Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

General => General => Topic started by: Punkstig on 19 March 2014, 08:49:21 pm

Title: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Punkstig on 19 March 2014, 08:49:21 pm
So, this happened today, just thought I'd share!

http://youtu.be/qRt9CvkNoVI (http://youtu.be/qRt9CvkNoVI)
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: mickvp on 19 March 2014, 08:53:55 pm
yikes. what a halfwit.

did well to spot that early there, could easily have nudged the side of his nice shiny Merc.
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: ChristoT on 19 March 2014, 08:54:28 pm
So, this happened today, just thought I'd share!

[url]http://youtu.be/qRt9CvkNoVI[/url] ([url]http://youtu.be/qRt9CvkNoVI[/url])

What a muppet! That was too close for comfort!  :eek :eek
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: caretaker on 19 March 2014, 08:56:24 pm
i hate the way people just wave as if its ok.
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: The Gentleman Biker on 19 March 2014, 08:58:24 pm
'kin 'ell!
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: ChristoT on 19 March 2014, 09:01:07 pm
As per my comment on the vid - can you make out his reg & report the twat?
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Punkstig on 19 March 2014, 09:28:07 pm
I was obviously in a good mood, I'd have more than likely u turned and had a word with him otherwise!
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Frosties on 19 March 2014, 09:49:43 pm
That was well worth a boot in the door Stiggy! Feckin Tw@!
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: demic77 on 19 March 2014, 09:53:06 pm
With steely MX boots on...
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Hamos on 19 March 2014, 11:00:40 pm
He waved his hand at you and avoided eye contact.  That makes it OK.
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: fazersharp on 19 March 2014, 11:05:29 pm
Now then you are right --- never trust a green light or a indicator for that matter.
Ok I dont do london riding ---------------- but it looks to me that you went on an amber and not green and you did shoot off that line too, so no suprise what happened
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: esetest on 19 March 2014, 11:22:47 pm
Right or wrong it hurts the same .
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Fuzzy on 20 March 2014, 01:22:47 am
That's a hotspot, it happens there all the foccing time. The number of times that must have happened on my commute through there. Glad there was no contact!

PS. At least you didn't get blanked by Warwick Davis again lol  :lol
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: slimwilly on 20 March 2014, 06:14:40 am
It didnt happen probably because he expected it,,which is the only way a biker WILL stay safe,,always expect that sort of thing,,if it can happen then it will.

Be ready and enjoy your day :)
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Frosties on 20 March 2014, 07:34:58 am
That's a hotspot, it happens there all the foccing time. The number of times that must have happened on my commute through there. Glad there was no contact!

PS. At least you didn't get blanked by Warwick Davis again lol  :lol

Until I read your comment Fuzzy I thought it was just one of those London things that happens anywhere.........but feck me I got it this morning at 6.30am  :eek . Coming up to the lights and slowing (got down to about 10 mph) waiting for a change, they changed and had been on green for a good second or so when I went through at 25mph ish in 2nd. Low and behold a black 7 series wank mobile did the same to me as Stiggy. No time to brake so just swerved hard.

The plus side is those 7 series have 'kin large rear lights so was hard to miss with the toe of my boot and I think it would of been rude not to assist him in developing his future driving skills. Totally shattered the lens and laughed my nuts off on the rest of my trip to work. :lol

Now the tricky bit - there's lots of cameras around so if numb nuts decided to approach the police and the incident was caught on video, what's my stance? Is it, "he ran a red & could've seriously injured me so yep I did it on purpose" orrrrrrrrr " sorry officer but the violent swerve to avoid him made my leg swing out"

Anyone had a similar him/me caught on video where you have deliberately sought revenge and had to state your case?

Any advice appreciated fellas.
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Punkstig on 20 March 2014, 07:43:40 am
Ok I dont do london riding ---------------- but it looks to me that you went on an amber and not green and you did shoot off that line too, so no suprise what happened
Completely correct about the amber, and you are the first to mention it, however, 'shoot off the line' couldn't be further from fact.
The fish eye lenses distort speed massively, if I had then there's no way I would have stopped before a collision, that being said the light would have been red when the taxi went through let alone this dick afterwards, my light is green before the other guy passes the line, that's what 3 seconds on red for him?
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Punkstig on 20 March 2014, 07:48:29 am
Hello officer, I recklessly jumped a red light nearly hospitalising another road user, if it wasn't for his observations you'd be breathalising me right now and a colleague would be calling his family, however there appears to be damage sustained to my rear light cluster and,

Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Slaninar on 20 March 2014, 07:53:14 am
That's a hotspot, it happens there all the foccing time. The number of times that must have happened on my commute through there. Glad there was no contact!

