Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

General => General => Topic started by: Rehab on 21 December 2011, 11:36:02 am

Title: Time to quit?
Post by: Rehab on 21 December 2011, 11:36:02 am
Anyone out there tried using an electronic cig? I'm considering getting one. A couple of my mates are currently using them to good (non relapsing) effect.

Had a look and there seems to be a ton of them out there saying they are best, now surely they can't ALL be right!!
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: Kosmic Kartman on 21 December 2011, 11:51:52 am
Good for in the pub but I always go out for a propper drag sooner or later.

I haven't got one but I've tried a couple of mates lecy sigs and they still smoke real fags. I surpose it is an aid to giving up.
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: Robbie8666 on 21 December 2011, 12:12:28 pm
dont do it!!
only joking be interesting if it helps you..
I quit for 6 years before I returned to smoking (used Patches that time) I have recently ,, well this year anyway ,, tried to quit again patches didnt work and tried a set of CD's by some Dr Alan Carr.. they started to work ,, but failed after a month ( and no jokes about how did you roll them up please!!)
I know its all down to will power and am hoping for a huge tub of it for Christmas.. that or a 2oz pouch of cutters please!
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: Grahamm on 21 December 2011, 07:28:40 pm
Last New Year there was an offer of a pack of free Nicotine Patches from the NHS (I think), I don't know if they'll be doing the same this coming New Year given all the cuts, but it might be worth a look.
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: Jacko on 21 December 2011, 07:56:29 pm
I used the Zioban tablets, made me feel I'll so after 3 or 4 weeks of them I quit the tablets and the fags almost 9 months now.

I could start again in a heartbeat, miss em like mad but hey ho.

Not tried the substitutes but go for it.
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: tex on 21 December 2011, 10:08:05 pm
Its so easy to start again, i gave up for 11 years, thought i would be ok, then someone brought me a pack of cigars last xmas, that started me smoking again. must try and stop this new year!!
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: Tori on 21 December 2011, 11:11:54 pm
Whatever you use, just keep trying. You'll get there even if it takes a few attempts! (It took me two goes, and I'm not on 14 months!)
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: Tori on 21 December 2011, 11:12:32 pm
*now on 14 months...off the fags that is!!
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: Rehab on 21 December 2011, 11:55:25 pm
Just to clarify....

I don't want to quit (yet!)

Just wouldn't mind having an alternative for indoors.

Perhaps get used to one of these in case the day comes when I decide to hang up my lighter!

But still, some of these devices can cost upto £70. Don't want to spend out on summat crap!
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: Hodge on 23 December 2011, 12:49:07 pm
You don't need any aids all you need is willpower along with the desire to quit.
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: Rehab on 23 December 2011, 04:08:52 pm
Thanks for the input hodge but I don't want to quit, thats not the point of it for me
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: Tori on 23 December 2011, 04:14:44 pm
Indeed, you have to want to quit.

If it's just for indoors to save the smell etc, just go outside, or build a shed! :lol
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: Fazerider on 23 December 2011, 04:54:42 pm
Looking at the economics of it, a £70 device should pay for itself in a couple of months if it helps you cut down by 5 cigs a day.
As a non-smoker who holds tobacco shares in an ISA however, I would prefer you kept using the real things. :lol
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: rustyrider on 24 December 2011, 09:47:03 am
I got one thinking I would try it as an alternative to inhaling that tar and chemicals that go with the  nicotine in normal fags.  I've used the nicotine gum in the past when I've been in places where I've not been allowed to smoke for long periods to stop the nicotine cravings but found that I didn't like the nicotine taste.  The electronic cig is the same.  It doesn't taste of tobacco, it tastes of nicotine.

The other thing I found is that you can't always use them where you need to.  I had a 10 hour flight in front of me and intended taking it to use then to stop me climbing up the walls of the plane.  I forgot to take it so bought some nicotine gum at the airport.  Good job I did as Virgin Atlantic don't allow them on their planes.
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: Captain Haddock on 24 December 2011, 11:28:29 am
If trying to quit don't use them, you still have all the physical habits of smoking as well as the nicotine addiction, theres no way you'll quit like that.
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: Slaninar on 24 December 2011, 02:57:25 pm
If you like smoking - don't stop. You can't die healthy, anyway. Riding motorcycle is a lot more hazardous for one's health. Get a nice pipe, home made tobacco and enjoy! :)
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: dazedandconfused on 26 December 2011, 08:36:06 am
This what I use,

http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.co.uk/products/tornado-tank-ecig/tornado-tank-e-nic-compact-starter-kit-product.html (http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.co.uk/products/tornado-tank-ecig/tornado-tank-e-nic-compact-starter-kit-product.html)

I recommend the Menthol as the tobacco flavour is horrible. You might find it a little harsh on the throat to begin with but bear with it, it gets a lot better once you get used to it. I haven't given up completely yet but I'm down to no more than 5 a day on average. Saving quite a lot of  money.
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: dx408 on 26 December 2011, 07:57:41 pm
Been a smoker for many years tried patches, tablets, will power etc none of which worked I have gone onto ecigs 8 weeks now and have not even been tempted to buy fags even turned one down when offered not for every one as most things in life but are working for me. I started on the ones from tesco http://www.nicolites.co.uk/products-page/ (http://www.nicolites.co.uk/products-page/) the rechargeable ones then moved onto http://www.theelectroniccigarette.co.uk/products/featured-products/microlite-cartomiser-starter-kit-2-product.html (http://www.theelectroniccigarette.co.uk/products/featured-products/microlite-cartomiser-starter-kit-2-product.html)
these can be charged in their own case (does about 4 recharges before the pack needs charging) the refills (cartomisers) are one use (can be refilled but a bit messy) but for Xmas got http://www.theelectroniccigarette.co.uk/products/510-titan-tank-ecig/510-titan-tank-e-nic-brushed-steel-product.html (http://www.theelectroniccigarette.co.uk/products/510-titan-tank-ecig/510-titan-tank-e-nic-brushed-steel-product.html) this is a "tank" system which means you buy the e-fluid and refill them your self with little or no mess if you wanted to get some from TECC there is a discount code valid until December 31st and it is TECCXMAS gives a 25% discount.
This has / is working for me at the moment from a 30 a day habit to e-fags with no problems you can choose your  nicotine levels from 0 upwards and your flavour menthol or tobacco using the cartridges but hundreds if using the liquids.
Hope that is of some help  :rolleyes
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: pinkbikerfzs1 on 28 December 2011, 02:06:54 pm
Just stop.. I did, 22 years and counting, seen too many "trying" to stop with placebos, just realise what it does to your health and quit.. sorry rant over.. :evil
Title: Re: Time to quit?
Post by: dx408 on 28 December 2011, 05:52:09 pm
Just stop.. I did, 22 years and counting, seen too many "trying" to stop with placebos, just realise what it does to your health and quit.. sorry rant over.. :evil
Very easy to say not everyone can do it that way if a placebo stops you smoking then it has to be a good thing, comments of just stop can make people feel that they are doing something wrong and stop them from trying. It is much better to give help and support where and when you can encourage them to try alternatives in ways to quit and what they use to help NRT or ENIC or what ever.
After all if you use NRT or ENIC's to stop smoking then yes you still get the nicotine but not the other 400 odd chemicals in the fags it is then easier to cut down the nicotine content so you end up "vaping" 0 mg. It will then just be down to stopping the habit rather than stopping the habit and dealing with the withdrawal from nicotine after all it is more addictive than Heroine, it is also legal and available anywhere.
If you can stop then stop if you try and fail try again, it pi$$es me off people talking about people failing rather than saying well done for trying.