: bri h on 15 January 2015, 07:52:52 pm
Blimey red you sound like the missus now wanting to trade me in for a newer model.
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: noggythenog on 15 January 2015, 09:06:01 pm
Ive had a guts full of the nhs after almost 2 weeks of drama.

Took my wife up to the hospital on the 3rd to have an induction for the baby......just got home tonight......all the specialist maternity services got canned from my local hospital so the hospital she went to was 30 odd miles away on shit roads.....i've clocked up almost 1200 miles going back and forward...first thing in the morning ive been there until i got kicked out last thing every night.

The proffesionalism of the staff was top notch, they are all pretty dedicated and i cant fault that my wife and baby were well looked after.

But the services are shocking.....the move of services, the lack of parking, men werent  allowed to use the toilets as if  we are animals so i had to either sneak into them or walk to the hospital entrance stinking hole of a toilet, there was no provision for staying over, no food for me and not even a kettle  for a pot noodle or room with a couch or whatever.

They were quite clearly up shit creek a few times as being there so long i got to notice what was going on and at one point they were turning folk away and slowing others down because they were too full up in the labour wards.

Nhs seems to be haging by a thread a ross the board.

Im just glad i got my back op 5 years ago coz i know they would. Give me it now.
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: bri h on 16 January 2015, 12:11:37 am
I worked on the intensive care ward at broadmoor hospital for three years and at first the dedication and profesionalism of most of the staff was outstanding. However more and more of the trained psychiatric nurses came over from africa, were paid to go to uni for three years on the promise they would work for the nhs for five years.The african work ethic in some cases seemed to differ from what im used to. On the other hand some of the best people i worked with were african. The fact im struggleing with is it costs 300 thousand pounds a year to keep each patient in broadmoor. None of them are there for helping old ladies cross the road.I understand its a question of resources and i know other people need them more than me but after what ive seen its a bit galling to be told im not important enough to warrant a relatively inexpensive hernia repair.
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: Dave48 on 16 January 2015, 06:16:53 am
The NHS came into being the same year as I  did and, in my opinion, is the single most important thing ever created by  any government-all the planning was done during the 2nd world war  and I along with countless others owe a huge debt of gratitude for the vision of Aneurin Bevan & his colleagues.
I can only begin to imagine what it must have been like for our forebears who could only access healthcare if they had the money to pay.
Now at the time of life where my body has been "round the clock" I know that in future I am likely to need more frequent servicing/repairs!
Bri-I feel for you and all like us who have paid into the system over the years and hope you will get your op before long.
Noggy-Congratulations on your new family member(mini-Nog?). One of the downsides of living in a rural area is the cost/time involved travelling to hospital.
My eldest son was born in Bangor Hospital in 1979. We lived at Rhos on Sea & because he has premature they kept mum & baby in hospital until his weight went up to 5lb. So for 21 days I worked 8-5 then rushed home to change & then drive 25 miles to visit then 25 miles back. It was a difficult time but much better than nowadays.
IMO there has been far too much tinkering/messing about with this wonderful service which has simultaneously been abused by some service users.
I live in Brum-my old local hospital-Selly Oak closed a few years ago with the opening of the flagship Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
This is a wonderful establishment staffed by some of the best professionals you could wish to meet..However.. Parking costs are astronomical-even the staff have to pay if they park on site and the result is that all our local roads have been clogged up by staff & visitors vehicles. The planners failed abysmally to provide forthe  number of vehicles using the site.
The government likes to blame NHS staff & its "customers" for their own incompetence & failures to meet "targets"
Simultaneously we have an ageing population, a rising birth rate and an ever increasing number of people with "self-inflicted" conditions (including those who are grossly obese & then expect the rest of us to pick up the tab for their treatment).
Ultimately I blame successive governments for failure to invest in the important areas that affect us all-eg Education,Jobs, Health.
Strange how they always find the money to fight wars the other side of the world-mind you these public school types probably beleive we still have an empire to "defend"
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: darrsi on 16 January 2015, 06:55:36 am
I fractured my hip in June so was visiting the hospital and doctors for about 4 or 5 months, and there were good and bad times with the NHS.

My clinic appointment times were amazingly nearly spot on every time, if i had a 9.30am appointment then i was seen no more than 10 minutes later than that, they suddenly seemed very organised in comparison to a visit years ago, and i went a few times so it wasn't a fluke.