PS. At least you didn't get blanked by Warwick Davis again lol  :lol

Until I read your comment Fuzzy I thought it was just one of those London things that happens anywhere.........but feck me I got it this morning at 6.30am  :eek . Coming up to the lights and slowing (got down to about 10 mph) waiting for a change, they changed and had been on green for a good second or so when I went through at 25mph ish in 2nd. Low and behold a black 7 series wank mobile did the same to me as Stiggy. No time to brake so just swerved hard.

The plus side is those 7 series have 'kin large rear lights so was hard to miss with the toe of my boot and I think it would of been rude not to assist him in developing his future driving skills. Totally shattered the lens and laughed my nuts off on the rest of my trip to work. :lol

Now the tricky bit - there's lots of cameras around so if numb nuts decided to approach the police and the incident was caught on video, what's my stance? Is it, "he ran a red & could've seriously injured me so yep I did it on purpose" orrrrrrrrr " sorry officer but the violent swerve to avoid him made my leg swing out"

Anyone had a similar him/me caught on video where you have deliberately sought revenge and had to state your case?

Any advice appreciated fellas.

Sorry for making this a smart ass reply, but I can't help it. Here's the thing from my city's perspective:

1) Video evidence is kept for up to a week. No more room on the servers. So if a driver had say 2 people on board and reported me for breaking his stop light, the other two passengers could confirm. If I get the charge after more than a week (which is a reasonable time), video evidence would have been gone by the 7th day and it would be my word against 3 witnesses.

2) It is not your job to teach people to drive. There is the police, you can report. But doing justice on one's own is not very wise if you want to live long and good. In my city people tend to get out of cars with baseball bats, or guns, so getting into arguments, even if you're right and they're wrong is not productive at all. Idiots won't learn, they probably even know they're doing wrong.

I had a situation when I just flipped the bird to a rude driver and he stopped, got out of the car. I thought: what a stupid reason to get beaten, or sued for causing injuries - whatever happens I'm in trouble!

On another occasion, I was on a bicycle and a guy started pushing me off the road with a car (driving parallel with me and then turning towards the kerb slowly). I started banging with my hand on his car, but he didn't stop, so I had to brake, let him go ahead. The idiot didn't know he was doing anything wrong, he was angry for me hitting his car (but this one didn't stop to have a chat).

After those incidents, I always do this:


Just let it go.

Oh, and those lights: even when in a car - I always check for idiots running red light. Those things happen quite often. I either slow down to have a look, or have a bus/lorry by my side covering me. :)
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: fazersharp on 20 March 2014, 08:28:15 am
Frosties if I were you I would change your post and just keep this bit         "sorry officer but the violent swerve to avoid him made my leg swing out" you never know who is reading. Also their could of been another driver filming from behind who has a thing against bikers.

PUNKSTIG I was a bit harsh and judgemental, you are clearly a experienced London biker, I take the point about the wide angle, and I suppose my zoom off at the amber light is as much a warning to others as it was comment on the incident, there used to be a tv advert about the dangers of being an amber - gambler. Are those lights set up wrong or somthing at that juction or did the last driver defo go through on a red.

Yoda speaks wise words and I like to use the long solw exagerated shake of the head in those circumstances. 

Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Arfa on 20 March 2014, 08:50:23 am
Had a scary red light jumper moment a few weeks ago, over on a roundabout coming off A13 up Lodge Avenue, in East London.  Was one of them roundabouts where they have staged lights for each set of roads coming onto roundabout. I was waiting at the lights to go onto roundabout, lights go green, I'm off, but low and behold a huge articulated lorry carried on round the roundabout, through his red light! The lights had gone green so long ago I was far enough ahead to be out of the way, but the cars behind me all had to stick their anchors on to avoid going into the side of this lorry...

