Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

General => General => Topic started by: steeeve66 on 21 August 2014, 09:00:20 am

Title: Liverpool Foccer 'salute'
Post by: steeeve66 on 21 August 2014, 09:00:20 am
..to the man who gave me a foccer salute as I headed in to Liverpool yesterday late afternoon on my way to the Isle of Man - I did try and return it but I nearly ran in to the car in front of me.

Just didn't want you to think I was being rude..  :D

Title: Re: Liverpool Foccer 'salute'
Post by: Skippernick on 21 August 2014, 08:48:45 pm
Is this the first case???
Title: Re: Liverpool Foccer 'salute'
Post by: lew600fazer on 21 August 2014, 09:48:27 pm
Friendly folk in Liverpool  :) Unlike Bordeaux were I had my seats slashed on my SX last year and my son has just had the rear wheel of his new mountain bike pinched French twats.
Title: Re: Liverpool Foccer 'salute'
Post by: His Dudeness on 22 August 2014, 01:28:27 am
Friendly folk in Liverpool  :) Unlike Bordeaux were I had my seats slashed on my SX last year and my son has just had the rear wheel of his new mountain bike pinched French twats.

You can't blame a whole country for the actions of probably one or two twats :lol
Title: Re: Liverpool Foccer 'salute'
Post by: lew600fazer on 22 August 2014, 02:22:35 pm
Having lived in France for 7 years I can, only thing France has going for it is it is a beautiful country.
Old joke.

God created France , making it the most beautiful country in the world.
The rest of the world became jealous.
So God then created the French.

You are correct cannot blame the acts of a few individuals same thing can happen anywhere.

But a mate of mine recently returned to his British registered car, parked in a car park to find two of his tyres slashed. That was in Rouen. In his row his was the only Brit car and the only one touched.
My SX was on Brit plates at the time and was parked in the street outside my son's flat. There were other bikes parked beside it, not touched.
The french just do not like us Brits.
Sorry but it is a fact
Title: Re: Liverpool Foccer 'salute'
Post by: Millietant on 25 August 2014, 03:11:45 am
We were parked at traffic lights in Paris last summer, in our car (Liz was driving) and when she looked in the mirror she spotted a French pedestrian who had gotten dis dick out and was p*ssing on the back of our car.

Instantly, she put the car in reverse and nudged him over (also causing home to splash all over his trousers).

Furious, he ran around to give me a mouthful of abuse, but just saw me laughing my head off - he'd not realised the driver was on the other side of the car
Title: Re: Liverpool Foccer 'salute'
Post by: Rikki on 25 August 2014, 01:56:57 pm
Having lived in France for 7 years I can, only thing France has going for it is it is a beautiful country.
Old joke.

God created France , making it the most beautiful country in the world.
The rest of the world became jealous.
So God then created the French.

You are correct cannot blame the acts of a few individuals same thing can happen anywhere.

But a mate of mine recently returned to his British registered car, parked in a car park to find two of his tyres slashed. That was in Rouen. In his row his was the only Brit car and the only one touched.
My SX was on Brit plates at the time and was parked in the street outside my son's flat. There were other bikes parked beside it, not touched.
The french just do not like us Brits.
Sorry but it is a fact

It's not just us. When I was growing up I had a Belgian friend who's father told me they (Belgians) had a well known adage that "France is too good for the French".
Title: Re: Liverpool Foccer 'salute'
Post by: alan09 on 25 August 2014, 04:36:00 pm
a French pedestrian who had gotten dis dick out and  he ran around to give me a mouthful
LOL friendly folk those frenchmen  :rollin
Title: Re: Liverpool Foccer 'salute'
Post by: richfzs on 25 August 2014, 07:19:15 pm
The Dutch only invented Belgium to keep the smell of the French at bay...
Title: Re: Liverpool Foccer 'salute'
Post by: lew600fazer on 25 August 2014, 11:51:14 pm
Next time Germany decide to kick the crap out of the french, hands up who thinks the UK should join in. They are due another doing over. :evil