Date: 03-06-24  Time: 15:12 pm

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Messages - Wharfe

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For Sale & Wanted / Yamaha YISS key (blank, uncoded) for sale
« on: 08 April 2019, 11:51:00 am »
Hi all, recently I lost a key for my Tracer and after many days of searching admitted defeat and ordered a replacement from my local dealer. Guess what? Sod's law prevailed, the lost key was found (like, two days after I re-ordered! Grrrr!)and the dealer declined to cancel the order as it was a "special" (Grrrr! again). So - I have £49 quid's worth of blank (uncut, uncoded) chipped key. still in its packing. with original receipt. To you sir, £40 with free and quick delivery anywhere mainland UK (Yamaha UK took over a week to send this out) all you need to then do is nip to your dealer with the red key to get the new one cut and coded. [/size]Part no 5SL-82511-08 and should fit any current / recent YISS equipped Yamaha but a quick call to your local parts bloke will confirm. If this ad is still up then the key is still available. Tell your mates.....[/color]

General / Re: Today's "What Gets My Goat"
« on: 06 January 2019, 06:03:29 pm »
My workplace is leased from the local council - they have responsibility for maintenance of the fabric of the building. Some months ago we noticed an intermittent leak in the main lounge - water dripping through the ceiling. The council sent contractors out several times but they "couldn't find a leak" (Oh, all 18 of us working here must have imagined it then... ) Eventually a great chunk of ceiling caved in followed by the niagara falls.. turns out a badly laid (18yrs ago) sprinkler system pipe had worn, split and slowly ruptured.
The contractors did a temporary repair and we were assured a full repair to the ceiling and the floorboards in the room above would be imminent. Finally after about three months waiting for this, the contractors finally rocked up to do the do a few days ago - so far so good.... soon after they finish and leave, water is spotted gushing through the ceiling in the room next to the lounge they were repairing the ceiling in. It turns out one of the contractors had put a nail through a central heating pipe. Aaand off we go again..
COULDN'T.  MAKE. IT. UP... :grumble

General / Re: Puncture Kit - This Any Good ?
« on: 08 November 2018, 07:53:55 pm »
I have used the crafty plugger on a couple of occasions and can vouch for its effectiveness. The last time, the damage caused by the puncture was so severe the tyre was condemned, but the roadside repair I did was meanwhile good enough to get me home, and then to the tyre place next day. Which suggests that the crafty plugger is good kit.

General / Re: horn faulty
« on: 08 November 2018, 07:49:40 pm »
Cheers HDness, I can get me 'ead around that so will have a go. It will narrow down the possible location of the earth fault considerably. Ta!

General / Re: horn faulty
« on: 08 November 2018, 05:55:39 pm »
On a serious note (E#, A sharp, perhaps.... :lol ... Geddit? Horn? Note? No?) - my horn DOES work but only just. Put a different horn on (I have a snail type I was intending to replace the original with)  and nowt happens. A multimeter reveals about 6v across the terminals, which would explain the lack of noise. I understand very little of elecktrickery, is this likely to be an earth fault somewhere causing a drop in voltage?  If so, where to start looking?

General / Re: indian joke
« on: 06 November 2018, 09:34:34 pm »
Foc me! A blast from the past there. I believe that joke is subject to an English Heritage preservation order. Well done sir for keeping it alive (just)

General / Re: New Brexit Coin for 2019
« on: 06 November 2018, 09:33:00 pm »
I'd heard that the reverse showed a list of all the benefits Brexit will bring us - ie it's completely blank.

Still, put four of 'em together when they arrive in 2019 and you'll be able to afford to buy a euro....maybe.  ("because until we leave we just don't know, blah brexit blah brexit blah") 

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 24 October 2018, 02:51:56 pm »
True story this....
I recently did some work at a nursing home for people with chronic severe mental illness, the kind that are not harmful to others but just too unwell to be able to be looked after in their own homes.
One of the residents there routinely wears an LED  headtorch,  and a flashing red rear cycle lamp on both wrists,  all switched on. I'm not sure what the moral is here but I think it's "guys, this bloke  wears lights indoors, in daylight whilst just walking around, but who is the "mad" one here ? Him, or you - cycling at night with no lights?"
Just a thort...

I think the best thing you can do for yourself and your kids is to talk to a professional who is trained in how to deal with these situations. Speaking to someone will take a huge weight off your back and help you work out what to do next. You looking after your own physical and mental health is not being selfish, it's the best thing you can do to help your kids.

Wot he said.... really....