Again, this island is a hotspot for red light jumpers. It's not helped by being quite a tight round about, so if you're on the island, you don't see the red lights facing you until you're pretty much at them. This is also in East London/Essex where there is a disproportionately high number of shite drivers, many having bribed their way through their test (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-20101990), are wannabie boy racers or just plain stupid.

So yeah: red, amber, green, look twice then go! The danger is, if you do hare it off and then have to emergency stop, will the chap behind you also haring off be able to do an emergency stop and not mash you into the red light jumper? Better to hold back, before a second, so the guy behind you isn't also doing an emergency stop.
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Dave48 on 20 March 2014, 09:02:22 am
Red light jumping isn't just confined to the capital. I see more & more drivers doing it in Birmingham/West Mids. where I live & travel daily.
Why is everyone in such a tearing hurry-what is so important that they risk life & limb to "save" a few seconds/minutes?
Was taught years ago by a wise man-check the junction, check the traffic, look & expect the unexpected. Its saved my skin a few times over the years. Green lights are like flashing indicators-they only mean the bulbs wo :eekrk!
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Lawrence on 20 March 2014, 09:50:32 am
What a bellend :| not uncommon though, I commute into Central London and lose count of the people jumping red lights each day.
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Frosties on 20 March 2014, 10:14:04 am
Hello officer, I recklessly jumped a red light nearly hospitalising another road user, if it wasn't for his observations you'd be breathalising me right now and a colleague would be calling his family, however there appears to be damage sustained to my rear light cluster and,


Like it Stiggy  :lol

That's a hotspot, it happens there all the foccing time. The number of times that must have happened on my commute through there. Glad there was no contact!

PS. At least you didn't get blanked by Warwick Davis again lol  :lol

Sorry for making this a smart ass reply, but I can't help it. Here's the thing from my city's perspective:

1) Video evidence is kept for up to a week. No more room on the servers. So if a driver had say 2 people on board and reported me for breaking his stop light, the other two passengers could confirm. If I get the charge after more than a week (which is a reasonable time), video evidence would have been gone by the 7th day and it would be my word against 3 witnesses.

2) It is not your job to teach people to drive. There is the police, you can report. But doing justice on one's own is not very wise if you want to live long and good. In my city people tend to get out of cars with baseball bats, or guns, so getting into arguments, even if you're right and they're wrong is not productive at all. Idiots won't learn, they probably even know they're doing wrong.

I had a situation when I just flipped the bird to a rude driver and he stopped, got out of the car. I thought: what a stupid reason to get beaten, or sued for causing injuries - whatever happens I'm in trouble!

On another occasion, I was on a bicycle and a guy started pushing me off the road with a car (driving parallel with me and then turning towards the kerb slowly). I started banging with my hand on his car, but he didn't stop, so I had to brake, let him go ahead. The idiot didn't know he was doing anything wrong, he was angry for me hitting his car (but this one didn't stop to have a chat).

After those incidents, I always do this:


Just let it go.

Oh, and those lights: even when in a car - I always check for idiots running red light. Those things happen quite often. I either slow down to have a look, or have a bus/lorry by my side covering me. :)

Slani - your first reply is top notch and much appreciated fella!

I ride into & across London every day and always check for idiots but this one caught me out, really pissed me off and was by far the worst ever.

Having said that, I can't disagree with your comments and normally do let it go...........now & again, it's just sometimes the red mist gets the better!

[/size][size=78%] [/size]
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: noggythenog on 20 March 2014, 11:12:47 am
A guy just about came close to wiping me out about 5 minutes ago.

I was going round the inside of a standard sized 3 exit roundabout, tonnes of visibility all round...i seen him hoofing it on in the Land Rover as if to slingshot & go off the first exit i had already backed off....he didnt see me until he was already in the middle of the roundabout......if he kept going he woulda been fine but when he finally seen me he shit himself and anchored on......so we both ended up stopped on the roundabout.

I could tell he was gutted...youngish guy & it was a work land rover....he was apologising profusely & i was like shaking my head as if to say look just dont worry about it...get outta my way...he kept apologising...so..well i gave him the thumbs up the poor fucker....i think he learned big time & will be looking out for bikes...he is the type of bloke to take it seriously & have a word with himself & like with stig the responsibility really is on us to be looking out for this type of stuff.