I had to go to A&E one Sunday when i found myself in extreme pain and got concerned there was a blood supply issue which i was warned of, and that was a different story altogether though, i was there for hours and the staff all seemed very stressed to the point of being really grumpy with it.
Some of the people i saw go in there in the time i sat waiting was quite astonishing though.
One woman and her 2 mates were there because she had a "sore elbow", and another woman kept wailing at the top of her voice demanding to jump the 60+ queue because "i'm important". The thing is, she got her way because she was so irritating they just wanted her to shut the fuck up.

As Noggy says, the car parking was a joke though, and stupidly expensive.
My mum has a disabled badge for a breathing problem so she'd spend ages going around the hospital looking for a disabled bay, but they're extremely limited, which is not surprising really as firstly it is a hospital and secondly free parking is not an earner for the parking company.
But we went into an internal car park one day, spent about 30 minutes driving around it with other cars also looking aimlessly for a spot and we then had to pay just to get out of it, as too many cars had been let in with no spaces available!
It was just another reason for me to dislike cars!

Even though my hospital has been on the news recently about struggling, they have just opened a brand new A&E ward so hopefully things might improve a lot over time, although the closure of 2 other local hospitals has obviously been a major cause of problems.
I think they should cut all aid to these shithole countries that tend to not like us and channel it straight into our NHS, 'cos they certainly deserve it more.
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: red98 on 16 January 2015, 06:55:56 am
Blimey red you sound like the missus now wanting to trade me in for a newer model.

 :rollin :rollin :rollin ......your not the only one bri ..... :rollin :rollin :rollin
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: greg1953 on 16 January 2015, 07:57:38 am
My job means that I visit hospitals in my local area (north east ), the staff I see are run off their feet, the amount of work doesn't lessen but the staff levels do.
I can't help but admire their dedication and professionalism while feeling sorry for them. I worked for the Prison Service for 28yrs and whats happening there parallels the NHS, they are both being butchered by Governments and fed on the bullshit that "all is well ".
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: VNA - BMW Wank on 16 January 2015, 09:55:03 am
My doctor told me about 5 or 6 years ago that I have a hernia.
So far I have not required surgery.  And I don't want surgery unless it is necessary.
So no, not all hernia's require surgery.
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: bri h on 16 January 2015, 10:23:42 am
I'm sure you're right vna but in my case the doctor says it does but an administrator says it's not important enough to warrant funding.  I like dave48 believe the nhs and welfare state that was introduced after the war is among the most civilised things this planet has enjoyed.  I hope its still there for my kids and their families. Sadly cases like mine are grist to the mill for ukip who I believe are another bunch of ex public school millionaire chancers. I doubt if we will see reformers like Beveridge and clement Attlee again.
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: pete786.u on 16 January 2015, 10:28:07 am
Got taken to A&E last night with pain in my shoulders and my hands were shaking so much I couldn`t hold a cup (suspected Parkinsons). The two paramedics who turned up to check me out  insisted I go to hospital. Spent a couple of hours waiting to see a Doctor, various things could be causing my problem from the mentioned Parkinsons to a mini stroke and everything in-between. All the Staff were brilliant from the Porters to the Doctors, always had great service from everybody involved. Did notice lot of older people being pushed around in wheelchairs or on trollies and came to the conclusion that lots of them were well enough to go home but had nobody at home to look after them. so were blocking up the system, so much for care in the community.

Just had a phone call from the hospital and got an appointment at the "Minor Stroke Clinic" on Tuesday.   
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: devilsyam on 16 January 2015, 10:28:54 am
Well I have nothing but praise for the NHS
There keeping me alive
If I was in the USA I could not even fund the meds I take
So no complaint here
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: bri h on 16 January 2015, 10:54:53 am
i hope your ok pete, luke as a type two diabetic im with you all the way the nhs has been more than good to me over the years, as i say its just a bit of a shock to learn about how far the resources are stretched these days and the future is looking a bit grim. they say the french and scandinavian systems work better that ours but without being sentimental the wefare state and nhs is too good a concept to loose.
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: VNA - BMW Wank on 16 January 2015, 10:55:33 am
The only problem is, is that the NHS in England and Wales is being privatised. 

Scotland's NHS will not be privatised - umm expect,

That having been stupid enougth not to vote YES in the referendum we may find our public services (like the NHS) being challenged under the new Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) that the Tory fucking scum bag money grabbing warmongering bastards want to bring in.

And as for the upcoming general election, well you have a choice between the good old Tories, the new Tories, the third rate Tories or Nigel's ultra Tories.  Have fun.