Hmmm, I'm sure that sticking it out til the kids have grown up is laudable on one level but think about it for a minute - how many years of increasing domestic violence (which is what this is, let's be clear) should they have to put up with? How far will you let things go before it gets too much? it's already potentially life-threatening - we're in potential "restraining order" territory here. Your house sounds like a war zone.  If you "walked" would you be out of their lives permanently? Emphatically no. You have a great case for shared custody; it's not like the old days of "the mother gets the kids, dad sees them Sunday afternoon". You can have a decent life, 50% of the time with your kids, and she can (hopefully) calm the foc down without you around. This has got to be a healthier environment than what's happening now. It wouldn't shatter your kids' lives, fella - kids are not daft, they are adaptable and they will get an understanding of situations quicker than you think. My wife left her husband (for several good reasons) and they initially railed against Dad not being around all of the time . But they soon got used to it, were happy generally, and (crucially) came to understand why mum and dad split up. No blame bandied around, just "you two weren't working together". They're both happy well adjusted young adults now.
I'm not about to tell you what to do, but I will say look long and hard at all the possibilities beyond just sticking it out. Whatever, you will need to take careful note of everything she does when, where, how and with pictures ideally. Minute, complete detail.  Maybe also think about finding your local men's group or somewhere where you can talk openly about what's going on for you. Doing that will allow you to get a perspective, air some ideas. Whatever you do, good luck...

Like I said - no-one deserves to live like this. Not you, and especially not your kids.

focced_off, can I (as a mental health professional, biker, and divorcee now happily remarried )add my voice to the multitude here very concerned about what you've disclosed? Consider this - If the tables were turned and a bloke was behaving like this to his wife it would be a straight up case of "love, get far away from him as quickly as possible for keeps. And take the kids.." Despite you're male and she isn't, the situation is no different. This is abuse, it's controlling, bullying behaviour and it is deeply unhealthy for you and your kids. [/size]Men generally are uncomfortable with the idea that the "weaker sex" can be like this to them, but it goes on, lots.
[/size]I'll warrant that if you binned off the bike then something else, some other aspect of your behaviour or existence would be the focus of her wrath. If you continue to appease her, "tolerate" the situation, do nothing, it will likely as not get worse. Your kids are witnessing this - it will  inform their attitude towards relationships, adults, the works. it will bend them - and you - out of shape. Example - couple I used to know. She became disillusioned with him, and started to rant, belittle, bully him, in front of their three kids. Eldest son learns that to "put dad down" is acceptable, and does same, with the tacit acceptance of his mum. The two (dad 45, son by then 14) were witnessed brawling publicly on several occasions, but she would not acknowledge there was any sort of a problem, and  it took the intervention of my missus (threatening her with social services) before something happened (mercifully they are now divorced). In short, if you're glad we're taking this seriously, then you do the same fella, acknowledge this isn't going to change unless something else does. Very probably your marital status.... sorry but that IS likely. And no one deserves to live like this, even if they have the temerity to ride a motorbike....

General / Re: Today's "What Gets My Goat"
« on: 14 August 2018, 10:39:18 am »
Yeah I know this is well covered but - using phones at the wheel. Yesterday I couldn't believe my eyes - some stupid young girl in the next lane slowed to some lights (which quickly changed) and then sped up, all without lifting her head from the phone she was gawping at. I was close enough  to see it was pictures not text she was looking at. Presumably she is an emergency heart surgeon and was Skyping a colleague in order to save a life, or something equally immediate and important. FFS....
When I gave her a blast of the horn and pointed at the phone she looked proper embarrassed. That should stop HER from using a phone at the wheel. For at least ten minutes...

General / Re: anyone on here got a tdm900
« on: 21 June 2018, 08:50:24 am »
I had one for a year not so long ago, before I got the Fazer bug (again). I bought mine, a 12 plate,  with pretty low miles (about 8k on the clocks I think) and did around 4-5k on it in the year I had it. At that age you'd expect it not to have any reliability issues (and it didn't). It was reasonably brisk, capable of handling autobahns without a struggle, and supremely comfortable. Pretty neutral handling, no surprises anywhere. All round not very glamorous but a damn good workhorse.... these are the kind of bikes that are scorned by those that don't know them but well rated by their owners generally. And much more popular in Europe than here where they never really caught on. Whilst the 850's are pretty agricultural the 900's do have a little more finesse about them.
I do know the 850's are very sensitive to oil levels - not sure that's the case with 900's though. There is a good community online - look for Carpe TDM. All you need to know is there.


