Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

General => General => Topic started by: locksmith on 13 December 2013, 09:34:19 am

Title: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: locksmith on 13 December 2013, 09:34:19 am
Am thinking of going for a nespresso machine, namely the U milk one as it does good looking latte's with real milk which is the only coffee the wife drinks. Me, I drink any coffee - yum-yum

Any thoughts?
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: Arfa on 13 December 2013, 10:12:00 am
Personally I avoid Nestle stuff like the plague, mainly because the kill babies in Africa:-
http://babymilkaction.org/nestlefree (http://babymilkaction.org/nestlefree)
http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/nestle-baby-milk-scandal-food-industry-standards (http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/nestle-baby-milk-scandal-food-industry-standards)

As an avid coffee addict, I've got myself a Rancilio Silvia. A proper espresso machine. Purchase after our last Kenwood 'retro' looking thing died after just 3 years. The Rancilio is a solid lump of no messing stainless steel, brass boiler, weighty group head, no stupid electronics to fizzle out and all round solid piece of kit. Ours is pushing 5 years old now and still looks and performs like new. Bit more expensive yes, but buy cheap, buy twice.

Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: fireblake on 13 December 2013, 10:49:45 am
I have a basic Nesspresso machine that just makes Espresso. I usually boil milk in a cup (microwave)and then add the Espresso. Yum. The pods cost about 33p each so not to bad in price
My brother has a Jura Ena Micro which cost nearly £600 and grinds the beans too. Fantastic.
He also has an AeroPress which is a portable coffee maker and is as good as the Jura for making 1 cup and costs £19.49. This isn't much good for drinking with friends though. He works on the rigs so takes it with him and he can then get his fix anywhere. I'm buying one for my truck. You still have to provide boiled water

http://www.jura-coffee-machines.co.uk/?gclid=CIK-2ND-rLsCFWnjwgodIAgAmQ#product245 (http://www.jura-coffee-machines.co.uk/?gclid=CIK-2ND-rLsCFWnjwgodIAgAmQ#product245)

http://www.aeropresscoffee.co.uk (http://www.aeropresscoffee.co.uk)

Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: locksmith on 13 December 2013, 11:19:30 am
Food for thought there Arfa but that machine, I don't want to open a branch of Starbucks :lol

I'm drawn to the Magimix U with milk frother thingie as theres a £70 credit with nespresso and a 3 year gtee at John Lewis.
So with a price match and the voucher knocked off it's £99.
Like the idea of the sealed pods for freshness as it's not going to get that much use and there's nothing more annoying than finding the bag of ground coffee you have is well past it's best !
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: BBROWN1664 on 13 December 2013, 11:33:58 am
I got the cusinart (not sure if that's how you spell it) bean to cup one from Currys. Does a good job.
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: mickvp on 13 December 2013, 11:59:33 am
I've got a tassimo machine. Expensive novelty item... Still making coffee the normal way :lol
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: steeeve66 on 13 December 2013, 03:12:50 pm
..I have a kettle.. ..and a cafetiere...
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: stevierst on 13 December 2013, 04:15:24 pm
I use an espresso coffee pot, and proper coffee, awesome caffeine hit, and cheaper than the pod machines. Old school!
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: fazersharp on 13 December 2013, 04:25:05 pm
Im with stevierst
Forget your pods and cr*p that end up being hard to find after a while. And forget your frofy milk that you will end up not bothering with and get one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bialetti-Venus-6-Cup-Stove-Top-Espresso-Coffee-Maker-Stainless-Steel-Induction-/360648663032?pt=UK_Homes_Garden_Kitchen_Kettles&hash=item53f855dff8#ht_500wt_1157 (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bialetti-Venus-6-Cup-Stove-Top-Espresso-Coffee-Maker-Stainless-Steel-Induction-/360648663032?pt=UK_Homes_Garden_Kitchen_Kettles&hash=item53f855dff8#ht_500wt_1157) I have a 10 cup one that makes two normal size cups that I just add whitner too. The top unscrews and water gos in the bottom and then a funnel shape steel filter tat holds the coffe grounds, water boils and steam is pushed up through the grounds uo a tube in the top part where it condenses to liquidy coffee
Dont get the alli ones and get the stainless steel ones- much nicer looking
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: slimwilly on 13 December 2013, 04:51:52 pm
The wife and i are coffee addicts too,

my first job every morning is to make a full coffee machine of real coffee,thats gone by 8.15am

then i get all sorts of coffee all day off my customers.
My wife uses a Tassimo,,she loves it,,i dont mind it too,,makes excellent Costa's
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: seangee on 13 December 2013, 05:08:07 pm
De Longi Magnifica for me. Far cheaper in the long run because you just use beans. No mucking about with overpriced pods
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: ChristoT on 13 December 2013, 08:21:17 pm
..I have a kettle.. ..and a cafetiere...

