Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

General => General => Topic started by: locksmith on 15 June 2014, 04:00:37 pm

Title: Sad day
Post by: locksmith on 15 June 2014, 04:00:37 pm
Why is it we get attached to our pets so much.
Had to have my ancient collie put to sleep this morning and almost cried like a baby!
Once the vet started to shave her leg ready for the needle she decided she was going to take him with her :lol  , had to muzzle her - bless her heart  - she's at peace now  :(
Title: Re: Sad day
Post by: mickvp on 15 June 2014, 04:03:04 pm
sorry to hear that locksmith. they do become our wee mates and members of the family do our dogs.
Title: Re: Sad day
Post by: noggythenog on 15 June 2014, 04:13:57 pm

Sad times :(

Saddest moment i ever had too.

I fed my wee pal salami as the needle went in.....he was still eating salami as he drifted off.

My wife is a vet nurse & she says they dont suffer....the needle is the sorest part.

Have a couple beers locksmith
Title: Re: Sad day
Post by: locksmith on 15 June 2014, 04:22:12 pm
Not the first time and won't be the last. You know you're doing it for the right reason, it's just a wee bit strange actually playing god!

Had this one 15 years, she'd been through 3 other owners and hated men with a passion. Took me two weeks to get to touch her. 15 years later, despite being uncomfortable she allowed me to pick her up and carry her into the vets, I was as surprised as anyone I didn't get a nip :)

Beer is definitely on the cards later.
Title: Re: Sad day
Post by: snapper on 15 June 2014, 05:05:31 pm
At the begining of the year I lost both my cats , they were sisters and both 20 years old , they went with in a week of each other it was heart breaking so i know where you coming from , my heart goes out to you mate .
Title: Re: Sad day
Post by: Looney tune on 15 June 2014, 05:34:11 pm
Never easy when the time comes, and don't they no it !!!

Thats a good age to get to and by the sound of it they were well looked years.

I was up on the top of the hill 'seeing' my old Lab thats grave is up there. Gave her a view of all the shooting ground she worked all her days.

It's a shame we are so far apart as I have Springador pups here at the mo and I would have given you a great offer on one.

All the best with your new charge.

All the gamekeepers around here (20 odd) have an absent friends toast on the last day of the shooting season to remember our companions.
Title: Re: Sad day
Post by: Exupnut on 15 June 2014, 06:10:22 pm
That's really nice... The idea that you drink to your "companions".... never heard of that before with regard to "pets".
Title: Re: Sad day
Post by: Looney tune on 15 June 2014, 06:27:54 pm
Not saying we are different but they are our work mates and without them we couldn't do half the job.
Title: Re: Sad day
Post by: slimwilly on 15 June 2014, 08:26:42 pm
Well said Looneytunes...our doggies,friends,workers,mates are fanastic companions,,and great listeners,,

Locksmith,sad day yes,but as with poeple , remember the good times.. :)

Title: Re: Sad day
Post by: Oldgit on 16 June 2014, 10:48:36 am
I had Ben fo over 17 years , great farm collie, still missed.
Title: Re: Sad day
Post by: evesdad on 16 June 2014, 11:21:13 am
<<<-------  Thats Holly over by there. Gone about 3 years ago now but threads like this can still bring a lump to my throat and a tear to my eye.   
Title: Re: Sad day
Post by: Deefer666 on 16 June 2014, 12:00:23 pm
I feel for ya bud, I had to have my old staffie girl PTS a couple of weeks ago and I'm not ashamed to say I wept like a ginger kid with a skinned knee..... I still get a little choked up when I think about her. Condolences
Title: Re: Sad day
Post by: ogri48 on 16 June 2014, 12:27:23 pm
So sorry mate..it never gets any easier
My old man used to say it was the last decent thing you get to do for your best friend, that's defiinately the way to look at it.all the very best bud
Title: Re: Sad day
Post by: maddog04 on 16 June 2014, 01:42:26 pm
plenty of ale and a good cry mate
had 2 dogs PTS and a cat run over.......... it don't get any easier
my current dog is nearly three but the cat is 14 and starting to lose weight even though she eats like a horse, not looking forward to the day :( :(
Title: Re: Sad day
Post by: pilgo on 23 June 2014, 09:22:33 pm
sad sad time mate,had my beloved border collie PTS just over 2 years ago,balled my eyes out while the vet sat outside my house for 15 minutes to let me have time with her.miss that gentle hearted dog more than i have ever missed any other pet/companion
(sorry,carnt work out how to turn the picture)
Title: Re: Sad day
Post by: stevierst on 23 June 2014, 09:41:43 pm
My Siamese cat had renal failure and had to be put to sleep. She died in my arms over 4 years ago, still heartbreaking when I speak of her even now, but it ended her pain and suffering.
It's horrible thinking of it like this, but sometimes its the last gift you can give them.