I didnt even get pissed off.........but some snobby arsehole not giving a shit would have been a totally different kettle of fish.......we all make mistakes...but these type arent making mistakes.....it is the way they constantly are....foccin oxygen thiefs.
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Dead Eye on 20 March 2014, 11:21:18 am
Glad you kept it shiny side up... even if I can't figure out what actually happened :| :lol
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Punkstig on 20 March 2014, 11:52:50 am
Noggy- my first proper accident was a woman pulling out on me on a roundabout, I pulled the bike upright slamming on the anchors, if she'd have carried on regardless we would have missed each other, but as with yours she saw me way too late, panicked and slammed the anchors on stopping dead in front of me, I then had to try and swerve back around the front as opposed to aiming behind the rear, clipped her front bumper and off I went!

I've always said- if people apologetically put there hand up in admittance of their mistakes there would be very little road rage, it's difficult punching someone that's saying sorry, that would be like slapping the Andrex dog round the face whilst swinging a toddler about by the feet!

(now you've all got that image in your heads!)
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: noggythenog on 20 March 2014, 01:01:23 pm

Ha ha :lol

I've got an idea for an upgrade for your bike......a rubber mechanics mallet.....inserted into a soft cuddly toy......i think Andrex actually did a limited addition puppy toy giveaway but maybe a leopard to go with your bike...& some extra material around the handle...it would just look like a mascot..........until it was delivering extreme pain....plus it could be thrown like a tommahawk :b

Ye i'm a bit paranoid after getting blocked off my bike last year......looking for sinners round every corner......& boeing 777's :D
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: kitcrazy on 20 March 2014, 04:50:50 pm
I've always said- if people apologetically put there hand up in admittance of their mistakes there would be very little road rage, it's difficult punching someone that's saying sorry, that would be like slapping the Andrex dog round the face whilst swinging a toddler about by the feet!

(now you've all got that image in your heads!) :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: darrsi on 20 March 2014, 05:07:06 pm
Whitton Avenue/Greenford Road crossroads in Sudbury is still the most ridiculous place for jumping lights for me on the way home from work. I normally filter to the front and just watch in astonishment.
The record i've counted so far is SEVEN vehicles jumping blatant RED lights, although i've seen six at least twice now, it's quite scary really.  :eek
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Hamos on 20 March 2014, 08:43:59 pm
I had some of those temporary traffic lights on my way to work last week.  Both sets of traffic were separated by about 300 metres and a bend so you could not see the other set of lights.  I was filtering up to the front when the lights went green, so I slotted in about 5 cars from the front.  4 cars coming the other way had jumped the red light and were forced onto the verge by the queue of traffic I was in.  They had to sit there whilst we all drove past shaking our heads, horn tooting and wanker signs.  Made me laugh.
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Slaninar on 20 March 2014, 09:23:08 pm
Run about a dozen red lights on my way to work today... on a bicycle.  :)
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Neon Knight on 20 March 2014, 10:02:13 pm
Some twat in a van side swiped me and the mrs today in Bristol, broke my indicator and cracked the fairing, the asshole didn't even stop. I should thank the fairies that I managed to stay on the bike and apart from a bruise or 2 we both got off pretty lightly. Still makes you bloody angry tho.  :'(
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: ChristoT on 20 March 2014, 10:04:43 pm
Some twat in a van side swiped me and the mrs today in Bristol, broke my indicator and cracked the fairing, the asshole didn't even stop. I should thank the fairies that I managed to stay on the bike and apart from a bruise or 2 we both got off pretty lightly. Still makes you bloody angry tho.  :'(

What a pillock! Any video footage?
Title: Re: Always look, even on green lights
Post by: Dave48 on 21 March 2014, 06:01:49 pm
Some twat in a van side swiped me and the mrs today in Bristol, broke my indicator and cracked the fairing, the asshole didn't even stop. I should thank the fairies that I managed to stay on the bike and apart from a bruise or 2 we both got off pretty lightly. Still makes you bloody angry tho.  :'(
Its an almost unreal feeling when drivers do this to you-I got side swiped on a roundabout by a half asleep taxi driver-his front offside took out my LHS footpeg from under my boot-fortunately at low speed & I stayed upright. Needless to say he got hi wallet out and was a bit shocked when I told him the price of Yamaha parts! :lol