Real man coffee!  :lol
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: noggythenog on 13 December 2013, 08:38:10 pm
I got a tassimo off the muv in law....good shit but the disk fings are expensive.

Theres coffee want which equals pissing about with said tassimo & makin frothy wirly tasty shit.

Then theres coffee "need".....where coffee is needed like air in the vacuum of space & in those cases i opt for good old any old shit in a jar will do & you save money in the process & im foccin greatful to even touch the tip of my tongue on it!.

Dont do filter coffee....just like a pot noodle where you havent dissolved all the dusty stuff........dissapointing!!!! :b
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: Kev8261 on 14 December 2013, 08:31:31 am
Go for the nespresso machine, trust me I've tried to make decent espresso with lots of other machines, obviously excluding the £600 types, and the nespresso is the only one that makes consistently good coffee.

Don't know about the milk option, especially girlie latte :lol
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: slimwilly on 14 December 2013, 02:13:47 pm
What is an expresso?, is it the small black ones?
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: Kev8261 on 14 December 2013, 02:57:01 pm
yeah, it's the small black ones that all coffee drinks are based on.
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: locksmith on 14 December 2013, 03:59:55 pm
Expresso is a fast coffee :lol

Got one of the bialetti stove top jobbies and while it produces a good coffee, it's a lot of foccing about for a drink and where I don't use it too regularly I've never got fresh coffee for it cause it's well out of date ,so works out expensive due to the waste and the rubber seals seem to perish where it's left standing hence my need for something more suitable to my needs.
And besides George Clooney looks so cool drinking neospresso :)
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: fireblake on 14 December 2013, 05:29:00 pm
I've just spent £36.45 on 50 Indrya capsules and 50 Fortissio Lungo capsules. These are nice and strong. I then as said earlier use a larger Espresso cup with 2/3rds  boiled milk and top the cup up with Espresso. Bloody lovely. As is 1 shot of Espresso on its own. I only drink it like this at weekends when i'm not working and vegging out with the Mrs otherwise it's good old instant.

Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: VNA - BMW Wank on 15 December 2013, 10:59:22 am
..I have a kettle.. ..and a cafetiere...

Me too.  Tastes good to me.    The only wee machine is the bean grinder.  Which is my best tip buy beans not ground coffee, ground coffee goes off very quick.

I do like a good cappuccino if I'm out, though never set foot in Starbucks and never will.
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: Skippernick on 15 December 2013, 12:22:37 pm
Just enjoyed a perfect cappuccino with my delonghi machine.

Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: steeeve66 on 15 December 2013, 01:21:56 pm
..I have a kettle.. ..and a cafetiere...

Me too.  Tastes good to me.    The only wee machine is the bean grinder.  Which is my best tip buy beans not ground coffee, ground coffee goes off very quick.

I do like a good cappuccino if I'm out, though never set foot in Starbucks and never will.

I should get a grinder but instead go for Lavazza Qual Rossa...
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: Farjo on 15 December 2013, 01:54:25 pm
Sounds like we need a foc-u coffee morning where we all bring our machines to compare their coffees :)
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: slimwilly on 15 December 2013, 03:27:55 pm
Sounds like we need a foc-u coffee morning where we all bring our machines to compare their coffees :)
but where do you live? :)
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: Farjo on 15 December 2013, 03:54:56 pm
I'm currently homeless (god bless free WiFi) but I'm sure Locksmith will oblige :thumbup
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: Skippernick on 15 December 2013, 05:32:35 pm
I would like to point out that its not the machine that make perfect coffee, its the coffee itself, i.e. the blend the strength etc.
The machine just heats it up, so if you don't like a coffee from a certain machine make sure you like the coffee first.

Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: slimwilly on 15 December 2013, 06:34:04 pm
I'm currently homeless (god bless free WiFi) but I'm sure Locksmith will oblige :thumbup

ok, we will have a Starbucks Foccer meet then :lol
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: fireblake on 15 December 2013, 06:38:16 pm
Apart from being expensive, i love Starbucks, Costa, Cafe Nero and the likes but i always find it's just not hot enough. Probably so you neck it and Foc off and make room for another customer.


Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: locksmith on 15 December 2013, 07:31:58 pm
I'm currently homeless (god bless free WiFi) but I'm sure Locksmith will oblige :thumbup

All round mine Christmas day and the wife will try out her brand new coffee maker :lol
Who takes sugar?
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: Arfa on 15 December 2013, 09:02:57 pm
Have to admit I'm very sceptical of the whole pods thing, just seems like propriety, overpriced, over packaged coffee. These days I have a grinder, basic Cuisinart one (not too bad, but doesn't really grind quite fine enough), so just grind up whatever beans are on special. Often it's Taylors of Harrogate 2 x0.25Kg for £5, but did recently pick up some 1.5Kg bags of Lazzara coffee beans from Lidl for £8. Prior to that I used to work in Soho, so usually popped into the Algerian Coffee Shop on Old Compton St, 0.5Kg bag of decent beans for about £6, and would grind up fresh on spot if required. Either way, I've no idea what that works out a cup.

Your own grinder is a good way to go, so you can grind some more coarse for a cafeteria for when you're feeling lazy or just have loads of people round who want coffee. Freshly ground always makes for a better cup, no doubt about it.

Don't go for the frothy milk thing myself, but knocking out a latte in the morning for the wife is great for earning brownie points. (Oi! No, not knocking out a morning latte like that, you dirty minding wotsit!) ;-) 

The frothy milk thing is handy for hot chocolates too, which the kids like.
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: Hedgetrimmer on 15 December 2013, 09:22:23 pm

Your own grinder is a good way to go, so you can grind some more coarse for a cafeteria for when you're feeling lazy or just have loads of people round who want coffee. Freshly ground always makes for a better cup, no doubt about it.

It's all in the grind! Can't be too coarse, can't be too fine! I made coffee during Desert Storm...  :))
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: gassitt on 16 December 2013, 06:04:34 pm
Villaware machine for me and real coffee ( 2kg of Lavazza £12 at Costco at the mo )

http://www.villaware.co.uk/ProductIntro.aspx?pid=7702 (http://www.villaware.co.uk/ProductIntro.aspx?pid=7702)

Lavazza is just the right grind and machine brews a demi-tasse of great coffee in 40 seconds  bloody marvelous bit of kit
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: locksmith on 26 December 2013, 12:19:28 pm
HOLD THE BUS !!!!!!!  SHE LIKES IT !!!!!!!

She was less than pleased when she opened it (as expected) and it sat in the box with mutterings of "we've looked at them before and decided we don't want / need one cluttering up the counter.
She nipped out this morning and told me to get it out and she'd have a look. I unpacked it and was surprised how much smaller it was out of the box.
I took photos of the unpacking progress for when I had to re-pack it to send it back.

Arriving home, she commented that it was much smaller than she imagined, "right, make me a latte then".
Instruction book came out, coffee type was chosen and away I went. A couple of minutes later a cup of frothy steaming latte was ready.

You could have knocked me over with a feather when she said, "That is lovely, much better than one you would get out".

After 30 years of marriage, she still surprises me :)
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: slimwilly on 26 December 2013, 07:26:49 pm
yes,,they still surprise you !!! :lol :lol
The other day I bought one of them stove top coffee makers,,the same as the wench in Italy made for us ,,all individually.
water goes in the bottom bit,coffee powder in the middle and screw the pot on top..on the hot plate and a few minutes ,,a full flavoured steming hot drink,,i use hot milk with it,,i don't think I coul take it black,,expresso,,,who drinks that stuff,????
George Clooney! :)
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: fireblake on 27 December 2013, 04:58:27 pm
yes,,they still surprise you !!! :lol :lol
The other day I bought one of them stove top coffee makers,,the same as the wench in Italy made for us ,,all individually.
water goes in the bottom bit,coffee powder in the middle and screw the pot on top..on the hot plate and a few minutes ,,a full flavoured steming hot drink,,i use hot milk with it,,i don't think I coul take it black,,expresso,,,who drinks that stuff,????
George Clooney! :)
Another thing i have in common with old Georgie.

Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: Mattsplat on 27 December 2013, 05:16:25 pm
Im addicted to Senseo dark roast.
My day doesnt start till Ive had about 5 mugs full  :rolleyes
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: fazersharp on 27 December 2013, 05:44:51 pm
For everyone who dosnt know what a stove top is
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: fazersharp on 27 December 2013, 05:46:31 pm
Extra pics
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: slimwilly on 28 December 2013, 07:05:45 am
That's the one,mine is a single cup,all alloy and only costs £4.99 complete,,bargain
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: stevierst on 28 December 2013, 10:31:28 am
Got the same sort of thing but in Aluminium. Cost about the same. And Lavazza Expresso!!!! Yeah Baby!!!! :eek :eek
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: fazersharp on 28 December 2013, 10:59:05 am
I got the stainless steel one because I thought it looked good rather than those hexagon ally ones but they all do the same job. Mine is a 10 cup (my arse it is ) thats expresso cup that is about the size of an egg cup. It makes two cups about the size of a tea cup, and I use brown sugar and coffee mate as I find milk is a bit pissy and makes it too cold.
A lot of other coffee makes say expresso on the packet but that just refers to the roast as being a bit darker, but the proper stuff should be almost like dust to get the best taste. I find myself shaking the packets of so called expresso coffee and you can "hear " the size of the grind. 
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: fireblake on 28 December 2013, 01:20:14 pm
I need to buy a Stainless one as our new Induction hob meant i had to bin all Aluminium or fake Stainless pans and acoutrements.

Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: tkwish on 28 December 2013, 06:04:50 pm
A few years back I bought a second hand jura bean 2 cup never looked back paid around £200 for it on eBay and with so many pubs going bust these days there are bargains to be had
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: darrsi on 30 December 2013, 06:23:28 am
Me and caffeine don't get on.
Had 2 bog standard coffee's within an hour when i didn't feel well a few winters back then promptly shook and had the sweats for about 4 hours afterwards, which was a bit of a bugger as i was fixing cables at the time and trying to solder!
Coffee's certainly not my cup of tea.  :lol [size=78%] [/size]
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: ponkster on 01 January 2014, 04:26:44 pm
I have to admit to being a coffee bore - good coffee is usually down to a good selection of beans and a good clean machine .

The machine choice is not as important as you would think but any thing that uses pods is very restricting on coffee choice and in reality it's nothing more than liquid instant coffee , but is easy to make!

As you can see from my machine I have got the coffee thing bad!
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: JoeRock on 01 January 2014, 05:11:05 pm
Me and caffeine don't get on.
Had 2 bog standard coffee's within an hour when i didn't feel well a few winters back then promptly shook and had the sweats for about 4 hours afterwards, which was a bit of a bugger as i was fixing cables at the time and trying to solder!
Coffee's certainly not my cup of tea.  :lol

Christ almighty Darrsi, I'm on well into double digits a day!  :lol
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: fireblake on 02 January 2014, 05:26:53 pm
Hey Ponkster, what machine is that. Mahoosive is an understatement?

Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: slimwilly on 02 January 2014, 05:38:13 pm
I am going to try to cut down to one cup before work,,i like strongish taste but must not have too much :eek , I have just bought a tin of Costa ground powder,its quite good
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: bigralphie on 03 January 2014, 11:10:42 pm
I am rocking the Aeropress thanks to this thread ,Ta :)
Title: Re: Coffee drinking foccers
Post by: ponkster on 04 January 2014, 09:23:37 am
Hey Ponkster, what machine is that. Mahoosive is an understatement?


It is a Gaggia that was rebadged as a Visacrem for the Spanish market when Gaggia lost the rights to their name in Spain for a short time due to a copyright cock up.

Yep its big and not the most efficient way to boil water - its a labour of love.

I found it in a skip , and after speaking to its previous own set out on a massive task of restoring it to its original kitchen.

To say I love it is an understatement , if I had a fire in the house I would be going backin to get it , if I had the strength after that I wold go back in for the family! lol