In other words, yes your NHS is in crises and is about to get totally fucked.
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: VNA - BMW Wank on 16 January 2015, 11:01:12 am
a bit of a shock to learn about how far the resources are stretched these days and the future is looking a bit grim.

Meanwhile the big rich corporations don't have to pay any tax.  There are billions upon billions of pounds, if not trillions in unpaid tax.
Bought anything from Amazon recently?  Wanna know something they don't do any trading in the UK, they pay zero corporation tax in the UK.  That's just one, the list goes on and on and on.

Meanwhile upper wage earners get a tax cut.  The low wage earners get put on zero hours contracts.  The minimum wage becomes a standard wage.    We introduce in work benefits to further subsidise the rich whilst paying out rent to stinking rich landlords.

I could go on and on and on.

But what you have today is socialism for the rich, and a general public to thick and stupid (so far) to see it.
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: bri h on 16 January 2015, 11:17:50 am
wholeheartedly agree vna. ive dried my eyes and got over not being important enough crap i can still throw my leg over the bike so lifes not to shabby. Trouble is im on my high horse about this fundin malarky now. Ever since the champange socialist took over the labour party we have effectively become a one party state. whatever colour rosette they wear they are self serving ex public school millionairs to a man.Its not much of a democracy when you can only vote for the same crap from any of them including ukip. I truly believe that its time to kick our outmoded political system into touch and introduce great brittain plc where as tax paying shareholders we get to vote in a chairman and board of directors If they do a good job then they should be rewarded, if they do a poor job they should be replaced.
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: bigralphie on 16 January 2015, 11:55:21 am
What I tend to find is the NHS is fantastic at the real life threatening stuff,but can be frustrating at more mundane stuff.
We all know that's because of budgets , the headline stuff gets the money and support and the rest is struggling to function.

Like Luke I would be dead without the NHS and the  the fantastic Renal team at Manchester and Preston.
 I flash them the biggest shit kicker smile I have every clinic visit and make sure everyone gets a thank you because I really mean it  :)
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: Andy FZS on 16 January 2015, 12:00:25 pm
I don't meen to criticise the nhs  but I do wonder what level of care I would get elsewhere for the amount of Nat insurance I pay each month. I know it is just another tax a bit like how good would the roads be if all the ved was spent on them.
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: bri h on 16 January 2015, 12:48:37 pm
i dont know for sure but i believe in france people take out private insurance then if the worst happens the government pays half and the insurance pays half. maybe our brother foccers that live across le mar can put me straight but i think its good value for money.
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: VNA - BMW Wank on 16 January 2015, 12:50:24 pm
I don't meen to criticise the nhs  but I do wonder what level of care I would get elsewhere for the amount of Nat insurance I pay each month.

See the USA.  Excellent if you have loads of dosh.  If you don't, or you get something nasty that requires lots of treatment then you might die.

It's not just the NHS.  With two parents suffering dementia and having a wee crises at the mo, well I very much appreciate the support I am getting from not only the NHS but our social services. 

It's a simple matter of whether or not you believe in community or not.  I do.

People need to wake up and reject the neo liberal privatise all fuck the working man agenda.  It's a con. 

Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: JoeRock on 16 January 2015, 01:29:10 pm
I truly believe that its time to kick our outmoded political system into touch and introduce great brittain plc where as tax paying shareholders we get to vote in a chairman and board of directors If they do a good job then they should be rewarded, if they do a poor job they should be replaced.

