Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

General => General => Topic started by: slimwilly on 07 December 2014, 08:15:20 pm

Title: I smell a Rat
Post by: slimwilly on 07 December 2014, 08:15:20 pm
No , not VNA or BIGMAC  (been planted here by the Bandit 1200 forum) :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

First we had bumble bees in the loft keeping us awake

Second was mice,poisened the little buggers
They also ate three plantings of beans in the garden..

No  !!! worse !!!!!! :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek

Four or five weeks ago in the cellar i noticed some dirt digging,,too big for Mice so i suspected a Rat,,put poisen down for a week,it ate the lot,
one night while i was out,she said in the hall under the floor the rat was squealing loudly, turns out it was its last breath, dying :'( :'( :'( :'( , it stank a bit in the hall.

Anyway another got in two weeks ago, i did the same treatment to it, its died and by fook, it really stinks, i guess i may have to lift some floorboards to get it out,,really stinks, the dog just came in the hall and pissed on the floor,,i think piss marks the spot. :lol :lol

Oh and the last one left a plague of big blow flies, so if i can get this one out so will go the maggotts :groan

Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: BIG MAC on 07 December 2014, 08:17:14 pm
Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: slimwilly on 07 December 2014, 08:20:02 pm
Will that do it?  i thought maybe Madras would be better :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: BIG MAC on 07 December 2014, 08:23:43 pm
Get a cat and call it Karma
Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: dazza on 07 December 2014, 08:34:13 pm
I get this every year about this time Slim. All the little critters seek refuge under my floorboards and unsportingly some of them go and die giving off a foul stench for about a week or so if not retrieved.
I remember one year I watched a stoat jump onto my window sill and  disappear under the house, the next thing I heard was an almighty tear up under the floorboards as it despatched everything under there.
Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: slimwilly on 07 December 2014, 08:37:08 pm
It all goes on, we are in the country,in a farmyard,,little bastards, i have guns,,loads of them, night vision too, lasers,
now how do you tell a rat to come out and stand still long enough to shoot it? :lol
Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: dazza on 07 December 2014, 08:44:00 pm
I have pitted my wits against them rats many times, waiting hours on end with loaded rifle.....clever little fuckers they are, they seem to know.
Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: Hedgetrimmer on 07 December 2014, 09:03:11 pm
I have pitted my wits against them rats many times, waiting hours on end with loaded rifle.....clever little fuckers they are, they seem to know.

You weren't Jasper Carrott in another life were you?  :lol
Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: noggythenog on 07 December 2014, 09:33:48 pm
I get this every year about this time Slim. All the little critters seek refuge under my floorboards and unsportingly some of them go and die giving off a foul stench for about a week or so if not retrieved.
I remember one year I watched a stoat jump onto my window sill and  disappear under the house, the next thing I heard was an almighty tear up under the floorboards as it despatched everything under there.

Are you sure it was a stoat dazza because they aren't always weaselly recognisable

I bet theres some screams from slims house tonight of "get yur rat out"  :lol

Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: BIG MAC on 07 December 2014, 11:21:53 pm
We have cats...cats that for some fecking reason don't kill rats ...no they bring them home and then let them go! Thankfully it's not too often. Once upon a time they brought a rat in and we hadn't realised..and this rat was like a samurai rat..the fecker ransacked cupboards at night..got inside the range cooker and ate the wiring ...tried normal poison, rat traps baited with peanut butter and chocolate..nothing, The bloody thing got into the drywall and set up home (I was praying it wasn't a pregnant female) I put the bait blocks out and the thing ate half a bucket of them over about ten days before it expired...the stink was vile..and it was inside the wall...In the end I smashed out the boarding to get rid of the thing...
You have my sympathy
Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: mickvp on 08 December 2014, 12:19:03 am
Not a fan of poison for rodents, for the very reason that they die in weird places and foccin stink.

A big snap trap with a fun size mars bar on it works wonders, just drill a hole in it and anchor it to something cause sometimes they don't die right away and run away with the foccin trap :lol
Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: HarryHornby on 08 December 2014, 10:53:52 am
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fePU5CIHpas (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fePU5CIHpas)

You know that bloke plagued by animals...... that's you that is.......
Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: Robbie8666 on 08 December 2014, 02:02:50 pm
we got a Staffie n she great at killing rats. I won't put poison down as don't want to get her poisoned by proxy!!
only problem with that is she gets really hyper after a kill and takes miles of walking next few days to calm her down!! lol :lol 
Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: slimwilly on 08 December 2014, 10:25:53 pm
I heard one scratching beneath the floor boards tonight,,yes ,another has moved in :'(
Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: BIG MAC on 08 December 2014, 10:27:29 pm
I heard one scratching beneath the floor boards tonight,,yes ,another has moved in :'(
Maybe it will eat the stinky fecker
Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: lew600fazer on 08 December 2014, 10:35:02 pm
Possibly Squirels ?? I had those wee bastards in the loft, manged to catch the feckers a mum and two wee un's. Shot the mum and trapped the young. Everyone thinks ah!!! there lovely, fecking tree rats with furry tails, they were grey ones by the way.
Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: Robbie8666 on 09 December 2014, 09:27:34 am
grey squirrel slowly roasted over an open fire! tasty!
Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: Fazerider on 09 December 2014, 10:12:50 am
I found the best way to use traps, is to build a wooden box for them with a lid and a rat sized entrance. It stops anything larger, like inquisitive pets, from getting injured, the trap can't jump about when screwed to the base and the rat can only approach the bait from the optimum direction guaranteeing a clean quick kill.

Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: locksmith on 09 December 2014, 10:38:05 am
Excellent picture!
Good clean humane kill.
Its the look of surprise on their face that gets me :lol
Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: dazza on 09 December 2014, 11:42:10 am
No rat hunting campaign should ever be conducted unless you are either singing or playing this over and over again  :D UB40 ~ Rat in My Kitchen (HQ) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHwPYze5M9s#ws)
Title: Re: I smell a Rat
Post by: slappy on 09 December 2014, 06:29:19 pm
Excellent picture!
Good clean humane kill.
Its the look of surprise on their face that gets me :lol

I think you would look surprised as well if you were tucking into your dinner and a big metal bar  suddenly broke your neck.