General / Re: Goretex or leathers?
« on: 20 June 2018, 12:51:45 pm »
It's Ireland. It'll piss down! Goretex Goretex Goretex.... :rollin

General / Re: ARRRRGGGHHH Front ended. Fecking TAXI !!!!
« on: 14 June 2018, 05:16:20 pm »
Bloody hell. Nightmare...
From bitter experience - don't be too hasty  to get signed off as fit by anyone medical involved in your case. Some stuff can take a while to emerge and once you've agreed you're recovered there is no "adding" to the claim.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: What have you done to your FZS600 bike today
« on: 09 June 2018, 08:42:45 pm »
had it stolen - i wish i was joking.
will still hang around and answer anything i can

Ohhh the bastards. Absolute sickener, been there and share your pain. They deserve any amount of harm and pain. Really. Foccin' scum...

General / Re: Tips for long distance comfort
« on: 07 June 2018, 08:22:27 pm »
Having just got back from Germany, 1600 miles in all and yesterday about 550 in one hit, with (currently) a bad case of sciatica, can I suggest... drugs? My Dr has prescribed me Naproxen, it's like strong, slow release Ibuprofen, and despite my Tracer having a seat as hard as a park bench, NO pain.. (till the physio got hold of me this afternoon. Bent me like a pretzel, he did.)

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 07 June 2018, 08:15:02 pm »
OK got back this lunchtime  from a 1600 mile round trip to rellies in Germany, on my Tracer 900 (bear with me, this is the right thread). BUT this afternoon when I had to do a rush hour dash across Bradford and over to Leeds for a physio appointment, VERY glad to have the fazer's nippiness and (crucially) narrow bars for the lots of filtering required to make it on time. Love that bike....

General / Re: Warning - Concerning B&Q !
« on: 16 May 2018, 07:47:22 pm »

General / Re: A ducati but still cool :p
« on: 16 May 2018, 03:13:33 pm »
Cor! Gorgeous.

I love my late old fella (God rest his soul), he was ace,  but - I wish he was that cool..... (sorry dad :rollin [size=78%])[/size]

General / Re: Handlebar Lock
« on: 13 May 2018, 08:46:40 am »
Following reports of bike thieving gangs operating in Leeds (and getting nowt but a slapped wrist) I have binned my disc lock and take a chain and padlock into town. I bought an Autokicker mini pack, just big enough for a F*** - off chain and padlock, looks reasonably unobtrusive on the pillion seat and not expensive. Certainly wouldn't be happy / comfortable with a chain round my waist. These days my living dangerously goes as far as "Love, I've decided I'm gonna chop my Tracer in for an new (insert bike here) - it's on offer.."
That usually raises the adrenalin in our house for a few days... :lol 

FZS600 Fazer / Re: What would you replace your FZS600 with?
« on: 11 May 2018, 04:46:35 pm »
My work colleague has a DRZ400 (BIG SuperMoto) which I quite fancy. Would make a fun commuter too. High, plus great handling. "Youthful" image though/not so refined!

Oooh I would properly go for one of them, for sure, though not at the expense of me other two (FZS600 + Tracer 900) So, in the interests of marital harmony, not just at the moment sadly.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: What would you replace your FZS600 with?
« on: 11 May 2018, 11:54:09 am »
FZS600. In fact I did - when my Silver 03 got snotted by a truck in September, it was a no-brainer for me. Except I went for blue this time.
I am hoping not to be in the same predicament for a while at least...

FZS600 Fazer / Re: What have you done to your FZS600 bike today
« on: 11 May 2018, 11:50:55 am »
Took bike for MOT - passed, no surprises there. What did raise my eyebrows was the tester's comment that on entering my VIN on the MOT computer it auto-completed for a VIN he'd put in a couple or three weeks ago, just 2 digits different from mine. He said he remembered having a foxeye fazer in, it had obviously been the one before the one before mine, off the Yamaha production line. For bikes that are 16 odd years old, and mine has been through dealers and owners all round the country (starting in Edinburgh I think) since new, that's some coincidence no?
So if you have a Fazer with VIN ending 5526 and you used Archies in Baildon recently for your MOT, er, Hi!- Small world eh?

General / Re: Earplugs
« on: 10 May 2018, 08:26:03 pm »
Some years ago there was a story - purportedly a true one - in the back of the British Medical Journal (my landlady was a doctor ok?) - A woman had gone to her GP complaining of "something stuck in me ear". A quick inspection revealed a bead or somesuch lodged deep in her ear, and she was advised to book with the nurse for a syringing. "Oh?" says the lady. "Can't you just poke something through the other side, like a knitting needle or summat, and push it out?" The GP paused to take in the full extent of this woman's stupidity, before coming back with "well normally madam, the presence of a large intra-cranial mass prevents such a procedure. However in your case I think it might be possible..."

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