So in essence, how we vote now?
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: bri h on 16 January 2015, 01:43:55 pm
buggered if i know joe as i say i dont think any of them will do me any favours. maybe give a bit with one hand and take a bit more with the other. yes i realy am that cynical.i  voted for the green party last local election time, they had no real chance but i thouprobablyght it wrong not to vote at all.probably not my best ever move as my catalitic thing accidently fell out when i changed my exhaust.
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: Dave48 on 16 January 2015, 02:12:45 pm
wholeheartedly agree vna. ive dried my eyes and got over not being important enough crap i can still throw my leg over the bike so lifes not to shabby. Trouble is im on my high horse about this fundin malarky now. Ever since the champange socialist took over the labour party we have effectively become a one party state. whatever colour rosette they wear they are self serving ex public school millionairs to a man.Its not much of a democracy when you can only vote for the same crap from any of them including ukip. I truly believe that its time to kick our outmoded political system into touch and introduce great brittain plc where as tax paying shareholders we get to vote in a chairman and board of directors If they do a good job then they should be rewarded, if they do a poor job they should be replaced.
On the face of it I like the sound of GB PLC with elected chairperson & board of directors. However...... Wouldnt we end up with a foreign owned "company" like some of our strategic assets & utilities...Oh hang on a minute... Who does own our green & pleasant land!
Watched a program on TV recently about housing in London-apparently £10 million isnt unreasonable for a large house. So when all the reasonably priced housing has been snapped up for development what will happen to all the indigent Londoners working to service the needs of these oil sheiks, Russian plutocrats etc?
Where will the nurses, firemen,ambulance drivers in fact anyone on less than £50-£100k per annum might as well forget owning their own flat/house.
Of course this hasnt happened overnight-it all started with Thatcher & her cronies selling off the family silver- A few good (for some yuppies) years with unlimited growth of credit/lending using North Sea Oil  reserves as "guarantor" for the process.
Personally, I believe we are "f****d as a nation and the situation is just one giant scramble to the top of the pile.
Where does our "wealth" come from nowadays-I dont have a clue.
The only hope for change rests with the electorate-What would happen if  the majority voted Green or maybe noone voted at all-would we be stuck with these chinless wonders for ever? Theres no choice at present as already said Its Tory Boy, Pretend Tory Boy, New Tory Boy or Pretend Tory Boy.
Are these are only options in an electorate of  possibly 40 million :eek
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: lew600fazer on 16 January 2015, 02:30:21 pm
How come we have gone from Bri H cannot get a hernia operation. To ripping our political leaders and political system a new arsehole.
One thing that should be made law is that it is compulsory to vote at local and General elections, if you do not support any party you put your x in a box that says i do not support any party. When that is done then people cannot moan as much.

Just think about this, if people went to the Chemists and bought Lemsip or the like every time they sneeze or some deep heat rub if they have a wee twinge in the back instead of trying to get an appointment at the doctors or rolling up to the local A&E this simple action would take a tremendous pressure of the NHS

I believe in France most folk have what is known as a Mutuelle a health insurance policy, when you go to the doctor you pay the doctor and claim it back from the Mutuelle.

My mother and mother inlaw were habitual abusers of the NHS, yes both had health problems and were on medication, but regardless how they felt they would do there best to try and get an appointment with the doctor at least once a weekl

I really am surprised that have not been more Harold Shipmans.

People really should and can do a lot more to help themselves. Someone mentioned that while they were at an A&E a lot of old people were being moved around , something about lack of care in the community, again maybe some family members need to step up to the plate and care for their own elderly . 
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: midden on 16 January 2015, 03:31:37 pm
I walked in unanounced to St Thomas hospital at 7pm one evening after some years of having hernia which the GP didn't think was a concern. By 11pm I was in theatre being operated. I then had 3 days of good company, hospital food and a visit the their cinema  ;) 
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: Frosties on 16 January 2015, 03:54:11 pm
I walked in unanounced to St Thomas hospital at 7pm one evening after some years of having hernia which the GP didn't think was a concern. By 11pm I was in theatre being operated. I then had 3 days of good company, hospital food and a visit the their cinema  ;)

3 feckin days you lazy shite. That's where the friggin money is going.....oh and your movie & pop corn.  :lol
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: taylor on 16 January 2015, 07:09:17 pm
good old aneurin bevan, another Tredegar lad done well, and only a year ago they where going to knock down the birthplace of the nhs. sad
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: VNA - BMW Wank on 16 January 2015, 07:48:12 pm
One thing that should be made law is that it is compulsory to vote at local and General elections, if you do not support any party you put your x in a box that says i do not support any party. When that is done then people cannot moan as much.

Well firstly, people need to get past the idea that democracy is about voting once every 4 or 5 years.  Democracy works every day.

And as for your idea Lew, as soon as you make it law to vote, well I guarantee you that I and a million plus or so others will refuse to vote.  What you gonna do then?

Someone mentioned that while they were at an A&E a lot of old people were being moved around , something about lack of care in the community, again maybe some family members need to step up to the plate and care for their own elderly . 

I've got two parents with dementia Lew.  They have stubbornly refused all the help that is out there and available to them.  So the wheels have fallen off.  I'm now off long term sick caring for my parents while I also get care in place that they need so I can go back to work.

People get old Lew and they start to fall apart.  Are you suggesting I give up my job and sell my house to care 24/7 for my parents?

In actual fact in Scotland there is plenty of provision for care in the community as well as if required residential care.

You know maybe if we got the big multi-national companies to pay the tax that they are supposed to.  Perhaps if we stopped the rich from sponging off the poor, perhaps if we stopped subsidising rich companies with in work benefits, perhaps if we introduced a living wage.  Maybe if we stopped spending billions on nuclear weapons and fighting illegal immoral wars whilst subsidising our bloody arms industry we might just be able to care for the vulnerable and needy in our society.

This won't be fixed by a general election Lew.  Frankly yes it's a waste of time for most people in most constituencies voting, as you are effectively pissing into the wind. 

To counter your suggestion of compulsory voting, perhaps a mass movement rejecting our current 'democracy' and getting the vast majority of people to refuse to vote would be more effective.

Meanwhile I want another referendum :lol   The UK is sinking.

Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: lew600fazer on 16 January 2015, 09:36:15 pm
VNA, that is exactly why I live in Spain, the €euro is fecked and mean while my British pension is going up in value day by day, long may it last. I can ride my FZ out here 300 days a year if I want to, lets face why ride in the rain.Today I paid €1.16 for a litre for petrol and diesel is down to less than a €euro a litre. I did buy a half decent bottle of scotch today Ballintines €9.75, toyed with the J&B at €9.30. William Lawsons is on offer at €6.85.
You have your Scottish referendum if you want to, just promise though that you will not put the price of Scotch up.
Sorry about your parents condition that is not an easy illness to live with either for them or family, hopefully one day we can find away to cure this.

Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: VNA - BMW Wank on 16 January 2015, 10:46:26 pm
VNA, that is exactly why I live in Spain, the €euro is fecked and mean while my British pension is going up in value day by day, long may it last. I can ride my FZ out here 300 days a year if I want to, lets face why ride in the rain.Today I paid €1.16 for a litre for petrol and diesel is down to less than a €euro a litre. I did buy a half decent bottle of scotch today Ballintines €9.75, toyed with the J&B at €9.30. William Lawsons is on offer at €6.85.

Lew you are very fortunate.  But why don't you ask some of the young Spanish folks how they feel about living Spain.  You'll find plenty of young Spaniards enjoying cold breeze and drizzle in Scotland.

I think in time with some forms of Dementia we may find ways of slowing or stopping the damage, we already are with Alzheimer's.  But it would also mean massive screening programmes.  But then again at the end of the day there never will be a cure for old age - we will all die. 

I've seen folks at my work try to take dementia head on, trying to care for their parents themselves whilst working full time.  It always ends in tears.

The other thing I have learned is about relationships.  If I try and get my Dad up in the morning (at the moment in the middle of winter he wants to stay in bed all day, which then results in him being up all night, which in turn drives my mother spare - which means my phone rings at 02.30 when I'm trying to get some sleep before going to work) he'll just tell me to piss off.  He's not going to be told by his big brother when to get up out of bed (yes apparently I'm a 90 year old Welsh man whom died three years ago).  But with the right care worker he'll get up nae bother and with a big smile on his face.

Meanwhile the rich elite who pay no tax and run everything in this country have no need for the NHS, other than that is to try and make even more money out of it (that's why they are privatising  it) - they have all private health care - round the clock if they want - all they could ever wish for.

You have your Scottish referendum if you want to, just promise though that you will not put the price of Scotch up.

Hopefully we will, and this time we will win.  Yes that means moderate price rises in Scottish Whisky for export.  Why?  Cos Scottish Whisky is largely foreign owned, that means the profit goes straight out of the country (as it does increasingly with energy, social services and increasingly the nhs), so a small export tax will be required in order that all Scots get the benefit of our billion pound whisky industry. 

Stock up while you can Lew :lol
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: lew600fazer on 16 January 2015, 11:07:04 pm
Very true , plenty of unemployment here in Spain and the rest of western Europe. But sadly I am at that stage of my life that selfishly I only look out for my own family.Hopefully when I have had my days, and my wife has had hers we have already put in place measures and any other legal fiddle that ensures what we leave the kids goes to them with only the minimum in Taxes going to the state.
Hopefully my whiskey consumption will help to keep a few Irish and Scottish folk gainfully employed. :lol
Title: Re: nhs my ar*e
Post by: maddog04 on 17 January 2015, 01:51:33 pm
I really am surprised that have not been more Harold Shipmans.

 :eek FFS Lew, was Hitler on yer xmas card list too?